Anti-cellulite patch for double chin

Women all over the world are looking for cheap alternative methods for rejuvenating the skin of the face and body, which can be used at home, without wasting precious time on salon procedures and significantly saving money. One such alternative is facial rejuvenation with a patch. Nowadays, a variety of cosmetic patches are produced that are designed to nourish the skin, fight enlarged pores, and relieve inflammation. Their active ingredients penetrate deep into the skin and give a good effect.

Facial rejuvenation with a patch.

Since many people cannot afford cosmetic patches, women have learned to replace them with an ordinary adhesive plaster. Only for these purposes you need to buy a microporous, surgical adhesive plaster.

The paper-based Leopor patch is especially popular. It is intended for attaching needles to the body when placing an IV or for fixing bandages applied to a wound, etc... The adhesive substance on this patch is hypoallergenic, it can even be glued to children's delicate skin. The base on which the glue is applied is porous, allowing the skin to breathe and allowing both air and water to pass through. Easy to remove. And it costs about 25 rubles for a roll of 5 meters, you can buy it in city pharmacies or on the website

Surgical elastic, perforated polymer-based patches, for example, Leotrans or Novosvit, also allow air and water to pass through. A narrow reel up to 1.2 cm wide and 5 meters long also costs around 30 rubles.

The Frownies patch has been helping women fight wrinkles for over 120 years; when applied at night, it gives a good anti-aging effect.

Facial rejuvenation using the Reiko method.

A facelift with a patch according to the method of the Japanese doctor Kazuki Reiko deserves special attention and careful study. His ingenious method allows you to do facial Botox without surgery, using only patches, and without leaving your home.

After a long study of the structure of the muscles on the face, Dr. Reiko came to the conclusion that all muscles can be tightened using narrow strips of plaster. His research on non-surgical facelifts has shown that when an adhesive patch is applied, the skin is slightly tightened and wrinkles are smoothed out, resulting in a renewed, youthful appearance of the face.

And the brain, like a computer system, remembers this new state of stimulated facial muscles and tightened skin, and triggers reprogramming mechanisms for rejuvenation.

The most important . In order for the reprogramming mechanisms to start in the brain cells, you need to follow the rule: the muscles and skin of the face must be in a tightened state with a bandage for at least 90 seconds, every day. The longer the face is in a tightened position, the better. You can leave the patch on your face from 30 minutes to 8 hours, but not for aging skin!

Facial rejuvenation using the Reiko method creates a lifting effect, the muscles of the forehead and cheeks are tightened, nasolabial folds disappear, drooping eyelids are raised, a double chin disappears and the oval of the face is leveled.

How to model your face with adhesive using the Reiko method.

Cut the surgical plaster into strips: 10x7 mm (smallest size = S), 15x7 mm (size = M) and 30x7 mm (size = L).

First stick the L-strip from the bottom up, slightly pulling the skin upward, then take another L-strip and the lower end of the second strip, apply it to the upper end of the first strip (that is, overlap the ends one on top of the other), continuing the upward movement and slightly tightening the skin. (You will see all the details in the diagrams below)

The smallest stripes, size = S, are glued above the upper lip and on the temples (everything is also shown below in the diagrams).

Important. Facial modeling using the method of Japanese doctor Kazuki Reiko must be done on warm facial skin; to do this, do a short massage!

Schemes for facial rejuvenation using Reiko patch by age

Take a close look at the diagram, which shows in pink areas where it is not recommended to apply the patch.

Facial rejuvenation with Reiko patch for 30 years of age. The diagram shows the direction of the facial muscles. A facelift with a patch is carried out strictly along these lines. The numbers indicate the sequence of gluing the patch strips, and the letters indicate the sizes of the strips.

As we found out, age-related skin changes after 30 years. start from the mouth and cheeks, so Kazuki Reiko recommends paying special attention to these areas. Modeling with adhesive allows you to tighten the oval of the face, the nasolabial fold and lift the cheeks.

Facial rejuvenation using the Reiko method for 40-year-olds. The diagram shows the direction of the facial muscles. Strips of adhesive are glued along these lines. The numbers indicate the sequence of gluing the patch strips, and the letters indicate the sizes of the strips.

The strips are glued in order from the middle of the face to the side surface along the arrows.

Apply strip No. 15 to the nose on both sides to create the effect of raising the nose.

