Causes of age spots on the face

Every person strives for his face to be beautiful and well-groomed, but such a defect as pigment spots on the face, all the causes and necessary treatment of which will be indicated below, often become a real problem.

In the fight against skin defects, people use many different methods - these are cosmetic creams or ointments, as well as folk methods.

The main types and causes of age spots

Pigmentation on the forehead or in another area of ​​the facial skin often bothers women. A skin defect occurs in women after 35 years of age. It happens that pigmentation goes away on its own over time, but in most cases such a defect has to be dealt with using appropriate methods.

Dark spots on the face are represented as areas of the skin where an excessive amount of pigment, melanin, accumulates. It is present in different layers of the skin, but when it is concentrated in the upper structure of the epidermis, dark or pale (but distinguishable from skin tone) spots occur.

Age spots never cause any pain to a person; they do not hurt, do not itch, or become inflamed. The only thing that is unpleasant about skin pigmentation is that it becomes a provocateur of emotional experiences and the cause of the formation of complexes.

The causes and treatment of age spots on the face in men are somewhat different. In men, hyperpigmentation can occur when melanin is deposited deep in the skin layers. The pigmentation shade is much darker than usual.

A pigment spot on the face can increase, grow, and often rise to the surface of the skin. Hyperpigmentation also occurs in women, and the defect causes them significant discomfort - the stain prevents them from using cosmetics, taking off or putting on clothes.

In medicine, skin pigmentation is classified into:

  1. freckles;
  2. lentigo, which you can learn more about in this article;
  3. chloasma;
  4. moles or birthmarks.





Let us outline the main causes of the appearance of age spots on the cheeks, forehead or other areas of the skin.


Pigmentation is often caused by a hereditary factor. At the same time, a baby is already born with such a spot; with age, it can increase in size. A hereditary pigment spot on the face does not itch, does not itch, and does not cause any pain at all.

It is almost impossible to get rid of hereditary age spots using popular cosmetics or traditional methods. Only stronger methods, for example, laser peeling, will help eliminate the defect.

Changes in hormonal balance

The main reason for the appearance of age spots on the face in women is hormonal disorders. This can be a physiological change in hormonal levels (menopause) or hormonal pathologies (pituitary gland).

Pigmentation due to hormonal changes is called chloasma. Doctors do not recommend using drastic methods to eliminate chloasma. Often, after hormonal stabilization, the skin defect turns pale or disappears on its own.

If pigmentation is caused by hormonal diseases, then it is important to treat the underlying pathology. After adequate treatment, pigmentation disappears.

Facial injuries

A pigment spot on the face may appear as a bluish speck. Provocateurs for the formation of pigmentation are often burns - chemical or thermal, inflammatory acne, boils, the consequence of acne squeezing. The intensity of the color scheme of the spot depends on the degree of damage to the epidermis layer.

Treatment of post-traumatic pigmentation is carried out with cosmetics. If the results of conservative treatment are absent, then stronger methods (phototherapy) are used.

Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays

The skin on the face is very thin and vulnerable, so prolonged exposure to the sun or excessive use of a solarium can lead to skin defects.

Cosmetics or traditional healers can help cope with skin defects.

Digestive system diseases

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pigmentation often forms. The red tint of the spots indicates problems with the intestines, brown - a violation of the functionality of the liver or gall bladder, yellow-brown - kidney disease.

This type of pigmentation does not require appropriate treatment. The person is prescribed a therapeutic diet and drug therapy. After the disease is cured, age spots disappear on their own.

Diseases of a nervous nature

Constant nervous disorders, prolonged stress, anxiety and depression can lead to the formation of pigmentation. Stabilizing the emotional background and using anti-pigmentation cosmetics will help get rid of the skin defect.

Deficiency of vitamins and mineral components

A very common problem. Skin pigmentation can be caused by a deficiency of vitamin C, as well as copper in the body. After organizing a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals, age spots fade and gradually disappear.

Using low-quality cosmetics

Spots on the skin of the face, allergic rashes and other negative manifestations often appear after using natural cosmetics.

