Apricot oil for the skin around the eyes

Apricot oil is very popular in cosmetology as a skin care product for the face and around the eyes. The product of plant origin effectively fights the formation of wrinkles, thanks to its rich and unique composition. Masks and serums based on it moisturize and soften the dermis, making it firmer and more elastic.


Half of the plant component consists of vitamins A, E, C, PP, B15.

  1. Retinol or vitamin A promotes tissue regeneration and improves blood circulation, normalizing local metabolic processes.
  2. Tocopherol acetate, also known as vitamin E, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates peeling of the epidermis, increases protection from ultraviolet radiation, and slows down the aging process.
  3. Ascorbic acid or vitamin C stimulates the natural production of collagen, which is responsible for youth and elasticity of the skin, brightens and protects against UV rays.
  4. Vitamin PP, known as nicotinic acid, helps saturate the dermis with oxygen, normalizes metabolic processes, improving blood circulation.
  5. Panagamic acid or vitamin B15 is responsible for tissue regeneration and launches restoration processes, promoting the rejuvenation of aging skin.

The remaining 50% of the composition consists of the following acids:

  1. arachine;
  2. linolenic;
  3. oleic;
  4. palmitic;
  5. stearic

These acids help moisturize, nourish and restore the skin.

The natural product also contains minerals, pectins, carotenoids and phospholipids in small quantities.

Operating principle

Apricot oil against wrinkles with regular use allows you to achieve the following results:

  1. increasing firmness and elasticity;
  2. rejuvenation of faded skin;
  3. improvement of complexion;
  4. smoothing out small wrinkles;
  5. elimination of inflammatory processes;
  6. preventing the formation of new wrinkles;
  7. elimination of peeling and dryness.

The peculiarity of the natural product is that it does not leave behind an oily sheen, but, on the contrary, normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands, regulating the process of sebum production.

Main advantages

Natural plant component suitable for all skin types. It can be applied not only to the face and around the eyes, but also to eyelashes to strengthen and improve growth.

It relieves inflammation, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevents the formation of acne scars.

The component extracted from apricot kernels can be used in combination with other cosmetics, as it goes well with different types of components.

Apricot oil is recommended for pigmented skin, thermal burns, psoriasis, eczema and other types of dermatitis.


Typically, natural cosmetics are well tolerated. In extremely rare cases, individual intolerance to the components included in the composition is observed. This is the only contraindication for use.

Is an allergy test necessary?

Before using the product, despite its hypoallergenicity, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test to the components.

To do this, apply the product in a small amount to the elbow or behind the ear.
If no reaction appears within half an hour, then it can be taken both for the face and around the eyes.

Recommendations for use

The use of apricot oil is especially useful in the cold season, when the dermis is more susceptible to aggressive weather conditions.

In summer, the plant component is used as a protective barrier against ultraviolet radiation.

Rules for application and use

Apricot oil for wrinkles can be used both in its pure form and as masks with other components.

Cosmetologists recommend using the following application technique:

  1. Clean and steam your face before use.
  2. Apply the product to your fingertips and distribute evenly over the entire surface of your face along the massage lines.
  3. Using light patting movements using your fingertips, massage your face for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Leave to act for half an hour.
  5. Wash your face with warm water without using additional cleansers.
  6. Dry your face using a towel using blotting movements.

To get a good result, use the product after 1-2 days.

Find out what to do for dry body skin.

What are the causes of dry skin? The answer is here.

Popular recipes with apricot oil for wrinkles

Most often, a cosmetic herbal ingredient to combat wrinkles is used in combination with other components that achieve the greatest effectiveness.

With honey

Mix honey and apricot kernel oil in equal proportions. Leave to act for the recommended period. Use once every three days.

The mask is well suited for people with mixed skin types. It perfectly nourishes the dermis and helps improve metabolic processes.

With cream

This recipe is suitable for people with dry and sensitive skin.

To prepare it you will need pulp, apricot kernel oil and high fat cream (1 tablespoon of each component). The mixed ingredients are evenly applied to a previously cleansed face. This mask well moisturizes and softens the skin, restoring lost elasticity.

