Fighting acne

Skin affected by the disease is not able to fully perform its functions. Skin diseases are often associated with unpleasant sensations - itching, burning, and in acute cases - pain from touch. However, perhaps the most unpleasant thing about skin diseases is the unattractive external changes in the skin, which have a severe effect on the psycho-emotional state of both the patient himself and those around him.

The presence of a skin-cosmetic disease creates a certain moral trauma, neuropsychic tension, which, in turn, aggravates and maintains the disease. This vicious circle can be difficult to break even with an integrated approach, not to mention the use of external or, conversely, internal therapy alone.

The treatment methods themselves, when both the disease and the patient are treated, and the multidisciplinary structure of domestic cosmetology medical and scientific institutions, which unite specialists in all necessary areas, are subordinated to this complexity.

We will talk about the main skin diseases for which patients come to cosmetology institutions with complaints in these articles.

A significant proportion of patients in cosmetology clinics are patients with various types of acne. Most often these are teenagers and young people from 11-12 to 18-20 years old. So-called juvenile acne appears especially often during puberty and changes in the endocrine system. In girls, this disease usually coincides with the onset of menstruation. The disease is often aggravated by the addition of a microbial infection. Doctors identify several clinical forms of acne.

Blackheads, or comedones, are sebaceous plugs in the enlarged pores of oily facial skin, resulting from stagnation of the secretion - sebum, insufficient cleansing of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands and contamination with dust and dirt. Comedones are yellowish-gray, dark gray, dark brown or simply black with a hard, keratinized head. Blackheads are located in the center of the face (nose, chin, forehead, cheeks), on the back, occipital surface of the neck, in the center of the chest and back, that is, in the places of the greatest accumulation of sebaceous glands.

Small protruding epidermal cysts of a spherical shape and white color, externally resembling small dense nodules the size of a millet grain, often located in groups, are whiteheads, or millet. Their appearance has no age indicators. They are most often located on the face, in the area of ​​the zygomatic arches and cheeks, on the lower parts of the eye sockets and on the eyelids. Usually found in people with dry skin, but also in people with oily seborrhea.

Common inflammatory acne vulgaris is the result of inflammation of the pilosebaceous follicle. The skin element is a conical nodule (papule) of inflammatory red color. Most often, its development occurs from a comedone. When pressed, a secretion of the sebaceous core appears in the form of a blackhead (hence the common name of the disease). Such acne can be located all over the face, on the back of the neck, in the central part of the chest, back, and shoulders. They are often quite painful.

Inflammatory acne turns into purulent acne when the central part of the papule suppurates. An abscess (pustule) appears on the skin, ranging in size from millet to hemp grain and even larger.

One of the varieties of inflammatory acne - globular acne - can be even larger in size: from lentils to peas. They can also fester and form into large ulcers. They affect the face, neck, chest, shoulder girdle and back. Sometimes they occur in certain places, for example, in men on the back of the neck, on the corner of the lower jaw, between the shoulder blades, on the shoulders. In some cases, globular acne merges with each other into a continuous inflammatory-purulent infiltrate.

It happens that acne is accompanied by the penetration of a pyogenic infection into the tissue and deep melting of the tissue (abscess, or phlegmonous, acne). Purple-bluish painful nodes appear on the skin and exist for a long time, which in some cases spontaneously open with the release of dark brown bloody-purulent viscous contents. Independent healing ends with scarring - extensive, rough and deep scars with papillae and bridges typical of abscessed acne, and sometimes keloids.

Treatment of each clinical form and their combinations should be phased and comprehensive using restorative, internal and external methods and means. It should be preceded by a thorough clinical and laboratory examination of patients.

The general treatment for all forms of acne is long-term oral administration of purified sulfur and vitamins, both individual, especially B6, A and E, and their complexes: “Dekamevit”, “Undevit”, multivitamins.

For severe and persistent forms of acne, intramuscular injections, most often of staphylococcal antiphagin, are used, sometimes together with injections of penicillin. Before each intramuscular injection, it is recommended to administer calcium chloride intravenously. Hormonal therapy with synthetic estrogen derivatives is also used for treatment, sometimes in the form of masks.

