Basic hair oil

The content of the article:

Base oils are high-quality natural vegetable oils that are widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Their high saturation with useful substances makes them an indispensable product for hair care.

Almost all of them contain a vitamin-mineral complex, fatty acids and other useful components. Oils perfectly nourish and moisturize hair, protect it from the adverse effects of the external environment and will become an effective assistant if hair needs treatment or healing.

Methods of use

Base oils can be used either independently or as a base for other cosmetics, in particular essential oils. They are also included as an ingredient in many cosmetic preparations, including industrial ones.

At home, ready-made hair products are enriched with natural oils, masks are made from them, and used for wraps, rubbing, massages and aromatherapy. Base oils are not used for rinsing – they do not dissolve in water and do not have a pronounced aroma.

Enrichment of cosmetics

These are mild agents, so you don’t have to worry about overdoing the dosage. They are usually added to finished products in a ratio of 1 to 4 (for example, 10 ml of jojoba, avocado or grape seed oil can be added to 40 ml of shampoo). But even if the dosage is a little higher, nothing bad will happen.


Masks with vegetable oils can be made purely as oil masks - by mixing base oils with each other, adding essential oils to them, or even using the same oil.

When calculating the amount of oil for an “oil” mask, you should focus on the length of your hair. You may need 30-40 ml, and even more if the hair is very long. Usually, expensive oils in this case are not taken in their pure form, but mixed with cheaper bases.

If the masks include other ingredients in addition to oils, then you need to follow the recipe. It is advisable to add oils gradually to the main mixture, as sometimes they do not combine well with other products. To achieve a homogeneous state, you can also use a mixer or whisk.


Basic oils for wrapping are used in the same quantity as for masks, but usually before application they are slightly warmed up in a water bath and applied to the skin and hair warm, after which they are immediately wrapped and additionally warmed up. As a rule, exclusively oil components are used for wraps - base oils or in combination with essential oils.

Massages and rubbing

For massages, 10-15 ml of oil is usually enough. The same amount will be needed for rubbing. But if the skin is very dry and the oil is absorbed intensely, you can add a little more oil. If a mixture of base oil and essential oils was used for massage, then essential oils should not be added to the second portion of the massage product, in order to avoid an overdose.

Aroma combing

For aromatherapy, base oils are most often used together with essential oils. Add 3-5 drops of essential oil to a dessert or tablespoon of base oil. This mixture is applied to the comb and combing is performed. The duration of the procedure is 5-7 minutes.

Sometimes combing is performed without the addition of essential oils, as well as with oils not specifically intended for this procedure (for example, for better distribution of the mask through the hair). In this case, combing time is reduced to what is necessary to achieve the desired goal.

Application for healthy hair

Every woman knows that healthy and beautiful hair is, first of all, the result of work. Only if you take care of them regularly will they retain their splendor and become a real magnet for compliments.

To do this, you need reliable products that will provide your hair with the necessary nutrition, moisturize it and protect it from harmful influences. Vegetable oils have all this complex of beneficial properties. They have long been successfully used both in beauty salons and in industrial preparations for hair care and treatment.

So why not harness the healing power of oils at home? Moreover, it is easy, inexpensive and very pleasant!


Oils are a wonderful source of vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids and other elements that are necessary for the full functioning of hair follicles. But the composition of different oils differs, depending on which plant the product is produced from.

For example, flax oil contains up to 46% vitamin E, almond oil is a wonderful source of vitamin F, and sea buckthorn oil is a unique multivitamin product, which contains 8 vitamins, 24 minerals and 18 amino acids. Thus, by choosing this or that oil, you can provide your hair with all the substances necessary for its health.

Procedures: wraps, massages, masks, rubbing, enrichment of products.

Oils: apricot kernels, avocado, argan, jojoba, wheat germ, hemp, macadamia, olive, pumpkin, celandine, shea.


For those who regularly dye their hair, or use curlers, straightening irons, curling irons, oils will help maintain moisture balance, preventing drying and thinning of the hair. But even if you don’t subject your hair to frequent styling or coloring, the risk that your hair will lose moisture is still present.

