Boldenone - description, course, combinations with other sports pharmacology drugs

* Before we start the story about this drug, we want to highlight one important point: we do not encourage you to take anabolic steroids. The article only introduces you to boldenone, its properties and characteristics. Whether to accept it or not is entirely your business, for which only you will be responsible. We do not encourage you to do anything...

Boldenone is an anabolic drug, originally developed as a prolonged version of methane (danabol) for veterinary use. The anabolic activity of boldenone is the same as that of testosterone, but the androgenic activity is two times lower. This drug is often compared to deca, but these two substances are completely different from each other.

The activity time of the undecylenate ester is about 14 days. Time for detection of the active substance during doping control: up to 150 days.

Available in the form of injections, there are two esters on sale: undecylenate and acetate, the price, accordingly, depends on the manufacturer.

Boldenone in bodybuilding is a popular drug, both in a mass-gaining course and in cycles aimed at acquiring relief (drying the body), this drug can be called the most universal, naturally, after testosterone. It is often used with other long esters - in the case of mass gain, and with short esters - in the case of a fat burning cycle.

  1. Positive effects
  2. How to take boldenone
  3. Boldenone: side effects
  4. Post cycle therapy

Positive effects

  1. inhibits the aromatization process
  2. accelerates synthetic processes
  3. significant increase in endurance (due to the number of red blood cells)
  4. increase in quality muscle mass (relief and venous detailing)
  5. moderate increase in the athlete's strength characteristics

How to take boldenone

The optimal dosage for a mass-gaining course will be 600 mg per week (a dosage lower does not bring significant results). Likewise, in the case of cycles aimed at reducing the percentage of body fat, the dosage of the drug should be at least 8.5 mg of the active substance per 1 kg of your own weight. Course duration: from 10 weeks.

  1. nutrition on the course
  2. combinations with other anabolic steroids
  3. training process
  4. control of sex hormones (mainly estradiol and prolactin)

An example of a course aimed at gaining mass:

Boldenone + Testosterone enanthate + Oxymethalone

An example of a course aimed at drying the body:

Boldenone + Testosterone propionate + Masteron

It can be combined with absolutely all anabolic steroids, depending on your goals.

Boldenone: side effects

With proper administration of the course and monitoring of tests, all side effects can be minimized. In case of uncontrolled use, these negative effects are possible:

  1. suppression of natural testosterone production
  2. increased LDL (“bad” cholesterol)
  3. increased hematocrit level
  4. appearance of acne
  5. reduction in testicular size (during use)
  6. rise in blood pressure

During the course, it is imperative to use testosterone; also, if the duration of the course is 10 weeks or more, it is recommended to use gonadotropin according to the following scheme:

  1. 3,4,5 weeks 500-1000 units of hCG
  2. 8-9-10 weeks 500-1000 units of hCG

As well as anastrozole and cabergoline, the dosages of which depend on the indicators of estradiol and prolactin (can be taken in any laboratory).

Post cycle therapy

To restore your own level of (endogenous) testosterone, after the cycle, approximately 14 days after the last injection of boldenone, it is worth using the antiestrogens (recommended) Clomid. For better recovery, it is advisable to take a test for total testosterone; if its readings are in the middle of the reference values ​​and below, recovery can safely begin. If it is higher than normal, you should wait until the broadcasts stop working.

The duration of use depends on the combinations of all steroids on the cycle, dosages and the duration of the steroid cycle itself.

It wouldn’t hurt to take additional supplements: a vitamin-mineral complex, separately vitamins E and D, zinc, sports nutrition.

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