White stretch marks on the body

Striae is not a new problem, but it still raises many questions. Why do stretch marks appear on the skin? How to get rid of them? How to prevent their occurrence? Types of striae? But don't worry too much. The problem of stretch marks is not as bad as it seems. Today you can be offered cosmetics, hardware techniques, and plastic surgery. To prevent it from happening to the latter, the most important thing is to detect the problem in time and begin immediate treatment at the initial stage of its occurrence. The main reason for the appearance of stretch marks is hormonal imbalance with a sharp decrease or increase in body weight. But there are a number of other provoking factors. But first things first…

Striae can form due to stretching of the skin. The cause may also be the effects of wound healing, microtrauma and scarring of sutures after surgical operations. It is worth considering the main reasons in more detail.

Stretch marks in men (on the lower back, sides, buttocks, thighs, armpits and forearms). Causes:

  1. Horizontal stretch marks on the sides, lower back and hips are formed as a result of excessive physical activity, sudden weight loss or weight gain.
  2. The defect may occur due to hormonal changes or problems with the pancreas.

Stretch marks in women (can form in almost any area of ​​the body). Causes:

  1. Pregnancy. During this period, the skin stretches in the chest and abdomen.
  2. Obesity. Rapid weight gain dramatically stretches the skin.
  3. Diabetes. Due to cracking and drying of the leather.
  4. Endocrine diseases and pancreatic diseases. The body releases large amounts of cortisol, which weakens connective skin tissue.
  5. Sharp weight loss.
  6. Long-term use of drugs from the glucocorticoid group, which lead to obesity and, consequently, stretch marks.
  7. Heredity.

Stretch marks in teenagers (form all over the body). Causes:

  1. Obesity.
  2. Hormonal disbalance.
  3. Losing weight or sudden weight gain.
  4. Increased growth. When the skin does not have time to grow behind the body and muscle mass.
  5. Stretch marks on a teenager’s back may indicate problems with internal organs.

Stretch marks in children. Causes:

  1. Hormonal disbalance.
  2. Obesity.
  3. Losing weight or sudden weight gain.
  4. Increased growth.
  5. Poor nutrition.
  6. Sedentary lifestyle.
  7. Excessive physical activity.

Hormonal striae most often appear during pregnancy, as well as during puberty. During this period, the balance of hormones is disrupted, causing the skin tissue to become thinner. You need to see a doctor, get tested and start taking medications that can normalize hormonal levels.

Pregnancy is a wonderful moment in a woman’s life, but skin defects can overshadow this period. As the fetus grows and develops, the belly of the expectant mother grows, extra pounds appear, the skin stretches, there is a lack of moisture, its elasticity is lost and then scars appear.

Striae on the face can form due to mechanical damage to the skin or an increase in the hormone progesterone, which slows down the production of much-needed elastin. Stretch marks on the face can also form due to weight loss.

Pink stretch marks. They are formed at the very beginning, after ruptures of the skin fibers. The scars are still very fresh and close to the surface of the skin.

Purple stretch marks. They become like this after the stretched tissue is no longer so fresh, but there is still a chance to quickly and easily get rid of the defect.

Blue striae. They acquire this shade after 4-5 months. In this case, creams will no longer help.

White stretch marks. Old scars become completely whitish and lose pigment. These stretch marks last about 8 months or more. They are no longer amenable to cosmetic treatment and require, at a minimum, laser resurfacing.

The choice of treatment method depends on the color of the stretch marks. You should contact a surgeon only when all other options have failed and your stretch marks are more than 8 months old.

Still, it is better to first contact a cosmetologist. Modern hardware procedures and professional products have proven their effectiveness many times.

Home treatment should be considered first. Today, on the shelves of pharmacies and cosmetic stores there is a large selection of drugs that are ways to quickly rid the body of stretch marks. But only if they are pink or purple. Such products contain amino acids, essential oils, collagen, vitamins and minerals.

It is impossible to quickly get rid of old stretch marks. Especially on the back and stomach. But in addition to special ointments, gels and lotions, cosmetology can offer you mesotherapy and laser resurfacing.

The essence of mesotherapy is the injection of a special device into the area of ​​stretch marks. This allows you to improve local metabolism. Several procedures are required.

