What is antiandrogenic effect?

Androgens are special hormones that are responsible for the functioning of the genital organs in the male body. It is these substances that determine the timbre of the voice and the appearance of the stronger sex. However, due to a number of factors, androgens can also accumulate in the female body. Moreover, the effect they have on girls and women can be extremely unpleasant. If the amount of male hormones in the female body is off the charts, you have to take special antiandrogenic drugs and agents.

What is the function of androgens?

Androgens are responsible for the normal functioning of the genital organs. In addition, these substances help strengthen bone tissue and are also responsible for the production of other hormones. It is androgens that control the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands. It is no coincidence that hormones and antiandrogen drugs are used in the treatment of acne and severe acne. If the amount of sex hormones in the female body is normal, the menstrual cycle is not disrupted. If any problems arise with the genitourinary system in representatives of the fairer sex, the gynecologist conducts tests to make sure there are no hormonal imbalances.

Causes and consequences of increased androgen levels in women

Most of the visitors to beauty salons are women with elevated levels of the male sex hormone. First of all, the functions of the sebaceous glands are disrupted. Girls already in adolescence begin to suffer from a serious form of acne. After 30 years of age, women begin to grow a lot of facial hair. Many people make the mistake of removing unwanted hair mechanically. But it is necessary to take antiandrogen drugs for women. In most cases, hair appears above the upper lip. Less commonly, they can be seen on the chin, thighs, back and abdomen.

Antiandrogen drugs for women can be prescribed if the normal functioning of the adrenal glands is disrupted. In addition, patients may have an enlarged thyroid gland and ovaries. Treatment must be comprehensive and can only take place under the supervision of a doctor.

How do plant antiandrogens work?

Regardless of the reason for the increased amount of androgens in a woman’s body, in most cases special suppressive drugs are used. Medicines can be taken independently or as part of complex therapy. Medicines control the production of male hormones and also prevent them from affecting internal organs.

All synthetic or plant antiandrogens are divided into steroidal and non-steroidal. The latter help reduce male hormones by affecting the pituitary gland of the brain. Therefore, taking such drugs should only be done under the supervision of a specialist. It is not recommended to abruptly discontinue therapy. The dosage of antiandrogenic drugs is gradually reduced only when the doctor sees positive dynamics. Below we will present the most popular drugs with an antiandrogenic effect today.


A popular antiandrogenic drug, produced in the form of tablets and powder for injection. The main active ingredient is cyproterone acetate. Additionally, the drug contains corn starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose monohydrate, and magnesium stearate. Most often, the medication is prescribed in the form of tablets. The drug is suitable in cases where an increase in the male hormone leads to consequences such as severe acne or seborrhea, hair loss in women. Treatment (antiandrogens) in such cases is selected very carefully. After all, these drugs have many contraindications.

When choosing antiandrogen drugs and medications, descriptions and instructions must be studied first. Particular attention should be paid to contraindications. The drug "Androkur" is contraindicated for liver diseases. If there were previously tumors in this area, but were removed, the medication should be taken with caution. Androkur tablets are not prescribed to patients with jaundice, Rotor syndrome, diabetes mellitus and chronic alcoholism. Use of the product by nursing and pregnant women is strictly prohibited.

When using the drug, side effects that are reversible are often observed. They manifest themselves in the form of sudden changes in mood, depression, tearfulness, fatigue and apathy. If such symptoms appear, the drug continues to be taken. But if hypersensitivity to the active substance occurs, the Androkur medication should be discontinued.


The drug belongs to the group of non-steroidal drugs and has antitumor activity. The drug is available in tablet form. The main active ingredient is bicalutamide. Additionally, the medication contains potato starch, lactose, colloidal silicon dioxide, and magnesium stearate. The drug is most often used to treat endometriosis, as well as disorders in the female genitourinary system. The drug has quite a lot of contraindications. Therefore, it should be taken strictly under the supervision of a specialist.

Visanne tablets are not prescribed for bleeding, severe liver damage, or malignant tumors that are hormonal in nature. Contraindications are lactose deficiency, diabetes mellitus, and chronic alcohol dependence. Androgens and antiandrogens are not taken during pregnancy. Drugs from this group are also not prescribed to minors.

For treatment to give good results, it is very important to follow the correct dosage. The tablets are taken once a day. It is advisable to take the appointment at the same time every day. The course of treatment should not be interrupted under any circumstances. Most often, Visanne tablets are prescribed for at least 6 months. The decision to continue therapy can only be made by a doctor.