Stick strip No. 21-22 without tension, on top of the wrinkles.

In women aged 40 years, wrinkles appear around the eyes, the chin and neck wrinkle. Modeling with adhesive allows you to tighten the drooping upper eyelid, remove the rays at the outer edge of the eye, tighten the jawline and correct the neck line.

Facial rejuvenation with Reiko patch for 50 years of age and above. The diagram shows the direction of the facial muscles. A facelift with a patch is carried out strictly along these lines. The numbers indicate the sequence of gluing the patch strips, and the letters indicate the sizes of the strips.

For 50-year-old ladies, the work increases, mentally divide your face into lower and upper halves and slowly, begin to model your face sequentially, by numbers, using the Kazuki Reiko method. Do not hurry. Remember to slightly pull the skin upward.

At this age, in women, the oval of the face slides down, horizontal and vertical folds appear on the forehead, and the skin around the mouth sags.

Glue strips No. 27 and No. 28 loosely without stretching the skin!

Modeling with a plaster after 50 years allows you to straighten the folds on the forehead, lift the nose, straighten wrinkles above the upper lip and give the upper lip the swelling characteristic of young girls, as well as model a youthful line of the mouth with raised corners of the lips!

Important. At this age, Kazuki Reiko does not recommend leaving the patch on the face for a long time; start with 15-20 minutes, observing the skin’s reaction to this modeling and gradually increase the time. The facial rejuvenation procedure using the Reiko method at this age is carried out every other day!

The procedure for gluing the patch on the face.

Now you can use the diagrams to study the procedure for gluing the adhesive patch, depending on the existing problems.

Scheme for gluing the patch No. 1-2.

Scheme for gluing the patch No. 3-4.

Pattern for gluing patch No. 5-6.

Scheme for gluing patch No. 7-8.

Choose according to the diagrams which areas of your face you need to tighten and start modeling a new, youthful face for yourself. Copy the picture diagrams and study!

Is it possible to use patches for skin rejuvenation using nourishing creams and anti-aging cosmetics? You will learn about this later, follow the articles, face mask with patch.

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For several decades, scientists (and ordinary women) have tested hundreds of ways to combat a double chin, and the results of their work prove that you can get rid of this annoying defect!

Double chin: causes of appearance in women

A double chin never appears just like that. It can be considered a kind of signal from the body that something has gone wrong. And there are quite a lot of reasons. So why does a double chin appear?

  1. Excess weight.
    As they say, the result is obvious. A double chin, like puffy cheeks, often indicates that you have gained weight. If the reason is extra pounds, then as soon as you start losing weight, the chin will begin to disappear.
  2. Problems with posture.
    “It’s all gone, it’s tied in a knot here, it’s all shriveled up like an old torn shoe - and now it’s scratching for work, as if it’s driving piles” - this quote from “Office Romance” can also well explain the possible reason for the appearance of a double chin. If you walk down the street with your head down, you risk getting a crease in your neck. If you bend over backwards over a pile of papers, you risk getting a crease on your neck. Watch your gait and body position at your desk - you won't be afraid of a double chin.
  3. Jaw structure.
    What you can’t argue with is nature. She rewarded you with an obtuse angle between the lower jaw and neck - you are at risk. But those with a large lower jaw and a high-lying hyoid bone need not worry - they will not be afraid of a double chin even if they gain 40 kilograms.
  4. Age.
    This point is worth considering separately. What happens when you suddenly lose a significant amount of pounds? Your skin did not have time to react quickly, shrink to the desired size, etc. saggy. And saggy skin in the neck area (and not just the neck, if we look at the whole picture) is an alternative to a double chin. Therefore, it is worth losing weight gradually, unless, of course, it is a matter of health, and helping the skin take on the desired size with the help of massage, creams and other procedures.
  5. Dramatic weight loss.
    This point is worth considering separately. What happens when you suddenly lose a significant amount of pounds? Your skin did not have time to react quickly, shrink to the desired size, etc. saggy. And saggy skin in the neck area (and not just the neck, if we look at the whole picture) is an alternative to a double chin. Therefore, it is worth losing weight gradually, unless, of course, it is a matter of health, and helping the skin take on the desired size with the help of massage, creams and other procedures.
  6. Hormonal imbalances and diseases.
    This is not something to joke about. A goiter can easily be confused with a double chin, but its appearance is a danger signal. If you suspect thyroid dysfunction, run to the doctor!
  7. Also associated with the appearance of a double chin is an incorrect bite, sleeping on a soft, fluffy pillow, pregnancy, and a short neck.
    As you can see, there are quite a few reasons. The result is a double chin. It's time to study methods of dealing with this unpleasant consequence in order to get rid of it once and for all.

