Antibiotic for facial acne

To cure problem skin, we make masks every day, scrub our faces, drink vitamins and walk a lot in the fresh air. But these procedures are not always as effective as expected, and more serious measures must be taken. Antibiotics for acne are a radical, non-surgical way to cure external pustules once and for all.

Antibiotics applied to the skin

There are several options for taking tablets - internally and externally. Internal antibiotics are prescribed by a doctor, but no one forbids applying them to acne. The most famous and effective drug is streptocide. This medicine is widely used to treat acne and pimples. You just need to crush the tablet, mix it with a small amount of water and apply it to problem areas using a match.

good old furatsilin. It is still often prescribed for the treatment of herpes rashes and lichen. This is a very aggressive antibiotic that will help get rid of purulent pimples and blackheads in literally a matter of days, but it has a number of disadvantages:

  1. it destroys not only dangerous bacteria, but also beneficial ones, so after using furatsilin the skin is often tight and pale;
  2. it is difficult to wash off the skin;
  3. It is not suitable for everyone, despite doctors’ prescriptions.

But it's cheap and accessible.

Antibiotic for facial acne

  1. the likelihood of allergies is almost halved;
  2. It’s easier to apply a product from a tube to pimples on the face and body than to prepare it yourself;
  3. most of these drugs go well with taking pills;
  4. it is easy to refuse their use;
  5. External medications based on antibiotics are suitable for women over 30, pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as teenagers.

Photo - Spot application of antibiotic

The ointment has an incredibly strong disinfectant effect. Metrogil, it is also relatively affordable, available without a prescription, and is quite easy to use - apply a thin layer to the damaged areas. It helps especially well against rosacea and comedones.

What to watch out for, if antibiotics are used for acne? First of all, allergies, although many types of medications are safe, it is still better to visit a specialist. Next, try not to apply tablet powder or ointment to the entire surface of the problem area, it is better to apply it pointwise, then the risk of skin burns is reduced to zero. The skin can get used to the medications; if after 2 weeks of use the tablets do not help, you need to stop using them. But you need to be especially careful when using antibiotics internally; they kill the immune system, weaken the liver and kidneys, and affect the functioning of the endocrine glands.

What cheap antibiotic tablets help with acne:

  1. erythromycin;
  2. penicillin;
  3. tetracycline and a whole range of drugs based on it, including gels and ointments;
  4. paracetamol, or any other antipyretics (relieves inflammation);

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Acne, which is popularly called acne or pimples, is a disease more typical of adolescence. It is relatively rare in people over 20 years of age. The main reason is the active development of a microbe in the sebaceous gland and its ducts, which is called Propionibacterium acnes. And often, dermatologists recommend the use of antibiotics in the treatment of acne.

Treatment of acne with antibiotics carried out using pharmacological agents of natural (rare) or synthetic (much more often) origin. They help slow down or completely stop the activity of microbes.

According to the mechanism of action, doctors divide these drugs into two large groups:

  1. Bactericidalwhich cause the death of microbes.
  2. Bacteriostatic, inhibiting the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Which one to choose acne antibiotic Only the doctor decides. In this case, several factors are taken into account - the patient’s age, acne severity, tendency to allergies, existing diseases and much more. The doctor will also help you choose the exact time to take the drug, choose the optimal period for treatment and the duration of the course.

Antibiotics for facial acne You cannot stop taking it on your own. Despite the fact that the rash has completely disappeared and the skin looks healthy, there is a high probability of a relapse of the disease. Therefore, you must strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations and take the drug for the recommended time, without decreasing or increasing it.

All antibiotics for the treatment of acne can be divided into topical (local) and systemic (for oral administration). The list of drugs will be indicated in this article just below.


Gels, creams, talkers, antibiotic ointment for acne Always apply only to affected areas of the skin. It is these drugs that are usually classified as topical pharmacological agents.

The main advantages when choosing drugs for external use are the absence of systemic effects on the entire body. But acne treatment with antibiotics with topical action it also has a lot of disadvantages.

  1. After the last application of the product to the skin, a relapse of the disease may occur at the end of the course.
  2. Local skin immunity is reduced, since the active substance of the drug, and in our case it will be antibiotics, kills not only harmful, but also beneficial microorganisms.
  3. An allergic reaction may develop at the site of application - itching, redness, swelling, peeling.