An oral contraceptive that belongs to the group of antiandrogenic drugs. The main active ingredient is desogestrel. Additionally, the drug contains lactose monohydrate, potato starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, and stearic acid. In most cases, Marvelon tablets are used to protect against unwanted pregnancy. Quite often, antiandrogenic contraceptives can also be used to solve cosmetic problems, such as an increased amount of facial hair and severe forms of acne. At the same time, Marvelon tablets are included only as part of complex therapy.

The tablets are taken for a 28-day menstrual cycle. Starting from day 7, the girl needs to take one tablet daily for three weeks. Then a break is taken for 7 days. During this period, menstrual bleeding should occur.


Another popular contraceptive with an antiandrogenic effect. Like many other herbal antiandrogens, Janine is available in pill form. The medicine is based on dienogest. Additionally, lactose monohydrate, gelatin, magnesium stearate, and potato starch are used. Dragee "Janine" is primarily used as protection against unwanted pregnancy. In addition, the product helps solve facial skin problems caused by increased levels of male sex hormones in the blood. If menstrual irregularities occur, medication may also be prescribed.

Antiandrogen drugs should be taken with caution. Modern therapy for acne in women is carried out only under the supervision of a specialist. This is due to the fact that contraceptives with an antiandrogenic effect have many contraindications. First of all, this is the presence of thrombosis, diabetes mellitus, serious liver diseases, and vaginal bleeding of unknown origin. “Janine” tablets are not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation. The components can cause serious developmental disorders of the fetus. Before the gynecologist prescribes the drug to a woman, he will ask her to take a pregnancy test.


A good oral contraceptive that successfully relieves androgen-dependent skin syndromes in women. The main active ingredient is gestodene. The drug is available in the form of dragees and tablets. The product can be used not only for contraception. It successfully eliminates the symptoms of increased levels of male hormone in the female body. Logest tablets are prescribed for the treatment of acne, as well as menstrual irregularities.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are thrombophlebitis, diabetes mellitus, vaginal bleeding of unknown origin, neurological migraines, and liver failure. The drug "Logest" is not prescribed to girls under 15 years of age, as well as to women during pregnancy and lactation. In very rare cases, the drug can be prescribed to patients who have entered menopause.


This antiandrogen drug is most often used to treat severe forms of acne. The active ingredient is a magnesium-sparing diuretic that controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The medication is available in tablet form. It can also be used in the second half of pregnancy if severe swelling of the limbs occurs. The drug "Spinorolactone" is indicated for women with menstrual irregularities, as well as polycystic ovary syndrome.

Spinoronolactone tablets cannot be prescribed to women with diabetes mellitus, renal and liver failure. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the medication is also contraindicated. Patients with thrombophlebitis and chronic alcoholism should take the drug with caution. In any case, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. It is very important to follow the dosage. Treatment can continue for 2-3 weeks. You should take one tablet 3 times a day. Only a doctor can adjust the dosage and duration of treatment.

Antiandrogen drugs for women. Reviews and prices

Despite the fact that drugs with an antiandrogenic effect usually have a high price, only the most positive reviews can be heard about them. You can especially hear a lot of good words from girls with severe acne. In just a few courses you can stop the inflammatory process and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Most often, contraceptive antiandrogen drugs for women are used for these purposes. Their prices range from 700 to 2000 rubles. The cost is really not that small. But the positive reviews speak for themselves.

Under no circumstances should you choose an antiandrogenic drug based only on the positive experience of friends and relatives. Any medication can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Quite often, women are faced with the fact that the content of male hormones is much higher than female ones. This hormonal condition is called hyperandrogenism. To neutralize the excess, antiandrogenic contraceptives are often used, which can neutralize male substances. The increased presence of androgens (male endocrine substances) leads the entire body system into imbalance. And this brings with it the appearance of diseases and discomfort.

An excess of male hormones can occur in females of various ages. This manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  1. accelerated growth in little girls;
  2. increased skin greasiness;
  3. active appearance of acne;
  4. baldness on the back of the head and temples;
  5. accelerated rate of muscle growth;
  6. disrupted menstrual cycle;
  7. infertility or miscarriages.

In order to neutralize excess androgens, doctors prescribe non-hormonal drugs or contraceptives. Such contraceptives are suitable for women after 30 years of age, as well as other ages.

Composition of antiandrogenic contraceptives

Antiandrogenic contraceptives contain the main female hormones such as progestogen and entylestradiol.

Protestogen is able to bind androgen receptors, which, in turn, increase testosterone production. This reduces the production of male substances in the female body. Combined contraceptives with an antiandrogenic effect of the new generation are the most effective. They can be purchased after a doctor’s prescription at any pharmacy chain.