Too dry indoor air, prolonged exposure to the sun, and frequent wearing of hats have an adverse effect on hair, and oil treatments will be an excellent preventive measure for dry hair.

Procedures: masks, rubbing, massages, enrichment of products.

Oils: apricot kernels, avocado, grape seeds, jojoba, cocoa, coconut, macadamia, muru-muru, olive, peach kernels, pumpkin.


Sometimes even perfectly healthy hair needs increased protection, for example, during vacation, when it is exposed to intense sunlight and sea water. Protective oils contain filters that protect hair from harmful environmental influences. And the thinnest oil film that envelops each hair prevents them from losing internal moisture.

Procedures: aroma combing, masks, rubbing, massages, enrichment of products.

Oils: apricot kernels, jojoba, coconut, sesame, mango, muru-muru, peach kernels, rice bran, pumpkin.

Strengthening and enhancing hair growth

To ensure that your hair not only remains healthy, but also grows faster, falls out less and becomes stronger, more elastic and silky, it is useful to pamper it with oil treatments from time to time. And if you do this regularly, you will soon notice that your hair has become noticeably longer, thicker and more luxurious.

Procedures: masks, rubbing, wraps, massages, aromatherapy, enrichment of products.

Oils: watermelon seeds, walnuts, cocoa, pine nuts, coconut, flaxseed, macadamia, almond, burdock, pumpkin, yarrow, celandine.

Application for problem hair

With the help of oils you can easily solve many hair problems, especially if they are the result of improper care or negative effects of external factors.

Dry hair

For dry hair, oil treatments are especially useful, as they allow you to very quickly and effectively “revive” dull and thin hair, restoring its strength, radiance and shine. The nutrients from the oils energize the hair follicles, and the hair that grows back looks completely different.

Procedures: wraps, masks, rubbing, massage, combing, enrichment of products.

Oils: apricot kernels, avocado, argan, babassu, wheat germ, cocoa, hemp, macadamia, poppy, mango, passion fruit, muru-muru, sea buckthorn, olive, palm, rice bran, cotton, shea.

Greasy hair

Sometimes those who have oily hair do not risk using oils, and this is completely in vain.

  1. Firstly, some of the oils have a fairly light consistency, and they can be used quite safely even on very oily hair.
  2. Secondly, oily hair also needs nutrients and hydration.
  3. And thirdly, oils, when used regularly, will restore normal metabolism and correct the activity of the sebaceous glands.

As a result, your hair will become less oily and will look much more well-groomed even without daily washing.

Procedures: rubbing, masks, massage, enrichment, combing.

Oils: grape seeds, jojoba, St. John's wort, calendula, coconut, hemp, sesame, hazelnut, macadamia, almond, safflower, pumpkin, peach seeds.

Hair loss

Regular treatments with oils will help strengthen hair follicles and stimulate blood and lymph circulation. As a result, hair not only stops falling out, but also begins to grow more intensively, acquires thickness and a healthy shine.

Procedures: wraps, masks, rubbing, massage (intense massage cannot be used only in case of severe hair loss), enrichment of products.

Oils: watermelon seeds, argan, walnut, cocoa, castor, coconut, almond, sea buckthorn, olive, wheat germ, burdock, pumpkin, yarrow.

Split ends and hair fragility.

Typically, split ends occur in dry hair. Dry, thinning hair breaks and flakes easily. But this problem also happens with oily or normal hair at the roots. Oils can help eliminate it comprehensively, or take care exclusively of the ends, restoring smoothness and elasticity to the hair.

Procedures: rubbing, wraps, masks, combing.

Oils: apricot kernels, argan, babassu, jojoba, pine nuts, coconut, hemp, sesame, flax, poppy, mango, almond, sea buckthorn, olive, palm, peach kernels, burdock, rice bran, shea.


Oils not only effectively help eliminate dandruff, but also affect its cause. They regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands and moisturize the skin well. Some of them have a pronounced antiseptic, bactericidal and antifungal effect.

Procedures: masks, rubbing, massage, enrichment, combing.

Oils: watermelon seeds, argan, St. John's wort, castor, coconut, flaxseed, pine nuts, cashews, sesame, bay, macadamia, burdock, pumpkin, celandine, black cumin.

