Big pimple on chest

In isolated cases, this phenomenon should not cause concern: sometimes the cause of one pimple is simply a clogged duct of the epidermis.

If this phenomenon becomes regular, and the number of rashes increases, we are already talking about some serious problem. Acne often appears in the chest area, which, as in other cases, can be caused by various reasons.

Causes of acne on the chest

Poor nutrition

As a rule, this reason is not direct, but indirect. This means that poor nutrition causes gastrointestinal problems, which affects the condition of the skin.

Fatty, spicy foods, as well as foods containing large amounts of dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers, and so on can cause rashes.

"Harmful" clothes

It has long been known that artificial materials, so widely used for tailoring, impede the flow of air to the body. These same materials are bad because when sweating, they create a kind of “cushion” between the body and the fabric, where all the fumes accumulate.

This is why artificial fabrics contribute to the appearance of acne on the chest.

It is better to wear natural materials that do not fit tightly to the body. This is especially true for home clothes, because at home the body in general and the skin in particular should rest as much as possible.

Problems with internal organs

Our body is designed in such a way that most internal problems are immediately reflected in its appearance. This is a very serious mechanism that allows you to warn about the presence of a disease where it cannot be seen with your eyes. The possibility of internal diseases can only be eliminated with the help of doctors, so at the slightest suspicion it is better to go to the hospital.


As you know, allergies can be caused by a huge number of different factors. So, a person may not even realize that he has an allergy to metal. In this case, an ordinary metal pendant may well cause red rashes on the chest. In such cases, as a rule, people notice a certain pattern: acne appears only in some cases, and not always.


This reason, when it comes to acne on the chest, is quite common. In this case, only the help of specialists will help, and home treatment can only give a short-term result (or not give it at all).

How to get rid of acne on chest?

Red pimples

In this case, an excellent treatment option is aloe juice. Before using the plant, it must be thoroughly rinsed with water. You can use a pulp from the inside of the leaves or the leaf itself, cut in half. Aloe not only has healing properties, but is also considered an excellent antibacterial agent.

Regular calendula, which you can buy at the pharmacy, is good for removing redness. You need to wipe the skin with its tincture twice a day.

Many people note the almost miraculous properties of tar soap - it dries and disinfects the skin well. It should be taken into account that the drying effect of the product is quite strong, and therefore one light soaping for one treatment session will be enough. You need to conduct two sessions a day - morning and evening.

Purulent acne

Firstly, they look unpleasant, and secondly, there is always a danger that the surface of the pimple will burst, pus will come out, and bacteria will get into the wound. In such cases, the danger of infection is always present.

If you have purulent acne, you need to be as careful as possible, and for treatment you should choose the most effective methods.

One of the simplest home recipes is to using onions or garlic. One thing needs to be grated or finely chopped, wrapped in gauze and applied to the problem area overnight, carefully securing it. This method is quite effective, but not pleasant for everyone: both plants have a pungent odor, and the entire bed, clothes and body will smell of this smell.

Has excellent healing properties mustard (you should buy ready-made, not dry). The mustard mixture should be applied directly to the pimples, leaving for 20-30 minutes. It is recommended to repeat the session 2-3 times a day.

Another plant that allows you to effectively fight purulent acne is St. John's wort. You need to make an alcohol tincture based on it and wipe the problem areas with it daily. The alcohol tincture is made as follows: take 50 grams of St. John's wort per glass of vodka, mix everything, and leave the mixture for two weeks.


The basis for preventing the appearance of acne anywhere is attention to the general condition of the body.

Features of nutrition, lifestyle, general well-being - all this needs to be monitored so that “signal” rashes do not occur. It is important not only not to eat harmful foods, but also to maintain an optimal balance of necessary substances in the body. If you cannot follow the rules of nutrition, you should not neglect the courses of vitamins that your doctor may prescribe.

In order for the skin to “breathe”, you need to wear clothes made from natural fabrics, and also follow basic hygiene rules.

If the skin is too sensitive, then it is recommended to use moisturizers every time after washing - this will avoid overdrying and unnecessary irritation.

When problems with acne cause great inconvenience, and it is not possible to solve them on your own, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Acne on the chest appears in people just as often as on other areas of the skin that have many sweat and sebaceous glands. A rash on the chest can appear in people of any age and can cause a lot of discomfort, since the pimples are sometimes rubbed and irritated by clothing. In addition, the presence of acne on the chest causes significant psychological discomfort associated with the unpleasant appearance of the rash, as well as a limitation in the choice of clothing (for example, clothes with a neckline for women).

Why do acne appear on the chest?

According to medical statistics, the appearance of acne on the chest, as well as on the back and neck, occurs no less often than rashes on the face. But since the chest area is often hidden from prying eyes, patients are less likely to turn to a doctor for help, hoping that everything will go away on its own. The latter is a big mistake, since acne on the chest often tends to break out again and self-treatment may not always be effective.