How to avoid a double chin

Perhaps there is no universal answer to this question. As you can see, there are too many reasons for the appearance of a double chin. But a few tips are worth highlighting.

  1. Watch your weight. Proper nutrition and physical activity will not only eliminate the problem of a double chin, but will also maintain the health and strength of the body.
  2. Don't lose weight suddenly. Abuse of “model” diets threatens sagging skin and deterioration of well-being.
  3. Check your thyroid health and hormone levels regularly.
  4. Learn methods to prevent the appearance of a double chin and add them to your list of daily beauty rituals.
  5. Dont be upset! A double chin is not a death sentence; it can be corrected. Even if you didn’t see results after the first procedure, try again.

Double chin exercises

There are a great many exercises to remove a double chin. And each of them, in fact, is very simple - it cannot be compared with lifting a barbell. All you need to perform facial gymnastics is your face, a mirror and detailed instructions. No matter the time or place, you can easily wiggle your ears in traffic or raise your eyebrows while brushing your teeth. Facial fitness, like regular fitness, is a collection of many different techniques. You can choose what you like best:

  1. Revitonics - medical fitness right at your home. A method of rejuvenating the face and neck, based on osteopathy and kinesiotherapy. It saves where even the best plastic surgeon is powerless.
  2. Facebook building (face yoga, face fitness - each trainer calls it differently) - a set of exercises and massage that helps strengthen and restore the muscles of the face and neck. Suitable for those who want to remodel their face.
  3. Other face training - the essence is the same - to teach a woman to monitor the condition of her skin and posture, give her a base of exercises that promote facial rejuvenation, and instill the habit of exercising regularly.

Double chin massage

Massage plays one of the main roles in the fight against a double chin. And the best part is that you don’t have to go to a cosmetologist; you can do everything yourself at home in a comfortable environment.

Massage to remove a double chin at home is quite simple.

Option No. 1. Massage from the double chin with your hands.

  1. Your hands (pre-washed with soap);
  2. Mirror;
  3. 10 minutes of free time.
  1. With the back of your hand, lightly pat the problem area from the middle of the chin to the ears and back. On either side of the middle of the chin, pinch the skin between your index finger and thumb and move, pinching, to the ears and back.
  2. Repeat the same movements with your neck.
  3. Rub the worked areas with smooth movements from the center of the chin to the bottom of the neck, from the center of the chin to the ears.
  4. Repeat the massage morning and evening.

Option number 2. Massage from the double chin with a towel.

  1. Clean towel;
  2. Warm water;
  3. Salt - 2 tbsp.
  1. Mix salt with water.
  2. Place the towel in the solution for a couple of minutes, remove, and wring out.
  3. Twist the towel (pull one end towards you, the other away from you), hold it under your chin so that the middle sags a little (like a jump rope).
  4. Start twisting the towel - the middle will touch the problem area, massaging it. Do 10-15 repetitions.
  5. Repeat every day.

Option number 3. Massage from the double chin with vacuum cups.

  1. Vacuum banks;
  2. Massage oil or rich cream.
  1. Apply oil or cream to the neck and double chin area.
  2. Suck the jar gently and not too hard.
  3. Just as carefully, move the jar over problem areas from the center of the chin to the ears and back, from the chin to the bottom of the neck. If severe pain occurs, you should abandon the procedure.
  4. For the first session, 5 minutes is enough, then gradually increase the duration of the massage to 15 minutes.
  5. Wash off the oil with water.
  6. Repeat the procedure once a week.

Option number 4. Massage with an electric massager from the double chin.

You will find detailed massage instructions in the package with the massager, because each of them has its own characteristics, recommendations and contraindications.
Prices for such home devices start from 2,000 rubles.

Option number 5. Honey massage for double chin.

  1. Apply honey to the problem area (double chin and neck).
  2. With confident movements, begin to absorb the honey into the skin.
  3. Continue until the skin turns pink.
  4. Rinse off the honey with warm water.
  5. Repeat once every 3 days.

