Anti-wrinkle device at home reviews

Hardware cosmetology at home - inexpensive transformation

Hardware cosmetology at home – is this option possible? Many people have asked this question, since any woman dreams of maintaining her own youth and attractiveness.

Modern cosmetology has stepped far forward. And specialists in this field offer many procedures. Such manipulations not only smooth out wrinkles, but also have a beneficial effect on the skin, making it elastic and smooth.

If you don’t have time to visit salons, then you can take advantage of all the benefits of hardware cosmetology at home.

To use the devices, no special skills are required, but it is worth remembering the indications and contraindications for such procedures.

What is hardware cosmetology?

This section of cosmetology includes a number of manipulations. To eliminate age-related changes and combat aesthetic defects, special equipment is used.

Its impact extends not only to the upper, but also to the deep faults of the epidermis.
The procedures contribute, for example, to the decomposition of fatty tissues, cell restoration, increased synthesis of hyaluronic acid and collagen fibers, and activation of blood circulation.

By the way, reviews from women who have personally experienced the effects of modern equipment confirm its high efficiency.

Cosmetic devices for home use will be an excellent alternative to plastic surgery and injection techniques.

Procedures using special devices help achieve, for example, the following results:

  1. eliminating fine wrinkles and reducing the severity of deep folds;
  2. reducing pore size, removing acne, blackheads;
  3. even out complexion;
  4. giving the skin smoothness and elasticity;
  5. removal of excess vegetation on the body;
  6. facelift;
  7. combating signs of cellulite, strengthening the muscular system.

From messages on thematic forums you can find out that the effect obtained depends on the type and power of the equipment. To correct aesthetic imperfections, sessions should be repeated regularly.

10 contraindications

Many representatives of the fair sex improve their appearance with the help of modern equipment, as the effect is amazing. But before you buy this or that device, you need to make sure there are no contraindications.


  1. Malignant neoplasms, since the effect of hardware techniques can stimulate cell growth and worsen the condition of patients.
  2. Pregnancy period, since experts do not recommend putting the health of the developing fetus at risk. After all, radio waves lead to contractions of the uterus.
  3. Breast-feeding.
  4. Inflammation of the skin, exacerbation of herpes, abrasions, scratches, wounds.
  5. Fungal infection in problem areas.
  6. Autoimmune diseases.
  7. Impaired kidney and liver function.
  8. Some pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
  9. Use of pacemakers.
  10. Taking certain medications.

For the first few sessions, it is better to visit a specialized salon. Since the cosmetologist will explain the principle of operation of the devices and clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the chosen technique.

Types of devices for face and body care at home

Today it is difficult to surprise someone with the methods of hardware cosmetology, since new technologies have already become part of everyday life. Special manipulations are aimed at quickly and painlessly cleansing pores, tightening the skin, reducing the severity of wrinkles and solving other problems.

By the way, the price of these hardware procedures in salons is quite high, but performing them at home will cost much less.

To do this, just buy a suitable device in an online store. In addition, in beauty salons you will have to pay for each person, but at home, all household members will be able to use the devices.

Units intended for skin care are classified depending on their operating principle:

  1. Microcurrent therapy devices.
  2. Ultrasonic devices.
  3. Vacuum units.
  4. Devices for darsonvalization.

Operating principle of cosmetic devices

When it comes to choosing a suitable device, questions often arise about what to choose to improve your appearance, what is best suited to solve each specific problem.

The ideal option would be a consultation with a specialist who will examine the condition of the epidermis and recommend a suitable cosmetic device for home use.

Microcurrent or galvanic devices affect small blood vessels located in the skin. As a result, blood circulation improves and cells receive more oxygen and nutrients.

In addition, metabolic products are eliminated faster, and the aging process slows down. Collagen production is stimulated, which improves skin firmness and elasticity. Thanks to the acceleration of cell division, tissue renewal is activated.

All this ultimately leads to an improvement in complexion, smoothing out small wrinkles, increasing the clarity of contours, and tightening the oval of the face.

By the way, weak electrical impulses provide a pronounced lifting effect. They accelerate the movement of active substances in cells. It is for this reason that galvanic devices are used to perform mesotherapy without injections.

With the help of microcurrents, rejuvenating and nourishing components penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, while simultaneously strengthening the facial muscles, toning and tightening the oval of the face.

Microcurrent devices can be used to correct not only the face, but also the neck, décolleté and other areas of the body.