For adequate treatment, it is necessary to find the cause of the rash, otherwise the pimples will constantly return, and unsightly scars may form in place of the healed ones.

The main causes of acne on the chest include the following:

  1. blockage of the excretory ducts of the sweat and sebaceous glands. This is a common cause of white pimples on the chest. Most often, white pimples are small in size, but the rashes are extensive;
  2. allergic skin reaction to cosmetics or perfumes, as well as to washing powder used to wash clothes;
  3. violation of thermoregulation (local). Overheating or hypothermia due to wearing synthetic clothing that does not allow air to pass through or wool that irritates the skin. With this disorder, red pimples usually appear on the chest, as well as under the breasts in women (with profuse sweating). Also, disturbance of local thermoregulation occurs in obese people;
  4. hormonal disorders. With any hormonal changes in the body - be it adolescence, menstruation or pregnancy in women, any endocrine diseases - the correct production of sebum secretion, which is necessary for natural moisturizing of the skin and maintaining its local immunity, is disrupted. Therefore, any hormonal disorders can cause acne on the chest;
  5. endometriosis in women. Sometimes with this disease a rash appears on the chest, but after the disease is cured, the acne also goes away;
  6. frequent experience of stressful situations. It has been noticed that acne that occurs “on a nervous basis” appears on the chest, repeating the location of the spine or the pattern of intercostal nerves;
  7. immunodeficiency states. Any rash on the body is very dangerous, as it worsens the patient’s condition and is at risk of infection and sepsis;
  8. diabetes. In severe, uncompensated forms of diabetes mellitus, purulent pimples may appear on the chest;
  9. poor diet, food allergies.

How to get rid of acne on chest

To find out the exact cause of acne on the chest, it is worth undergoing a full examination of the body, passing all the tests prescribed by the doctor, and if you suspect any disease, consult with specialists.

If concomitant diseases are discovered, it is necessary to urgently begin their treatment.

The following can be recommended as additional and preventative measures:

  1. Maintain personal hygiene. Thorough cleansing of the skin helps acne disappear quickly. For an additional therapeutic effect, you can use tar soap; it has proven effective in combating acne on the chest, neck and back.
  2. Masks made from natural products applied to the chest. For example, a mask of fresh aloe juice and grated carrots. At the same time, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to the products from which the mask is made.
  3. Replacing clothes. It is advisable to get rid of tight clothing, as well as synthetic items, giving preference to linen, cotton and soft, thin knitwear.
  4. Taking air baths. It is necessary to simply allow the skin of the chest to “breathe,” since a common cause of acne on the chest is a simple lack of oxygen.

Following a diet that limits the amount of carbohydrates and ensures that the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements that affect the condition of the skin.

Hello, dear readers. Pimples on the chest bother not only girls and boys during puberty. Unpleasant rashes appear in both children and adults. Today we will talk about the reasons for this phenomenon, how to get rid of them and what you should never do.

Pimple - who or what are you?

Pimples are pathological elements that differ from healthy skin in color, density, sometimes temperature, texture. Rashes appear more often on the face, but the chest and back are also susceptible to rashes. Its elements can be:

  1. small and large;
  2. single and multiple;
  3. fuse together to form a red, swollen area and do not fuse;
  4. itchy or sore.

Acne in everyday life means:

Types of acne Explanations
Nodules (papules) Bandless elements passing without a trace
Acne Acne
Furuncle Large purulent element, painful, associated with inflammation of the hair follicle
Blisters, hives Urticular allergic rashes
Pustules (pustules) Elements containing pus and located superficially or in deep layers of the skin
Bubbles Hollow formations filled with transparent or bloody contents, up to half a centimeter in diameter
Nodes Deep infiltrates healing with scar

Of course, these are not all possible elements of a rash. But it is precisely to them that the definition of “pimple” can be applied. Most often, pimples are understood as mosquito bites, pustules (rashes with a white purulent head) and boils.

Certain types of rash appear on different layers of the skin.

  1. Blisters and nodules “live” intraepidermally or in the upper layer of the skin (epidermis).
  2. Blisters form subepidermally (under the epidermis).
  3. Nodules appear dermally (in the middle layer of the skin).
  4. Large nodes are located deep in the dermis and lower layer of skin (hypodermis).

Subcutaneous pimples (nodes) are painful. These are quite large infiltrates 2-10 cm in diameter, healing with a scar.

Most often, pimples are red with or without purulent, bloody or ichorous contents. The pimple hurts or itches. Wen or milia (millet) are classified into a separate group. This is a white pimple, similar to a millet grain, painless, located subcutaneously.

Typically, such subcutaneous “millet grains” appear on the face (in the eye area, on the forehead, cheeks). Less commonly, they are found between the mammary glands or in the upper quadrant of the bust.

