Appetite in pregnant women

If pregnant women's appetite decreases, then it is useful for them to abstain from fatty foods and too sweet dishes, walk with caution, try not to drink water, and when it comes to wine, limit themselves to fragrant wine - liquid and in small quantities - it is beneficial and corrects appetite, as well as helps against nausea and frequent vomiting. Medicines that restore and enhance appetite include all those that have an astringent property and slight warmth, for example, “shepherd’s staff”, boiled with dill, the decoction of which is given to drink, as well as aristolochia - before and after meals; it is taken in small quantities. Also useful are already known medicinal dressings that strengthen the stomach, which are prepared from quince, fragrant cane, dates and sumbul with old fragrant wine. Sometimes they also add celery, anise and fennel seeds, especially in the presence of pain and swelling. When the appetite of pregnant women deteriorates to the point of excessiveness, they try to cleanse their stomach using, for example, julanjubin juice made from Persian rose. Then the appetite is corrected with acids; Thickly brewed juice of unripe grapes and a drink made from it, prepared with honey or sugar water, have excellent beneficial properties in this case and are suitable for the fruit. Dried starch is suitable for those pregnant women who want clay, and sometimes they benefit from hot spices like mustard and the like: mustard breaks up bad juices and stimulates the appetite, and is generally an excellent remedy for restoring appetite to pregnant women. If they have a real appetite for cheese, then fresh cheese is grilled on coals for them until it dries out - it is better than sharp dry cheese, for the former produces less excess, but the latter stimulates the appetite more.

As for winds and stomach pains in pregnant women, they use the following juvarishn: they take Kerman cumin, which was soaked in vinegar for one day and one night, and then fried, as well as incense and Persian satar - one part each, a beaver stream - one third of the part and take it in powder form from half a bowl to a bowl.

If pregnant women vomit after eating, then they should be given something astringent and fragrant after eating, for example, baked quince, especially if pieces of Indian aloe tree were stuck into it. They should constantly stretch their arms and legs, apply well-known medicinal dressings to their stomachs, make them hold pomegranate seeds with mint leaves in their mouths and lick a little maybih. Armenian clay is one of the remedies that calm their nausea.