The cause of the defect is an allergic reaction of epidermal cells to natural substances. The cause of pigmentation can also be low-quality ingredients included in cosmetic products. Treatment of pigmentation requires avoidance of low-quality or allergenic cosmetics.

Physiological skin aging

After 45-50 years, skin pigmentation (lentigo) is a common phenomenon. The appearance of a skin defect is provoked by the physiological aging of skin cells, the activity of chronic pathologies, and natural hormonal imbalance.


Methods for removing age spots from the face

Skin pigmentation on the face is not a dangerous disease for humans, but a skin defect is a signal of changes occurring inside the body. Only a doctor can determine the exact causes of pigmentation on the face after receiving the results of the medical treatment prescribed to the patient. examinations.

The main principle of adequate treatment of pigmentation is the elimination of the provoking factor (cause). If the formation of a skin defect is provoked due to the presence of diseases, then the disease must first be treated, and the skin defect will lighten or disappear after complete recovery on its own.

If the skin defect is caused by other reasons, then special methods will help get rid of it.

Removal of age spots using cosmetic methods

Removal of pigment spots on the forehead, cheeks or other areas of the skin is done in beauty salons or by a dermatologist. The specialist recommends to the patient a certain method of removing the problem, depending on numerous factors (especially the severity of the problem and the physiological characteristics of the patient). Before the procedure, contraindications and all possible side effects must be taken into account.

Laser peeling

In the process of laser treatment of pigment spots on the face, laser beams are used, the impact of which occurs on the upper layer of the skin. The procedure promotes renewal of the skin layer. Laser therapy has a beneficial effect on the structure of the epidermis, it helps the skin become smooth, fresh, healthy and youthful.

Laser therapy is quite painful for patients. After removing pigmentation, the use of wound healing agents (ointments, creams) is required.

Experts recommend laser pigmentation removal to be carried out in the winter season, as this will help avoid the negative effects of ultraviolet rays on the skin.

Ultrasonic peeling

Ultrasonic peeling is used to treat skin pigmentation. During the treatment process, special equipment is used. equipment that facilitates the penetration of active components into the uppermost skin layers. The result of ultrasonic peeling is smooth, whitened skin, free of external defects.


Dermabrasion is used to remove age spots on the forehead and other parts of the facial skin. The procedure involves eliminating a skin defect by mechanical grinding of the epidermis.


Phototherapy is actively used to eliminate age spots after acne. The procedure involves exposing the problem area to a laser beam that produces pulses of light.

Light rays act directly on the pigment spot, promoting the complete destruction of all cells with an accumulation of melanin.


Cryotherapy can permanently get rid of age spots after acne. The essence of the technique is to “freeze” the problem area of ​​the skin with liquid nitrogen. Treatment of age spots with liquid nitrogen is carried out with a cotton swab or medical spray.

Cryotherapy is absolutely painless and has no contraindications. The process of treating problem areas lasts several minutes (this depends on the activity of pigmentation formation). This procedure can be repeated.

Chemical peeling

If pigment spots appear after acne, then chemical peeling is recommended. It is carried out using acids (glycolic). The result of the chem. peeling - renewed and smooth epidermis, elimination of dark and pale pigment spots.

Whitening salon procedures

Beauty salon specialists can offer clients a variety of methods for eliminating pigmentation. One of them is skin whitening.

The safest pigmentation bleach is zinc paste. It can even be used to remove age spots on the lips.

A paste containing zinc is used to treat problem areas on the face. The result is skin whitening, wrinkle smoothing, acne treatment.

3% hydrogen peroxide can also act as a bleach. It is important to remember that the use of this active product often provokes a burn, especially if you remove pigmentation on the lips.

Mercury cream is another whitening agent. It can only be used for a short time. Moreover, it is prohibited for pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding newborns to use this whitening technique.

Cosmetics for age spots

Cosmetic stores and pharmacies offer a large number of products that whiten the skin and cope with pigmentation.