Laser resurfacing allows you to achieve results after one session. However, this method is more painful and expensive.

  1. Try to do physical exercises that strengthen your body muscles.
  2. Take a contrast shower more often and pour cold water over your body.
  3. Do a light massage with your hands in different areas.
  4. Use moisturizing creams and gels that improve the elasticity of the skin.
  5. Don't forget the wraps. Contact them at least once a week.
  6. Wear quality underwear.
  7. Try to eat a balanced diet. This will avoid hormonal problems.
  8. Don't overeat or starve if you don't want to stretch your skin.

Can stretch marks form after breast augmentation surgery?

Yes, they can, due to a sharp increase in volume and stretching of the skin. Therefore, before surgery, it is necessary to take preventive measures against the appearance of stretch marks - moisturizing the skin, various massages, a balanced diet, taking vitamins.

What causes stretch marks on the sides?

If vertical stretch marks have formed on your sides, this is due to sudden weight gain or sudden weight loss. Horizontal striae indicate hormonal imbalance and diseases of the endocrine system.

You need to deal with stretch marks on your sides in the same way as with stretch marks in any other areas, plus you should visit a nutritionist and endocrinologist to normalize your diet and level out your hormonal levels.

Why do stretch marks appear on the buttocks of men?

This is usually due to excessive exercise, as well as sudden weight loss or weight gain. Therefore, at the first symptoms you should take immediate action.

Can stretch marks form on the hips after childbirth, and not just on the stomach and chest?

Yes, during childbirth, when pushing, there is a strong tension in the entire body of the expectant mother, including the skin. It tears, and stretch marks can form both on the thighs and buttocks, between the legs and in other areas. There is also a high risk of getting stretch marks on the legs and calves, since the legs are forced to bear a lot of weight during pregnancy. In this case, doctors usually recommend resting more often.

Sometimes light stripes of varying lengths appear on the skin, which can cause significant damage to the appearance. The peculiarity of white stretch marks is that they can appear on the skin at any age and on any part of the body, depending on the degree of elasticity of the skin.

What it is

White stretch marks, or striae, are modifications of the skin, which are atrophic scars made of connective tissue. Newly formed stretch marks are usually reddish or purple in color. Over time, gradually deforming the skin and reducing its elasticity, they acquire a white tint.

When they appear

The main reason for the formation of white stretch marks is excessive stretching of the skin. Due to this negative impact, collagen and elastin fibers, which are responsible for the elasticity of the skin and its resistance to pressure, rupture.

Within the epidermis, collagen and elastin are replaced by connective tissue that typically fills scars.

The reason for this substitution may be:

  1. pregnancy. A sharp, uncontrolled increase in body volume and tension of the skin from the inside in certain places, occurring unevenly. Also, a major role in the formation of white stretch marks during pregnancy is changes in hormonal levels and cyclical processes in the female body. The skin does not tolerate stress well;
  2. hormonal changes associated with puberty or transition to menopause;
  3. weight gain, accompanied by an increase in volume in problem areas. Sometimes white stretch marks on the thighs and buttocks can occur due to increased muscle mass;
  4. pathologies of the endocrine system, disturbances of humoral regulation due to malfunctions of certain organs and systems, for example, diabetes mellitus;
  5. use of medications, leading to changes in the hormonal background of the body, weight loss or gain, correction of the nervous system;
  6. genetic predisposition to decreased collagen levels in the skin and the appearance of stretch marks.

The reason for the formation of white stretch marks can be understood by what part of the body they are located on and in what direction they last.

How to remove white stretch marks

White stretch marks on the butt, thighs and lower abdomen are especially unpleasant because they retain their visibility even after reducing body weight and volume. They are quite difficult to hide with tanning and decorative cosmetics.

Since they penetrate directly into the depths of the upper layer of the epidermis and are a kind of pothole in the skin, they will appear and attract even more attention to themselves.

Modern cosmetology offers many ways to get rid of white stretch marks.:

  1. physiotherapeutic – using special devices that stimulate skin tension and reduce the intensity of scars;
  2. cosmetic – capable of moisturizing the skin with the help of creams, ointments and wraps, making it more elastic and increasing its resistance to internal and external negative factors;
  3. injection – when the effect occurs by introducing medicinal substances directly under the skin, dealing with stretch marks from the inside;
  4. surgery (abdomenoplasty) – it is resorted to in very advanced clinical cases, when any other methods of influencing white stretch marks will not have an effect.