Double chin bandage

Double chin bandage is a very popular thing. The effect of its use is visible after a week of regular wear and lasts for a long time - the oval of the face becomes clearer, the double chin disappears, and wrinkles are smoothed out. In general, a useful thing. You can wear the bandage at home, for example, while cleaning, watching TV, while reading, or you can only wear it while sleeping. The longer you wear the bandage, the more noticeable the effect. There are many types of face bandages: for the entire face with slits for the eyes, nose and ears, only for the oval area of ​​the face, along the forehead and chin.

If you want to try the procedure here and now, without making large investments or waiting for delivery, a simple elastic bandage will suit you. A double chin face bandage made from an elastic bandage will perfectly cope with all the functions of the bandage, and after a couple of weeks there will be no trace left of your double chin.

Double chin patch

The method is, of course, peculiar, but effective. Many women use an anti-cellulite transdermal patch to combat a double chin. All you need is to find such a patch at the pharmacy and stick it on your double chin. The female testers promise results within a week.

Effective masks for double chin

Our love for fragrant masks is not in vain, because masks really work wonders on our skin. After a month of regular use in combination with massage, you will see that there is no trace left of the double chin, and the skin has become soft and noticeably rejuvenated.

What masks for face and chin lifting should you make at home?

  1. Fruit and berry.
    The undisputed leader in the fight for beauty and youthfulness of the face. Especially relevant in the summer are fresh harvests straight from the bush. Anything that grows in your dacha will do: raspberries, strawberries, currants. Fruits are also used: persimmons, bananas, apples. Mix with whey, kefir or sour cream and apply to the problem area.
  2. Clay.
    The anti-aging effect is guaranteed. Clay-based masks perfectly clean pores, tighten the skin, and nourish it with beneficial elements. Just be careful and choose a clay for your skin type.
  3. Protein.
    Chicken protein is also famous for its lifting effect. Mix protein with clay and apply to the skin - express rejuvenation is guaranteed.
  4. Vitamin E.
    This component in the masks makes itself felt after the first use: smoothes wrinkles, increases skin elasticity, and moisturizes. Vitamin E is sold in pharmacies in its pure form. You can use it directly, absorbing it into the skin, or add it to other masks and creams.
  5. Gelatin.
    Gelatin = collagen. Collagen = youthful skin. It's simple. And lifting, and tone, and beauty.
    Double chin cream

The massage was done, the device was used, a mask was applied. What about the cream? You can’t forget about the cream, because it’s almost half the success! Face-lifting creams and anti-cellulite creams can help you with equal success. And if you can apply the first one all over your face with absolute calm, then with the latter it is more difficult - the skin of your face is unlikely to be happy with the powerful anti-cellulite composition. A fat burner cream for a double chin is perfect - it will eliminate fat deposits and tighten the skin. However, you shouldn’t rely on cellulite cream alone for both your hips and your chin—you can’t expect any effect by eating a cake with tea.

How to remove a double chin with injections

Beauty injections are now available not only to world cinema stars. In any (good!) cosmetic clinic, you can choose the procedure that suits your needs and desires. In our case, the desire is to get rid of the double chin. One or two courses of injections - and the problem of the double chin is solved for at least six months. Any procedure has its contraindications, so consult a specialist.

Which double chin injections to choose?

Double chin mesotherapy is a series of injections to eliminate a double chin. The cosmetologist selects the components of the “cocktail” taking into account the patient’s characteristics. For some, a couple of sessions are enough, while others will appear in the office at least 10 times for maximum effect. Before the injections begin, an anesthetic cream is applied to the patient’s skin to make the procedure as comfortable as possible.
The cost of one procedure is from 2,000 rubles.

Correction of a double chin with lipolytics is, in essence, the processing of fat into liquid, which will later be released through the kidneys. Before the procedure, the doctor is obliged to take and check the patient’s allergy tests so that the result is not unpleasant.
After the procedure, walking, avoiding nicotine and alcohol, and regular lymphatic drainage massage are strongly recommended.

How to remove a double chin using cosmetology

So we got straight to cosmetology. Beauty injections are, of course, included in the range of cosmetic services against a double chin, but some methods are worthy of a place in a separate paragraph.