Often local antibiotics for acne prescribed together with systemic antibacterial drugs. But for mild acne, the doctor can prescribe them without the use of additional medications.


Antibiotics for acne in tablets or capsules have a more pronounced effect in treating rashes not only on the face, but also on the back, shoulders, décolleté and other parts of the body.

However, with long-term use or self-prescription, they can cause a lot of side effects, and first of all we are talking about dysbiosis of the stomach and intestines.

The main indications for prescribing systemic antibiotics in the treatment of acne are the following cases:

  1. Inflammation has developed over a large area of ​​skin.
  2. Most acne is cystic or infiltrative.
  3. The prescription of local (topical) agents did not give the desired effect.

However, all medications should be prescribed only by a doctor, taking into account the severity of acne, the patient’s age and the presence of other diseases and contraindications.

Acne is unpleasant, but not at all fatal. Today there are many medications that can help you:

What antibiotics for acne for external use

Most often, topical antibiotic preparations have a bacteriostatic effect. The main dosage forms can be:

It is recommended to apply them either to the entire affected area of ​​the skin, if there are too many pimples or blackheads, or only specifically to the site of inflammation. The list of topical antibiotics for acne is quite long. But we have collected for you only modern and actually effective drugs.


This is a good antibiotic for acne in the form of a solution for external application. The drug contains erythromycin, which inhibits the growth and development of propionic bacteria. The main indication for use is juvenile acne, also called vulgar acne.

It is recommended to apply the product to previously cleansed facial skin using a cotton pad in the morning and evening, avoiding contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes or mouth.


The anti-acne remedy with the antibiotic mirrorin contains clindamycin, which, once on the inflamed skin, begins to actively inhibit pathogenic microbes. Can be used independently as an anti-acne remedy, or simultaneously with the prescription of tablets.

It should be applied to areas of inflammation twice a day - morning and evening. Before application, clean the skin with a soft gel.

Usually it does not give any side effects, and only in rare cases can dryness and flaking develop, which can be solved by using a moisturizer.


Antibiotic cream for acne on the face, clindovit, based on clindamycin, is a long-known and well-proven remedy. The duration of one course of use can be up to 3 – 5 months. It is often prescribed simultaneously with medications based on benzoyl peroxide.

Effective antibiotics for acne combined action

Antibiotic acne cream, ointment, or lotion may also apply to combination drugs. That is, in addition to the antibacterial agent, it will also contain another substance that also helps in the fight against acne.


This is a popular acne lotion that contains not only the antibiotic erythromycin, but also zinc acetate. Therefore, in addition to the bacteriostatic effect, the drug also has a drying effect and is good at helping to cope with excessive sebum production.

Zinerit copes well with acne at the initial stage, as well as in the treatment of moderate acne.

In rare cases, after a full course of therapy, a relapse of the disease may develop after some time.


What antibiotics are best for acne? Basically this is a drug such as erythromycin. It is this medicine that is contained in benzamycin gel. The second important component is benzoyl peroxide.

The gel has a pronounced antibacterial effect, helps cleanse the sebaceous glands and prevents the appearance of new comedones. Most often used in combination therapy for acne of the first and second severity.

Klenzit S

Acne antibiotic gel klenzit C is one of the most popular products. The drug contains clindamycin and adapalene, which belongs to the group of retinoids.

Together they suppress the development of bacterial microflora, normalize the process of keratinization and cleanse the epidermis. In addition to the therapeutic effect, the drug can also be used for prophylactic purposes to prevent the reappearance of acne, pimples and comedones, both open and closed.

Treatment of acne on the face with antibiotics. Tablets and capsules

Systemic antibiotics are prescribed for oral administration. This is a large group of drugs that can be divided into several subgroups depending on what the active substance is.

  1. Penicillins – flemoxin solutab.
  2. Lincosamines – lincomycin, clindamycin.
  3. Tetracyclines – doxycycline, tetracycline, minolexin.
  4. Macrolides – erythromycin, vilprafen.

All medications on the list are highly bioavailable, accumulate well in the sebaceous glands and help quickly suppress the growth and reproduction of microbes and bacteria that cause acne.

Systemic antibiotics for acne are often prescribed with topical benzoyl peroxide products and also in combination with retinoids.

This makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of treatment, reduce its duration and prevent the development of addiction.


