Itching Reflex

Reflex itching

**Reflex itching** is a condition in which a person experiences an itching sensation in certain parts of the body that is not associated with direct contact with any irritant. This syndrome is a form of itchy pain and can occur with various diseases and disorders of the nervous system. Symptoms of reflex itch include burning, tingling, shooting pain, and severe irritability.


The main causes of reflex itching are disorders of the nervous system and its dysfunction. The causes may be neuralgia, impaired innervation, tumor development, neuropathy, neuropathy of various origins and other pathologies. Also, reflex itching can occur in healthy people during emotional or physical tension, stress, or anxiety. The syndrome can manifest itself in the arms, legs, abdomen, head, and other parts of the body. This is especially troubling for patients and affects not only the quality of life,