  1. Vacuum method. We have already talked about one vacuum massage - cupping massage at home. The cosmetologist will work with the patient’s double chin using a special device, the effectiveness of which is an order of magnitude higher than that of cupping. The entire procedure is completed with the addition of several skin care products, so when you leave the salon, you will immediately notice the results.
  2. Radio frequency wavesOnly surgical intervention has a similar lifting effect. But if there is an opportunity to do without a scalpel, it’s worth taking advantage of it.
  3. Microcurrent.
    Low frequency current affects fat, which, in turn, leaves the chin area, and then the body.
  4. Ultrasound.
    This beast breaks down fat in the deepest and most inaccessible layers of the skin, and at the same time promotes the production of natural collagen, which tightens the skin, preventing it from sagging.
  5. LPG massage.
    Hardware massage is carried out using a vacuum roller attachment. Fat is broken down, the skin is tightened, muscles become toned, and the oval of the face becomes clearer.
  6. Facial taping using kinesio tapes.
    The procedure is new for Russia, but it is gaining momentum very quickly. Kinesio tapes are special tapes that, by tightening the skin, “switch on” internal metabolic processes in it. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure on your own (even though the Internet is full of advertisements for the sale of such tapes for home use), since only a specialist will be able to choose the right tapes, stick them strictly in the right areas, determine the optimal time for the procedure and not abandon the course for halfway.


  1. Will my double chin go away if I lose weight?
    It all depends on the reasons for its appearance; excess weight is just one of the points. But! If you lose weight suddenly, there is a risk of getting sagging neck skin, which looks no less unsightly than a double chin. Lose weight gradually so that your skin has time to tone.
  2. Does everyone have a double chin?
    No. The appearance of a double chin depends on many factors. There are people who, even if they become very fat, will not suffer from this problem.
  3. How long does it take to remove a double chin?
    Using operations or injections - in 1 session. By practicing on your own, you will see the first results in two weeks.
  4. How can you tell if you have a double chin?
    Tuck your chin as close to your neck as possible and look in the mirror. If in the reflection a fold of skin protrudes from under the chin, you have found a double chin.
  5. Is it possible to killto get a double chin after 50 years?
    Yes, you can.
  6. After losing weight, my double chin sagged, what should I do?
    First, you should contact a cosmetologist - he will be able to assess the condition of the skin and prescribe a set of measures to combat imperfections: massage, mesotherapy, masks with a lifting effect. You can, of course, try to do it at home, but keep in mind that it will be easier to harm yourself than to tone your skin.
  7. How to sleep correctly to avoid a double chin?
    There are several recommendations:
  1. Sleep without a pillow at all.
  2. Replace your favorite high pillow with a flat one. There are even special pillows that follow the relief of the neck, shoulders, and back.
  3. Sleep on your back with your head thrown back high.
  1. If spatWithout a pillow, will my double chin go away?
    As a preventive measure for the appearance of a double chin, this advice has its own value. But it is unlikely that without additional measures (massage, creams), limiting yourself only to the absence of a pillow during sleep, you will get the desired effect.
  2. What not to eat to prevent a double chin from growing?
    The appearance of a double chin has nothing to do with food. You can adjust your diet to get rid of excess weight, and at the same time, a double chin.
  3. Does chewing gum help get rid of a double chin?
    Yes. Chewing gum is a kind of gymnastics for the jaw. Fifteen minutes of active chewing gum after a meal is enough to keep your muscles toned.
  4. What procedures (surgeries) are available to remove a double chin?
    Beauty injections: mesotherapy, correction with lipolytics.
    Hardware procedures: vacuum massage, microcurrent, radio frequency waves, ultrasound, LPG massage, facial taping using kinesio tapes.
    Operations: liposuction, mentoplasty.

What methods of dealing with a double chin do you know? Share a comment below the post! If the information was useful to you, share it, let as many women as possible know that there is life without a double chin!

Double chin is very common in both women and men. And if the latter simply need to grow a beard to disguise it, women will have to take drastic measures to eliminate this cosmetic defect.

Depending on what is the cause of the double chin, methods of dealing with it are chosen.

For some, this is easy to do at home, but for others, it is impossible to do without special procedures and even plastic surgery. In any case, a set of measures is needed in the battle for a beautiful oval face.

