Orange for face reviews

Orange is a fruit that is healthy in all respects. When you consume it internally, you receive a colossal dose of vitamins A, B and C and beneficial microelements that help cleanse the blood, tone the body and improve mood. However, this fruit can also be used “outside”: masks using orange peel powder will allow you to achieve any beauty goal that you set for yourself, be it hydration, skin radiance or an anti-age effect.

For radiant facial skin

Use an orange to erase the consequences of a bad night from your face? Easily. Mix two tablespoons of orange powder, half a cup of distilled water (you can always find it at the pharmacy), the juice of one lemon and add two aloe vera leaves to the mix. Blend it all in a blender, pour the mixture into ice cube trays and leave it in the freezer overnight. If you feel unwell in the morning, cheer up with an ice cube massage.

If your main goal is to make your skin glowing and fresh, then pay attention to the following recipe. Make sure you have one teaspoon of orange powder, one teaspoon of natural honey and a little turmeric available. Mix the ingredients to a paste consistency and apply to your face with a large makeup brush (don't forget to sanitize it first!). After ten minutes, after washing off the mask with warm water, you will be surprised: the skin will acquire a perfectly even tone, and blackheads and enlarged pores will disappear.


For an anti-aging mask, you will need only two ingredients - one tablespoon of orange powder and a cup of coconut oil (the latter, by the way, is a craze for celebrities all over the world). Mix the powder with oil and then apply to the skin and continue massaging it with wet hands. Vitamin C will promote collagen production and improve skin elasticity, while coconut oil will energize and moisturize your skin.

To moisturize the skin of the face and body

If your skin has become too dry after the winter, try the following recipe: mix half a cup of olive oil with one teaspoon of orange powder, adding a couple of drops of vanilla extract. Extra nutrition and saturation of the skin will not keep you waiting! By the way, the resulting mask can be applied to other areas of the body: hands, elbows and heels also deserve to be soft and gentle!

In short, the number of mask recipes is limited only by your knowledge of the beauty properties of various products and your imagination!

Orange for the face benefits the skin due to its properties. You can use different parts of the fruit: zest, pulp, juice. Essential oil is also useful. The product should be used with caution: citrus fruits often cause allergic reactions.

Composition and beneficial properties of orange

  1. Orange pulp contains a large amount of useful substances. Due to the high content of ascorbic acid, fruits strengthen the immune system. Phytonicides with antibacterial properties destroy pathogenic microorganisms and prevent the development of pathologies. Beta-carotene has a positive effect on visual acuity. Folic acid is especially important for pregnant women: this substance is necessary for the proper formation of the central nervous system of the fetus. The composition also includes vitamins B, H, P.
  2. Oranges have a tonic effect, relieve fatigue and lethargy. Regular consumption helps reduce sensitivity to low temperatures. Since 100 g contains only 36 kcal, oranges can be eaten when losing weight, or replaced with healthy fruits in high-calorie desserts. There are also special weight loss systems in which orange citrus fruits become the main food. The pulp contains: zinc, potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, molybdenum.
  3. The fruits are beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the high fiber content, they stimulate intestinal motility and remove toxic substances and waste from the body. For liver and pulmonary pathologies, anemia, and joint diseases, the use of natural juice is recommended. In addition, citrus fruits are used for vitamin deficiency and to prevent it.

Mechanism of action on the skin

Orange peel scrubs exfoliate dead epithelial particles and stimulate local blood circulation. They help get rid of cellulite and nourish the skin thanks to the essential oils contained in the zest.

Masks are useful for facial skin:

  1. They nourish the skin, soften it, and get rid of oily sheen.
  2. Vitamin C and antioxidants slow down the aging process and smooth out wrinkles.
  3. Citrus is a natural whitening agent and helps with acne.
  4. Anti-inflammatory properties help prevent breakouts.
  5. In addition, orange tightens pores. Oxygen metabolism is normalized, free radicals are removed, which accelerate aging and worsen appearance.

Oranges will also bring benefits when consumed internally: since they help remove toxic substances, the condition of the skin improves.

Contraindications for use

In some cases, the use of orange care products will have to be abandoned. You should not use citrus if you have an allergic reaction or individual intolerance. You should not use them for open injuries: wounds, cuts, burns. You should also avoid orange cosmetics if you have vascular networks on your face.