The principle of operation of the oral contraceptive (OC)

Antiandrogen drugs to prevent pregnancy act in three stages:

  1. Estrogens help produce globulin, which is formed in the liver. This helps reduce the level of male hormone in the blood.
  2. Progestogens reduce the production of testosterone in women's ovaries.
  3. Progestogens inhibit the enzyme that activates the action of the male hormone.

Thus, new generation contraceptives with an antiandrogenic effect stabilize hormonal levels. They are intended for long-term use and the contraceptive effect is observed from the first month of using COCs.

Antiandrogenic contraceptives

Many people do not understand which contraceptives are antiandrogenic and which are not. Antiandrogens always consist of several types of female hormones. Thus, all COCs can be classified as antiandrogenic.

Indications for use

Antiandrogen contraceptives are used not only to protect against unplanned conception, but also to treat symptoms such as:

  1. acne;
  2. disrupted menstrual cycle;
  3. bleeding in the uterus associated with cycle disorders and puberty;
  4. ovarian cancer;
  5. pathology of the genital organ;
  6. increased levels of male hormone.

Like all means, this category of contraceptives has its side effects. Side effects are extremely rare, but if they exist, they quickly disappear even without interrupting the use of contraceptives.

  1. discharge with blood without menstruation;
  2. pain in the mammary gland;
  3. frequent headache;
  4. rapid change in mood;
  5. short-term visual impairment;
  6. hypersensitivity to vision lenses;
  7. skin rash and itching;
  8. weight gain;
  9. increased swelling;
  10. allergy.

Watch a video about hormonal contraception.

If the drug is chosen correctly, the side effects disappear after a month of using the tablets. If this does not happen, then the drug is not suitable for dosage and must be replaced.

Contraindications for use and benefits

This category of pregnancy prevention products has the same contraindications as other similar drugs. Contraindications for use:

  1. patients with heart disease (past or present);
  2. women over 35 years of age with nicotine addiction;
  3. patients with high blood pressure;
  4. heart valve diseases;
  5. women with severe diabetes;
  6. blood clots;
  7. the presence of disturbances in liver function.

But they still carry a lot of benefits:

  1. high efficiency – 95-99%;
  2. bring the menstrual cycle in order;
  3. relieve pain during menstruation;
  4. reduce the likelihood of ovarian cancer;
  5. reduce inflammatory processes in the reproductive system;
  6. reduce the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

List of drugs with antiandrogenic effect

To know for sure which drugs have an antiandrogenic effect, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of contraceptives. List of contraceptives with antiandrogenic effect:

  1. Jess. Used to prevent pregnancy and treat acne. Also used in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome. Great for young girls and young women.
  2. Yarina. The effect is the same as that of the drug Jess. It differs only in the dose of ethinyl estradiod content.
  3. Triquilar. This type is suitable for women under 30 years of age and having problems with hormones. Not recommended for women over 40 years old.
  4. Silest. Not recommended for teenagers.

Also included in the list with an antiandrogenic effect are:

Drugs with an antiandrogenic effect, both for preventing pregnancy and for eliminating hyperandrogenism, should be prescribed by the attending gynecologist. Only a specialist will be able to select the appropriate drug with the required dosage. Otherwise, the side effects may increase and your health will be at risk.

Female contraceptives can not only protect against unwanted pregnancy, but also restore the natural content of hormones. But we should not forget that contraceptives are not only a woman’s prerogative. Contraceptives for men are also effective against conception.

Share your experience of using antiandrogenic contraceptives in the comments. And also watch a video about whether birth control pills make you fat or not.

Androgens help men become more resilient and courageous.

Increased hair growth in women, multiple acne, infertility. Sometimes the cause of such phenomena can be an excess of male hormones in the body of the fair sex. The situation can be corrected if an accurate and timely diagnosis is carried out. This is done by a qualified specialist. He also prescribes antiandrogen drugs for women. What are they? Are there any contraindications?

Role in the body

A person cannot live without androgens. Women and men have such hormones. The latter have more of them than the former. However, complete absence leads to:

  1. bone fragility,
  2. elimination of hair on the genitals,
  3. enlargement of the mammary glands in representatives of the stronger sex.

Generally speaking, in a healthy person, androgenic hormones do not exceed the norm; if this is observed, then urgent treatment is necessary, otherwise gradual destruction of internal organs will begin.

Thanks to androgens, men have:

  1. low voice;
  2. increased body hairiness;
  3. developed muscles;
  4. endurance.