Effective anti-pigmentation products are creams and ointments that contain the following active ingredients:

  1. any acid - hyaluronic, gluconic, fruit, etc.;
  2. mineral components - titanium dioxide;
  3. extracts of grapes, parsley, cucumber, mulberry, lemon;
  4. vitamins - beta-carotene, vitamin C;
  5. arbutin;
  6. hydroquinone;
  7. natural vegetable oils - shea, jojoba, shea butter.

Traditional medicine recipes for age spots

Traditional healers offer effective means of combating skin defects. The recipes are based on the use of natural products.

  1. Mask with parsley. Grind a bunch of green leaves into a soft paste, add a small amount of honey, stir the mixture thoroughly. Apply the mixture to the problem area on the skin, leave for half an hour, then rinse with cool water. An effective product can even eliminate pigment spots in the eyelid area;
  2. Potato mask. Grate a small potato and squeeze out the excess liquid. Drive tbsp into the resulting slurry. a spoonful of olive oil, whole milk and oat bran. Turn everything into a homogeneous mass and apply to the area of ​​pigmentation. Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse off;
  3. Cucumber juice. Grate 1 medium cucumber and mix the resulting juice with any nourishing cream. Use the product daily for 1 month;
  4. Essential natural oils. Mix castor oil and sea buckthorn oil in equal proportions. Treat pigment spots with the resulting composition daily.

To eliminate pigmentation, decoctions of herbs (elderberry, dandelion, celandine, lovage) are used. Use the prepared product to wipe problem skin.


Preventing the appearance of age spots on the face

You can minimize the likelihood of pigmentation if you follow the following basics:

  1. Avoid excessive exposure of facial skin to ultraviolet rays. In the summer, it is imperative to use sunscreen;
  2. Do not overuse visits to the solarium;
  3. Limit the consumption of salty foods and dishes;
  4. Organize a proper, fortified menu.

We name the main reasons for the appearance of age spots, and at the same time learn to distinguish banal freckles from “senile buckwheat”, prevent hyperpigmentation and fight it if it has already appeared.

  1. What are pigment spots
  2. Causes of pigmentation
  3. Types of pigmentation
  4. Methods for eliminating age spots
  5. Cosmetic ingredients effective against pigmentation
  6. Prevention of hyperpigmentation
  7. Fighting pigmentation at home

What are pigment spots

Pigment spots are darkened areas of the skin that appear as a result of a local accumulation of the melanin pigment, which gives color to the skin and hair. The size, shade, and number of spots can vary: from a scattering of golden freckles to single dark brown areas.

Age spots can appear at any age, in people with different skin colors and types. Everyone is susceptible to them:

representatives of the first phototype - fair-skinned blonds with gray or blue eyes who do not tan well and quickly get sunburned;

representatives of dark phototypeswho have an increased tendency to hyperpigmentation, especially after inflammatory processes or with hormonal imbalance.

Causes of pigmentation

To fight pigment spots, or better yet, prevent them, you need to have an idea of ​​the culprits behind their appearance.


The main provocateur of the formation of age spots is the sun. And even if problems with pigmentation are programmed genetically, UV rays will be the very trigger that will manifest these problems.

Ultraviolet radiation damages cells, causing protective reactions, as a result of which the activity of melanocytes is activated (they produce pigment). Melanocytes intensively produce melanin. And it is deposited unevenly in the skin, especially in places of greatest photodamage.

As a result, spots appear on the prominent parts of the face—on the nose and cheekbones—that become darker with age.


Often the reason for the appearance of age spots on the face in women is associated with hormonal changes against the background of:

When the body returns to normal life, pigment problems disappear, although there are exceptions. Then you will need the help of an endocrinologist who will identify the cause, and a cosmetologist who will find a way to eliminate the consequences.

Ultraviolet light provokes hyperpigmentation © iStock


Hyperpigmentation may indicate problems with the liver, kidneys, endocrine system disorders and gynecological diseases. In such cases, cosmetic procedures are necessary, but it is more important to focus efforts on treating the underlying disease.