Ultrasonic devices provide gentle massage and cleansing. They quickly eliminate dead epidermal cells and smooth the surface of the skin.

Ultrasound procedures are effective against acne and blackheads. Such manipulations will be a worthy alternative to salon peeling, as the effect pleases many.

In addition, some regimens accelerate cellular turnover and collagen production. Another advantage of ultrasound therapy is the lymphatic drainage effect and elimination of swelling.

Devices for vacuum facial cleansing at home quickly remove sebaceous plugs, have lymphatic drainage and massage effects, and improve appearance.

Consumer reviews in 2017 or 2018 will help you decide what to choose for yourself and what effect to expect from the purchased device.

Question answer

What type of device is the best?

Can the effect of home and salon hardware cosmetology be compared?

Can I use the devices during pregnancy?

Popular models and their features

Modern cosmetic devices intended for independent use were developed specifically for people who want to look young and attractive without injection techniques and plastic surgery.

Let's look at the most popular models of devices and their impact on dermatological problems to decide what exactly you need.

5 devices for microcurrent therapy

Microcurrent cleaning is achieved using direct current. As a result, impurities and sebaceous plugs are removed, acne is treated, and the activity of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

Below are only the most common microcurrent devices:

Name Peculiarities
Gezatone Bio Wave m920 This is a device designed for complete care of facial skin. Using galvanic action, you can achieve a significant lifting effect, refresh and rejuvenate the skin. Additionally, blood microcirculation improves, wrinkles are smoothed out, swelling is removed, skin cells are enriched with oxygen and beneficial microelements.
Gezatone Beauty Iris An effective device equipped with programs for different ages. The device has 3 types of techniques. With regular use, the epidermis receives the necessary hydration and nutrition, wrinkles are smoothed out due to the active production of neocollagen.
Gezatone Beauty Gold Used to moisturize, massage, cleanse and nourish the epidermis. The main feature of the device is the presence of a layer of so-called “bio-gold” on the surface of the working area. This allows you to influence even deep tissues.
Gezatone m190 The device helps eliminate dark circles under the eyes, improves elasticity and freshness of the skin. The device performs several functions at once: tightening, iontophoresis, massage, microcurrents.
Gezatone m1605 Most effective in combating signs of aging. The device combines microcurrent effects and radio wave tightening.

Galvanic devices are useful to use when the first signs of aging appear on the skin. You shouldn’t immediately resort to expensive beauty injections, as home appliances can help.

You can restore youth and get rid of wrinkles without the introduction of special drugs. Microcurrent therapy has a number of useful properties:

  1. rapid skin tightening;
  2. increased elasticity and tone;
  3. reducing the severity of wrinkles;
  4. correction of facial contours;
  5. reduction of scars and scars.

The results obtained last for a long time, the skin is not injured, and there are no side effects in the form of swelling and redness. It is recommended to repeat the procedure no more than once a month, since otherwise the effect will be the opposite.

3 ultrasonic devices

Ultrasonic cleansing is an indispensable evening procedure after removing decorative cosmetics, when it is necessary to get rid of dirt and dead cells.

Gentle cleansing leaves your skin feeling smooth and velvety; in addition, it eliminates blackheads and pimples, as well as signs of hyperpigmentation.

Ultrasonic massage helps to cope with age-related changes, which ultimately makes it popular. As a result of gentle action, long-lasting lifting and smoothness are obtained.

Phonophoresis promotes deep penetration of care products into tissues. This provides not only long-term nutrition, but also hydration.

Among the particularly effective ultrasonic devices it is worth highlighting:

  1. Gezatone lonic-ultrasonic m365. Suitable for performing therapeutic massage. The action of ultrasound lightens hyperpigmentation, tones and refreshes. By the way, thanks to microcurrents, skin folds are smoothed out. The main functions of the device include: cleansing, nutrition, and moisturizing of the epidermis.
  2. Mini-box Panda RF. A modern ultrasonic device designed for facial skin care. During the procedure, the epidermis is heated, which activates metabolism and blood circulation. The device is suitable for everyone, regardless of age and skin type. But the most effective results are achieved when used after cleansing.
  3. Gezatone Bio Sonic hs2307i. It has 3 caring modes: peeling, lifting massage, phonophoresis.

Ultrasound devices are designed to eliminate many skin imperfections.


  1. increased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  2. dehydration and sensitivity;
  3. excessive dryness, flaking;
  4. enlarged pores, acne, blackheads;
  5. age-related decrease in elasticity;
  6. hyperpigmentation: freckles, spots, lentigo;
  7. skin folds, wrinkles;
  8. unhealthy dull complexion.