Tetracycline – antibiotic for acne on face, which is produced V form tablets. This drug is highly soluble in fats, quickly accumulates in the sebaceous glands, and has excellent antimicrobial activity against propionic bacteria. They are the main provoking factors for the development of acne, pimples and acne.

Tetracycline has excellent bioavailability and excellent efficacy. For acne, a dermatologist prescribes tetracycline in low doses for a period of 2 to 4 months. For acne, 0.1-0.15 grams per day is prescribed in divided doses. If the condition improves (usually after 3 weeks), the dose is gradually reduced to a maintenance dose of 0.125-1 g.

When treating acne with tetracycline, the patient may experience the following side effects:

  1. Dysbacteriosis or other disturbances in the functioning of the stomach and intestines, which can manifest as nausea, vomiting, pain in the stomach, and upset stool.
  2. Dizziness.
  3. Impaired kidney function.
  4. Violation of the formation of bone tissue and teeth.
  5. Increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, which is called photosensitivity.

If you use the antibiotic tetracycline against acne on your face, you must remember that it is not safe to take it in the summer.

Along with the disappeared ulcers, areas of increased pigmentation and a large number of freckles will appear on the face. Also, when taking tetracycline in the summer, you should not visit a solarium, go to the beach or go out in the sun.

Tetracycline for acne is contraindicated in pregnant women and children under 18 years of age. This is due to the fact that the drug has a negative effect on bone formation and dental development in the baby.


If acne appears on the body, the antibiotic doxycycline is often used for treatment. This drug is also a tetracycline drug, so it is practically no different from the previous drug. But doxycycline causes side effects much less frequently and is better tolerated by the patient when prescribed in minimal doses for a long time.

The average course of doxycycline acne treatment for facial acne is up to 12 weeks. According to reviews, the drug quite quickly allows you to get rid of large purulent rashes, severe itching and redness. It is recommended to take 200 mg of the drug per day. Most often, one tablet contains 100 mg, so the drug in the treatment of acne and acne is prescribed 2 times a day.

Among the main side effects are:

  1. Reduced effectiveness of oral contraceptives.
  2. Inhibition of hematopoiesis.
  3. Negative effect on liver function.
  4. Manifestations of dysbacteriosis and candidiasis.

Doxycycline is also contraindicated in pregnancy and children under 8 years of age.


Acne can also be treated with antibiotics using erythromycin. However, it should be remembered that this medicine gives a positive effect only in the case of the very first use.

With repeated treatment of acne with erythromycin, the body develops addiction and the antibiotic becomes useless in treating acne.

The drug is used orally in the form of tablets or capsules for a long time. The dosage is determined individually by the doctor, but most often it is 1 gram of the drug per day, which is equal to 4 tablets of 250 mg.

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. You can treat acne with erythromycin at any age.


Clindamycin is an antibiotic that is used orally for acne. For acne, the duration of treatment should not exceed 10 days. The dosage regimen is the standard dosage - 150 mg at intervals of 6 or 8 hours. In severe cases, it is possible to increase the dosage to 300 or 450 mg.

The drug must also be prescribed for local use, for example, ointment or cream with clindamycin.

Clindamycin is produced in Russia under different trade names, but the main drugs that contain this active substance should be considered:

Antibiotics for acne on the back, face, shoulders and other parts of the body, if it is clindamycin, cannot be used simultaneously with drugs such as erythromycin, vitamins, or those containing calcium or magnesium.

Flemoxin Solutab

What other antibiotics for acne on the face can be used orally? Many doctors recommend using amoxicillin-based drugs in the treatment of acne. And one of these drugs is Flemoxin Solutab.

For adults and children over 10 years of age, a single dose can range from 250 to 500 mg. The drug is taken 3 times a day, the interval between doses should be 8 hours.

Flemoxin should not be used simultaneously with other antibacterial drugs, in particular cephalosporins, vancomycin, rifampicin, tetracycline, sulfonamides.

With long-term use, complete insensitivity of Propionibacterium acnes to this type of drug may develop.


And although sulfonamides cannot be called antibiotics, drugs from this group work well against purulent acne. Medicines from this group belong to antimicrobial agents, and among the indications one can find not only infections of the ENT organs, pneumonia and cystitis, but also acne of varying severity.