Mechanical skin damage

“Anything that violates the integrity of the epidermal barrier - wounds, burns, abrasions - often becomes the cause of pigment spots, because in response to damage, melanin synthesis increases,” says Alexander Prokofiev, an expert at the Ls Roche-Posay brand. Therefore, cosmetic procedures such as chemical peels and dermabrasion are recommended not to be carried out during periods of solar activity, and after them it is necessary to apply a cream with SPF 30 or 50.

Types of pigmentation

Pigment spots differ in size, shade, color saturation. Their only common property is their “love” for the sun: most often they are found on areas of the skin exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

Freckles (ephelids)

These are small spots of a round shape, uniform color, with a diameter of 1-2 mm. As a rule, they appear with active exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin of the face, body and hands of blondes, brown-haired and red-haired people unprotected from the sun.

The more intense the sun exposure, the darker the freckles. Without the support of the sun, they turn pale, and in winter they may disappear completely until the next season.

Lentigo (solar lentigo)

Larger than freckles, oval-shaped spots with a diameter of 2-20 mm. Located where the skin is more exposed to UV rays:

Their color is usually uniform, the pigmentation is persistent and does not disappear on its own. Lentigines are also called “age spots” because they appear in adulthood, often in the same places where freckles were in youth.

The older a person is, the more extensive, dark and difficult to remove the spots become. This is how areas damaged by ultraviolet radiation throughout life make themselves felt.

Birthmark (nevus)

The most common type of age spots. Almost everyone has them, even babies. Nevi can appear at any age, but are especially active in adulthood.

Melasma (chloasma)

Large pigment spots that do not have a clear shape. Most often they appear on the face, their number increases under the influence of the sun. The main reason is hormonal changes. If they are temporary (pregnancy, lactation), then melasma may disappear after the hormonal levels return to normal.

Methods for eliminating age spots

Phototherapy is an effective hardware procedure against age spots © iStock

Age spots do not always cause problems for their owners. In youth, freckles look charming and are not considered a flaw. Another thing is that when they become brighter and larger, their number increases and does not decrease even in winter. Melasma, islands of accumulated pigment, also causes concern.

High-intensity pulsed light destroys the accumulation of melanocytes. The doctor prescribes the number of flashes and sessions individually depending on the depth of the pigment and its quantity.

A laser with an ultrashort pulse finds cells with a high content of melanin and literally crushes it into small particles.

A good lasting result can be achieved by a course of peelings with glycolic acid, which renews the skin, in combination with home cosmetics that suppress the production of melanin.

Consequences of hyperpigmentation

Pigmentation problems are often associated with age-related changes © iStock

Pigment spots themselves are not dangerous to health. But this is a signal that ultraviolet radiation has already damaged the skin, and should not be ignored. The sun can trigger the process of cell degeneration and become a provocateur of irreversible changes.

Cosmetic ingredients effective against pigmentation

In cosmetic formulas, whitening ingredients reduce the synthesis of tyrosine, a precursor to melanin.

Kojic acid - one of the AHA acids, has a whitening and exfoliating effect.

Arbutin - a plant component found in bearberry and blackberry. In combination with kojic acid, it enhances the whitening effect.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - a powerful antioxidant and reducing agent. It is easily destroyed, so magnesium salt of L-ascorbic acid is often used in cosmetics, which turns into vitamin C in the skin. Reduces melanin synthesis and enhances collagen synthesis.

Glabridin - licorice root extract. It has not only a whitening, but also an anti-inflammatory effect.

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Prevention of hyperpigmentation

There is no better preventative measure than sun protection. If you are prone to hyperpigmentation, use products with a high protection factor. Ideally, every day, even in cloudy weather, because type A UV rays, which enhance pigmentation, penetrate even through clouds and window glass.

The right sunscreen contains filters against UVB and UVA rays, contains caring components and antioxidants, and also has a comfortable texture.

Below are some effective high SPF sunscreens.

Contains a special complex to prevent hyperpigmentation.

Designed for very fair skin, suitable for face and body.