The use of ultrasonic units allows, for example, to completely cleanse the skin of blackheads and impurities. But you can use them no more often than 2–3 times a week.

4 vacuum devices

The operation of devices for vacuum facial cleansing is based on the method of creating negative pressure inside the drainage tube. The latter is fixed on a special device that creates a vacuum.

There is more than one device, but among the most popular devices are:

Name Peculiarities
Panasonic EH2513 Using a vacuum, the device effectively removes dirt and dead cells. Suitable for use on normal and sensitive skin types. The kit includes attachments designed to work in hard-to-reach areas.
Gezatone Super Wet Cleaner The unit is designed for cleaning in parallel with the application of gel or foam for washing. The procedures provide lymphatic drainage massage, therefore eliminating swelling.
Gezatone m131 Equipped with two functions: massage and pore cleansing. Using special attachments, you can perform peeling, professional cleaning, and also apply foundation to the surface of the face.
Power Perfect Pore This device for vacuum facial cleansing allows you to perform manipulations that are in no way inferior to salon ones. With each session, the skin becomes healthier, more well-groomed and attractive. The device not only cleanses, but also rejuvenates, tones the skin, and improves blood circulation.

Numerous photos and reviews allow us to conclude that devices for vacuum facial cleansing are really effective for home use, since people generally respond positively to them. But we can highlight certain indications for their use.


  1. enlarged pores and increased fat content;
  2. decreased elasticity and tone, withering;
  3. black spots, dirt, dead epidermal cells;
  4. dehydration and flaking;
  5. acne, comedones, inflammation;
  6. unhealthy complexion.

By the way, when using equipment for vacuum cleaning, you must strictly follow the instructions, not exceeding the recommended frequency of sessions.


The technique involves exposure of the epidermis to alternating currents with high frequency and voltage, but with little force.

Upon contact with the skin, small discharges activate blood circulation, remove excess fluid from tissues, and as a result, the condition of the skin improves.

One of the most popular devices is Gezatone Biolift4 103, equipped with 5 attachments for treating the face, body, and hair, since this is what a large number of people use. This Darsonval device for home use has many useful properties, such as:

  1. fight against acne and inflammatory processes in the skin;
  2. elimination of swelling;
  3. improvement of complexion;
  4. giving elasticity and tone to the skin;
  5. improvement of blood supply, treatment of varicose veins;
  6. acceleration of damage healing;
  7. prevention of baldness.

By the way, in Moscow and other cities of Russia you can buy domestically produced cosmetic devices from the companies Novoan EMA, Korona, and Med TeCo. But it is also worth highlighting other devices:

  1. Karat DE-212. Consumer reviews indicate that this is a small, easy-to-use model weighing 500 g. It is suitable not only for salon, but also for home procedures. Equipped with 4 nozzles. By the way, it is used in a variety of fields: physiotherapy, sports medicine, cardiology, dentistry, trichology, cosmetology.
  2. Iskra-1. Stationary lamp device from Novoan EMA, equipped with 8 attachments. For facial treatment, only scallop, as well as small and large mushroom-shaped ones are used.
  3. AdM Iskra-4. Designed to solve dental, dermatological, gynecological and other disorders. It is an improved model “Iskra-1”, as it is characterized by expanded functionality.
  4. Iskra-3M. Device for performing local darsonvalization. The package includes neon electrodes equipped with a rod.
  5. Spark ST-117. Portable device for performing therapeutic procedures. By the way, the device is completely safe, has a compact size, and is suitable for home use.
  6. Ultratek CD-199. Reviews on the network characterize it as a modern unit that meets all the parameters of darsonvalization. The device is light weight, easy to operate, and has many functions.

The Podruzhka store sells a variety of cosmetic devices for home use at competitive prices. The devices preserve youth and beauty and help save on salon sessions.

Expert opinion

Michelle Ellern

practicing cosmetologist-dermatologist

Although you can see bright advertisements for these devices, you should not forget that their effect cannot be compared with salon manipulation. People want a lot from a home device, but in the end the result does not satisfy them. Although initially it is worth understanding that fundamental changes will not happen, although there are benefits from home hardware cosmetology.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

I would advise using such devices, for example, as a complement to other procedures. Continue to take care of your face, remove makeup, use creams, visit a cosmetologist, and use similar devices to improve the effect.