Hormones are produced in the adrenal cortex and testes in men, and in the ovaries in girls. If women did not have androgenic substances in their blood, their periods would become irregular and their genitals would be completely “naked.”

Failure of androgen production

Sometimes the production of androgenic substances in the body is disrupted:

Both situations are not normal and require treatment without fail. To make it easier to understand why you should not delay therapy, it is important to learn about the manifestations of a lack or excess of androgens in the blood.

If there is an excess of androgens in the blood, a woman cannot become pregnant

If there are few hormones, then:

  1. in men - the timbre of the voice increases, the body becomes weak, hair on the body disappears, sperm become sluggish, the possibility of conceiving a child decreases;
  2. in women, bones become fragile, menstruation disappears or occurs very rarely, and the ability to bear and give birth to a healthy child decreases.

If there are a lot of hormones, then:

  1. for gentlemen - the voice becomes even rougher, body hair grows many times more intensely, this causes multiple inconveniences;
  2. in women - the voice decreases, unwanted hair appears above the lip, on the chest, on the buttocks, on the back, acne, seborrhea, dandruff appear, infertility occurs, and increased sweating.

This is why timely prescribed antiandrogen drugs are so important. The word anti means “against” in Latin. That is, such a remedy can remove an excess of hormones; there are also androgenic substances; on the contrary, they add hormones if necessary.

How to check your hormones

To choose the right pills with an antiandrogenic effect, for example, you need to be thoroughly examined. Increased facial and body hair in women does not always indicate hormonal imbalance. Probably the reason lies in nationality or taking some medications.

Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe androgen drugs. Moreover, he is qualified, with a diploma of higher education, and not a nurse who graduated from college, or a cosmetologist who completed only specialized courses.

To understand whether there is a hormonal imbalance in the body, you need to take a blood test

Diagnostics includes testing. The patient will likely be offered:

  1. donate blood from a finger;
  2. donate blood from a vein;
  3. provide your own urine for testing.

When the tests have been completed and the results are on the doctor’s desk, you can begin making a diagnosis. Most likely, the doctor will listen to the patient’s complaints, conduct an external examination, check test results, make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Most often, patients are prescribed tablets that have an antiandrogenic effect (or vice versa, depending on the examination results).

Which doctor should I contact? First of all, visit your therapist, he will give you an appointment for tests. In the same way, you can contact a gynecologist or urologist. Any of the doctors will prescribe tests.

Important! Antiandrogen contraceptives are very serious drugs. Under no circumstances should you prescribe them yourself. There is a risk of “killing” the reproductive system so much that it is no longer possible to restore it.

Because of such liberties, some patients have their ovaries or their entire uterus removed. After all, uncontrolled use of drugs that have an antiandrogenic effect leads to the appearance of cysts, polyps and other troubles. And women go to the doctor only as a last resort: when heavy bleeding occurs, periods disappear, or a long-awaited pregnancy does not occur.

Removing unwanted hair

As mentioned above, most often with a large amount of androgens in the blood, body hair grows like “crazy”. If gentlemen are still able to somehow put up with such a situation, then for beautiful ladies it seems like “the end of the world.”

In the fight against unwanted vegetation, women use different methods and methods:

  1. pluck out hairs with tweezers;
  2. removed daily with a razor;
  3. eliminate with an epilator;
  4. remove with wax or sugar mixture for sugaring;
  5. burned with a laser;
  6. eliminated through photoepilation.

Important! All these methods act only on the hair itself, but not on the root cause of increased hair growth on the body. What does it mean? The epilator pulls out the hair itself, but due to the activity of androgen hormones, the hair appears again and again. Even the most effective diode laser hair removal at the moment turns out to be powerless, although in a normal person it completely kills the hair root system.

If there is a hormonal imbalance, it is impossible to remove unwanted hairs - they appear again and again in even greater numbers

If a lady notices that no matter how much she shaves or plucks her hair, it doesn’t get smaller, then it’s probably worth getting tested for hormones; perhaps she urgently needs antiandrogens.

Hormonal infertility

Infertility is a diagnosis that today is given to almost every third representative of the fair sex. The reasons are always different. One of them is low or high levels of androgens. If it is a hormonal imbalance that prevents a girl from getting pregnant, then they act as follows:

  1. the gynecologist prescribes tests and makes an accurate diagnosis;
  2. the lady is prescribed special contraceptive pills, which contain androgens or their antipodes;
  3. taking medications lasts from 3 months to a year;
  4. then the drugs are discontinued;
  5. the woman gets tested again;
  6. If everything is in order, then the doctor allows you to try to get pregnant again.