Anti-aging care 3-in-1 with antioxidants Capital Idéal Soleil, SPF 50, Vichy

Protects from the sun, not only prevents the manifestations of skin aging, but also specifically fights them.

Fighting pigmentation at home

Home care for skin affected by age spots includes creams and serums that can influence the functioning of melanocytes and renew the skin to lighten the spots.

Remedies against age spots

complex of four multidirectional acids, yeast extract


A large number of people face such a problem as the appearance of age spots on the face. Their appearance can be influenced by a variety of factors: hormonal changes, malfunctions of internal organs, the harmful effects of ultraviolet sunlight, and much more. Also, pigmentation on the face can be congenital - so-called birthmarks and vitiligo. It is important to know how to deal with this problem and, if possible, prevent its occurrence in the future.

What is skin pigmentation on the face

The word pigmentation comes from the Latin pigmentum - paint. Skin pigmentation is the appearance of spots that differ from the base color of the skin in some areas of the skin. With an excess of melanin, dark spots appear on the face - hypermelanosis; with a lack of pigment or its absence, white spots are formed - hypomelanosis. The appearance of pigmentation can indicate both serious diseases and minor local lesions of the skin.

Types of pigmentation

Age spots can be round, oval or irregular in shape. Their size and color vary depending on the species. Let's look at a photo of pigmentation on the face, its causes and treatment:

  1. Vitiligo. With this type of pigmentation, areas of the skin are covered with white spots. This is due to a disruption in the production of melanin. The sizes can be very diverse: ranging from pinpoint and minor localization to large discolored areas of the skin. The disease is transmitted hereditarily.


    Vitiligo is hereditary
  2. Melasma. Their appearance is associated with diseases of the liver and other organs. They are divided into epidermal, dermal and mixed depending on the depth of the excess pigment.


    The appearance of melasma is associated with disruption of the functioning of internal organs
  3. Chloasma. Appear between the ages of 20 and 50, spots of irregular shape, dark brown and dark yellow. Often found in pregnant women due to changes in the body's hormonal system, especially in the second half of pregnancy. Their appearance may also indicate diseases of the female genital organs and malfunctions of the hormonal system, and in men, a decrease in testosterone levels.


    The appearance of chloasma indicates a hormonal imbalance in the body.
  4. Lentigo. It is characterized by the appearance of oval or round spots ranging in size from a few millimeters to two to three centimeters in diameter. The color can range from light brown to black. Lentigo is divided into juvenile and senile, the first occurs in adolescents, the second in older people.


    Senile lentigo appears in older people
  5. Freckles, ephelides. Spots up to 0.4 millimeters in size with clearly defined boundaries, their number increases in the warm season under the influence of sunlight. Most often, red-haired people and blondes have freckled facial skin.


    The number of freckles increases with exposure to sunlight
  6. Broca's pigmented perioral dermatosis. Appears in women aged 30–40 years, and may indicate ovarian dysfunction or a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Spots of various shades of yellow and brown are localized in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.


    Broca's pigmentary dermatosis indicates a disorder of the ovaries or gastrointestinal tract
  7. Birthmarks. Congenital hyperpigmented areas on the skin. They can come in a wide variety of colors and shapes. If desired, stains can be removed using cosmetic procedures upon reaching the age required for them.

It is generally accepted that birthmarks hide secret signs of a person’s fate.

Causes of skin pigmentation on the face: why it appears

The occurrence of facial skin pigmentation can be influenced by a variety of reasons:

  1. lack of vitamins and minerals (B12, magnesium, sulfur, iron, copper, etc.);
  2. deterioration of blood circulation;
  3. disruptions in the hormonal system;
  4. disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  5. dysfunction of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder;
  6. metabolic disorders due to improper bowel function;
  7. diseases of the nervous system;
  8. harmful effects of ultraviolet rays;
  9. negative impact of cosmetic procedures;
  10. allergic reaction to cosmetics or food;
  11. age-related changes;
  12. hereditary predisposition.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Skin pigmentation on the face can either be a signal of serious illness or simply be a residual effect from excessive sunbathing. First of all, it is important to correctly identify the cause of pigmentation by contacting a highly qualified specialist, and self-medication is not recommended in order to avoid worsening the situation. The symptoms are especially dangerous if the spots begin to change shape and grow in size, thicken and become darker or brighter in color, and unpleasant pain or tingling sensations occur in the area where they appear. In this case, going to the doctor should not be postponed under any circumstances.

