Kuznetsov applicator for belly slimming reviews

As summer approaches, the fair sex is thinking about how to get in shape after hibernation and invigorate their body. Pills, workouts and endless diets require effort and time. In addition, you need to lose weight for the benefit of the body, and not vice versa. Today we’ll look at a method called the Kuznetsov applicator for weight loss. Do he and Lyapko’s similar metal rug really have such an impact?

At the end of the last century, prickly fabric began to appear in many homes of Soviet citizens. Initially, the Kuznetsov mat and the Lyapko applicator were used to treat diseases of the cervical and lumbar spine and prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Subsequently, they forgot about him a little. However, quite recently there was a rumor that the device has an effect on the process of losing weight and getting rid of cellulite. So what is this: fact or fiction?

Essence and objectives

The healing mat has helped many people get rid of back and joint pain. It was intended for athletes who are prone to injury. Gradually, the fame of the healing device spread beyond the sports world, and it could be purchased at any pharmacy. Admirers of the applicator were attracted by the ease of use and the resulting effect. The inventor repeated that the thorns have an effect on certain points in the body.

The mat has a beneficial effect when:

  1. insomnia;
  2. pain in joints and muscles;
  3. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. colds (ARVI, flu);
  5. circulatory problems;
  6. weight loss issues.

Proper Use

How to use the Kuznetsov and Lyapko applicator to combat excess weight and cellulite?

The device comes in the form of a mat, a massage roller, insoles or a belt with plastic or metal needles. The type of applicator depends on which area needs to be affected. For example, for the stomach you need to give preference to a rug.

  1. The procedure should be carried out in a horizontal position, lying on the “thorns” with your back or stomach. Some say that to lose belly fat you need to hold the mat close to you for the duration of the session. However, it is inconvenient and painful. Just imagine standing for 15 minutes with a heavy applicator in your hands. Therefore, for comfort, you can use a belt or a “lying” position on your stomach.
  2. Do you relate to the problem area of ​​the thigh? Not scary! The device must be placed on a flat surface, such as the floor. Next, lie down or sit on it in the place that needs to be corrected. Fat deposits on the thighs are classified as difficult to remove. But Kuznetsov’s anti-cellulite applicator, in combination with diet and exercise, will cope with the difficult task.
  3. Need to eliminate excess volume on your arms? This will be more difficult to do than for other parts of the body. The difficulty is that you can’t lie on your hands for a long time, and the procedure takes 15 minutes. For these purposes, you need to choose a belt that is securely fixed in the problem area and does not slip when moving.

The procedure will feel unpleasant at first, but it lasts for several minutes. After getting used to it, you can start rolling, thereby starting the fat burning process. The effect of the applicator on fat deposits is manifested through an intense massage, during which blood circulation is stimulated, thereby accelerating metabolism. To combat cellulite, you can use anti-cellulite cream before the procedure.

Using applicators for weight loss: video

Positive and negative side


Kuznetsov’s applicator for losing weight and fighting cellulite, like all devices in this industry, has its advantages and disadvantages. Undoubted advantages:

  1. low price, resulting in the availability of the method;
  2. easy and understandable instructions;
  3. has no age limits;
  4. has a beneficial effect on the entire body.


Unfortunately, the Lyapko rug also has its disadvantages:

  1. unpleasant stabbing sensations at the beginning of procedures;
  2. is not a panacea, that is, it is used as an additional measure to fitness and nutrition.


It is strictly forbidden for people to use the applicator when:

  1. dermatitis and other skin diseases;
  2. pregnancy;
  3. easy skin trauma;
  4. an abundance of moles;
  5. the presence of new growths in the area of ​​application.

Others can use the mat without fear, but without overdoing it.

The secret to losing weight

It is interesting that Kuznetsov highlighted weight loss as a side effect of his invention. He believed that a person losing weight before his eyes was sick with something other than osteochondrosis and therefore was losing weight.