Before choosing a method of influence. It is best to consult a cosmetologist. He will help you choose the most rational and effective way to get rid of stretch marks.

Find out what to apply on stretch marks.

How to remove stretch marks on the chest? The answer is here.

On the butt

It is easiest to get rid of white stretch marks on the buttocks, since the skin there is the most elastic, capable of undergoing various methods of influence and maintaining the resulting effect for a long time.

To get rid of stretch marks on the butt, the following methods will help::

  1. seaweed wraps. This cosmetic manipulation is good when the stretch marks are shallow and they are not too long. In order for the skin to regain its former elasticity, it will be enough to carry out 6-12 procedures, depending on the individual characteristics of the epidermal cells of each patient. After wraps, skin tone is not only restored, but can also increase significantly. This will help prevent the formation of new stretch marks;
  2. photopigmentation. Impact of short bursts on problem areas of the body. Just 10 phototherapy sessions will activate the restoration processes in the skin and remove unpleasant white marks;
  3. microdermabrasion. Suitable for fairly patient patients, as significant discomfort may occur during the procedure. It involves polishing the skin using a directed stream of air mixed with sand. It has both a scrubbing and regeneration-stimulating effect. Stimulates collagen production under the skin;

A combination of several procedures, for example, photopigmentation and body wraps, will help you achieve a positive result much faster and maintain it for a long time.

In the case of the combined effect of several products, the skin not only regains its former elasticity, but also becomes more attractive and soft in appearance, thanks to the nourishing effect of cosmetic wraps.

On the hips

Getting rid of stretch marks on the thighs is much more difficult, since the skin there is usually rougher than on the buttocks and the connective scar tissue is located somewhat deeper.

In addition to the methods listed above, cosmetologists additionally offer the following ways to get rid of unattractive stretch marks:

  1. water procedures. Daily contrast showers with alternating exposure to jets of hot and cold water;
  2. intensive types of massage. Constant mechanical action is accompanied by blood flow and additional launch of metabolic processes. Under the skin, blood microcirculation increases, metabolism accelerates, and the saturation of epidermal cells with nutrients increases. This helps to improve skin tone and its complete restoration;
  3. enzyme injections under the skin. During such procedures, stretch marks are significantly smoothed out due to the fact that they are acted on from the inside. Tissues that have been subjected to mechanical stress, excessive tension and deformation are practically restored. However, the effect of such procedures is short-lived, and if the patient does not monitor her health and weight, the stretch marks will return;
  4. in cases where it is not possible to get rid of stretch marks through physiotherapeutic means, they resort to plastic surgery. Damaged areas of skin from problem areas are completely eliminated. The recovery period after such surgery is quite long; additional injections of enzymes and collagen will be required to restore skin elasticity.

Despite the fact that getting rid of stretch marks is quite difficult, with the right approach and strict adherence to the specialist’s recommendations, you can achieve significant results and keep your skin elastic and healthy for a long time.

Video: Important information

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Stretch marks are suspicious stripes that one (un)fine day settle on our skin. And even in the most inappropriate places.

Who are stretch marks, where do they come from and why don’t they want to leave, is it possible to prevent the appearance of uninvited guests, and how to deal with stretch marks if they do come and unpack your suitcases - read in this post.

How stretch marks form

In a series of posts about the structure of the skin, we learned that its main layer - the dermis - is similar in structure to a water-spring mattress. The role of springs is performed by collagen and elastin fibers. Collagen gives the skin strength, elastin gives elasticity and flexibility. Together they allow the skin to stretch and curl.

Fibers have a large margin of strength, but it is not infinite. With sudden or constant stretching, the fibers first become thinner and then break.

The rupture sites are filled with connective tissue. It does not replace collagen and elastin, does not perform their functions, but simply takes the place of damaged fibers and fills the void. As a result, thin scars appear on the skin, which we call stretch marks or striae.

Stretch marks can appear on any part of the body. But more often they form where more subcutaneous fat accumulates: on the stomach, hips, buttocks, and chest. Fat cells - adipocytes become crowded, they begin to push, stretch the skin, it cannot withstand the attack and breaks.