Do you want to know why wen appear? There are many reasons for this. Both red and white “grains” appear on the skin as a result of disruption of the body. Let's look at the reasons in more detail.

Causes of rashes in the bust area

Rashes appear for a variety of reasons.

Cause of the rash Explanations
Violation of hygiene rules Uncleanliness or illiterate selection of skin care products
Industrial hazards Dust, gas contamination, humidity, high temperature
Overheating At the same time, sweat and sebum are released, mixing with dust. A plug forms, closing the pore, and bacteria multiply underneath it, causing inflammation.
Allergies, autoimmune reactions With food allergies, rashes appear more often on the back and bikini area, but pimples can appear on the chest and back. When the body reacts to its own digestive juices, raised elements appear in the sternum area, which merge and itch very much.
It is not uncommon to be allergic to the powders you use to wash clothes and synthetic underwear.
Bites from mosquitoes, fleas and other insects Flea bites are isolated small, itchy rashes. Mosquito bites are bumps that, due to an allergy, turn into large elements and are very itchy.
In women, a rash on the face and chest sometimes accompanies menstruation, pregnancy, lactation and menopause (these can be pustules, acne or wen). Teenagers get rashes during puberty Hormonal disturbances and PMS contribute to the appearance of single elements.
Reduced resistance (ability to resist infection) of the skin. And the death of skin bacteria that constitute the natural defense of the human membrane The microflora dies due to hyper-care: frequent use of peelings that disrupt the structure of the upper layer of skin, and the use of antibacterial soap.
Prickly heat Elements appear under the breasts due to skin irritation later. Usually in hot weather for plump ladies with large busts.
Impact of stressors Causes disruption of the hormonal and digestive systems. As a result, pimples appear.
Bacterial infections of ENT organs, carious teeth Microorganisms that parasitize the human oral cavity produce waste products that we swallow. “Swallowing an infection” can cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and allergies to metabolites of bacterial toxins.
Skin diseases Dermatitis, mycoses, parasitic diseases (Demodex). The mite most often parasitizes the skin of the face. But it can “crawl” onto the bust.
The penetration of microbes into the gland through the milky pores and wounds on the nipple can lead to rashes on the skin of the nipple and areola.
Unhealthy diet (both red and white pimples appear), certain medications Abuse of beer (phytoestrogens) and sweets stimulates the proliferation of opportunistic bacteria on the skin. Fast food causes disruption of the digestive system and the appearance of rashes.
Abuse of hormonal contraceptives, women's diseases Hormonal imbalance leads to rashes

Attention: the main reason for the appearance of a rash in the bust area is endocrine diseases. Single rashes that appear on the skin of the bust 1-2 times in a lifetime are not a sign of illness. If there are constant rashes that are localized (located) in the same place, you should consult a doctor.

What to do and not to do with acne?

If there are a lot of pimples, you will probably be embarrassed to expose your décolleté in the summer. And instead of tight tops, you will have to wear loose cotton blouses. This is one of the stages in the fight against rashes.

Under no circumstances should you squeeze out pimples yourself. If you squeeze out pustules, there is a risk of spreading the infection. If there are boils or acne, squeezing will not only cause pus to infiltrate into the surrounding tissues, but also cause the wound to heal with an unsightly scar.

If you want to clear your face of acne, go to a beauty salon and improve the functioning of your digestive system and the production of hormones.

If you have one “painful” pimple with a white “head”, treat it with a local disinfectant (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Iodine). If you have a lot of pimples, consult a doctor. He will tell you how to get rid of the rash. Treatment will depend on the cause of the disease:

  1. For allergies, local and general antihistamines (Loratadine, Suprastin, Fenistil ointment), local hormonal drugs (Celestoderm), sorbents and intestinal probiotics are prescribed. A diet excluding allergenic foods (chocolate, strawberries, honey, tomatoes, nuts) is mandatory.
  2. If the functioning of internal organs is disrupted, hepatoprotectors, probiotics, agents that correct the acidity of gastric juice, enzymes that support the functioning of the pancreas, and prebiotics (agents that restore the functioning of intestinal microflora) are prescribed.
  3. When exposed to stressors, a hypoallergenic diet, sedatives, and medications to normalize sleep are prescribed.
  4. In case of hormonal imbalances, the hormone levels in the blood are adjusted.
  5. In case of acne development, local antibacterial drugs (Erythromycin, Clindamycin), keratolytics (Benzoyl peroxide), retinoids or vitamin A analogues (Tretinoin) are prescribed.

Any treatment must be prescribed by a doctor and include a set of general measures (hygiene, nutrition, sports) and specific therapy. Self-medication is fraught with the transition of the condition to a chronic form and unpleasant complications.

With this we say goodbye to you. We hope that we have helped you understand the main reasons for the appearance of unsightly elements in the décolleté area, and you will share the article with your friends via social networks.