If adverse reactions occur during use, it is better to stop using it and choose other means. In addition, use is contraindicated for benign and malignant tumors, eczema, dermatitis, herpes on the face or lips.

Methods of application

At home, orange citrus fruits can be used in a variety of ways.


Orange infusion helps remove toxins from the body. With regular use, your general condition will improve, your skin will become healthier, the number of rashes will decrease, and new ones will appear less often.

To prepare, you will need to mix orange peel with cumin and buckthorn bark in equal proportions, add a glass of water and boil for 5 minutes. Cool, strain. Drink a glass in the morning and evening.

Orange ice

You can wipe your face with orange ice: this product will help slow down the aging process and accelerate cell regeneration. Can be used not only for facial skin; If you regularly rub ice on your thighs, you can get rid of cellulite or make it less pronounced. Ice for the face can be used to increase elasticity and improve turgor.

You will need peels for cooking. You should chop them finely, put them in a saucepan and pour boiling water over them. Then cover the container with a lid and leave to brew for 12 hours. Then the raw material should be squeezed out. The orange water should be yellow-orange in color. The resulting liquid should be strained and then poured into ice molds. Place in the freezer and freeze. Wipe your face daily in the morning; It is recommended to wipe problem areas: thighs, buttocks, stomach.


Scrubs can be made in various ways. A remedy of 2 tbsp helps a lot. orange juice, 1 tsp. flower honey, 1 tsp. chopped hazelnuts. All components must be mixed until the mixture is homogeneous. Apply a small amount of the resulting product onto the skin of the face and neck in a circular motion using your fingertips, massage lightly, and rinse. Dry your face with a soft towel.

You can also use citrus peels. An effective remedy can be obtained by mixing equal amounts of crushed orange peels with lemon zest and pouring in a small amount of milk. Use 1-2 times a week. If you add 1 tsp. flower honey or 1-2 drops of rose essential oil, the cleansing will be deeper.

A good orange peel scrub can also be made with other ingredients. You should take 2 tbsp. oatmeal and wheat germ powder, add 4 tbsp. dried zest, mix thoroughly. This mass is used as a base; It can be stored for several weeks. The components will not lose their beneficial properties during storage. Use no more than 1-2 times a week.


You can make homemade face lotion based on alcohol infusion.

For oily skin, a product made from 1 orange and 100 ml of vodka is suitable. The fruit along with the peel should be grated on a fine grater and poured with an alcoholic drink. After this, leave for a week in a dark, warm place. Then you need to strain the resulting liquid using a gauze bandage folded several times, add 1 tsp. glycerin (you can buy it at the pharmacy). This product tightens pores and eliminates oily shine. You should wipe your face with lotion every night.

For young girls, a product with grapes is a good choice. You should take orange juice and castor oil 1 tbsp, 5 grapes, 4 tbsp. rose water, mix all ingredients, then use a blender to bring the mixture to a homogeneous mass, strain. Use once a day. Shelf life in the refrigerator does not exceed 1 week.


You can make a good remedy from natural coffee, orange and honey. You need to take 1 orange, puree it using a blender, add 1 tbsp. ground coffee beans, pour in 1 tbsp. flower honey. Apply the resulting product over your face using massaging movements, leave for 5-7 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Repeat once a week.

Face mask recipes

Orange face masks can be prepared in various ways. When choosing a product, you should select components that will not cause an allergic reaction or cause skin rashes.

For wrinkles

A mixture of 1 tbsp will help smooth out shallow wrinkles. orange juice, 1 tbsp. cottage cheese, 1 tsp. olive oil. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and spread over the face in a thin layer. Leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Can be applied to the neck and décolleté area.

You can get rid of wrinkles using a different composition. You will need to take 15 ml of orange juice and 10 g of cocoa butter and kelp powder. Pour mineral water over the seaweed for 15 minutes, add the remaining ingredients, and stir until smooth. Apply to face using a spatula. Keep for 20 minutes. Wash. Carry out a course of 5–7 procedures.

For acne

For acne, a mixture of 5 g of zest, 5 g of calendula and 10 g of chickpea flour helps well. Grind all components, mix, pour in a small amount of green tea, spread over the skin, paying special attention to problem areas, leave for 12 minutes.


Take the zest of a medium-sized citrus and grind it to a powder. Add 1 tsp. liquid honey, 2 tbsp. lemon juice. Apply to pre-cleaned skin and leave for no more than 10 minutes.