When treating acne, a system of general health measures is very important - diet therapy (limitation of carbohydrates, especially sweets - cakes, cakes, chocolate, jam, honey, animal fats), movement, water treatments, balneo- and climatotherapy, sun and sea baths, short-term effects of low-temperature agents.

A special place is occupied by external cosmetic methods applied in a cosmetic establishment, in combination with systematic skin care at home.

The most effective methods of external treatment of all clinical forms of acne, except blackheads, are electrocoagulation and cryotherapy (cryobiostimulation and cryocooling), which are applicable even in acute inflammatory conditions.

When treating black, white and inflammatory acne, bodyaga masks are also recommended.

Paraffin masks are used to absorb papular elements and infiltrates from former pustules, as well as to remove black and whiteheads.

To remove blackheads, manual mechanical, vacuum and chemical facial cleansing is used. A contraindication is a pustular rash. After cleansing the face, a massage is advisable (but not with talcum powder or cream); physiotherapeutic procedures include diathermotherapy, electrophoresis, darsonvalization, fractional doses of ultraviolet irradiation, vapozone, phonophoresis with hydrocortisone, acupuncture, and electrodine treatment.

For residual effects of acne - exfoliation, absorbable masks (bodyaga, paraffin), cryodestruction and cryobiostimulation with liquid nitrogen and carbonic acid snow, tonic and astringent masks, electrophoresis and electrodine treatment.

To eliminate scar changes after acne, diathermocoagulation, dermabrasion - skin grinding, treatment with liquid nitrogen, and deep exfoliation are used. For keloid scars, irradiation with Bucca rays, phonophoresis with hydrocortisone, and injections of hydrocortisone emulsion are prescribed.

Acne is most likely the biggest nuisance for any girl. Neither a beautiful hairstyle nor spectacular makeup can hide this terrible defect. Why did this trouble happen to you? There may be several reasons. Perhaps this is an age-related phenomenon, or perhaps it is an allergic reaction. In addition, acne may be a consequence of excessive consumption of sweets or a lack of vitamin A. In any case, consult a doctor if this unpleasant phenomenon has been bothering you for some time. To fight acne, you definitely need to know its cause. And then it will be possible to strike a double blow - from the outside and from the inside.

The presence of a skin-cosmetic disease creates a certain moral trauma, neuropsychic tension, which, in turn, aggravates and maintains the disease. This vicious circle can be difficult to break even with an integrated approach, not to mention the use of external or, conversely, internal therapy alone.

When acne appears:

- during puberty in most adolescents;
- for problems with the endocrine glands;
- for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- with anemia.

However, the presence of acne may not always indicate some kind of disease or various health problems in a person. Acne can occur in people who work with various substances. Acne can be deep or superficial. Superficial ones arise in the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland. Deep ones completely affect the entire sebaceous gland. Typically, acne appears on the forehead, cheeks, neck, chin, shoulders and back.

External remedies to combat acne

Never squeeze out blackheads. You can not only bring dirt into the open pore, but also damage the skin. In this case, you will be left with a small scar or lump that will no longer be removed without serious intervention. If you have the time and opportunity, visit a cosmetologist and they will give you professional facial cleansing. But first you still have to find out the diagnosis from a doctor. Because if, for example, your acne is caused by a subcutaneous mite, then facial cleansing is strictly contraindicated for you. But if your acne is the result of pollution, then facial cleansing is just what the doctor ordered.

If you do not have the opportunity to visit a cosmetologist, then use special cleansing lotions and tonics, as well as creams. In addition, if your problem has gone far, you can buy salicylic or boric alcohol at the pharmacy and wipe your face with it. Zinc ointment will also help you.

At home, you can make masks about 2 times a week, for example, the following:

1. Mix fresh strawberry juice with glycerin in equal parts, apply to face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
2. Apply blackcurrant juice to your face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water, then rinse with cool water.
3. Apply the white of a raw egg to your face. Wait until it tightens, then rinse with warm water.

Never powder or cover acne with foundation or concealer. This can lead to increased inflammation.

Internal funds

If your doctor has given you a diagnosis, you will need to change your diet accordingly. If you have an allergy, then everything is clear here. No allergen - no acne. Of course, you will have to take medications prescribed by your doctor for some time to remove the allergen from the body. As a rule, 1-2 weeks is enough. Just take it responsibly - allergies can cause serious deterioration in health.