It is not necessary to run to the salon to transform your appearance, since there are a lot of different home devices. They are easy to use, for example, for a facelift or to eliminate some defects. As a result, you can noticeably improve your appearance and become younger.

I am 45. Until recently, I had an excellent oval face - I achieved this with the help of facial gymnastics and a home myostimulator device. That is, it tightened the facial muscles. But now I see that the skin is no longer the same, and my face is a little swollen because of this. I don’t have a budget for cosmetologists, and now such home devices are sold that you can do a lot yourself. Question for women who take care of themselves at 40+. What do you think is most effective for lifting and tightening the skin when tried at home: microcurrents, mesoscooter, RF lifting, ultrasonic massage. You are not interested in a one-time experience, but if you have been using a certain device/technology for at least a year. experts

Find out the opinion of an expert on your topic

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site

Ekaterina Artemyeva

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site

Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

No one has ever been able to cheat time. The effect of all these tricks is short and sad - everything sags much more after the short-term effect ends.

Nothing helps, Anna. You see for yourself, gymnastics, microstimulation, but the oval still floats. Don’t waste money on threads, mesoscooters and other gadgets. If there is an internal need to rejuvenate and irrigate, save up money for a facelift; now they can be very minimally invasive.

Of course, in agreement with Guest 1.. 45 years old.. wake up. Just drink some weed and everything will be fine. Only beauty injections .. and then God forbid for 1 year. and all over again..

Nothing helps, Anna. You see for yourself, gymnastics, microstimulation, but the oval still floats. Don’t waste money on threads, mesoscooters and other gadgets. If there is an internal need to rejuvenate and irrigate, save up money for a facelift; now they can be very minimally invasive.

Of course, sooner or later I will grow old and generally die))) But the question is, right now to start looking like an old woman or to postpone this unpleasant moment as long as possible.

If everything were that simple, there would be no plastic surgeons. Your muscles are becoming flabby, what kind of lifting?

Related topics

Of course, sooner or later I will grow old and generally die))) But the question is, right now to start looking like an old woman or to postpone this unpleasant moment as long as possible.

Why “wake up”, dear Guests? What does this have to do with weed? I look really good without a single injection or lifts, but I am picky about my appearance. I don't want beauty injections. This does not make it possible to train the facial muscles, and the muscular frame of the face is the main condition for a good oval. Skin is the second, but less important condition.

You seem to have 10 years until retirement)) What men, what rejuvenation.

Listen to you, you don't want anything. I don’t want injections. I don’t want a lift.. I don’t want anything.. I’m already beautiful. Why write here and ask stupid questions? Sit back and admire your reflection in the mirror.

Look what you were thinking! Rejuvenate and attract men! Over there, the commentators wrapped themselves in a sheet and crawled towards the cemetery as it turned 30. On the way, we probably ate about 50 kilograms, so that not a single guy would make an attempt on it. Oh, and there are women, they should all jump around and look young. A skirt that goes all the way to your toes, tie a scarf over your eyebrows, and no one will see your wrinkles.

I just see that gymnastics and myostimulation are very good for facial contours. I know that I look much younger than 45, and despite the presence of wrinkles, men like me, including those much younger than me. That is, the devices work! But in addition to the muscles, the skin is responsible for the oval - collagen and elastin, which I have not worked on until now (only masks and creams). It is clear that with age, the skin becomes thinner and weaker. But we can work with this. There is no goal to look 10 years younger - just to have a toned face.

Look what you were thinking! Rejuvenate and attract men! Over there, the commentators wrapped themselves in a sheet and crawled towards the cemetery as it turned 30. On the way, we probably ate about 50 kilograms, so that not a single guy would make an attempt on it. Oh, and there are women, they should all jump around and look young. A skirt that goes all the way to your toes, tie a scarf over your eyebrows, and no one will see your wrinkles.

Well, what do men have to do with it? They have no idea what a “floating oval” is. Collagen production cannot be increased by any device, do not deceive yourself. In my personal experience, looking really good before the age of 48-49 is not very difficult, provided that you have not lost/gained much weight. And then, after 50, only radical methods help. Of course, you can continue to lie to yourself that you are improving your appearance with everyday care, if it’s easier for you to live that way.