With cottage cheese

To prepare the mask, you will need non-grainy, soft cottage cheese, which is mixed with apricot oil in proportions of 1 to 1.

Suitable for all skin types.

The components included in its composition eliminate flaking, making the skin soft and velvety.

With almond bran

Almond bran and apricot oil scrub mask:

  1. relieves inflammatory processes,
  2. normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands,
  3. eliminates dead epidermal cells.

The components are mixed in equal parts, preheating the oil. After application, massage the skin with light movements for a minute. After half an hour, the product is washed off.

With lemon juice

For oily and combination skin, a mask with apricot oil, lemon juice and egg yolk is used as a remedy for wrinkles. Take 1 tsp per yolk. remaining components. Distribute evenly and leave to act for a quarter of an hour.

The product is good:

  1. fights pigmentation,
  2. eliminates inflammation,
  3. improves blood circulation,
  4. allows you to rejuvenate sagging skin.

Use once every three days.

With egg yolk

For sensitive dermis, use a mask with egg yolk and 1 tbsp. l. warmed apricot kernel oil. Half an hour after application, wash off with warm water. Can be used every 2 days.

With mayonnaise

Apricot oil and mayonnaise are mixed in equal quantities. Add two quail egg yolks to the resulting mixture. Apply and leave to act for 20 minutes.

With regular use, the product restores skin elasticity, increases its tone, and smoothes out fine wrinkles.

Can be used twice a week.

With cream

To increase the effectiveness of any evening cream, add a few drops of apricot oil to it, after warming them up. Enriched with an additional component, the cream promotes the production of collagen, which allows you to refresh dull skin.


An effective remedy for combating wrinkles is a lotion made from rose petals and apricot oil.

To do this, the components are taken in equal parts, placed in an enamel bowl and heated over low heat. As soon as the petals are discolored, remove the product from the heat, allow to cool and filter. Wipe your face with lotion every night.

How to use for the under eye area

The area around the eyes is considered very sensitive and most susceptible to age-related changes. Therefore, apricot oil is very often used for wrinkles under the eyes.

Apricot oil is also used as a makeup remover from the eye area. It not only effectively removes makeup, but also enriches the skin around the eyes with essential nutrients.

Eye compress

Cotton pads are soaked in slightly heated apricot oil and applied to the eyelids. Leave to act for a quarter of an hour. The product eliminates signs of fatigue and prevents the formation of wrinkles around the eyes. Can be used up to three times a week.

Eye mask

Take equal parts of apricot kernel, avocado and jojoba oil. Apply to the upper, lower part of the eyelids and to the corners of the eyes with ring fingers. Leave to act for half an hour, after which remove excess product with a cotton pad using blotting movements.

Read what not to do after Botox injections.

Who should I contact if my hand skin becomes dry during pregnancy? Read more.

How should you care for oily and problematic skin? Details here.

Video: Recommendations

Can it be used for prevention?

The natural component effectively fights not only existing fine wrinkles, but also prevents the appearance of new ones, slowing down the aging process. Therefore, the product is recommended to be used for preventive purposes.

It helps maintain youthful and elastic skin for a longer period.

You can use apricot oil as a preventive measure from the age of 25.

Apricot oil is an environmentally friendly product with a composition rich in vitamins and microelements. The product has many useful properties, due to which it is actively used in home cosmetology and traditional medicine. Apricot oil is most often used in facial care because it is suitable for any skin type. For each specific case, there are certain methods of application, after familiarizing yourself with which, you can use the product yourself.

What is apricot oil

Apricot oil is a product obtained from the seeds of the fruit of the same name. The emulsion is produced using the cold pressing method, due to which all the beneficial properties of the initial raw materials are preserved in the product. The oil is basic, which means it can be used even in its pure form. The product has a light yellow tint and a pleasant aroma.

The product should be stored in a dark glass bottle. The room should be cool. It is highly not recommended to store the product for more than a year.