Likewise, if acne is caused by sweets, try to exclude chocolate, jam, sweets, and also fatty animal foods from the menu. Replace confectionery sweets with sweet fruits, animal fat with vegetable oil, and fatty meat with dietary meat.

If acne is caused by a lack of vitamin A, then take a course of vitamins prescribed by your doctor and increase the amount of food rich in vitamin A in your menu. This is liver (any kind - beef, pork, chicken, and cod liver), butter, cottage cheese, eggs, carrots.

Let's look at several ways to cleanse your skin from acne at home.

Diet change
To improve your skin condition, reduce your intake of foods with a high glycemic index, such as cookies, cakes, candies, etc. and dairy products. Although these two types of food do not necessarily cause acne, research shows that there is a connection between them. Introduce foods rich in omega-3s into your diet, which fight inflammation. This is wild salmon or trout.

Using Apple Cider Vinegar
Of course, drinking apple cider vinegar won't help you cure your acne. But it can be used as a toner. Since acetic acid has an antibacterial and antifungal effect, it will help kill acne bacteria. To prepare this toner, mix one tablespoon of vinegar with two cups of water and apply to clean skin with a cotton swab.

Clay-based acne masks
Clay-based acne masks are a better choice for people with sensitive skin and acne than salicylic or glycolic acid-based masks, which have the same pore-clearing benefits but may cause irritation.
To prepare an anti-acne mask, mix equal parts of bentonite clay and apple cider vinegar, leave for 45 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. Carry out treatment for a week. This mask perfectly treats problem skin, removes acne, relieves inflammation and irritation of the skin.

Tea tree oil
Tea tree essential oil is another effective acne treatment. It is excellent at killing acne bacteria, but at the same time, it can cause skin irritation in some people. Therefore, for particularly sensitive skin, dermatologists do not recommend its use in its pure form. To reduce redness and relieve irritation, treat together with zinc sulfate preparations.

Green tea extract
Iced green tea compresses can help reduce skin inflammation. To do this, soak a thin towel or gauze in chilled green tea, squeeze and apply to problem areas of the skin for 1-2 minutes. Repeat the process 4 to 5 times a day or at night for a week.

Using alcohol
Many people with oily skin use alcohol to get rid of excess shine on their skin. Although alcohol does act as an antiseptic and removes surface oil and dead skin cells, it is not suitable for regular use. Alcohol has too aggressive an effect on the skin, dries and irritates it. Considering that this can lead to inflammation and redness, you should not use alcohol constantly.

Willow bark extract
If you look at the ingredients list of over-the-counter acne medications, you'll likely notice salicylic acid, which was first derived from willow bark, is listed as an ingredient. Willow bark is a natural source. It rids the skin of dead cells and perfectly cleanses the pores. Therefore, to treat acne and get rid of pimples, look for products that contain willow bark extract in the ingredient list.

Aloe vera
Aloe Vera is widely known as a tanning product. It perfectly fights inflammation that causes acne, and it also has a calming effect. To get rid of acne, apply aloe vera gel to problem areas before applying your favorite cream.

Coconut oil for acne
Many people enjoy the sweet-smelling coconut oil. And they use it as a magic cure for all diseases. On the one hand, it is a really good moisturizer and antibacterial agent. And it contains the fatty acid lauric acid, which may help minimize acne associated with inflammation. But acne-prone skin is already excessively oily, so coconut oil can clog the pores of problem skin. Therefore, it is not advisable to use it as a remedy for acne.

Take your skin problems extremely seriously. Acne is very often a signal of internal diseases and problems in the body. An abundance of acne and inflammation often indicates problems with the liver, stomach, intestines, and the presence of a virus in the body. Therefore, if you suddenly develop a rash, try to see a doctor as soon as possible. However, let's hope that nothing like this happens to you. I wish you healthy, clean, smooth, glowing skin.

Material prepared with the help of: saynoacne, sevia, medotnaroda, mir-woman35
Photo: progidroz

Nothing spoils beautiful facial skin like pimples. They bother people not only in adolescence; it happens that they accompany a person right up to an advanced age.

