How to figure out what your body is missing

We are all familiar with the situation when our body persistently demands certain foods, and we cannot resist the temptation to eat them. But often we don’t understand why this particular product creates such a strong need in us. In fact, our body tells us that it lacks certain substances contained in this product. In this article we will tell you how to figure out what your body is missing and what foods you need to eat to meet its needs.

Want: chocolate

Not enough: magnesium.

Magnesium is an essential mineral that is involved in many biochemical reactions in the body. A lack of magnesium can lead to fatigue, irritability, muscle cramps and other problems. Chocolate contains magnesium, but this mineral is also found in other foods, such as nuts, seeds, fruits, legumes and legumes.

Want: bread

Not enough: nitrogen.

Nitrogen is an important element that is needed to create proteins in the body. A lack of nitrogen can lead to poor metabolism and other problems. Bread contains carbohydrates that are quickly digested and provide a quick energy boost, but nitrogen is also found in other high-protein foods, such as fish, meat and nuts.

Want: sweets (pies, cakes)

Not enough: glucose.

Glucose is the main source of energy for the body. Lack of glucose can lead to fatigue, irritability and other problems. Sweets contain glucose, but it can also be obtained from other foods, such as honey, sweet vegetables, berries and fruits.

Want: fatty foods (fried potatoes, salad with mayonnaise)

Not enough: calcium.

Calcium is an essential mineral needed for healthy bones and teeth, as well as muscle and nervous system function. A lack of calcium can lead to osteoporosis and other problems. Fatty foods contain calcium, but you can also get it from other foods, such as broccoli, legumes, cheese and sesame seeds.

Want: processed cheese

Lacks: calcium and phosphorus.

Phosphorus is an essential mineral needed for healthy bones and teeth, as well as muscle and nervous system function. Lack of phosphorus can lead to osteomalacia and other problems. Processed cheese contains calcium and phosphorus, but they can also be obtained from other foods, such as broccoli, milk and cottage cheese.

Want: smoked meats

Not enough: cholesterol.

Cholesterol is an important component of cell membranes and is involved in the synthesis of many hormones. Lack of cholesterol can lead to health problems. Smoked meats contain cholesterol, but you can also get it from other foods, such as avocados, red fish, nuts and olives.

Want: salty (chips, nuts)

Lacks: chlorides, sodium and calcium.

Chloride, sodium and calcium are important minerals that are necessary for the proper functioning of the body. A deficiency of these minerals can lead to health problems. Salty foods contain chloride, sodium and calcium, but they can also be obtained from other foods, such as fish, cheese, legumes and homemade popcorn.

If you want to know what your body is lacking, pay attention to your nutritional needs and the symptoms you experience. If you often crave something sweet, then your body may not have enough glucose. If you are tired and irritable, then your body may not have enough magnesium. Remember that proper nutrition is the basis of health, so watch what you eat and try to meet your body's needs with healthy foods.