Irritations and inflammation

Using oils, you can relieve irritation, inflammation or allergic reactions that occur after using aggressive cosmetics (hair dyes, perhydrol, preparations for perm or hair straightening, etc.) They have an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and soothing effect.

Procedures: rubbing (with caution), masks, enrichment of products.

Oils: grape seeds, walnuts, wheat germ, calendula, castor, cashew, flaxseed, sea buckthorn, peach seeds, burdock, pumpkin, shea.

Oils are divided into basic And ethereal.

Base (fat) oils – natural vegetable oils. These oils are obtained by cold pressing fruits, nuts, seeds, seeds and grains. Base oils can be used either pure or mixed with essential oils. These oils are also called transport oils, base oils, carrier oils, etc.

Base oils contain a lot of useful substances:

Polyunsaturated fatty acids
Full range of vitamins

Thanks to these components, base oils can have a beneficial effect on hair, skin and nails, because all these substances strengthen the membranes of skin cells, increase the ability to retain moisture, have an antioxidant effect, enhance metabolism and regeneration.

Basic oils that are recommended for hair:

To learn more about each oil and its effect on hair, follow the link of the oil you are interested in. Over time, information about each of the oils will appear.

When choosing cosmetic products to maintain natural beauty and prolong youth, women give preference to products of natural origin that contain a minimum of not entirely useful synthetic additives. For hair, these are natural oils, the effectiveness of which has been known since ancient times. They help in getting rid of and preventing problems that arise as a result of a deficiency of vitamins, macro- and microelements supplied with food, frequent styling with thermal devices, dyeing, perms, temperature changes, and dry air.


  1. Types and features of application
  2. Base oils
  1. Castor
  2. Burdock
  3. Almond
  4. Olive
  5. Argan
  6. Coconut
  7. Shea Butter
  8. Jojoba oil
Essential oils Oil-based cosmetics

Types and features of application

All oils isolated from plant products are divided into base and essential. Both groups are successfully used for hair care and scalp treatment. Basic ones are used in pure form or as part of masks, essential ones - only in a highly diluted state, since they are potent and concentrated, and if used incorrectly, cause serious negative consequences.

Oils have many common beneficial properties, helping to strengthen, accelerate growth, restore the structure of the hair shaft, provide nutrients, improve color, prevent fragility, split ends and hair loss. With their systematic use, the hair becomes healthier, acquires a natural shine, silkiness, softness, becomes thicker and more voluminous.

When choosing, it is important to consider your hair type and scalp condition. Each product has its own composition of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, which determines which hair oils are suitable for solving existing problems. For example:

  1. for hair loss - castor, flaxseed, burdock;
  2. for strengthening and restoration - olive, avocado, grape seed, coconut, shea oil;
  3. to accelerate growth - burdock, castor, mustard, black cumin oil;
  4. for colored hair – coconut, flaxseed, jojoba oil;
  5. for split ends – castor, flaxseed, almond, wheat germ;
  6. for dandruff - castor, burdock.

Advice: Using oils on dry hair requires caution, as they can further weigh down hair strands, increasing breakage and hair loss. It is better to apply them only to the scalp, while performing a light massage of the root area. If you have split ends, the oil should be applied only to damaged areas of the hair, not distributed over the entire length.

Base oils

Base oils are isolated from parts of the plant (seeds, pits, nuts) containing the largest amount of fat. According to the method of production, they can be cold or hot pressed. It is better to use cold-pressed products that have not been refined, as they retain the maximum of biologically active plant compounds. If oils have a solid consistency at room temperature, they are usually called butters.

When choosing base oils, be sure to take into account what type of hair:

  1. for oily types, jojoba, coconut, walnut, macadamia, shea, burdock, soybean, and sesame oils are suitable;
  2. for normal ones, you can use almost all oils (almond, coconut, shea, walnut and others);
  3. for dry ones, olive, castor, hemp, wheat germ, and grape seed are effective.