Treatment of skin pigmentation on the face

Thanks to the development of modern technologies, a large number of effective cosmetic procedures have appeared to combat unwanted pigmentation. There is also a rich assortment of various pharmaceutical drugs. And, of course, do not forget about time-tested folk recipes. The choice of treatment method and its effectiveness will depend on the specific type of pigmentation.

Table: pharmaceutical products for pigmentation therapy

Product name Action Active Ingredients
Highly effective anti-pigmentation cream-care Advanced Pigment Corrector, Skinceuticals Renews the skin, helps correct hyperpigmentation and prevent its reappearance.
Name Effect of the drug average cost
Aevit This drug contains vitamins A and E, which improve metabolic processes. 96 rubles.
Folic acid Vitamin B9, which is part of folic acid, has a beneficial effect on the skin and helps in the fight against pigmentation. 71 rubles.
Askorutin The drug contains ascorbic acid, rutin and other biologically active components that help normalize the processes of melagonesis. 78 rubles.
Hydroquinone This drug prevents excessive melanin production and promotes the disappearance of hyperpigmented skin areas, but it is characterized by a high level of toxicity and has many contraindications. from 50 to 1000 rubles, depending on the drug that contains this component.
Skinoren This product contains azelaic acid, it normalizes the level of melanin production, and is available in the form of a cream or gel. 684 rubles.
Mumiyo Normalizes the structure of the skin, improves complexion, helps in the fight against hyperpigmentation. 100 rubles.
Neoton Glycolic, ascorbic, and salicylic acids contained in the cream regulate the production of melanin, eliminate existing age spots and prevent the appearance of new ones. 1197 rubles.
Retinol Helps normalize the processes of melagonesis, evens out complexion. 30 rubles.

Photo gallery: pharmaceutical drugs used to treat pigmentation on the face

Folk remedies are often used to treat some types of pigmentation at home. With regular use, you can notice an improvement after just a few treatments. In this case, it is important to remember that the prepared mixture must be applied to the treated area pointwise using a makeup brush or a cotton swab.

Table: treatment of skin pigmentation on the face using folk remedies

Means Ingredients Method of preparation and use
Cucumber-lemon mask
  1. pulp of one medium-sized cucumber;
  2. 5 ml lemon juice;
  3. a tablespoon of potato starch.
Potato starch together with lemon juice and cucumber will help lighten age spots. Mix all the components of the mask, apply to the face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Parsley mask
  1. a bunch of parsley;
  2. 1 teaspoon lemon juice;
  3. 1 teaspoon honey.
The benefits of parsley are due to the high content of vitamin C and beta-carotene; with regular use of a mask with this component, age spots will become noticeably lighter. Grind the parsley in a blender and add the rest of the ingredients. Apply to facial skin for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Celandine oil cream
  1. 1 teaspoon of celandine oil;
  2. 2 teaspoons night cream.
Celandine oil is highly effective in combating pigmentation. Mix the ingredients and apply overnight without rinsing off. Each time you need to mix the components again, the mixture cannot be stored.
Sour cream and lemon mask
  1. 1 teaspoon sour cream;
  2. 1 teaspoon lemon juice.
Lemon juice and fermented milk products are also good helpers in the fight against age spots. To prepare the mask, mix all the ingredients and apply to the skin of the face. After 20 minutes, wash off the mixture, then moisturize your face with cream.
Yeast mask
  1. 25 grams of yeast;
  2. a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  3. a tablespoon of high-fat milk.
Yeast is rich in mineral elements that will help in the fight against hyperpigmentation of the skin. Mix all components, apply the resulting mixture to the skin for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
White clay mask
  1. a tablespoon of white clay;
  2. a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  3. small cucumber.
White clay has good whitening properties, so a mask based on it will be effective in combating pigmentation. First of all, grind the cucumber in a blender, then add clay and lemon juice to the mixture. Apply the components to the skin of the face and wash off after 15 minutes. This mask can be done 2 times a week in a course of 10–12 procedures.