Interestingly, Chinese doctors have long used apricot oil as an anti-inflammatory agent. Through its use for medicinal purposes, the product has been found to give the skin a radiant and healthy appearance.


Apricot oil contains the following main components:

  1. Vitamin A. Has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is especially important for problem skin.
  2. Vitamin C. Helps maintain the elasticity and youth of the epidermis. Restores the skin's natural protective barrier.
  3. B vitamins. Nourish and intensively smooth the skin. Effectively eliminates the first wrinkles and makes deep ones less noticeable. In addition, B vitamins protect the epidermis from aggressive environmental influences.
  4. Vitamin F. Helps accelerate tissue regeneration, slows down the process of aging and fading of the skin, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, prevents the enlargement of pores and the appearance of acne.
  5. Organic acids. Lenoleic, palmitic and stearic acids are involved in skin rejuvenation processes.
  6. Vitamin E. Has powerful antioxidant properties and also helps to enhance the production of elastin, which is responsible for the smoothness of the skin.
  7. Potassium. If there is enough of this element in the skin cells, the epidermis looks moisturized, and fine wrinkles are eliminated.
  8. Magnesium. It has a good effect on vascular health, restores blood circulation and enhances cell nutrition.

How to choose a quality product

When choosing apricot oil, pay attention to the following criteria:

  1. The natural product has a subtle nutty aroma. The latter may resemble the smell of almonds. An excessively strong aroma is a clear sign of counterfeit oil.

Benefits of apricot oil for facial skin

Apricot emulsion is ideal for skin suffering from a lack of vitamins and moisture. The product has the following properties beneficial to the epidermis:

  1. Nourishes, softens and moisturizes the skin, making it an excellent preventative against dryness and flaking of the epidermis.
  2. Accelerates the exfoliation of dead cells, due to which the skin renews itself faster.
  3. Helps stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin. These substances are proteins responsible for the tightness and smoothness of the epidermis.
  4. Rejuvenates the skin and smoothes out fine wrinkles.
  5. Helps tonify the epidermis.
  6. Evens out complexion.
  7. Eliminates inflammatory processes on the skin. This property is most in demand for problematic and sensitive epidermis.
  8. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. In the case of dry skin, oil increases the productivity of the latter. If the epidermis is oily, the product helps eliminate excess sebum from the surface of the epidermis.

Using apricot oil for facial skin care

Apricot oil has found wide application in home cosmetology, namely in facial care. The product does not leave an oily reflection, so it can be used not only in masks, creams, scrubs and compresses, but also in its pure form. Depending on the problem of concern, the product is used in different ways.

Regardless of the chosen method of using the product, be sure to slightly warm the emulsion in a water bath before mixing the composition. The fact is that warm oil penetrates deeper into the cells of the epidermis.

Anti acne

To combat acne, apricot oil is used as an active component in homemade masks. The most effective recipes for the latter are as follows:

  1. 13 drops of apricot emulsion, 7 strawberries, 13 g of Badyaga ointment, 1 tablet of vitamin C. Berries can be fresh or frozen. In any case, the fruits must be crushed in a way convenient for you, and then the crushed tablet and other ingredients must be added to the pulp. Before applying the mask, it is recommended to use any facial scrub. The fact is that cleansed epidermis better absorbs beneficial substances from the composition. It is recommended to apply strawberry pulp using a sponge. The mask exposure time is 15 minutes. After the procedure, it is recommended to treat existing inflammation with zinc ointment.

It is recommended to use anti-acne masks 1-2 times a week. The course consists of 20 sessions. The break should last 20–25 days.


Wrinkles, like acne, are usually dealt with using masks. The most effective formulations with the addition of apricot oil are:

  1. 17 drops of apricot oil, the yolk of one egg, the pulp of half an avocado, 15 g of low-fat white cheese. First of all, the cheese is ground with the yolk and the pulp of an exotic fruit is added. The latter can be obtained using a fork or blender. Apricot oil is added at the very end of cooking. Before applying the mask, steam your face with a hot towel for 3-5 minutes. The product is effective for half an hour. At this time, it is recommended to relax and unwind.