Causes of acne

Acne can be a nuisance not only during puberty

A pimple or acne is an inflammation of the sebaceous gland of the hair follicles, which subsequently form plugs and various kinds of subcutaneous nodules.

Acne can be divided into inflamed and non-inflamed.

Non-inflamed acne looks like white acne, which is a round formation of clogged sebaceous glands or appears as black dots (comedones) that clog the hair follicle at a deeper level. Mostly appear on the nose or chin.

Inflamed acne appears as a swollen red pimple or white blister with suppuration resulting from exposure to infections and bacteria.

The causes of acne can be very different, but the most common are:

  1. The period of puberty, when under the influence of hormones the sebaceous glands begin to work more intensively. As a result, the hair follicles are blocked by the sebaceous glands and non-inflamed white and black acne is formed, which over time can transform into an inflamed condition.
  2. With an incorrect diet, especially if the diet is dominated by salty, sweet, flour foods.
  3. Bad habits, such as drinking alcohol and cigarettes.
  4. Various types of stress or negative experiences can provoke the appearance of acne. Their appearance is due to the fact that during such emotions the sebaceous glands work more intensively.
  5. Sun rays can also cause the formation of acne in a certain group of people, while for others, ultraviolet radiation, on the contrary, has a positive effect on inflamed areas of the skin, drying them out.
  6. Improper skin care in some cases is the cause of acne. It is necessary not only to wash your face with suitable products, but also to use an alcohol-free toner and care products in accordance with your skin type.

Maintaining hygiene is the main rule when removing acne this way.

Acne can appear anywhere, but the following places are most susceptible to such manifestations:

  1. central part of the forehead,
  2. cheeks,
  3. nose wings,
  4. whiskey,
  5. shoulders and upper back,
  6. breast.

These are the places that are prone to excess sebaceous secretions.

Helpful tips for fighting acne

Many people use an extremely traumatic method of combating acne - squeezing. This should not be done under any circumstances, as it can injure the skin and cause inflammation.

But if there is no other choice but to squeeze out a pimple, you must do this carefully and adhere to several rules:

  1. Only painless and mature acne with a white head is squeezed out.
  2. Before such a procedure, you must thoroughly disinfect your hands and face.
  3. To cleanse your face of acne, a thin needle well treated with alcohol will help.
  4. The needle is inserted into the papule from the side and pressed on it until a puncture is made.
  5. Pus is removed with cotton wool or a cotton pad well moistened with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.
  6. Before applying makeup, you need to wait until the squeezed pimple dries.

It is also important to adhere to the following principles to combat acne:

  1. After washing, it is better not to wipe your face or dry it with disposable paper towels.
  2. Try to tone your skin by washing your face alternately with cold and hot water.
  3. During the day, do not touch your face with dirty hands unless absolutely necessary.
  4. Eat foods containing zinc and vitamin A, they have anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and restorative properties.
  5. Choose skin care products that do not contain alcohol and have a neutral pH environment.
  6. Replace toilet soap with special cleansing milk.
  7. Use moisturizing creams.
  8. Use physiotherapy sessions to combat acne; they will have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and remove inflammation.
  9. Use different masks with a cleansing effect twice a week. These can be film masks, clay masks and other means.

To combat acne, you can use medications such as Skinoren, Tretinoin, Zenerit, Innoskin, Emalan, Proactive or Kvotlan. You can also use traditional medicine to fight acne, which will have no less effect.

Folk remedies to fight acne

Folk remedies come to the rescue in treating acne

To combat acne at home, the easiest way is to resort to proven and traditional methods using medicinal herbs and improvised means. Aloe can be considered one of the unrivaled helpers in the fight against acne. It heals wounds well and has bactericidal properties.

A tincture of aloe leaves is prepared as follows: the leaves of the plant are cut, washed, dried and placed in the refrigerator for ten days. Then they are crushed into a paste and poured with cold water at the rate of 1 part crushed leaves to 5 parts water. You need to infuse the resulting composition for an hour, and then bring to a boil. The resulting tincture is filtered and used as a lotion in the morning and evening for oily facial skin prone to inflammation. Stored in the refrigerator.

