Anti-wrinkle eye device

None of us can avoid the appearance of wrinkles. For some it will appear a little earlier, for others later, but a loss of elasticity and a change in color will occur in everyone. These are natural age-related changes in the condition of the skin, because the older we get, the more noticeable they are. In order to delay these processes as much as possible, it is recommended to use anti-wrinkle facial massagers along with cosmetic care. This is an affordable way of skin care that you can do right at home. You should start using them at the age of 25-30.

Types of facial massagers

The skin on the face is the most sensitive compared to the rest of the body. It is especially susceptible to exposure to sunlight, wind and moisture, which affects its condition. In addition, there are a huge number of facial muscles that subject the skin to constant tension, movement, stretching and tightening. To improve the condition of facial skin, many models of devices have been developed that will rejuvenate it. For example, eye massage glasses are used for sensitive skin. All facial devices have the following effects:

  1. normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  2. relieve pigment spots and swelling;
  3. accelerate blood circulation, which improves the supply of nutrients to the skin;
  4. cleanse pores;
  5. smooth out and sometimes completely remove wrinkles;
  6. increase skin tone.

This technique uses different methods of influencing the skin and wrinkles. Some of the massagers are used for procedures in professional beauty salons; they are bulky and you cannot buy one for home. Other devices allow you to perform self-massage, fit in your hand and do not even require connection to an outlet. The following popular options for anti-wrinkle facial massagers are distinguished:

  1. Roller. The most affordable, one might even say budget, type of this technique that every woman can afford. It consists of two rollers of different sizes, which are connected to each other, made of plastic, wood, stone. They are passed along the face along massage lines, the effect occurs down to the deep layers of the skin, which has a tightening effect.
  2. Vacuum. This option is considered one of the most popular types of massagers, which provide the opportunity to effectively cleanse pores and fight wrinkles. Its use gives the face a healthy color, the skin becomes firmer, more elastic, blackheads and inflammation disappear. People who have acute venous disease, skin damage, rashes or other inflammatory processes should be careful - all of these are contraindications for using a vacuum facial massager.
  3. Oxygen. The peculiarity of this option is its ability to saturate the blood with oxygen and accelerate blood circulation. The massager increases reparative and metabolic processes, which helps improve complexion and skin condition.
  4. Ultrasonic facial massager. The main feature of such a device is to eliminate skin defects, unevenness and increase smoothness. Ultrasound causes cells to “shrink and unclench,” which makes them more even and the skin smoother. There is also a lifting effect.
  5. Laser. It is used, as a rule, to tighten the oval of the face. Provides the ability to effectively combat fine expression wrinkles, improves and evens out complexion. The massager actively stimulates and accelerates metabolism, and a noticeable result is visible after the first use.
  6. Imostimulants. This is a type of electric massager, the effect of which has a lifting effect, smoothing out facial wrinkles, and getting rid of fat deposits in the neck area. Under the influence of the device, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage significantly improve. Facial massagers for wrinkles of this type are called the best alternative to Botox.
  7. Massager for the skin around the eyes. Due to the special tenderness of this area of ​​the face, as a rule, models of devices with infrared exposure are used. They remove age spots, dryness, and expression wrinkles. Eye massagers are compact in size with a metal tip. Based on the type of impact, they are classified as vibrating massagers. The set may contain several types of attachments. Another option is a magnetic acupuncture device, which acts precisely in this area of ​​the face.
  8. With ultrasound and infrared radiation. This is a symbiosis of the models described above, helping to enhance the effectiveness of the effect on wrinkles.

How to choose a facial anti-wrinkle device

Due to the sensitivity of the skin in this area of ​​the body, you should be very careful when choosing a massager so as not to harm yourself. It is better to contact a specialist cosmetologist once, who will determine your individual skin problems and give recommendations regarding the appropriate option for an anti-wrinkle device. Next, you will need to choose among the models presented in stores. To select a quality massager, pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Type of food. There may be plug-in or battery-powered models, but it's best to look for 2-in-1 options.
  2. Dimensions. For self-massage, it is better to choose light models, but not too light, because lightweight ones, as a rule, do not cope with their responsibilities.
  3. Comfortable handle. You will have to hold the device yourself throughout the entire procedure, so you need a comfortable handle.
  4. Power. The higher this indicator, the louder the device operates, but also the greater the likelihood that it will cope with its duties.
  5. Nozzles Massagers come with different equipment, so it’s worth checking for additional attachments if you need them.

How to use

You should prepare for a facial massage, taking into account the features of the massager you have chosen. They are different for everyone: for example, for vacuum models you do not need to pre-apply any cosmetics. As a rule, all these nuances and features are described in the instructions for the device. But there are rules that are the same for all devices:

  1. cleanse your facial skin with gel or foam;
  2. steam it;
  3. treat with tonic;
  4. perform a facial massage;
  5. Apply a mask or cream to close the pores.