Stretch marks rarely come one at a time. Usually several parallel breaks appear at once, 1-10 cm long and 1-5 mm wide.

Life path stretching

The areas of skin where stretch marks are intended to appear become thinner, itchy, itchy and pinkish. This is how stretch marks are born.

Then the fibers break and gradually begin to fill with connective tissue.

Blood vessels live in the connective tissue that forms in places where fibers break. They show through thin skin and give stretch marks a reddish tint. Therefore, fresh, newly appeared stretch marks are pink, red or purple.

Typically, fresh stretch marks are slightly raised to the touch - like scars. Sometimes, when pressed, the skin sinks deeper. Especially impressionable people should not touch stretch marks with their hands.

Stretch marks that formed less than six months ago are considered young, and more than six months are considered old.

In six months, the connective tissue grows greatly and manages to thoroughly mend the fiber breaks. The number of vessels in it decreases. Therefore, old stretch marks become lighter and flatter.

Causes of stretch marks

The main reason for the formation of stretch marks is sudden changes in body volume and weight. Collagen and elastin fibers do not have time to stretch in time and tear.

Teenage years. Teenagers' bodies change very quickly. The muscles cannot keep up with the bones, the skin becomes “small” for the rapidly growing body. If the skin is not elastic enough, it begins to tear in areas of active growth. For girls - on the hips, buttocks, and chest. For young men - on the back and shoulders.

Sudden weight changes. When we gain weight quickly, the body actively stores excess fat under the skin. She does not have time to react in time and stretch to accommodate the new volumes. At the same time, the skin stretches not only from excess fat, but also from rapid muscle growth and sudden weight loss. When you lose weight, fat deposits go away, but stretched skin remains. Folds and creases form on it. In places where there are creases, the skin tears under its own weight and - hello, stretch marks.

Pregnancy. Not only does a pregnant woman’s skin not keep up with her rapidly growing belly, but hormones also contribute to stretch marks. Namely, prolactin. During pregnancy, prolactin is significantly elevated. Elevated prolactin suppresses the synthesis of collagen and elastin. As a result, the skin weakens and tears in places of greatest tension - on the stomach and chest, less often on the thighs.

Lack of protein foods. Protein is necessary for the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers. If the body does not receive enough protein from food, it synthesizes collagen and elastin more slowly. The skin becomes less strong and elastic and more susceptible to stretching and tearing.

Dehydration. When the body lacks water, the skin dries out. Moisturizing cosmetics cannot attract enough moisture from the outside and retain it in the dermis. Even if it is very good and competent cosmetics. It's not enough. As the skin loses moisture, it becomes less elastic. Any sudden movement and the skin tears like a dried leaf.

Taking corticosteroid drugs. Corticosteroids are hormones that are prescribed for many conditions, from arthritis to eczema. They relieve inflammation well. But - the fly in the ointment - they inhibit collagen synthesis. Less collagen means a greater likelihood of skin ruptures and stretch marks.

Cushing's syndrome. In this condition, the body produces a lot of the hormone cortisol. This slows down the production of collagen and elastin. Slow and insufficient synthesis of collagen and elastin leads to the appearance of tears in the skin.

Marfan syndrome. Caused by a mutation in the gene that controls skin elasticity. It is declining greatly.

Heredity. A lot depends on genetics when it comes to stretch marks. If your mother or grandmother has stretch marks, then the risk that they may appear on you is high. Start prevention as early as possible.

Prevention of stretch marks

Several healthy habits can help reduce the risk of stretch marks.

Maintaining optimal body weight. Sudden weight changes are the most common cause of stretch marks. Therefore, losing weight and gaining weight, if necessary or unavoidable, such as during pregnancy, should be done gradually.

Regular physical activity. Running, yoga, swimming, dumbbells, stretching, biking are your true friends in the fight against stretch marks. Any regular physical activity helps maintain skin elasticity. This means it reduces the risk of stretch marks.

Proper nutrition. A frying pan of pasta and a bucket of borscht bun eaten at night will not go unnoticed not only for the butt, but also for the skin. But proteins and slow carbohydrates (meat, dairy products, buckwheat, oatmeal, vegetables and fruits) will help it maintain elasticity and strength for a long time.

