Homemade hand masks for wrinkles after 40

Every woman knows that no matter how good she looks, her hands and neck give away her age. It is the hands that do a lot of work every day and are exposed to aggressive environmental influences and household chemicals. In addition, the skin on the hands has practically no fat layer, so it quickly becomes thinner, dries out, and loses elasticity.

A woman's hands, especially after 40 years, need intensive care and additional nutrition. The fastest and most effective way to care for delicate skin are anti-aging hand masks. They can be bought in a store or made at home.

Basic rules of care

After 40-50 years, hand care should be constant and systematic, only then can good results be achieved. In addition, hands should be protected as much as possible from external factors and ultraviolet radiation. The basic rules for hand care are as follows:

  1. Use hand cream every morning and evening. In the morning – moisturizing, at night – nourishing. During the day, apply cream if necessary.
  2. At least once a week, it is necessary to do peeling, which will cleanse the skin of dead epidermal cells and prepare it for subsequent procedures.
  3. Make hand masks at home 1-2 times a week; they will help the skin recover and eliminate the consequences of negative environmental influences.
  4. In the evening, after applying the nourishing cream, it is good to do a light massage and put on cotton gloves for 20-30 minutes.
  5. Before washing dishes, cleaning, or working with aggressive household chemicals, you must wear rubber gloves.
  6. Before going outside in the cold season, be sure to protect your hands with a special cream and don’t forget about gloves.

Even following these simple rules can quickly restore beauty and well-groomed appearance to your hands. And if you please them with anti-aging masks made from natural products, the result will not be long in coming.



The best mask recipes

Making hand masks at home is very easy because the basic ingredients are always on hand. You can also add essential oils or moisturizing ingredients such as glycerin or aloe extract, which you can buy at any pharmacy. Below we offer several recipes for the most effective anti-aging hand masks.

Curd with lemon

This rejuvenating hand mask can refresh and smooth the skin in just half an hour. In addition, lemon juice has whitening properties, and green tea contains many vitamins and antioxidants that slow down the aging process. Lactic acid acts as a gentle exfoliant, while peach oil promotes hydration.

  1. Art. spoons of cottage cheese;
  2. teaspoon of green tea;
  3. teaspoon lemon juice;
  4. teaspoon of peach oil.

Mix all components thoroughly until smooth. Apply to clean, dry hands. Put on cotton gloves and sit for 20-30 minutes. Then remove the residue with a napkin, rinse with warm water and, if necessary, apply cream.



Banana with glycerin

Banana contains a huge amount of valuable nutrients that are necessary for beautiful and healthy skin. Glycerin promotes excellent hydration, softening, and smoothing of wrinkles. Peppermint essential oil perfectly tones the skin, rosemary improves blood circulation and strengthens capillaries.

  1. ripe banana;
  2. Art. spoon of glycerin;
  3. 5 drops of peppermint oil;
  4. 5 drops rosemary oil.

Mash the banana pulp to a puree, mix with glycerin, then add essential oils, mix thoroughly again and apply to clean, dry hands. Put on cotton gloves and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then remove the residue with a napkin and rinse with slightly warm water.

Paraffin hand mask

Paraffin hand masks are now included in the list of services of almost every beauty salon. However, this procedure is so simple that you can treat yourself to it at home. You don't even have to buy a special heater for this.

A paraffin mask perfectly moisturizes the skin, softens it, improves blood circulation, and promotes deeper penetration of nutrients from the previously applied cream. The effect lasts up to 5-7 days, so even 2-3 procedures per month will be enough to keep your hand skin in excellent condition. It is especially good in cold weather, when your hands crack and dry out.

  1. 500 grams of paraffin;
  2. good nourishing cream;
  3. cellophane gloves;
  4. terry mittens.

Before applying the mask, wash your hands thoroughly; it is even better to exfoliate first.


The procedure is performed as follows:

  1. Place solid paraffin wax in a glass or plastic bowl into which you can immerse your straightened palm up to your wrist.
  2. Melt paraffin in a water bath until liquid.
  3. Apply a thick layer of good rich nourishing cream to your hands, preferably with natural ingredients.
  4. Remove the container of paraffin from the heat and let it cool to a temperature at which you can dip your hands into it.
  5. Dip your creamed hands into the liquid paraffin, one at a time, palms down, fingers slightly apart, and then turned over with the backs of your hands. Repeat dipping 2-3 times.
  6. Wear cellophane gloves and terry mittens on top (you can use terry socks).
  7. Leave the mask on for 20-30 minutes, then take off your gloves and carefully scrape off the paraffin from your hands.
  8. Massage your hands, rubbing in the remaining cream, and then wipe with a paper towel.