If you use a myostimulation device or an ultrasonic, infrared massager, then you should apply cream first. Under the influence of such devices, it will penetrate the skin as deeply as possible, which will allow it to act as effectively as possible. Remember that facial massage should be carried out in accordance with the direction of the massage lines. You can ask a massage therapist or cosmetologist about them.

Review of popular massagers for facial wrinkles

  1. Gezatone AMG106. This is the brainchild of a French company that produces high-quality devices. The massager from Gezaton has 4 attachments for effective and deep stimulation of the skin. The advantage of the device is that it is resistant to moisture, so it can be used in a bathroom or bathhouse. The device is powered by batteries, has a compact size and copes well with its functions.
  2. Mini Casada. A very compact and convenient vibrating facial massager, powered by AA batteries, which makes the device mobile. The Kasad company specializes specifically in massagers and not only for the face. The device has two vibration speeds and can also be used on the arms, neck, and shoulders.
  3. Revoskin Gold. Japanese ultrasonic ion massager. The model has two targeted actions for skin rejuvenation: ultrasound, which improves blood circulation and metabolism, and ions, which smooth out facial folds. The device is compact and resembles a pen with a small roller-shaped attachment. Powered by a battery, the weight of the product without it is only 80 g.
  4. V-ball. This is a Korean-made massager that cannot be called mobile, but this drawback is compensated by its ease of use. The device has a control panel and a kind of mask that is worn on the face. You don't need to massage it yourself; the device does everything itself using small balls. Works only from a socket.
  5. Gezatone Super Wet Cleaner. Light massager (150g) for cleansing facial skin, improving lymphatic drainage, smoothing facial wrinkles. The kit includes 2 additional attachments, easy to assemble and disassemble. Powered by two AA batteries, there is a pouch for storing the device.

Contraindications for use

There are some features in which the use of facial massagers for wrinkles is contraindicated. Depending on the type of exposure of the device, they may differ: for example, electric options are not used if the skin is highly sensitive, and infrared is not used if there are external damage to the skin. An ultrasonic massager cannot be used if you have implants, and a vacuum massager is prohibited if you have dilated blood vessels or inflamed skin. General contraindications include:

  1. severe pathologies of blood vessels or heart;
  2. malignant neoplasms;
  3. inflammatory diseases in the acute stage;
  4. lactation or pregnancy;
  5. diabetes;
  6. tuberculosis;
  7. infectious skin rashes.

Video: how to do facial massage at home

To tighten your facial skin and rejuvenate your skin, you don’t have to go to a beauty salon for expensive procedures. You can handle everything yourself at home. All you need is a facial massager for wrinkles and some free time. It is important to follow the correct technique of the procedure when running it along the massage lines of the face. The video below shows how to use the massager.


Evgeniya, 32 years old I have been using a device from Gezaton for several years now. I'm very pleased with the result. I combine this facial massager with masks and lotions. The skin acquires an even color, without any blackheads or pigment spots. The device is light in weight and easy to use, and does its job well. I even take it with me on business trips.

Miroslava, 34 years old I used the lulu ultra trainer after I appreciated the photos before and after use. As a result, nothing worked for me with its help, the wrinkles did not smooth out, and my skin did not look any better. The massager may not be expensive, but it is of little use. Plus I feel ridiculous while using it. I will fight wrinkles with the help of another device, for example, a needle massager.

Katya, 28 years old I have no problems with wrinkles or age spots, but I really like to use massagers to relax my face. This is a separate pleasure point in my schedule. Until you start doing massages, you don’t understand how pleasant and useful it is. I give preference to products from Casada, because this is a specialized company for such devices.

Eye massagers

We often experience painful spasms in the head when there is a lot of strain on our eyes. If you cannot reduce the amount of work on the computer, you should not abuse painkillers. In order to improve vision, it is better to choose a modern device for a special eye massage, which is equivalent to a salon procedure. GEZATONE has managed to create a whole line of universal, small-sized eye massagers that will improve your well-being in the shortest possible time.

The effect of the massager to improve vision and the condition of the skin around the eyes

You can try using the device in different operating modes:

• plastic massage for skin lifting – devices m190, Minilift Eyes m 809;
• vibration procedures to restore visual acuity – Gezatone BEM-I, BEM-III eye massage glasses;
• general physiotherapeutic relaxation programs (magnetic therapy and acupuncture procedures) – models ISee 208, iS-360.

As you can see, with the help of comprehensive care, a massager for the skin around the eyes with the help of special attachments combines the following whole arsenal of useful procedures in its work.