Homemade anti-wrinkle masks can be used 2 times a week. The course consists of 25 procedures. The duration of the break is 2–3 weeks.

Video: recipe for anti-wrinkle cream for the area around the eyes based on apricot kernels

Against dark circles under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes worry most girls, starting from a very young age. Unpleasant circles are formed due to insufficient sleep, chronic fatigue and other external and internal factors. There are several ways to combat dark circles under the eyes using apricot oil:

  1. Mask. For cooking you will need: 1 tbsp. apricot oil, a few drops of rose ether (sandalwood is allowed). The components are mixed and applied to the skin around the eyes. After a third of an hour, the product is washed off. It is recommended to use the recipe twice a week on an ongoing basis.

Against dry skin

Dry skin causes many problems for its owners. During the cold season, this type of epidermis is prone to peeling. There are several methods for using apricot emulsion for excessively dry skin:

  1. Mask. You will need: 25 drops of apricot oil, 1 whole carrot, 15 g of heavy cream. The root vegetable must be boiled, the peel cut off and pureed using a blender. Mix the vegetable pulp with the rest of the ingredients and enjoy the procedure. The exposure time of the mask is a third of an hour. After removing any remaining product, it is recommended to wipe the skin with a cotton pad soaked in water with the addition of olive oil. The mask is used 1-2 times a week, no breaks are needed.


Pigment spots often appear on the face. Formations arise due to the negative influence of the environment and poor lifestyle. There are several recipes for reducing the appearance of pigmentation based on apricot oil:

  1. 1 tbsp. apricot oil, 2 drops of patchouli ether (you can take chamomile emulsion). Mix the ingredients. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and wait a third of an hour. After the suggested time has passed, rinse off any remaining product. Perform the procedure twice a week until the desired result is obtained. If the pigmentation is strong, you should carry out 30 sessions and stop for a month, and then resume care.

Using apricot oil to care for eyelashes and eyebrows

Thanks to apricot oil, you can restore eyebrows and eyelashes after numerous colorings and extensions in a relatively short time. Fruit emulsion deeply nourishes and strengthens hair, making it stronger. There are several ways to use apricot oil to restore eyebrows and eyelashes:

  1. Masks:
  1. Combine apricot emulsion with almond, castor or burdock oil in a 1:1 ratio. Apply the resulting product to eyelashes and eyebrows. It is recommended to do this before bed, and wash off only in the morning. The product helps accelerate hair growth. The procedure can be performed daily. Every month you should take a break for a week. It is also necessary to take into account that eyelashes are very sensitive to any external influence, so it is recommended to apply the product for 1-2 hours for the first time. On the eyebrows, on the contrary, you can safely leave the active composition overnight.
  2. 1 tbsp. apricot oil, 1 Aevita capsule, 1/2 tsp. aloe juice Combine the components in a glass container. Apply the resulting emulsion to your eyebrows and eyelashes. After a few hours, wash off the composition. It is recommended to use the recipe daily before going to bed. After two months of use, it is recommended to stop for 3 weeks. It should be noted that the remains of the prepared product can be safely stored in the refrigerator for 15 days.

Using apricot oil for lip care

There are no sebaceous glands on the lips, so they are most susceptible to dryness and chapping. Any external influence (temperature changes, ultraviolet rays, use of matte lipsticks) has an extremely negative effect on the health of the skin in a delicate area. There are several ways to care for your lips using apricot kernel oil:

  1. Use in its pure form. Apply apricot oil to your lips daily. This can be done 1 to 5 times. If the product is quickly absorbed, then the epidermis is severely dehydrated. In this case, it is necessary to apply a second layer of product.
  2. Mask. Combine 1 tbsp. apricot butter, rich village cottage cheese and natural flower honey. Be careful, you will want to lick this delicious delicacy. Lubricate the skin of your lips with the product. After a quarter of an hour, rinse off the composition and apply apricot oil to the treated areas. The latter does not need to be washed off.

There is no need to take breaks in lip care using apricot oil.