Sufficient amount of liquid. Dehydration is a direct path to loss of elasticity, dryness and stretch marks. Drink at least two liters of water daily.

Body massage with a dry brush. Regular dry brushing improves blood microcirculation and promotes skin regeneration. For maximum effect, combine rubbing with a contrast shower.

Cosmetics and procedures. Competent skin care products and regular cosmetic procedures are proven methods for maintaining skin elasticity, strength and tone. Peels cleanse the skin of dead cells, improve cellular metabolism and stimulate regeneration. Mud and algae wraps saturate with minerals and vitamins, strengthen the skin, and support the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Moisturizing creams and serums saturate with moisture and maintain water balance. And some components of care products specifically stimulate the synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. More on this below.

Treatment of stretch marks

Dealing with fresh stretch marks is much easier than with old ones. While stretch marks are pink, there is a chance that the right cosmetics and treatments will make them almost invisible.

It is most likely impossible to completely get rid of old stretch marks.

Creams, serums and masks for stretch marks

Competent products for stretch marks should contain components that stimulate the synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, and also actively moisturize and soften the skin.

  1. AHA acids: stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
  2. Retinol (vitamin A): stimulates active division and proper functioning of cells, accelerates regeneration.
  3. Vitamin C: regulates and stimulates collagen production.
  4. Gotu kola (Centella asiatica): stimulates collagen synthesis, accelerates scarring and strengthens connective tissue. It also improves circulation, making the skin smoother and more elastic.
  5. Aloe: softens the skin and stimulates cellular renewal.
  6. Hyaluronic acid: actively moisturizes the skin, making it more elastic.
  7. Oils: moisturize, nourish the skin, restore damaged tissues, actively renew the epidermis.

To get a noticeable effect, you need to use anti-stretch marks regularly - 2 times a day and constantly, and not in courses.

Stretch marks are initially lighter than the natural color of the skin. And since melanin is not produced in the connective tissue, when tanning, the stretch marks remain white and are even more noticeable on tanned skin. Therefore, unfortunately, it will not be possible to disguise stretch marks with a tan.

Hardware methods for getting rid of stretch marks

When cosmetics alone are no longer able to cope with old stretch marks, salon procedures and hardware techniques come to the rescue.

Laser skin resurfacing. Stretch marks are treated with laser. It destroys the top layer of skin. To restore the skin, cells begin to actively divide, and collagen and elastin are synthesized faster. As a result, the scar tissue of the stretch marks is leveled out, the skin becomes smoother, and the stretch marks themselves become almost invisible.

Medium and deep chemical peels. They intensively exfoliate, destroy the upper and middle layers of the skin, penetrate deeply - to the lower layers of the dermis. They stimulate regeneration: the cells of the basal layer begin to divide more actively, and the fibers begin to grow faster. New tissue fills the layers of the dermis with stretch marks destroyed by peeling, acquiring the color of healthy skin.

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization. Help the skin recover faster after grinding and peeling. Injections of peptides and hyaluronic acid actively regenerate and moisturize the skin, restoring its elasticity, smoothness and healthy color.

Briefly about the main thing

Stretch marks are the result of rupture of collagen and elastin fibers.

Fresh stretch marks are pink, old ones are white.

The main reason for the appearance of stretch marks is a sharp increase in body volume and weight: during pregnancy, in adolescence, when gaining muscle mass or excess fat.

Poor nutrition, dehydration, taking hormonal medications, genetics and certain diseases can also lead to the formation of stretch marks.

To prevent stretch marks, eat more protein foods, proper carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, drink at least two liters of water a day, do not forget physical activity, dry brushing and use good body moisturizers.

If stretch marks do appear, the right creams, serums and body masks will help restore elasticity to the skin and reduce the depth of the stretch marks. A radical solution is salon procedures: serious peelings and laser resurfacing. They will make stretch marks almost invisible.

While stretch marks are pink, there is a chance that the right cosmetics and treatments will make them almost invisible. It is most likely impossible to completely get rid of old stretch marks.

There is no magic pill for stretch marks.

How do you deal with stretch marks? Share your wisdom in the comments.

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