The eye device will allow you to:

  1. Tighten the skin.
  2. Relax the muscles of the eyeball after prolonged visual stress.
  3. Relieve general eye fatigue.
  4. Get rid of excess puffiness of the eyelids.
  5. Smooth out deep wrinkles.
  6. Restore blood supply.
  7. Promote the absorption of medicinal cosmetics for the eye skin.

Advantages of modern eye massagers and facial devices

GEZATONE eye massage can recreate the atmosphere of a salon massage at home.

The procedure will be for you:

  1. Safe thanks to a modern approach to project implementation;
  2. With pleasant sensations and no skin irritation;
  3. Silent and relaxing thanks to quiet operation and the presence of built-in melodies in some models of the Gezaton eye massager;
  4. Effective for lifting facial skin and improving vision in the shortest possible time.

After several sessions, a certified device will become an indispensable assistant in the care of tired eyes.

Normal visual acuity in humans is half that of an eagle, but ten times higher than that of a dragonfly. The result is not bad! This is how nature created us. But in modern life, unfortunately, there are too many things that are harmful to vision: TVs, computers, even 3D films... But an eye massager is a device that is not an enemy to vision, but a friend. What effect and benefits do eye massagers have?

Why are eye massagers so effective?

The miracle device has the shape of glasses that cover the upper part of the face. What is the effect of an eye massager and how is it achieved?

Most models have many rubber “fingers” attached to the inside. They perform a mechanical massage - they vibrate and tap the area around the eyes, relaxing the extraocular muscles, relieving pain and fatigue.

There are models in which these massage elements also affect acupuncture points. Often small magnets are attached to the ends of the “fingers”. Their microfields improve the tone of muscles and blood vessels.

Many massagers have an infrared heating function. IR radiation penetrates tissue to a depth of 4 cm, activating blood flow, metabolism, and increasing immunity.

However, the benefits of an eye massager are not limited to treatment. It also gives a cosmetic effect: relieves swelling, rejuvenates the skin, smoothes out wrinkles. This is what ultrasonic models “specialise” in. They emit pulses that gently exfoliate dead skin cells without mechanical impact.

Reviews from doctors about eye massagers

What do doctors say about eye massagers?

Ophthalmologists accept them with a bang. The main reason: thanks to massage devices, the quality of vision improves. This is quite natural. After all, massage relaxes and tones the oculomotor muscles, improves their metabolism. As a result, a person begins to see better, glare and flickering dots stop appearing before the eyes, pain and irritation, and the feeling of “sand in the eyes” disappear.

Neurologists are grateful to eye massagers for relieving patients of migraines and insomnia.

Cosmetologists, like doctors, leave positive reviews about eye massagers. After all, they improve the appearance and condition of the skin! Massage restores lymph outflow and promotes blood flow to the periocular area. Puffiness goes away, bags under the eyes decrease. Facial tissues are saturated with oxygen and nutrients, metabolism is activated.

All this together leads to the fact that the skin restores elasticity, facial wrinkles on it are noticeably smoothed out. Of course, it is easier to prevent wrinkles from occurring than to fight those that have already appeared.

A particularly good effect is achieved if you start regularly using a massager from the age of 30. If you supplement creams with massage, you can look 5 or even 10 years younger than your age.

However, it happens that doctors still do not recommend massagers. The reason is that patients sometimes recklessly buy devices without thinking about contraindications. But before any impact on the eyes, it is simply necessary to consult an ophthalmologist!

Eye massagers: contraindications

Contraindications for using eye massagers are:

  1. inflammatory eye diseases
  2. cataract
  3. glaucoma
  4. retinal detachment and tear
  5. artificial lens
  6. previous eye surgeries
  7. head injuries.

Otherwise, the same prohibitions apply as for all types of massage:

  1. infectious diseases with fever
  2. skin damage
  3. low pressure
  4. malignant neoplasms.

If you suffer from neurological disorders, use an eye massager only with the permission of a specialist doctor.

Tips for using an eye massager

How to use an eye massager?

The ideal option is to make massage a daily pleasant ritual. It is better to conduct the session by relaxing and taking a comfortable position, preferably reclining. Exposure should last no more than 15 minutes per day.

In what situations should you not use an eye massager?

Of course, this is excluded when you are driving or while sleeping. Do not turn on the device in the bathroom. It is generally not suitable for rooms with high air humidity.

Important rule: before starting the massage, do not forget to remove your contact lenses!

Children can also use an eye massager - after all, schoolchildren read a lot, and this creates a serious strain on their eyesight. But if the child is under 10 years old, an adult must be with him throughout the session.

The device should only be used for its intended purpose. It cannot be washed or disassembled by yourself.