Oh, how I don’t want to grow old looking at my gray hair and the wrinkles around my eyes

Oh, how I don’t want to grow old,
And see all life in full bloom.
Take a look into the distance and see everything,
So as not to look at the gray hair.

Install your orthoclase,
Remove wrinkles near the eyes..
And look at those who came to the front,
It's just numbers that age us...

My soul is still a boy,
And for now you are my girl.
And your voice sounds thin,
You still laugh loudly.

Fortune smiled on us here,
And she approached the “schooner pier”.
You're still alone
Full of love and joy.

Wait, old age, don’t rush,
You're not making a fuss here.
Don't powder my hair.
You will enchant my old age.

In love, don't cover your tracks,
There are still spare moves.
Go with them until victory,
But do not muddy the water in the streams.

There is still time to love,
Try not to kill it.
There is time for me to be loved,
I won't forget you at all.

I need time for my soul
The fire of love in her cannot be extinguished.
You can't buy love for pennies.
Wait, old age, don’t rush.

Job rating: 5
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Number of views: 1179
© 12/20/2015 Nikola Kuts (Nikola Kuts)
Certificate of publication: izba-2015-1522592

Oh, how I don’t want to grow old,
Look at your gray hair
And on the wrinkles near the eyes,
Yes, only the years age us.

My soul is still a girl,
And he still laughs loudly,
And she still does
In the spring I fall in love.

Wait, old age, don’t rush,
Don't powder my hair.
In love, don't cover your tracks,
And don’t muddy the waters.

Give me time to love again
Give time to be loved too
Give me time for my soul
Wait, old age, don’t rush.

2011-10-30 09:50:56 — Tatyana Ivanovna Kadkalo
Such thoughts come especially acutely in the fall.
2011-10-30 09:52:31 — Galina Aleksandrovna Mityaeva
Yes, Tatyana Ivanovna. And even when retirement is around the corner.
2011-10-30 09:54:17 — Olga Aleksandrovna Pronina
I just wrote a comment, right on topic.
2011-10-30 09:55:00 — Raisa Viktorovna Brutskaya
Galina Aleksandrovna, `Old age is a state of mind`! We have such pensioners working at our school; they will give young people a head start.
2011-10-30 09:57:02 — Natalya Viktorovna Razmashkina
`The main thing, guys, is not to grow old in your heart. `
2011-10-30 09:57:35 — Larisa Germanovna Shchudrova
The condition is a condition, but against nature. There's still something in my soul. but actually oho-ho. It’s sad, of course, but I have to admit it.
2011-10-30 09:57:54 — Svetlana Grigorievna Babanova
We'll give it, we'll give it. It costs us nothing to survive for two days without food and standing.
2011-10-30 09:58:28 — Galina Aleksandrovna Mityaeva
We do too, Raisa Viktorovna! A relative moved to us from Togliatti, she is 71 years old, she worked at a school until she was 70, and here she showed activity: she prepared an event and held it with primary school children.

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Let's sit and chat, girls,
About the past years of the young,
How they walked in short skirts
And they loved their boys;
How they twisted and twirled,
We hugged to the tango of love,
And about those who were over forty,
They said: they are old people.

Let's remember, girls, how we dreamed
Get married and babysit children
How the boys were seen off in tears
And they were waiting for news from the army.
Those went to distant Afghanistan
Defend someone's greed and fear
And then they brought them home
Mutilated or in coffins.

Let's sit and chat, girls!
Who else can understand women?
Our lot is a thin boat, -
Just have time to draw water.
Despite adversity, sorrow,
Don't get tired of loving and dreaming,
We have already exchanged forty-five,
So, the berries are with you again.

2011-10-30 10:35:10 — Lyudmila Ivanovna Zakharova
Galina Aleksandrovna, let's not grow old! I don't feel my age. And just yesterday my daughter told me that I looked good, I immediately straightened my shoulders and raised my head up. The husband laughed: “You can’t tell our mother this.” she immediately nose up!` 2011-10-30 10:49:29 — Galina Aleksandrovna Mityaeva
They say that even the day is not a joy,
If you have already been knocked
And, like a faithful companion, old age
Constantly an eyesore.

They say, why have fun?
If your arms and legs ache,
If your heart starts beating out of rhythm,
And fear appears in the soul

Just don’t believe the talk,
Every age has its own charm.
Better try on a new dress
And love, love yourself.

Yes, the inevitable old age will come,
But this is what everyone is destined to do.
Don't guess: how much is left?
Everything, believe me, was decided without you!

Enjoy every moment!
May every day bring you joy!
Smile, friends, smile!
And drive away the shadow of old age!

Oh, how I don’t want to grow old,
Already now, and not some time ago,
Look at your gray hair
Celebrating big dates.

And understand that there is only one life,
And the pain of death is incurable,
Look for reasons for joy
When the soul is full of longing.

Well, I don’t want to grow old,
When the sunrises are still warm,
And the sun sends you greetings,
And it seems like I could live for a thousand years.

There is no more beautiful life of happiness,
And the wisdom of old age is a guarantee,
You see the light. Do you hear sounds
You like. You expect love in return.

But I don’t want to. grow old
When the soul is yours. eternal
And in this world it is endless,
And he loves to hurt his feelings.

And it seems like I could live. a thousand years.
Forgetting about the days gone by
Walk along the very edge
Traits. which we are not behind

Walk confidently and easily
Not knowing death and disease
And to be in this life. useful
And drink air. like milk

Oh, I don’t want to. grow old

Oh, how I don’t want to grow old,
Look at your gray hair.
And on the wrinkles near the eyes,
Yes, only years age us.

My soul is still a girl.
And he still laughs loudly,
And she's still there
In the spring I fall in love.

Wait, old age, don’t rush,
Don't powder my hair.
In love, don't cover your tracks,
And don’t muddy the water in the stream.

Give me more time to love,
Give time to be loved too.
Give me time for my soul.
Wait, old age, don’t rush.

All stages in life are needed,
And old age for some reason too...
And that means we have to live in it,
But, still, I would like it later.
And strength must be found
And continue to enjoy life -
Not all paths have been explored...
And there is something to be surprised about...