Important! In general, birth control pills are called that because they completely prevent conception. But, of course, they do not give a 100% guarantee. There is a minimal risk of still getting pregnant.

When a woman takes special medications - birth control pills, it is reasonable to take additional measures to prevent unwanted pregnancy: use condoms, allow sexual intercourse only on “safe days”, use interrupted coitus (this is not a desirable method of protection, but many couples do just that).

Androgen-fighting drugs

Most often, doctors prescribe the following drugs to combat elevated hormone levels: - birth control pills:

  1. Androkur – release form: tablets, ampoules. A high-quality drug that has long been used to treat hormonal disorders. It is considered very strong and has a negative effect on the liver. Therefore, people with liver pathologies are not allowed to take it;
  2. Visanne is a tablet that has the ability to prevent the formation of tumors of any type. The drug is non-steroidal, which is why doctors love it so much. It has contraindications: it is prohibited for people with liver disease, diabetes, and frequent bleeding. Suitable for men and women;
  3. Marvelon - available in tablet form. Refers to medications. Mainly prescribed to women under 35 years of age. Cannot be used by smokers and people with excess body weight, liver disease, or alcohol addiction. It has a powerful effect, but is designed for long-term use over several years;
  4. Janine is one of the most popular anti-conception pills prescribed by gynecologists. You should never skip taking the drug, otherwise it will stop working immediately. Treatment is carried out only under the strict supervision of the attending physician. No one else should prescribe this remedy;
  5. Logest is a pill that prevents conception.

They have especially proven themselves in the treatment of acne and the elimination of increased body hair. Proven to be effective in combating menstrual irregularities.

All these contraceptive pills are used for a fairly long period of time - from three months or more. The price of the drugs is rather high - for a monthly course you will have to pay from 700 to 2500 thousand rubles. But it is simply impossible to fix the problem otherwise. Having a hormonal imbalance means being left with acne, no children and wild hair all over your body, and this is not a very pleasant prospect, is it?

Contraceptive drugs are not cheap, but they really help

Folk remedies

Not everyone trusts medications. Although it has been proven that at the moment there is nothing more effective than them. It is not recommended to replace drugs with folk remedies. But you can be the first to provide significant support.

When there are not enough androgens, you can drink for a month along with the medications prescribed by your doctor:

When taking medicinal herbs, consultation with a doctor is required. Sometimes herbs can cause profuse, uncontrollable bleeding from the vagina, which can lead to death if help is not provided in a timely manner.

If androgens are exceeded, you can take:

Important! Do not use a herbal decoction if you are not sure of the correctness of this decision. Let the doctor give the go-ahead if there really is a rational grain to such an extent. Otherwise you can only do harm.

Patient reviews

Not all remedies are equally useful and help those who take them. Some medications do not have the expected effect in a particular person. This only means that an urgent replacement is needed. Consult your doctor.

Arina, Moscow: “I couldn’t get pregnant; an excess of male hormones was discovered. The doctor prescribed me to drink Janine for six months, then stop and try again to conceive a baby. Six months later, I failed to get pregnant, so the drug was changed to Logest. I took it for 3 months, then quit and became pregnant almost immediately. Now my husband and I have two sons growing up. After giving birth, my hormones returned to normal.”

Valentina, Pskov: “From my youth, black, coarse hair grew above my lip and on my chest. Whatever I did with them: plucked, shaved, bleached, all to no avail. One day I went to a good gynecologist, who saw the root of the problem in androgen hormones. I was prescribed medications, I don’t remember the list. But the treatment only took effect after 4 months, and the hair began to gradually disappear.”

Elena, Minsk: “I would never have thought that the absence of menstruation is associated with an increased level of male hormones in the blood. But in my case, this is exactly what happened. I have been taking Visanne tablets for 7 years in a row, they block the release of androgens. But in my case the result is temporary. When the drugs are stopped, the problem reappears. They are thinking about surgery."

The human body cannot exist without androgens - this is a scientific fact that experts have proven. If there are too many or too few hormones, problems arise: infertility, excessive hair growth, excessive sweating and other problems. It is quite possible to overcome such a nuisance, but in this case you cannot do without a good doctor. Only the doctor will conduct tests, study the results, make a diagnosis and prescribe competent treatment. Otherwise, even greater difficulties with hormones are possible. It's not worth the risk. Today, a huge number of drugs have been developed that combat the problem in a comprehensive manner, helping to defeat it forever.