However, the scientist soon found an explanation for this. Under the influence of an intense massage, blood begins to actively circulate in the body, as a result of which metabolism accelerates. As a result, excess fat is burned. A nice bonus was a toned figure and toned body. This is how the device gained unprecedented popularity and respect.

Fighting orange peel

Kuznetsov’s applicator has been actively used for cellulite among women. The most convenient type of device is a belt with spikes, since the areas most often “suffering” from fat deposits are the buttocks, thighs and legs.

The applicator is used by fixing it with an elastic bandage to problem areas. In the case of adjusting the buttocks, you can not attach the spikes to the skin, but simply sit on them. For example, when working at a computer, you do your tasks, and the belt eliminates unnecessary bulk.

In addition, manufacturers produce Lyapko massage rollers, which are very convenient for performing cellulite massage.

Criticism of doctors

Medical experts do not have a unanimous opinion about the weight loss applicator. One group of doctors considers the device dangerous to health, since the destruction of fat cells in large quantities can lead to disruption in the endocrine system.

Their strong reasons against use:

  1. The human body has certain acupuncture points. Finding these same areas on the body is very difficult even for a specialist, let alone amateurs. The main danger lies in the fact that next to the “useful” points there are “harmful” ones, if you hit them you can significantly harm your health.
  2. Not everyone can tolerate discomfort during the procedure. Sellers claim that the pain will go away after the first session, but this is not the case. Yes, the skin will get used to the pain, but is it beneficial?
  3. In conclusion, experts ask a completely logical question: has research been conducted in this area of ​​application? Even if there were tests, unfortunately, there is no detailed report on them. Inventor Kuznetsov always used the applicator to treat muscles and joints, but not for weight loss.

People's opinions

How do people feel about Kuznetsov’s applicator for cellulite, which has different reviews?

I inherited the Kuznetsov applicator from my grandmother, who used it to treat osteochondrosis. After reading on the Internet about losing weight with it, I decided to try it. The sensations from the first procedure are still the same. Unfortunately, after the stated month the effect did not appear. A friend advised me to use the mat in combination with a diet. After a couple of months, my figure was closer to ideal, and cellulite became much less noticeable.

Kuznetsov's rug has been in my home since the immemorial 90s. I recently discovered that it is used as a means of losing weight. I decided to try it on myself. A couple of months of massage did not bring the desired result, and I am completely disappointed.

I really love the Lyapko applicator for cellulite and osteochondrosis. Helps with back pain and self-massage of the buttocks. I'm very pleased with the effect.

The Kuznetsov and Lyapko applicator is a weight loss product similar to other massage products for cellulite. Some attribute his effectiveness and success, others - negative criticism. Nevertheless, there is an effect from its use, and it is positive. In addition to accelerating metabolism, the device has a beneficial effect on the body, giving it vitality and tone.

Hello, dear readers. In the fight for a beautiful figure, all methods are good. Today we will find out whether the wonderful mat of the Soviet doctor - the Kuznetsov applicator - will help you lose kilograms and remove centimeters.

What it is?

If you hear the phrase “Kuznetsov Applicator” for the first time, it is not at all a fact that you have never encountered this thing. If you look on the far shelves in our grandmothers' closets, you will probably find a strange small rug with plastic or metal spikes. This is the applicator. Named after its own inventor: a doctor and traditional healer.

In the 90s there was a boom in them in the country. They were sold for pennies on every corner.

Initially, the invention was intended to help with pain in the joints and back. Time passed and the invention was forgotten. But more recently, he discovered a new life and popularity among Russian women. And all because of the new wonderful properties of a forgotten Soviet contraption - it turns out that you can also lose weight!

The miracle thing became so in demand, and some companies took note of it: they changed the old Soviet name to a foreign and modern one, slightly updated the design and began selling it for terrible money, advertising it as an ideal accessory for everyone who wants to live environmentally, healthy and correct . As a result, a penny device, under the influence of proper marketing, turned into an expensive and welcome gift.

The good news is that you can still buy it at a budget price if you know the original name and locations. It’s even easier to use it - look at your grandparents’ or parents’ houses. Suddenly he lies idle.

How does it work?