Author, understand one thing - you are GETTING OLDER. This fact cannot be changed, no matter what you come up with.
It is very possible to accelerate aging with the help of all kinds of lifts and injections.
After their short-term effect, everything takes on a completely terrible form, after which the unfortunate woman cannot see herself in the mirror and again runs for surgery.
This is what is called “getting hooked” on a cosmetologist. This is what their business is based on. On women’s stupidity. Sometimes the victim can no longer close his eyes. There is not enough skin.

Well, what do men have to do with it? They have no idea what a “floating oval” is. Collagen production cannot be increased by any device, do not deceive yourself. In my personal experience, looking really good before the age of 48-49 is not very difficult, provided that you have not lost/gained much weight. And then, after 50, only radical methods help. Of course, you can continue to lie to yourself that you are improving your appearance with everyday care, if it’s easier for you to live that way.

clothespins, if you don’t have the money to reupholster like an old leather sofa like Alka Galkina)

Thank you for the answer to the point. No, I understand that I will have to have surgery. But I want to put it off as much as possible. Moreover, wrinkles themselves do not bother me at all. Of the things listed in the topic, I only tried the mesoscooter, and I saw the effect. But the experience was small.

The difference between using a home device and using devices in cosmetology is their power.
My mother has a couple of devices (she’s 60, looks 45), and she makes them in the evenings, but I have one minus headache - what to give her for the holidays. I'm looking for good serum cocktails for devices. But please note that buying a device does not mean that everything will be improved at once.
1. You need to carefully select serums, don’t skimp, but don’t expect a crazy effect if you bought a super expensive one.
2. It must be done not once every six months, but according to the instructions and always.
I’m 27, I’m more concerned about the issue of facial cleansing, I use her devices and my own gels.
Gezatone Mesotherapy Massager - I personally like it (not an advertisement, but a personal opinion)

The years have taken their toll, my mother spent a fortune on this, everything she did, Botox, gold threads, braces, you can’t count everything, and every time it all dissolved, her face became worse and worse. Now money is tight and it looks 10 years older than her age, beauty injections are a dangerous thing. And the results from the massage are also not great, since she has all these devices, collagen is not produced from them

The difference between using a home device and using devices in cosmetology is their power. My mother has a couple of devices (she’s 60, looks 45), and she makes them in the evenings, but I have one minus headache - what to give her for the holidays. I'm looking for good serum cocktails for devices. But please note that buying a device does not mean that everything will be improved at once. 1. You need to carefully select serums, don’t skimp, but don’t expect a crazy effect if you bought a super expensive one. 2. It must be done not once every six months, but according to the instructions and always. I’m 27, I’m more concerned about the issue of facial cleansing, I use her devices and my own gels. Gezatone Mesotherapy Massager - I personally like it (not an advertisement, but a personal opinion)

The only thing I don’t advise you to do is injections of hyaluronic acid to get rid of nasolabial folds and tear troughs. It looks monstrous, plastic and artificial. A small lift is much more effective. In general, it is very interesting to look at the women who work in the cosmetic center, where I go from time to time. They have unlimited access to devices and drugs, they look like women who regularly take care of themselves, but none of them looks younger than their age. Although they themselves don’t think so.

I see at corporate events (I work in a restaurant) all the women look terrible: short haircuts, women’s clothes, when I found out that they were 35 years old, I thought -50.
What's the point of being young if you all look like galoshes?

clothespins, if you don’t have the money to reupholster like an old leather sofa like Alka Galkina)

The only thing I don’t advise you to do is injections of hyaluronic acid to get rid of nasolabial folds and tear troughs. It looks monstrous, plastic and artificial. A small lift is much more effective. In general, it is very interesting to look at the women who work in the cosmetic center, where I go from time to time. They have unlimited access to devices and drugs, they look like women who regularly take care of themselves, but none of them looks younger than their age. Although they themselves don’t think so.

Well, someone tell me about the devices! Which one was used, what effect it had.

What kind of appliances does your mother have? and what does she think is more effective? (about the regularity of use - this is all clear)))

I can’t laugh, “little lift.” You don’t even know some simple things, but here you are with advice. If a clumsy craftsman made your nasolabials, this does not mean that the author will get the same one.

Author, I fully support you, facial exercises are a great thing. I look younger too. and I would also like to hear about interesting home appliances. care) But ladies only believe in miracle injections that make your face feel like a pillow and your nose to cover half your face)))
Anna, maybe you and I can eat more fatty foods? Fish-caviar-nuts? + one and a half liters of water per day?)