Apricot oil for treating nose and throat

Apricot oil intensely nourishes the mucous membrane, restores intracellular metabolism, improves the body's protective functions and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Due to these properties, the product is often used in the treatment of colds. When using the oil, microcracks heal faster, itching goes away and redness is eliminated. The product also helps to constrict blood vessels and prevent dry mucous membranes.

It is interesting that apricot oil can be used in combination with antibiotics and other pharmaceutical drugs.

To cure a sore throat and nose from a cold using apricot oil, you need to follow the following algorithm 2 times a day:

  1. Stir a teaspoon of salt into 0.5 liters of warm water, preferably sea salt. Rinse your nose with the solution several times to clear your sinuses. Rinse your throat lightly with the same water.

It is recommended to follow the proposed instructions for five days. During this time, the patient should feel better. If significant changes have not occurred, repeat the course in a week.


Apricot oil is a natural product and has only one contraindication - individual intolerance. To make sure there is no allergy, do a simple sensitivity test: lubricate the crook of your elbow with the product. If after a day there is no irritation, feel free to use the oil. Regarding internal use (for example, instillation), you should consult a doctor before practicing such treatment yourself. The doctor will help identify contraindications in your case and tell you about precautions for using the product.


I apply apricot oil to a warm cotton swab and wipe my face in the morning and evening after washing, including the area around the eyes, so the oil also helps strengthen the eyelashes and make them more beautiful. After three days, my face became noticeably prettier and the inflammatory areas calmed down.



I mix apricot oil with tea tree oil in a 1:1 ratio and apply it directly to the rashes. They pass very quickly, most often overnight the situation on the face becomes more favorable. I also add apricot product to clay masks.



Also, in the evening I apply apricot oil to my face, remove the excess with a napkin and go to bed. In the morning the skin is velvety. Probably, those who have oily skin should not do this to avoid acne and irritation.



It is no coincidence that apricot oil is actively used in facial care. The product has many beneficial properties for the skin, thanks to which the epidermis looks noticeably better with regular use of the product. Interestingly, apricot oil also helps with colds. The main thing in this case is patience, since folk remedies do not act as quickly as pharmaceutical drugs.

The skin around the eyes requires careful care. In the modern world, people are faced with a great negative impact of the environment on their eyes: constant stress from the computer, lack of sleep, vitamin deficiency, improper care - all this affects the appearance of the skin. To eliminate these symptoms and moisturize the dermis around the eyes, natural oils are needed.

Why do you need eyelid care?

The skin of the eyelids is very sensitive - the epithelium is thin, transparent, has practically no muscles and is in no way protected from external influences. The first signs of aging appear on the eyelids - “crow’s feet” are noticeable already in youth. What does the elasticity of the dermis depend on?

  1. Healthy eating. The epithelium suffers due to a lack of vitamins and microelements. A dull complexion and the first wrinkles are a sign of a lack of vitamins A, E, and group B in the diet. It is best to get microelements from food, so the epidermis can be supported from the inside. You should also maintain water balance;
  2. Correct sleep mode. The standard time a person needs to get enough sleep is 9 hours. During this time, the body “reboots”, turns on all protective mechanisms, cleanses all tissues and organs of toxins, and puts all functions in order. With a lack of sleep, the first thing that appears is circles under the eyes - the dermis around the eyes begins to darken and swell, due to the fact that the body has not eliminated toxins during sleep;
  3. Sport. With insufficient activity, blood stagnation occurs in the vessels, swelling, weakness and dizziness appear. The result is puffy eyes and dark circles under them. During sports, blood is pumped throughout the human body, toxins and excess fluid are released. Also, the epithelium around the eyes is saturated with oxygen, due to which the swelling subsides and the face takes on a fresh, healthy appearance;
  4. Daily skin nutrition. It is necessary to take care of your eyelids from the age of 20-23 - at this age, shortcomings appear: small depressions from constant smiling, dull complexion from lack of sleep and stressful conditions, and most importantly - swelling of the epidermis in the morning. These defects can be easily eliminated if you take proper eyelid skin care. You will need a desire to become more beautiful, natural oils and a little free time.