A double chin is mainly the fate of overweight people. But in some cases, even thin women, due to the anatomical features of the face and neck, are its owners.

Reasons for the appearance of a double chin

Often a double chin appears due to the structure of the lower jaw. If it is small and poorly expressed, then this may well be the cause of this deficiency.

Heredity, thyroid dysfunction and the woman’s age play a big role. It is known that over time, the skin loses its firmness and elasticity, the muscles of the face and neck weaken and if they are not trained, they will sooner or later lead to the appearance of a double chin.

This defect is caused by incorrect posture and the habit of constantly tilting the head. Although in some cases this may be due to the specifics of the work.

How to remove a double chin quickly

If a woman is young and a double chin has appeared recently, then it is easy to get rid of it with the help of an anti-cellulite patch. You can buy it at almost any pharmacy.

Its method of application is simple - the patch is glued under the lower jaw and within two days there will be no trace left of the double chin.

However, if this problem has already manifested itself, such a quick method will only bring temporary results. To achieve a lasting effect, you need to change your diet, engage in special physical exercise and massage.

First of all, it is recommended to limit the consumption of salt, which is the main cause of water retention in the body and the appearance of swelling, including in the lower part of the face.

During the day you need to drink as much ordinary water as possible - at least two liters per day.

To sleep, you need to choose a comfortable position and get rid of soft pillows. It is best to use a roller for these purposes.

You need to diversify your diet with seafood, and do gymnastics to increase blood circulation in your face and neck.

Massage and exercises for double chin

Don't know how to remove a double chin at home? We'll tell you.

Massage is very useful in this case. To perform it, a napkin or towel is moistened in salted water, twisted into a rope and tapped on the chin for 2 - 3 minutes.

You can perform a contrast massage - first with a cool and then with a hot towel. After finishing the procedure, the neck area is lubricated with a moisturizing nourishing cream. This massage is very effective and is recommended to be performed daily. Some women replace it with contrasting compresses.

There is another type of massage for the double chin.

First, the skin of the neck is thoroughly cleaned and a moisturizer is applied to it. Then pats are performed, starting from the bottom of the neck and gradually moving up to the jaw.

It is recommended to perform the procedure daily - in the morning after waking up and in the evening before bed. Patting can be done with a napkin soaked in an infusion of medicinal herbs - chamomile, mint and yarrow. The napkin must first be soaked in this infusion and then rolled into a roller.

You can perform pats alternately with one hand or the other, for example, while watching TV, and also do light pinching, ending the procedure with stroking movements, moving from the bottom of the neck to the chin and then in the opposite direction.

To enhance the massage effect, various means are used, for example, honey. It is often mixed with cottage cheese or sour cream.

Good results can be achieved by performing special exercises to train the chin muscles. To do this, during the day, you should throw your head back, stretch your chin forward and fix it in this position for half a minute. At the same time, muscle tension should be felt.

You can hold a pencil or pen in your teeth and write words or numbers in the air.

Double chin masks

You can get rid of a double chin only through a set of procedures. One of their components is homemade masks, which will help not only eliminate this deficiency, but also make the skin of the neck and décolleté more beautiful and youthful.

A potato mask is great for combating double chin.

First you need to prepare salted mashed potatoes. If the skin is oily, then it is boiled in water, but if it is dry, it is boiled in milk.

The prepared composition is applied to the skin of the neck, and to keep the puree warm longer, cover it with a napkin or towel. The procedure takes half an hour. Then you need to wash your face with water at room temperature and apply moisturizer to your skin.

Yeast mask for double chin

Yeast is diluted with warm water to a thick sour cream and left until the fermentation process begins. As soon as bubbles appear, the yeast is ready to use. This remedy is applied to the neck and chin and secured with a gauze bandage. When the yeast hardens, it must be washed off with water and a nourishing cream must be applied.

Double chin surgical removal

In “advanced” cases or due to the structural features of the chin, home methods do not help.

Therefore, if desired, you can turn to more radical methods, one of which is plastic surgery. It is quite simple, but, nevertheless, as with any surgical intervention, it leads to stress on the body, and sometimes to unforeseen results.

This operation is contraindicated for women with vascular and heart problems. It should also not be used for those suffering from diabetes and thyroid disease.

During the operation, an incision is made in the jaw muscle, through which subcutaneous fat is pumped out and the skin fold on the neck is reduced.