Pure juice from aloe leaves also helps cure acne. The collected leaves are kept in the refrigerator for two weeks, then they are crushed and the juice is squeezed out. They need to wipe the inflamed areas two to three times a day. Aloe vera juice cannot be stored and is used directly after squeezing it.

Calendula officinalis is considered an excellent remedy for fighting acne. You can buy calendula tincture at the pharmacy and use it to wipe acne, or you can prepare it yourself.

To do this, pour a tablespoon of flowers with 500 grams of water and place in a water bath. As soon as the resulting solution is brought to a boil, it should be removed, cooled, strained and used as a lotion on inflamed, porous, acne-prone oily skin.

Calendula tincture with honey is no less effective. To prepare the product, you need to dilute one teaspoon of calendula purchased at a pharmacy in a glass of water, preferably boiled, and add a teaspoon of honey to the resulting mixture. Shake all components well and apply as compresses to inflamed areas.

Calendula lotion will help you achieve beautiful skin. To prepare it, you need to take two tablespoons of flowers and pour a quarter glass of a 40% alcohol-containing drink, you can use vodka, add 1/5 of water and a third of a glass of any cologne. Leave in a warm place for a week, and before use add 5 grams of boric acid 5% and three milliliters of glycerin. Apply morning and evening. Heals wounds well, removes marks and spots from acne.

Homemade acne masks

Masks that dry out the skin should contain salicylic acid

Not only lotions and infusions help fight acne; face masks are also effective.

The cucumber mask should be considered just such a mask. To prepare it, you need to take a cucumber and grate it. It is best to take a cucumber that is yellow and ripe. The resulting mixture is applied to the face for acne.

The product must be kept on for 20 minutes. Its regular use brightens the skin and gradually gets rid of acne.

Carrot mask is good for oily, porous skin prone to acne. Carrot juice is mixed with honey and egg yolk in equal proportions. It is also useful to apply a mixture of finely chopped carrots to your face. In both cases, the masks are left on the face for about 20 minutes.

Ripe quince gruel, applied to the face for 20-30 minutes, will help eliminate acne and significantly improve complexion. The fruit must be ripe and juicy.

A white clay mask is also indispensable for oily skin. Three tablespoons of kaolin or clay should be mixed with 10 drops of lemon juice and 25 grams of alcohol should be added. Apply to face for 15 minutes and rinse with cold water. Effective in the fight against juvenile acne.

A healing mud mask is made from fifty grams of powdered mud with the addition of two tablespoons of cow's milk. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to the face for 30 minutes. Indicated for juvenile acne.

Another effective method for getting rid of acne is a black tea mask. Before the mask, the face is thoroughly cleansed. Then take three spoons of the used tea leaves, place the entire mass in a bandage or gauze and apply directly to the inflamed areas of the skin for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Paraffin masks also have a therapeutic effect, which deeply warm the structural layers of the skin, thereby expanding the effect of blood vessels and stimulating the secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands. Thanks to this product, seals dissolve well and spots left on the skin from acne disappear. Effective in the treatment of scars and comedones.

To prepare the mask, you need to take 50 grams of purified paraffin and let it melt in a water bath at a temperature reaching 55°C. The container in which the paraffin will be melted must be dry, as the water in it can boil and cause a burn.

Before applying the product, the face is also thoroughly wiped and cleansed. Before the procedure, you should not use aqueous solutions, liquid creams or wash your face with water. Excessive moisturizing of the skin will cause it to burn. Oily skin should be wiped with alcohol or a composition consisting of alcohol and ether.

Apply the mask with a brush or a piece of cotton wool. You should try to apply several layers of product to your face as quickly as possible. After applying paraffin, a thin layer of cotton wool lubricated with paraffin is laid. The thickness of the product must be increased to 0.8 cm. Do not apply the mask to the eyes, eyebrows, nostrils and nose. When applying, you should take into account the location of the massage lines; you should start from the chin. Leave the paraffin for about half an hour, remove it carefully, slightly lifting the edge with a spoon. After the paraffin mask, cream and lotion are applied to the face.

Do not use for pustular inflammation, heart and vascular diseases, bronchial asthma.

There are many remedies to get rid of acne. But the most important thing in this matter is to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, get enough sleep, try to avoid stress, and then the skin will glow from the inside. After all, it is easier to prevent any problem than to treat it.

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