After a paraffin mask, it is not recommended to go outside in winter for 15-20 minutes. It should also not be done before a manicure, since the nail polish will not stick.

If you dream of your hands being well-groomed and beautiful, pay them as much attention as possible. Very often, a woman’s age is revealed by her hands, and neither cosmetics nor clothes can hide this.

Taking care of your skin is not as difficult as it might seem. It is enough to have several effective recipes in your arsenal and use them regularly.

To keep your hand skin healthy, homemade masks based on natural products are ideal.

General recommendations for use:

  1. Masks should be done every week
  2. Exposure time – up to 20 minutes
  3. Wash off masks with warm water
  4. They do not replace daily cosmetics (cream), but have a complex therapeutic effect on the skin of the hands.

Honey based masks

Honey is widely used in cosmetics: it is an indispensable component in many masks and creams. Even at home, from ordinary products, you can prepare healing compositions based on honey that clean and moisturize your hands well and effectively combat skin aging.

Along with honey, the mask may also contain other components - egg yolk, glycerin, lemon juice, vegetable oil.

Depending on the condition of your skin now, the following masks are recommended.

Honey mask

Suitable for any skin. It softens your hands and your skin becomes softer. You need to mix 15 g of honey, 1 yolk, add 25 g of oil (olive or almond) and add lemon juice. It is better to keep the mask on all night.

Honey-glycerin mask

Used to soften rough or cracked skin. You need to mix 1 teaspoon of honey and glycerin with 2 tablespoons of water. Add oatmeal - 1 spoon. The mask lasts 25 minutes.

Egg mask

Effectively fights wrinkles on the hands. Prepare a mixture of one yolk and a tablespoon of honey. Simply rub into the skin of your hands overnight.

Potato-based masks

These masks have amazing properties. They nourish and moisturize rough skin, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and carry out lifting - wrinkles and folds are smoothed out. In no case should you make a potato mask from greened tubers - they are poisonous.

While applying the mask, it is advisable to relax, or even better, lie down or take a bath. Under the influence of temperature and steam, the pores open and your skin will receive more nutrients. It is better to wash off the mask with warm water, but do not rub the skin too hard - light circular movements are preferable.

Potato mask

Boil 2 potatoes and mash them with milk. The mixture is applied to your hands and left on for 3 hours.

Potato-lemon mask

Grind 2 boiled potatoes with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Apply the mixture in a thick layer to the skin of your hands. Make sure that the mask is still warm when applying. Then you should wrap your hands in plastic and wait 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and lubricate your hands with cream after the procedure.

Potato-honey mask

Allows you to restore firmness and elasticity to the skin. To prepare it, grate 1 raw potato, add a spoonful of honey to the pulp, a few drops of any juice (carrot, lemon, orange, cabbage).

Find out in what cases a protein diet is effective for weight loss, as well as a sample menu for the week.

You will learn how to make tanning oil at home in this article.

Oatmeal masks

Oatmeal-based cosmetics are known for their anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects. They are suitable for any skin, easy to prepare and economical in price. This mask should take its rightful place among any woman’s skin care products.

Oatmeal mask

Take two tablespoons of oatmeal and pour boiling water over it, let it brew well until it swells, then add 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Apply the resulting mixture to your hands and put on gloves.

Purifying oatmeal mask

Perfect for oily skin. Prepare a mixture of two tablespoons of oatmeal, a spoon of sour cream, a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (or lemon juice). Keep for 25 minutes. This mask perfectly cleanses pores and tones the skin.

Oatmeal mask for rejuvenation

You will need 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, 1 yolk and just a little avocado pulp. The mask lasts 20 minutes and is washed off with water at room temperature. The avocado in this mask is a source of vitamins, and the yolk perfectly nourishes the skin.

Cottage cheese and parsley mask

Take 3 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese, mix with fish oil (half a teaspoon) of fat and a teaspoon of parsley juice. Squeeze the mixture to remove the juice. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes.