It is clear that Kuznetsov’s product is an ordinary rug. What is the magic then, since it is recommended as a way to lose weight, remove stretch marks and cellulite?

I'll disappoint you, there is no magic here. You shouldn’t expect lying down out of the blue to get rid of all your problems. Nothing works that way (but I wish it did). The principle of operation is this: the thorns make the blood flow stronger, accelerate it, which leads to the functioning of the metabolism. More energy is spent, which means you lose weight.

Plus, massage affects the external condition of the skin - it tightens and becomes smooth. Due to this effect, it smooths out cellulite.

And here stretch marks The miracle device will not remove it, no matter how much you want it to. Practically nothing will remove stretch marks at all, it will only make them less noticeable.

Please note that results will only come with proper nutrition and exercise. The applicator is not an independent remedy or panacea. It will only work in conjunction with other methods. This is an ideal case for those who feel sorry for money for a massage or don’t have time to go for it.

The benefits include relieving tension, fatigue, back pain, muscles (by the way, it is especially valued by athletes for such properties). If there osteochondrosis, stagnant processes, also feel free to use the invention.

Instructions for use

How to lose weight using an applicator?

Healer Kuznetsov highlighted weight loss with his invention as a side effect. And he justified this by the fact that blood began to actively circulate in the body, thereby speeding up metabolism and burning subcutaneous fat. General body tightness and muscle tone were also observed. It is not surprising that those who have been struggling with this all their lives became interested in it.

How to use?

What should you do to, for example, make your butt or thighs thinner and more attractive? Everything is simple here. You need to place the applicator on a flat surface. Usually this is a floor or a wide bench. And then we lie down in the place we want to correct.

If these are thighs, then place them on the applicator. In order to have a positive effect on your hands (you can’t lie on them, especially in problem areas), you need to secure the device well and tightly on them using a bandage or wide tape.

The beginning of the device's effect on the body is always accompanied by painful sensations, which gradually disappear. And in the future, they will not be felt at all.

You need to start the procedure gradually, from 5 minutes over 1 day. And do a daily increase of 5 minutes, gradually bringing the entire procedure to half an hour. You need to spend this time for the benefit of your soul - meditate, think about good things and just dream. Results will be noticeable after the second week of daily use. They will become even more effective if you apply a good anti-cellulite cream to problem areas before the procedure.

Experts' opinion

Doctors have mixed opinions regarding the applicator, and not only regarding its effect on weight loss. Some consider it simply a “dummy”, while others even consider it harmful.

Their arguments:

  1. getting to the right acupuncture point is very difficult, especially for a non-specialist, and influencing an unnecessary point can bring more problems than good;
  2. painful procedure.

Of course, everyone must decide for themselves whether they need this device or not. Doctors also recorded statements from people who used it as positive. But no full-fledged medical studies have been conducted. Most doctors attribute it to the “placebo effect.”

Reviews from people losing weight

  1. Yana, 24 years old, Simferopol. My mother bought this device back in the 90s. And it had been lying and collecting dust on the shelf for a long time. And recently on the forum I found positive reviews about it as a means of losing weight. And I decided to use it, especially since it’s spring and soon summer. I lay on it for about a month. At first it was painful, but then it was even very pleasant. But there was no effect, it appeared only when I went on a diet. That's it!
  2. Irina, 44 years old, Astrakhan. My family has had it for a long time. And I use it regularly. He especially helped me after giving birth, when I recovered well. I have a pear-shaped figure and my hips are my main problem. With the diet, I lost excess weight, and the applicator helped remove my “problem ears” on my thighs. It only took three months. I'm very pleased.
  3. Anatoly, 52 years old, Moscow. I personally knew its inventor, and am his follower. I started using it for rheumatism and back pain. Improvements appeared within a week. After that I used it three times a week for many years. By the way, after six months of use, my weight decreased by 6 kilograms. And there is no pain at all. I can run around with my grandchildren all day, and I feel great. Nobody gives me my age, at least 10 years younger. I am very pleased and recommend it to everyone.