The main drugs from this group are:

  1. Streptocide.
  2. Sulfadimezin.
  3. Sulfazin.
  4. Sulfargin.
  5. Dermazin.
  6. Arghedin.
  7. Argosulfan.
  8. Biseptol.

If you are looking for an antibiotic ointment for purulent acne, you can opt for a drug such as agrosulfan. This medicine has an excellent antibacterial effect for external use. The maximum duration of treatment is no more than 60 days. Apply the drug to the skin 2-3 times a day every day.

Advantages and disadvantages of using antibiotics in the treatment of acne and acne

Things to remember

It has been proven that acne goes away after antibiotics, but in order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  1. What antibiotics should I take for acne? Only a dermatologist can answer this question. Self-medication can be dangerous and will not bring the desired result.
  2. Before starting a course of antibiotics for acne, you should carefully read the instructions for the chosen drug, familiarize yourself with the indications, contraindications, and side effects.
  3. Strong antibiotics for acne should be taken in a strict dosage, neither exceeding nor underestimating it.
  4. Acne can be cured with antibiotics only if the treatment period is followed. You cannot interrupt the course of treatment after the number of pimples and blackheads begins to decrease. Treatment should be strictly under the supervision of a doctor.
  5. All antibiotics for acne and pimples must be taken under the protection of the stomach and intestines to restore the flora of the gastrointestinal tract. For this, Linax, Bifiform, Bifidumbacterin and other drugs from this group are used.
  1. Linex - Available in capsule form, cost from 250 rubles;
  2. Bificol — available in the form of a dry powder for preparing a suspension, cost from 180 rubles;
  3. Bifidumbacterinforte - Available in capsule form, cost from 120 rubles;
  4. Hilak forte — available in the form of drops for oral administration, cost from 240 rubles;
  5. Enterol - used in powder form to prepare a suspension, cost from 220 rubles.

The use of antibiotics in the treatment of mild to moderate acne is a mandatory step in the treatment of all rashes on the face, back, shoulders and other parts of the body. Pimples can be not only subcutaneous, but also purulent.

Local and systemic antibiotics will be effective in treating acne in adults and adolescents only if the inflammation was caused only by microbes that are sensitive to antibiotic therapy. Otherwise, even a full course of treatment will not give the desired effect.

Therefore, not all acne needs to be treated with antibacterial drugs. The ideal option is to find the exact cause that caused their appearance and eliminate it.

Video: antibiotics for acne on the face

Antibiotics for acne on the face in tablets are prescribed in cases where therapy with other means has proven ineffective. Taking medications of this type without a doctor’s prescription is strictly prohibited, as it often leads to side effects. An incorrect treatment regimen can lead to deterioration of the skin condition.

How do antibiotics work on rashes?

Antibiotics against acne on the face have the following effects:

  1. bactericidal;
  2. anti-inflammatory;
  3. bacteriostatic.

The tablets destroy pathogenic microflora, due to which the inflammatory process subsides and further growth of pathogenic bacteria is stopped.

When are oral antibiotics prescribed?

Systemic drugs are prescribed mainly for severe, extensive rashes, among which pustular-type acne predominates, forming scars.

Antibacterial tablets for acne

The most commonly prescribed antibacterial tablets and antibiotics for facial acne are:

  1. Doxycycline;
  2. Unidox Solutab;
  3. Erythromycin;
  4. Vilprafen;
  5. Metronidazole;
  6. Minolexin.

These names of antibacterial drugs are considered the most effective in acne treatment. Levomycetin is prescribed less frequently for acne due to a large list of contraindications. Its use is relevant for severe furunculosis and only as a local remedy.


The drug Doxycycline has a detrimental effect on most pathogenic microorganisms that cause acne.

For adults, oral antibiotics against acne are prescribed on the first day: 2 capsules (100 mg), divided into two doses. In the following days, take one capsule once a day. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of acne on the face. Usually treatment is carried out for 1.5-3 months.

For children over 9 years of age and adolescents, the dosage is calculated individually by the attending physician.

Treatment of acne with Doxycycline is carried out in conjunction with topical antibacterial drugs to increase the therapeutic effect.

The systemic drug is contraindicated in the following pathologies:

  1. liver failure;
  2. infections of fungal etiology;
  3. leukopenia.

The antibiotic is not recommended for use in children under 12 years of age, as it can cause complications in the development of bone tissue.