You can use another recipe. 10 g of pulp should be mixed with 5 g of starch and 10 g of honey. Apply the resulting mass in a thin layer to your face and leave for 12–15 minutes. A course of 12 procedures will be required.


There are several recipes for citrus-based anti-aging products. To prepare one of them you need to take 1 tbsp. orange fruit juice, mix with the same amount of honey. Keep on skin for 10 minutes.

To prepare another remedy, you need 1 tbsp. add chopped peel to 1 tbsp. almond oil and pour into 2 tbsp. white clay. Stir. Keep on face for 20 minutes.

A mixture with jojoba oil also helps. You need to dilute 15 g of gelatin in warm mineral water and bring to homogeneity using a water bath. Add 15 ml of citrus juice and 5 ml of jojoba oil to the heated mass. Apply to steamed skin with a spatula. Leave for 30–40 minutes. After this, remove the film mask.


To prepare a cleansing composition, mix 15 ml of orange juice with 5 ml of aloe juice, add 2 drops of myrrh essential oil to the resulting liquid, add 5 g of sea salt. Distribute over cleansed skin and hold for 5 minutes. Repeat no more than once every 5 weeks.

For oily skin

Those with oily skin can reduce sebum production with a mixture of the juice of half a medium orange, 1 thoroughly beaten egg white and 1 tbsp. corn flour. The ingredients should be stirred to obtain a homogeneous mass. Then the mask is applied to the face; it should be kept for 1/4 hour. Use cool water to wash your face.

For dry skin

Girls with dry skin can use a pulp-based product. 15 g of fruit crushed with a grater should be mixed with 10 ml of coconut oil, then add the Ascorutin tablet ground into powder. Leave on face for 20–45 minutes, remove with a cotton pad soaked in warm water.

There is another composition that helps moisturize the skin. To prepare it you will need to take 1 tbsp. strong black tea and flaxseed oil, 1 tbsp. fish oil and 2 tsp. cottage cheese with high fat content. All components are ground in a blender until smooth, after which flour from orange peel is added to the resulting product. Leave on face for 1/4 hour.

From blackheads

A mixture of 2 tbsp will help get rid of blackheads. natural yogurt and 1 tbsp. chopped zest. The components are mixed, spread over the surface of the face with a spatula, and kept for 10 minutes. The mixture will not only remove impurities from the pores, but also get rid of dead skin particles and flaking.


Tamara, 47 years old, Penza: “A neighbor advised me to use an orange mask for wrinkles: it helps her well. I decided to try it. From the very first use I noticed positive changes. The skin became more pleasant to the touch, small wrinkles almost smoothed out, larger ones became less deep. In addition, the product smells pleasant and does not contain dangerous and harmful chemical additives, which are abundant in store-bought cosmetics. Another advantage is the low cost and ease of manufacture: it’s easy to mix all the components, they don’t cost much.”

Inga, 33 years old, Krasnoyarsk: “During the second pregnancy, the skin condition worsened greatly: rashes appeared, sebum began to be produced too actively, which is why blackheads and pimples appeared. I did not use store-bought cosmetics so as not to harm the child. I tried natural cosmetics. Often, however, the formulations turned out to be ineffective. Orange masks worked well. I used the variety for oily skin and acne. Within a month, the skin became much cleaner, smoother and more elastic.”

Alexandra, 22 years old, Lipetsk: “Since store-bought products are expensive and the student doesn’t have much money, I decided to switch to natural skin care. Orange masks for dry skin have proven effective. I use it regularly. I also use orange water toner. It's refreshing, smells delicious, and helps you wake up well in the morning. “Particularly strong changes occur in winter: previously the skin was very flaky, dried out and looked bad even with regular use of cosmetics, now the negative reactions are much less pronounced.”

Alena, 26 years old, Izhevsk: “Orange ice has replaced several expensive store-bought products. I wipe my face every day in the morning after cleansing. It's invigorating, I wake up immediately. It smells nice and the scent stays on the skin for some time. The face looks younger and healthier. I also regularly wipe my thighs - cellulite almost does not appear even with compression, although previously one could notice unevenness even at rest. I recommend it: safe, inexpensive and effective.”

