
Somniloquy is speech activity during sleep. People with somniloquy may talk, laugh, cry, or even scream in their sleep without realizing it.

Somniloquy refers to parasomnias - sleep disorders in which a person performs certain actions during sleep. Other parasomnias include somnambulism (sleepwalking) and night terrors.

Somniloquy is quite common in children and usually goes away with age. In adults this phenomenon is more rare. The cause may be stress, lack of sleep, or taking certain medications.

To treat somniloquy, it is recommended to eliminate the factors that cause it, adhere to a sleep schedule, and consult a doctor. Somniloquy is not dangerous to health, but it can interfere with sleep for both the person himself and those around him.

In a state of somnambulism, a person cannot fully account for his actions and make volitional decisions. Mainly, people in this state are hostage to their dreams, fantasies and dreams. Somnabium can also be done after an ordinary strong experience, since it causes adrenaline, a brain hormone that causes the blood vessels to constrict. This hormone is quite noticeable if you perform acupressure on the tip of the nose. However, what happens most often to people who sleep during the day? And not completely immersed in your thoughts, but partially? We will talk about this further. Somniloquy refers to speech activity in a state of sleep. The word consists of two Latin parts sleep-somnum (lat.) - sleep + talk-loquor (lat. - I say). In other words, the somniloquim constantly says something in his sleep. And often even during those periods when it seems that you are sleeping. Waking up in the morning, a person does not remember at all what he said the night before. You can, of course, add this phrase to your collection of correspondence in Internet chats - “whispered something” and disconnect with peace of mind. But you should be wary: after all, this phenomenon has many more reasons, and it is not as harmless as it seems. The fact is that in a dream our brain leads an independent active life, processes a huge amount of information, and makes decisions. This is often why dreams are prophetic. In dreams, people communicate, do some actions, perceive reality, and appear in a new period of life. They somehow mysteriously foresee the future in advance. This insight usually occurs during natural sleep, but the person forgets all the details of his dreams because he is asleep. Therefore, somnambi operates unconsciously. Such unconsciousness is the main danger to which a doubtful person exposes himself in the absence of control over speech. Such a person is not aware of what is happening around him. In and