With long-term therapy, the tablets cause disturbances in the digestive system, which manifest themselves in the form of dyspeptic syndrome (nausea, abdominal pain, loose stools or constipation, enterocolitis, gastritis).

Less commonly, the drug has a negative effect on the cardiovascular and urinary systems.

Doxycycline is not recommended for use in combination with retinol (vitamin A), since both drugs increase intracranial pressure during drug interactions.

Unidox Solutab

Unidox Solutab tablets have a pronounced antibacterial effect and suppress the proliferation of many pathogens.

The main active component of the drug is doxycycline, so the dosage and treatment regimen are similar to those of the drug of the same name.

It is believed that Unidox Solutab has less negative effects on the body than its analogue Doxycycline. Because of this, the antibiotic is prescribed much more often than its predecessor.

Unidox Solutab can be used from the age of 8 under the strict supervision of the attending physician.


The drug Erythromycin is an antibacterial agent that is used externally as an ointment for acne. These antibiotics for acne in tablets are usually not prescribed. In addition to treating acne, the drug is used in the treatment of most infections caused by pathogenic bacteria.

The topical drug is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to macrolides and severe liver dysfunction. The topical agent, like most systemic antibiotics, is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.


Treatment of acne with antibiotics from the macrolide group is often carried out using tablets such as Vilprafen. The main active ingredient of the drug is josamycin, to which most pathogenic microorganisms that cause acne are sensitive.

For adults and adolescents over 14 years of age, the drug is prescribed 1-2 g per day, divided into 2-3 doses. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of acne.

Vilprafen is not compatible with penicillin and cephalosporin antibiotics, as it reduces their therapeutic effect. In some cases, the drug reduces the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.

The drug is completely contraindicated in case of serious liver pathologies. In case of renal failure, dosage adjustment of the medication is required.

Vilprafen can cause dyspeptic syndrome, and in rare cases leads to hearing impairment.


Metronidazole tablets are antiprotozoal drugs with antibacterial activity, which are prescribed in the treatment of acne. The drug disrupts the respiration of pathogenic bacteria, resulting in their death.

Antibiotics for acne in combination with Metronidazole have the maximum therapeutic effect.

It is recommended to take the medication 2 times a day, 1 tablet. The average course of treatment with Metronidazole is 10 days.

The drug cannot be combined with alcohol and non-depolarizing muscle relaxants.

Long-term use of the drug can cause problems with the digestive and urinary systems.


Tetracycline tablets Minolexin are an effective remedy against acne on the face. The active substance of the drug accumulates in the sebaceous glands and suppresses the pathogenic activity of pathogenic bacteria.

For acne, the drug is prescribed 1 capsule (50 mg) after meals. To reduce the risk of side effects from the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to take the medicine with plenty of liquid. The course of treatment ranges from 1.5 to 3 months.

In case of overdose, the drug causes severe nausea, dizziness and a gag reflex.

When taking the drug for a long time, you should definitely take blood tests to monitor the cellular composition of the blood.

The drug can reduce the therapeutic effectiveness of birth control pills.

Contraindications to use include severe disorders of the liver, kidneys, systemic lupus erythematosus and porphyria.


Levomycetin tablets are antibiotics for acne, which are prescribed exclusively for topical use. A mask made from the drug has a drying, powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Despite the local method of application, these antibiotics for acne are prescribed only by the attending physician. The active substance of the tablets partially penetrates into the local bloodstream and has a systemic effect, which may result in side effects.

Disadvantages of antibacterial therapy

Antibiotics against acne on the face, when used for a long time, cause the following negative consequences:

  1. liver dysfunction;
  2. dysbacteriosis;
  3. acne recurrences.

Due to serious side effects, treating acne with antibiotics and independently prescribing the duration of their use and dosage is strictly prohibited. The doctor should also decide which antibiotics to take for acne.

Prevention of complications of antibacterial therapy

Treatment of acne with antibiotics should be carried out strictly according to the schedule prescribed by the attending physician.

At the first symptoms of side effects, it is recommended to immediately contact your doctor.

Antibiotics used for acne often provoke disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, after their discontinuation, a course of probiotics is recommended to restore normal intestinal flora.

During treatment, you should take plenty of fluids to reduce the risk of complications and remove waste and toxins from the body, which can also cause acne.