Photo gallery: folk remedies used in the fight against pigmentation

Table: treatment of skin pigmentation on the face using cosmetic procedures

Procedure Technology average cost
Mesotherapy The procedure involves injecting special medications under the skin of the face that help prevent the appearance of age spots. The specialist approaches the choice of the necessary medicine individually in each specific case. It is best to use this method as a prevention of pigmentation. It is recommended to do mesotherapy once a week for about three months. from 5,000 to 18,000 rubles (depending on the type of drug).
Microdermabrasion The technique consists of exfoliating the upper layer of the epidermis using abrasive microparticles. This process stimulates skin renewal, eliminates pigmentation, and improves blood circulation. There are 2 types of microdermabrasion: crystal and diamond. In the first case, aluminum dioxide crystals are used as an abrasive material. In the second case, a device is used, the tip of which is coated with diamond dust. This type of procedure is more gentle and practically does not cause complications. from 3000 rubles.
Phototherapy This method helps get rid of unwanted pigmentation by exposing the skin to ultraviolet radiation. There are practically no painful sensations during the procedure, only a slight tingling sensation and warmth. To achieve the best effect, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment consisting of three procedures at intervals of a month. These indicators may vary at the discretion of the cosmetologist depending on the intermediate result. from 3000 rubles
Fractional laser resurfacing The method involves exposing an area of ​​skin to a laser beam. This process is not complete without local anesthesia. For this type of procedure, two types of laser are most often used: carbon dioxide and erbium. In the second case, the recovery process lasts twice as long. It is not recommended to carry out laser resurfacing in the spring and summer, when solar activity is increased; cold seasons are preferable. If it is not possible to postpone the course of treatment, then you need to carefully protect the treated facial skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. from 8,000 rubles (depending on the area of ​​the skin surface being treated).
Chemical peeling The procedure is carried out using special preparations with fruit, kojic, glycolic or any other acids. A competent specialist will choose the most appropriate drug for a particular case at his own discretion. To achieve results, you will need from 4 to 10 procedures (depending on individual characteristics and type of pigmentation), the interval is 1 week. from 3,000 to 11,000 rubles (the cost varies depending on the type of drug).

Video: treatment of birthmarks with laser

Diet as an auxiliary method of combating pigmentation

Proper nutrition is of enormous importance in the fight against age spots. No wonder there is a saying: “We are what we eat.” It is important to eat foods enriched with microelements such as iron, magnesium, sulfur, and copper. You need to eat more vegetables, fruits, herbs, as well as eggs, liver, beef, legumes, cheese, fish and other seafood. It is advisable to avoid eating large quantities of flour, sweet, and fried foods.


Iron-rich foods must be consumed to combat skin pigmentation

Prevention of skin pigmentation on the face: practical recommendations

To prevent the appearance of pigment spots resulting from the negative effects of sunlight, you need to monitor the characteristics of your phenotype.

People with fair skin, white and red hair need to minimize exposure to the sun, as they are most prone to the formation of burns and subsequent pigmentation of the damaged skin.

When sunbathing, it is advisable to use protective cosmetics. When choosing a cream or lotion, it is important to pay attention to the level of SPF (solar protective factor): for those with dark skin, this value may be lower, and for fair-skinned people it is better to choose products with a higher value.