Cottage cheese mask with green tea

Grind 2 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese with lemon zest. Then add 1 teaspoon of oil (preferably olive) and 1 tablespoon of green tea. Apply the pre-cooled mixture to your hands and hold for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Oil mask

The simplest, but no less effective, of the masks. Lubricate your hands with regular sunflower oil (or olive oil). Put on cotton gloves and hold for 20 minutes.

Bread mask

Take a crumb of bread and soak it in warm milk. Apply the resulting mixture to your hands and hold for up to twenty minutes.

Grape mask

This is an excellent hand exfoliant. Mix grape pulp and oatmeal porridge in approximately equal proportions. The mask should cover the skin of your hands in a thick layer. Wash it off with warm water and then apply moisturizer.

Melon mask

Excellent whitening effect. The necessary ingredients are melon pulp, half a lemon (juice), starch. Prepare thick porridge. Apply a thin layer and leave for half an hour.

Balm for rough skin

You need to squeeze the juice of 1 orange and add half a glass of vegetable oil to it. Apply with circular massaging movements. Keep for 10 minutes, if the skin is too rough - half an hour. To enhance the effect, use cotton gloves. The balm can be stored refrigerated for 2 days and reused.

Egg-flax mask

Recipe for dry skin. Take 1 egg yolk and mix with a spoon of flaxseed oil. Add a tablespoon of honey and the juice of 1 lemon. Before applying the mask, wash your hands thoroughly in the water left over from boiling the potatoes, then lubricate them with a thick layer of the mixture. Put on gloves and hold for a couple of hours.

Carrot mask

Suitable for rough skin on hands. Grate the carrots, add sour cream (1 spoon) and a little olive oil. The mask is applied to clean, prepared hands and kept for 40 minutes.

Jelly mask with corn flour

Add 4 grams of corn flour and 50 grams of glycerin to 40 ml of warm boiled water. Apply the resulting jelly to your hands.

Hand baths

If your hands are chapped and flaky, you can take therapeutic restorative baths.

Cabbage brine bath

You can also do it with regular serum. Hold your hands in the solution for several minutes - it heals cracks perfectly.

Ammonia-glycerin bath

If your skin is so rough that even cream does not help, you can prepare such a bath. One tablespoon of glycerin and one teaspoon of ammonia are diluted in two liters of warm water.

Herbal baths - chamomile, linden or sage - have a life-giving effect on your hands. Soak your hands in the prepared broth for ten minutes, then lubricate with your nourishing cream.

Starch baths

Useful for softening hands. Dilute one spoon of starch in a glass of water. The paste is then diluted again in a liter of heated water. Hold your hands in this bath for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. It can also be used for dry and rough elbows.

General rules for using hand masks

The mask will give the best effect if you first steam your hands in hot water.

To obtain a visible effect, the mask must be used weekly.

The composition of the mask should be selected in accordance with the problem that has arisen (dryness, peeling, redness, etc.)

After applying the mixture, cotton gloves are usually put on your hands, and then warming mittens.

After applying the mask, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream.
All ingredients must be fresh.

It is better to make masks at night to give your hands a rest after the procedure and avoid contact with household chemicals.


By the appearance of a woman's hands, one can tell about her well-groomed appearance. If the skin of a woman’s hands is smooth, velvety, her nails are well-groomed, one cannot help but notice this peculiar beauty. It is difficult to imagine in our time a representative of the fair sex with untidy hands; it seems that now this is nonsense.

But what to do when wrinkles appear on the skin of your hands at the age of 40? The most important thing is not to despair and direct all your efforts to anti-aging procedures. Of course, visiting beauty salons is not affordable for everyone, but you can also find a solution to this problem at home. With the help of homemade masks you can achieve amazing and quick results.

How to achieve quick results


To achieve a quick anti-aging effect, you don’t need to spend a lot of effort, time and money on it. Everything you need to make masks can be found in your refrigerator. To prepare the product, a few ingredients will be enough, and, as a rule, after just a few sessions you will notice an amazing result.

But in order for the result to exceed all expectations, it is necessary to follow all the rules for preparing masks at home, the rules for applying them to your hands, and most importantly, bring hand care into the system. Before applying the mask, you need to prepare your hands for the session. Before each mask, it is best to use special baths.