What kind of appliances does your mother have? and what does she think is more effective? (about the regularity of use - this is all clear)))

My mother is 49, and to my critical eye she looks great. But she is 175 cm tall, thin-boned, slender, fit. She has a swimming pool and yoga regularly. Still good teeth, beautiful hair below the shoulders and stylish clothes. When she walks with her granddaughter, they even mistake her for her mother)) As for beauty procedures, she hasn’t had a single injection yet. I explained to her in detail all the harm they cause and taught her all the manipulations that I study and practice myself every day. Namely, work with the neck, massage of the aponeurosis of the head, ischemic compression techniques when working with the face, rubbing of the folds, techniques for relaxing the masticatory muscles, sculptural massage, vacuum massage, taping, microcurrents. Also lying on bolsters and on a Kuznetsov rug (it’s a prickly one). Of course, food containing large amounts of healthy fatty acids and fiber. At least a liter of clean water per day, and preferably 1.5-2 liters.

My mother is 49, and to my critical eye she looks great. But she is 175 cm tall, thin-boned, slender, fit. She has a swimming pool and yoga regularly. Still good teeth, beautiful hair below the shoulders and stylish clothes. When she walks with her granddaughter, they even mistake her for her mother)) As for beauty procedures, she hasn’t had a single injection yet. I explained to her in detail all the harm they cause and taught her all the manipulations that I study and practice myself every day. Namely, work with the neck, massage of the aponeurosis of the head, ischemic compression techniques when working with the face, rubbing of the folds, techniques for relaxing the masticatory muscles, sculptural massage, vacuum massage, taping, microcurrents. Also lying on bolsters and on a Kuznetsov rug (it’s a prickly one). Of course, food containing large amounts of healthy fatty acids and fiber. At least a liter of clean water per day, and preferably 1.5-2 liters.

Post 32. Well, it may seem to you that you just look so beautiful. Most of our women generally experience a huge illusion about their appearance and youth. But can I argue that a good standard of living, doing what you love, lack of stress, good nutrition, sleep and physical activity do not make us more beautiful and younger. Of course they do, this is the basics. It's not even worth talking about. And the bathhouse is also good)) Nevertheless, certain processes occur in our body, whether you want it or not, whether you notice them or have not yet noticed them. I wrote about actions that make you look not just good, fresh. Namely, much younger. That’s why my mother is asked by her friends +\- her age, what she does as a witch)) who live with her in the same cottage community, take care of themselves, are not draft horses and also decent and objectively good looking. Well, you won’t argue that, for example, the circular muscle of the eye and mouth narrows and decreases with age. The skin around the eyes becomes sagging and the lips become thinner. Our hair also ages and many people develop bald patches at the temples. And these are just small examples. And all these manipulations are not bullying at all, you feel amazing after them. But no one is forcing you. I’m just writing my experience, as the author of the topic asked.

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  1. Amelie373
  2. 21 September 2010, 13:42

Hello =)
I have had an impulsive massager “PERFECTION” from GEZAtone for 3 years now.
What it does: cleanses and heals the skin, eliminates acne. rashes, pustules, acne, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin, reduces sagging, wrinkles, pores, improves oxygen metabolism of cells, reduces swelling, prevents baldness, stimulates hair growth, reduces venous congestion in varicose veins, fights with stretch marks (striae).
It has 3 attachments: drop, mushroom and comb.
The drop is used for inflammatory elements.
Mushroom - to improve the condition of the skin, increase turgor, helps smooth out wrinkles, treat cellulite, relieves headaches, muscle pain, and it can also be used after applying your favorite cream, this contributes to a better effect of the cream, it penetrates deeper into the skin.
Comb - to stimulate hair growth. I carry out the procedure for 10 minutes, after which I rub in the growth activator Kerastase from Loreal.
I bought it because of problem skin in the “Constellation of Beauty” store.
My rating: 5, copes with its duties excellently.

A SUPER WET CLEANER vacuum device for wet cleaning of leather from the same company GEZAtone was also purchased there. Designed to quickly cleanse pores, remove comedones, clogged sebaceous glands, acne and acne. It is also suitable for vacuum massage, improving blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.
We apply our usual skin cleanser (washing gel) and use this device.
The manufacturer promises to remove blackheads with this device, but it doesn’t remove them for me. But if pustules appear, he cleans them; the device was purchased for this purpose. After cleaning, I lubricated the wound with baziron and the next day, there was nothing there anymore.
My rating: 3 and this is only because it saved me from unsafe manual cleaning and for the massage, otherwise I would have given it even less.