The choice of cosmetic product with the required SPF value directly depends on your skin type

I live in a small resort seaside town. Once, when I was a teenager, I went to the beach with my friends. It was the middle of summer, hot, the sun was shining brightly (it is important to note here that I have very fair skin). We spent the entire period from 12.00 to 15.00 under the scorching sun: laughing, playing ball, swimming races, in general, the time flew by. It was only on the way back that I noticed that my skin had turned red. Arriving home, after some time, I began to feel an unpleasant burning sensation, especially in the areas of my face, shoulders, arms and legs. By evening, the body temperature rose to 38°C, the legs began to swell, and the skin became covered with small transparent blisters. It’s difficult to convey how frightened my mother felt. She immediately took the necessary measures and purchased sunburn ointment from the pharmacy. After a few days, the redness and swelling subsided. Years later, I had already forgotten about this incident, when suddenly one day while taking a shower, I discovered several dark spots on my face and shoulder area. Unfortunately, the sunburn was not in vain for me. This unpleasant incident served as a good lesson for me. Since then, I have always tried to monitor my time in the sun.

Reviews about getting rid of skin pigmentation on the face

If pigmentation appears once, even if it is regularly lightened, it will have a constant tendency to appear. My partner tried to remove her pigmentation with a drug containing hydroquinone. It lightened very well, but in the spring it showed up again. In addition to external procedures, very good choleretic drugs are needed: stagnation of bile provokes pigmentation. That is, if pigmentation appears, look for what is wrong in the body.

stimorol, cosmetologist

I decided to resort to a rather expensive procedure for photoremoval of age spots after various attempts to get rid of pigmentation. At one time I used various peelings in salons for this, as well as a very expensive procedure like laser resurfacing, but the result was not obtained. This procedure was first done by my friend during the promotion at the end of summer, a time when these procedures are generally very dangerous, since there is sun, and the result on her face was excellent, although she had to sit at home almost all the time, hiding from the sun. And so I decided. Unfortunately, when I did it at the end of autumn, there was no longer a promotion, since it was the right time for these types of procedures. At the beginning, an anesthetic gel was applied to the face, as well as this gel for better conductivity of the beam to the layers of the skin. The procedure itself is a treatment of skin with light flashes. The light beam penetrates the layers of the skin and is absorbed by melanin, which is deposited there and creates areas of pigmentation or freckles. The sensations are unpleasant, although not too painful. The procedure lasts about 40 minutes. After the procedure, the pigment spots are more distinct, darker, and the face itself is pinkish, like after a bath. For the first week after the procedure, you can’t smear yourself with any sunscreen or anything else other than panthenol (panthenol is better - it’s three times cheaper, but the composition is the same) or bepanthen, so in the first week you can’t go outside in sunny weather since the skin is not protected from sun. I applied pantestin only for the first day, then I didn’t see the need for it, since my face doesn’t burn or hurt like in the case of a burn or injury to the skin. The places where there were pigment spots darkened and after about a week they began to peel off. In the second week, you can already smear your face with sunscreen with a high SPF level, at least 30, I smeared it with a cream with 50 SPF. It is recommended to undergo about 3 procedures, but I only underwent one, since financially I cannot yet afford more, and I am very pleased with the result. The pigment spots have mostly all disappeared, in a couple of places they have not completely disappeared, but have become very lighter. After all 3 procedures, I think there will be none left at all. However, the doctor warned that in addition to the fact that now you should always apply sunscreen at any time of the year, since if you are predisposed to pigmentation, it will appear again if you do not fight it, and also apply, if not all the time, then in courses, lightening creams , aimed specifically against pigmentation.


For me, such areas appear after sunbathing, although I apply protective cream to my face and try to stay in the shade. I whiten my face with white clay, alternating with a mask of cucumber, parsley and lemon. Three times is enough and the pigmentation fades. The main thing after such procedures is not to be in the sun, as the skin becomes very sensitive to the sun.


Pigment spots on the face give some of their owners a lot of reasons for all sorts of complexes. The skin of the face is constantly visible, and when in contact with others, a person may experience discomfort and awkwardness. Fortunately, thanks to the development of modern technology, it is possible to get rid of age spots forever. Time-tested pharmaceutical drugs and folk remedies also do not lose their relevance. The main thing is to regularly carry out the necessary procedures, adhering to the recommendations of specialists, and age spots on the face will remain only an unpleasant memory.