Using pure base oils is very easy. To do this, the amount of product required, depending on the length of the strands, is slightly heated in a water bath until warm, first rubbed into the area of ​​the hair follicles, massaging the scalp, and then distributed using a comb with sparse teeth along the entire length of the hair. The head is wrapped in plastic wrap and a warm towel. Leave for 1-2 hours, then wash with shampoo several times. It is recommended to perform this procedure 2-3 times a week. Often, healing masks are prepared based on base oils, mixing them with egg yolk, lemon juice, cognac, honey, kefir, and herbal infusions.

Which base oils for hair are considered the most effective depends on the problem being solved and the type of hair and scalp.


Castor oil is isolated from castor bean seeds. You can buy it at the pharmacy and it is quite inexpensive. Suitable not only for hair care, but also eyelashes and eyebrows. It is rich in vitamins A and E, fatty acids (linoleic, ricinoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic). The oil has a rather viscous consistency and is difficult to distribute, so it is recommended to mix it with lighter components.

When applied to hair, castor oil smoothes out scales, adds silkiness and shine. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp, softens, helps with fungal infections, dandruff, itching, dryness, flaking. Effective for strengthening, accelerating growth, increasing thickness and restoring brittle, split ends, hair damaged by dyes and bleaches.


Every woman knows about the benefits of burdock oil for hair. It is isolated by extraction from the roots of burdock (also known as burdock). The composition includes fatty acids, minerals, vitamins A, E, B, C, as well as the natural conditioner polysaccharide inulin.

This is a universal product that is suitable for hair of any type. It is successfully used to strengthen the hair shaft, accelerate growth, prevent and treat hair loss, moisturize, and saturate with nutrients. It is also beneficial for the scalp. In case of increased oil content, it eliminates excess sebum by suppressing excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, facilitates the cleansing of clogged pores, improves local blood circulation in the capillaries, strengthens the roots, relieves dandruff and itching. For dry hair, it helps moisturize and soften hair.


Almond oil is a plant product extracted from the seeds of sweet almonds. It has a pleasant light consistency, is well absorbed, and is used sparingly. Can be used alone or in combination with other base and essential oils. Contains vitamins A, groups B, E and F.

Its regular use revitalizes, moisturizes hair, increases its elasticity, significantly improves appearance, adds shine, prevents hair loss, activates growth, and protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. If your hair is oily, then it is recommended to apply almond oil before washing your hair, and if, on the contrary, it is dry, then immediately after.


Olive oil is an affordable and effective hair product that can be found in any grocery store. It is better to choose a green product with a “virgin” marking on the bottle, indicating careful manual selection of raw materials for extraction. It is characterized by a high content of the natural antioxidant vitamin E, vitamins A, D, C, unsaturated fatty acids, and iron.

Olive oil stimulates hair growth, smoothes, moisturizes and strengthens, prevents hair loss, exhaustion, dryness and split ends, protects against the negative effects of adverse weather factors and heating styling devices. It has good thermal protective properties; when using it, you can even refuse additional commercially available thermal protective products.


Argan oil is a product obtained from the seeds of the Moroccan argan tree and is used in cooking and cosmetology. It has an unusually light consistency, non-greasy to the touch, and washes off well. It contains a large amount of tocopherols, carotene, antioxidants, essential and unsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-9), linoleic and oleic acids. It is expensive, but its effectiveness, according to many experts, justifies the price. Suitable for any hair type, but the results of its use are especially noticeable on tired, dull and lifeless strands.

When using argan oil, hair becomes smooth and silky, moisturized, acquires amazing shine and volume. It helps restore vitality and beautiful appearance after numerous perms, straightening, coloring and other aggressive procedures.


Coconut oil has found wide application and popularity in various fields of cosmetology. It is considered one of the best natural conditioners for nourishing, moisturizing, protecting and restoring damaged and weakened hair. More than 90% of its composition is made up of fatty acids (palmitic, caprylic, myristic, lauric, linoleic, stearic). There are also vitamins (E and K), minerals (manganese, iron), proteins. The oil has a dense texture and coats every hair well.

It is used mainly for dry and brittle hair, has excellent nutritional and regenerating properties, protects against mechanical stress and ultraviolet radiation, and gives softness and silkiness.

Advice: Before applying the batters to your hair, to ensure even distribution, it is recommended to warm them up a little until they turn into a liquid consistency.