Orange face masks are an excellent cosmetic product for skin rejuvenation. They eliminate signs of fatigue, remove toxins, tone the skin, smooth out wrinkles, and are suitable for women of all ages. Everyone loves the bright, sunny, amazingly smelling fruit called orange. Just the sight of it causes appetite and a desire to feast on it. It contains many vitamins, macro- and microelements that are beneficial for the body and skin.

What are the benefits of orange for the face?

  1. The fruit contains a large amount of vitamins, which makes it indispensable for skin regeneration.
  2. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which is especially useful for sensitive skin.
  3. Improves skin firmness and elasticity.
  4. Tightens enlarged pores.
  5. It is useful to wipe your face with orange juice every day, and after 10 minutes. sweep. Light peeling with fruit acids occurs.
  6. This is an effective emollient cosmetic product.
  7. Orange is an excellent tonic, especially in the hot season.
  8. It helps with acne.
  9. It is a natural skin brightener.
  10. It normalizes oxygen exchange in the skin and actively fights free radicals.
  11. The fruit resists aging and aging of the skin. Vitamin C included in the composition stimulates the production of natural collagen, antioxidants fight wrinkles.

The result of using orange on the face

  1. Skin nutrition improves.
  2. The process of cell renewal is underway.
  3. The aging process slows down.

What to pay attention to:

  1. Before applying the mask, you need to check your skin for sensitivity. To do this, you need to apply a little orange juice to your wrist, hold it for 15 minutes, and see if there is any redness. If all is well, the product can be used.
  2. Orange juice should be fresh, natural, and not in bags from the store.
  3. It is recommended to prepare masks in glass or plastic containers to preserve vitamins.

Orange face masks: the best recipes

Here are some healthy recipes that you can use according to your skin type:

For dry skin: with orange zest

Take 2 tbsp. l. dried orange zest, which needs to be crushed in a coffee grinder, add 1 tbsp. l. fat cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon of flaxseed oil, mix. If the mixture is thick, dilute it with strong green tea. Apply the contents to the face, neck and décolleté and leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

For normal skin: with orange juice

Take 3 tbsp. l. fresh orange juice, add the same amount of banana puree, and 1 tsp. liquid honey. Mix the ingredients and apply to the face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

For dry and normal skin: with egg

Mix the juice of one medium-sized orange with 3 tbsp. l. rich homemade sour cream and one egg yolk, beaten until foamy. Spread the mixture in an even layer on the face, following the direction of the massage lines, hold for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm, then cool water, and apply nourishing cream.

For oily skin: with corn flour

Take 2 tbsp. l. fresh orange juice, mixed with 1 tbsp. l. corn flour, add egg white beaten until foamy. Apply to face, keep for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

For combination skin: with cottage cheese

Take 2 tbsp. spoons of fresh orange juice, mixed with the same amount of low-fat cottage cheese. Apply the mixture to the face, neck and décolleté and leave for 15 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.

For mature skin: with olive oil

3 tbsp. l. orange pulp mixed 2 tbsp. l. fat cottage cheese, add 1 tsp. olive or peach oil, whatever you have on hand. Mix the ingredients and apply to the face, leave for 25 - 30 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.

For enlarged pores: with egg white

2 tbsp. l. Mix orange juice with egg whites beaten until foamy, add chopped oatmeal. Mix the ingredients well and apply to the face. Keep for 15-20 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water.

Tightening pores: with green clay

Take the juice of 1 orange, add 2 tbsp. spoons of green clay, 5 g of milk powder. Mix the ingredients and apply to the face, leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. The mask refreshes the skin, reduces oiliness, improves complexion, and tightens pores.

To improve color: with linden

Take 3 tbsp. l. fresh orange juice, pour 1 tbsp. l. dried linden flowers, leave for 15 minutes, then add 1 tsp. liquid honey and the same amount of lemon juice. Mix the ingredients and apply to the face, neck and décolleté for 15-20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm, then cold water.

For acne: with soda

1 tbsp. l. mix orange juice with 1 tbsp. l. soda, for thickness you can add a little flour, apply the mixture in a circular motion on the face, rubbing into the skin, hold for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The mask cleanses the face well and fights various types of rashes and acne.

Anti-wrinkle: with essential oils

Take an egg yolk, beat it, add 1 drop of orange oil and 3 drops of neroli oil. Mix the ingredients and apply to the face. Keep until dry. Rinse with warm water, then apply nourishing cream. The mask is suitable for all skin types.

Now you know how to prepare orange face masks, and you can choose the best recipes for yourself.