Baths before applying the mask

Before applying the mask, you must thoroughly prepare your hands. The preparation is simple. A soothing bath will be a useful preparatory step. You can prepare a bath, like a mask, yourself at home:

  1. maski-dlya-ruk-v-domashnih-TZSTiN.webp

    Herbal bath recipe. Take 1 teaspoon each of linden, chamomile, St. John's wort and nettle. Pour boiling water (0.5 l) over the herb collection. Simmer the herbal decoction in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Strain the resulting broth through cheesecloth; it is better to fold it 4 times. The strained broth should be brought to a volume of 1 liter. That is, add water to it until you get 1 liter. Immerse your hands in the prepared broth and hold for 10 minutes.
  2. Flax seed bath. It will require 3 tsp. flax seed and 5 drops of essential oil. Preparation: add flax seed to water and bring to a boil over low heat. Then strain it and grind it in a mortar. Pour the previously decanted broth into the resulting slurry and boil everything again. The container in which the flax is located should be wrapped in a towel and left like that for half an hour. After half an hour, open the container and cool to a comfortable temperature. Steam your hands in the resulting mixture for 10-15 minutes.

Using a bath before applying the mask helps to improve the effect of the mask on the skin. You can choose the bath that you like best, you can alternate them each time - this is not the main thing. The most important thing is that its use should be regular. Now your hands are ready for the next step.

5 rules for applying masks

In order for the mask to give the expected effect, it is necessary to fulfill certain conditions for its preparation and subsequent application to the hands. If everything is done correctly, the procedure itself should be pleasant.

Rules for preparing and applying anti-aging masks:

  1. maski-dlya-ruk-v-domashnih-AUORNEf.webp

    For the best effectiveness of the mask, it should be done in the evening; some are applied even overnight. This is explained by the fact that at this time the skin rests and is in a relaxed state. You can expect a positive result from the mask if you follow it in a course, namely, apply it more than once, but do it regularly.
  2. Before using the mask, you must first wash your hands, then apply the bath.
  3. After the bath, hands must first be dried. They must be completely dry.
  4. Before applying the mask, lightly massage your hands to improve blood circulation.
  5. Keep the mask on your hands for at least 30-40 minutes so that it is absorbed; it is not recommended to wash it off before this time.
  6. Some anti-aging masks need to be left on overnight, in which case you need to wear cotton gloves on your hands.
  7. Rinse the mask off your hands only using warm water.
  8. At the end of the procedure, you need to apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

These rules should always be remembered, but there is additional hand care, for example, in winter.

Features of skin care in winter

There will be little benefit from baths and anti-aging masks if you don’t take additional care of your hands in winter. Basic tips for caring for your hands in winter:

  1. maski-dlya-ruk-v-domashnih-RDwVIL.webp

    You can’t wash with hot water not only in winter, but in general. Hot water causes the skin to dry out.
  2. Never wash your hands with antibacterial soap. It dries out the skin.
  3. Every time after washing, you need to lubricate them with nourishing cream and do a short massage. The massage movements should be something like this: each finger is massaged, as if a ring is being removed from a finger. Next comes the movement, as if gloves are straightening.
  4. All housework must be done only with rubber gloves. Before putting them on, you need to lubricate the skin of your hands with a cream that contains silicone.
  5. In cold or windy weather, always wear mittens or gloves.
  6. Introduce a hand care rule using nourishing and rejuvenating masks.

Hand skin rejuvenation at home

After any mask, your hands feel great, so after doing the procedure once and twice, you may not even notice how it has already become a habit. In this case, you cannot stop and you must continue proper care. Then the hands will never give away the exact age of their owner. With proper care, they will always look decent. Anti-aging agents can be of several types.

Some types of anti-aging masks:

  1. maski-dlya-ruk-v-domashnih-GzxEfQ.webp

    Paraffin. It is used primarily for those who spend a lot of time in the cold. Once on the skin, paraffin begins to generate heat, is able to relieve pain and tension, and moisturizes well.
  2. Peeling mask. Exfoliates dead skin particles, thus renewing it. After this mask, almost after two sessions, the result is already noticeable. After the product, the skin is soft and silky.
  3. Whitening. It cannot be used often; it helps get rid of skin pigmentation. The product perfectly whitens the skin thanks to the acids it contains, for example, lemon juice. The mixture does an excellent job of rejuvenating the skin.
  4. Nutritious. The product nourishes the skin well. The composition includes nutrients, minerals and vitamins, it is thanks to them that nutrition occurs in full. At the same time, the product is perfectly absorbed and has a positive effect on the health and appearance of the skin. The skin is instantly nourished, becomes soft and smooth, and looks healthy.
  5. Moisturizing. Recommended for use in absolutely any age category. Skin can dry out at absolutely any age, and there are a number of reasons for this. Thanks to its composition, the mask moisturizes the skin well.
  6. Nail care. When caring for your hands, you should not completely forget about the health of your nails. The mixture provides double care at the same time. In addition to promoting skin rejuvenation, it also strengthens the nail plate. Nails begin to grow quickly and at the same time become stronger.

Simple recipes for hand masks

You can easily make the hand masks described below at home.

Honey rejuvenating

Honey primarily prevents dry skin, rejuvenates and nourishes it. Ingredients:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. any honey;
  2. 1 yolk;
  3. 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  4. 1 tbsp. l. oil (vegetable).

Mix all ingredients and leave for several minutes. Greater effect can be achieved if the mixture is left overnight.

Curd mask

A very useful mask. The cottage cheese included in its composition gives a rejuvenating effect. Ingredients:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. lemon zest or lime zest;
  2. 1 tbsp. l. green tea;
  3. 1 tbsp. l. oils (you can take almond or olive);
  4. 3 tbsp. l. cottage cheese.

First you need to get a homogeneous mass from the cottage cheese, without lumps. Then mix all the ingredients. Apply the mixture in a thick layer. Leave for about 25 minutes. For best results, use the mixture twice a week. The result is smooth skin.

Curd mask with parsley. When using this mask, proper nutrition and excellent hydration of the skin occurs. Ingredients:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed fresh parsley juice;
  2. 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese;
  3. fish oil 2 capsules or 2 tablets.

Mix the ingredients, let it brew for five minutes, apply the resulting mixture in a thick layer to the skin. You need to hold it for at least 15 minutes. After which the mixture is washed off, and any moisturizer is applied to the skin until completely absorbed.

Potato mixture

Nothing is required for this mask. Its composition is only mashed potatoes. The requirement for puree is that it must be warm. Apply it to the skin and leave it on for about 25 minutes. The result is soft, smooth handles.

Cocktail for health

  1. maski-dlya-ruk-v-domashnih-ChODlo.webp

    1 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  2. 1 tbsp. l. semolina;
  3. 1 tbsp. l. baking soda;
  4. 1 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  5. 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (olive);
  6. 1 tbsp. l. butter;
  7. 1 yolk;
  8. 0.5 tsp. lemon juice;
  9. 0.5 tsp. greens (you can take parsley or dill).

This is a super beneficial anti-aging mixture for any skin type. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply the resulting mixture to your hands. The mask wonderfully nourishes, moisturizes, rejuvenates the skin and saturates it with collagen. It must be applied continuously. The course includes 8 masks, which need to be distributed over a month. To achieve a greater effect, you need to wear cotton gloves on your hands. The effect of the product is immediate.

Lemon mask

Rejuvenates and brightens the skin, used in cases of pigmentation or redness of the skin. To prepare it you will need:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  2. 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  3. 1 tbsp. l. any oil (vegetable);
  4. 1 tbsp. l. water.

Grind the oatmeal and add warm water. Let stand and swell. Add squeezed lemon juice and oil. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the resulting composition to your hands. For best results, wear cotton gloves and keep on overnight.

Premature skin aging

In order for your hands to always remain young and beautiful, you need to prevent premature aging of the skin. It may be due to the following factors:

  1. Close contact with water and household chemicals. Not a single woman thinks about how much she harms her hands every day. Washing dishes, laundry, and other household chores using household chemicals, but without protecting the skin, is a common thing.
  2. Climatic factors. The skin of the hands is very sensitive to ultraviolet rays and weather changes. Therefore, the skin needs additional care both in winter and summer.
  3. Hormonal imbalances in the body. With age-related changes in a woman’s body, the level of estrogen decreases, so the skin becomes dry and loses its former healthy appearance. To avoid premature skin aging, you need to prevent it.

Timely skin care helps prolong its youth. Every day you need to remember about your hands: protect them from cold, sunlight and household chemicals.