Shea Butter

Shea butter, or shea butter, is extracted from the seeds of the Shea tree. It has a solid consistency, a pleasant nutty aroma, and can be white or cream in color. Used in the food industry and for the production of cosmetics. The product contains many vitamins (A, E, C, D, F), microelements, unsaturated fatty acids, and proteins.

When applied to the hair, it easily penetrates deep into the hair shaft, intensively moisturizes, nourishes, restores along the entire length, activates metabolic processes, and protects from ultraviolet radiation. It also has a good effect on the condition of the scalp.

Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil is obtained from the nuts of the evergreen plant Simmondsia sinensis. The consistency resembles liquid wax; when cooled, it hardens quickly. Has high penetrating and suction ability. When applied to hair, it does not leave a greasy shine, forms a protective layer, prevents early gray hair, and ensures deep restoration of damaged strands. When using it, the hair is smoothed, acquires shine and softness.

The product has a unique chemical composition and is a plant wax similar to spermaceti. It contains fatty acids and their esters, tocopherols, and collagen.

Essential oils

Essential oils for hair are used less often than base oils, as they easily evaporate. However, some types are effective for solving a number of hair and scalp problems. For example, tea tree oil relieves dandruff, rosemary stimulates growth, lavender helps with dryness, mint soothes itchy skin and activates growth. Sandalwood, chamomile, and ylang-ylang oils help with split ends, but citrus esters in this case, on the contrary, can aggravate the situation. To stop hair loss, strengthen and activate hair growth, use bergamot, anise, eucalyptus, rosemary, and cedar oils. To combat dandruff, essential compositions of lemon and tangerine are better suited.

The use of essential oils due to the high concentrations of biologically active substances they contain requires caution. They are applied only in diluted form. What means and proportions are used for dilution? These can be shampoos, rinses, conditioners, masks or base oils. The recommended ratio is 2-3 drops per 15 ml. If you use them in their pure form, you can easily get a burn or a severe allergic reaction.

The best essential oils are:

  1. Lavender. Suitable for treating all hair types and improving their growth, helps to “awaken” hair follicles, helps with dandruff and itching, prevents fragility, and is used for scalp massage for alopecia areata.
  2. Daisies. Relieves inflammation of the scalp after coloring, curling, has a calming effect, eliminates allergy symptoms (rash, itching, peeling).
  3. Rosemary. Activates hair growth, renews the skin on the scalp, cleanses it of dead and dead cells, which stimulates the activity of hair follicles and improves blood circulation.
  4. Tea tree. It has a pronounced antiseptic effect, protects the scalp from bacterial and fungal infections, normalizes the functions of the sebaceous glands, and eliminates dandruff.
  5. Lemon. Useful for oily hair, effective for oily seborrhea, normalizes blood circulation in the scalp, increases the supply of nutrients to the hair follicles, and activates growth processes.

Essential oils are also used to give hair a light, pleasant aroma. To do this, you just need to apply a few drops of the selected product to the comb and comb the strands.

Important: The use of essential oils is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and certain cardiovascular diseases.

Oil-based cosmetics

Many manufacturers of cosmetic products produce hair care products containing various combinations of natural oils, vitamins and other beneficial ingredients. With regular use, they significantly improve the condition of the hair and scalp, but may contain artificial dyes, flavors, stabilizers, and preservatives. Before use, it is important to carefully study the composition. The most convenient to use products are those equipped with a special dispenser or sprayer.

The following products are considered the best:

  1. Elixir Ultime spray for fine and sensitive hair from Kerastase;
  2. Mythic Oil nourishing product from L'Oreal;
  3. restorative elixir Luxe Oil from Wella Professional;
  4. hair composition “6 effects” from Gliss Kur;
  5. BC spray Bonacure Oil Miracle Liquid Oil from Schwarzkopf Professional;
  6. Hear Repair Oil by Yves Rocher;
  7. composition Intensive Pflegendes Haaröl from Weleda;
  8. dry hair oil 7 from Levrana.

Considering that such products are more likely than pure oils to cause allergic reactions and it is difficult to predict what effect they will have in each specific case, it is better, if possible, to first purchase a sample.

Video: About the properties and use of the best hair oils