Botox or Dysport reviews

Botox and Dysport are the two most famous and popular botulinum toxin preparations. Each of them has its own army of fans among patients, just as each of them has its own supporters among cosmetologists.

Knowing this, every person, when deciding to undergo botulinum therapy for the first time, tries to find out what will be better for him - Botox or Dysport, so that he can go to the clinic with a ready-made decision to inject one drug or another. Understanding the properties of these funds and making a specific choice is not so easy. Moreover, the most accessible source of information for comparison - reviews - are quite contradictory. Some people praise one drug, others another, and in most cases the information received cannot be applied to oneself, since the differences in the action and side effects of both drugs often greatly depend on the individual characteristics of the body. And reviews from doctors themselves are often too streamlined, not allowing a specific conclusion to be drawn.

It can be difficult to understand the properties of the products and the differences in their actions. This is an area mainly for professionals and narrow specialists who are well versed in the features of facial anatomy, the physiology of the human body and the laws of biochemistry in general. Therefore, when a future patient tries to find out how one of these drugs differs from another, he is lost among the abundance of professional information that is difficult to understand.

An experienced cosmetologist, having studied the characteristics of a particular patient’s body, decides which drug will help best cope with the problem.

Let's try to find out which drug is better - Botox or Dysport, and whether any of them have clear advantages. Moreover, we will try to answer these questions in the most understandable language, and at the same time we will give several of the most typical reviews, so that such a review is based not only on theoretical information, but also on the real experience of cosmetologists.

I have had experience with both Dysport and Botox. The first time I was injected with Botox, my face became rubbery, I really didn’t look like myself. At least yes, everything is as ordered, no wrinkles. A week ago I made a replacement and installed Dysport. Full complex - eyes, forehead, eyebrow area. 160 units, 14-something thousand. On the 4th day I got up and everything was perfect. Where necessary - smoothly, when necessary, all emotions are visible. Even if I laugh and my eyes are slits, there are no crow's feet. This is my drug, thanks to the doctor, I chose it well.

General view of drugs

Botox and Dysport are two different, but similar to each other in terms of the principle of action of the botulinum toxin drug.

Botox has been produced by the American corporation Allergan since 1989, being the earliest botulinum toxin product on the market. It was he who made a kind of cosmetic revolution when it was discovered that introducing it into the facial muscles allows you to completely get rid of dynamic wrinkles. The rest of the products (including Dysport) began to be produced after this breakthrough and are therefore considered to be a kind of clones, even if sometimes more effective or safe.

Due to its popularity, the very name of the drug “Botox” has become a household name: this word is more often understood as any product based on botulinum toxin than a specific drug. Moreover, some patients even mistakenly make such blunders as phrases like “Botox Dysport.”

Dysport is a drug produced by the French company IPSEN Pharma, approved for use in medicine and cosmetology since the early 2000s. While in Europe it had already become a serious competitor to Botox, in America - the largest market at that time - the drug was just beginning to spread, which led to the formation of Dysport’s status as “drug No. 2”.

However, the competent marketing policy of the leaders of “IPSEN Pharma” allowed their product to almost equalize Botox’s position in terms of sales volumes. This was primarily due to the fact that Dysport is cheaper than Botox.

It was precisely due to the lower cost that it opened up access to botulinum therapy to almost everyone: if only wealthy citizens and, to a lesser extent, representatives of the middle class could afford cosmetic procedures with Botox, then with the advent of Dysport, people with almost any income level could remove their wrinkles. Thus, botulinum therapy has become known and popular even in third world countries.

You can, for example, compare the prices for the use of Botox and Dysport in Russia: the introduction of a unit of the first product costs from 250 rubles, the second - from 165 rubles. Even though Botox is approximately 2.5 times more effective, resulting in less need for it, the cost of the doctor's work still makes it a more expensive drug.

Dysport is noticeably cheaper than Botox.

The first time I didn’t know what to choose, the doctor gave me Botox. He says it’s safer because it’s a proven drug. Well, it turned out well, there were no wrinkles. The second time too, but I also did Restylane on my cheekbones to tighten the skin. The doctor is still such a fighting woman, she’s about 50 years old, but she’s a tough professional, she offered everything in one day, but I heard somewhere that such procedures cannot be combined, they need to be done separately. We did everything at once, it turned out perfect. And then she went abroad and had to go to another doctor. And she likes Dysport more. It seems to be stabbing well, I did everything, now I’m waiting for the result. So, for comparison, I did Botox for 4,400 rubles, Dysport for 3,000. Tomorrow it should be clear whether the result is the same or something better...

Irina, from correspondence on the forum

And yet, despite the lower price, Dysport was unable to displace Botox from the market. The fact is that an even more significant difference between these drugs lies in some nuances that are not obvious at first glance, but are important for both the doctor and the patient. What are these subtleties?

The fundamental difference between Botox and Dysport

Both drugs contain the same active ingredient, but differ in the set of auxiliary components and the strength of the drug as a whole.

The main active component of both drugs is botulinum toxin type A (hemagglutinin complex). This long name hides a common toxin produced by clostridia, the causative agent of botulism, maximally purified from other bacterial proteins and other substances, but associated with auxiliary proteins (their task in the body is to help the toxin penetrate the cell).

Mechanism of action of botulinum toxin.

Differences in purification technologies require that these products be considered different drugs, since one cannot be sure that they contain the same complex-forming proteins in quantity and properties. For this reason, the active ingredient in Botox is called onabotulinumtoxin, and Dysport is called abobotulinumtoxin.

The onabotulinumtoxin molecule in Botox is the largest among all molecules of similar drugs. Its mass is on average 900 kDa, and the number of complex-forming proteins is maximum.

The abobotulinumtoxin molecule in Dysport is smaller and lighter - its average mass is 700 kDa. It is believed that since this is due to a smaller amount of hemagglutinating proteins, it is in this difference that the differences in the effectiveness of the drugs in question lie.

Research shows that in an already prepared solution, most of the botulinum toxin molecules are in free form, being separated from complexing proteins. And if Botox has approximately 85% of such free molecules, then with Dysport all the molecules in the injected solution are separated from these auxiliary structural units.

Further, these products contain various auxiliary components. Both contain human albumin, but Botox additionally contains sodium chloride, and Dysport contains lactose. It is impossible to judge on the basis of these data which drug is better - the only difference here is that in very rare cases the patient may have lactose intolerance.

Lactose (milk sugar), which is part of Dysport, can cause an allergic reaction if the patient has an individual intolerance to this substance.

Thus, we can conclude that there are no differences in the composition of Botox and Dysport that are important for the patient. But it is precisely these compositional nuances that cause quite noticeable differences in the dosages of the drugs used.

In general, Dysport and Botox cannot be compared. These are completely different drugs, although they have the same active ingredient. At a minimum, Botox does not diffuse into the tissue; it will not leak from the injection site. But Dysport can and does leak. Another point is that when they talk about prices, they forget that the main cost of the procedure is the doctor’s salary. Well, you will get a saving of 12-20 rubles per unit. Is this critical for you? But the safety profiles of the drugs vary. In Holland, even the court ordered Ipsen Pharma to admit that their drug has no similarity with Botox. And keep in mind: the Chinese have already learned how to fake Botox. I’m not talking about their Lantox, which is not like normal drugs, but even the cheapest Russian drugs cannot be replaced. It was the fake Botox that was discovered, which doesn’t work well and gives a lot of side effects. So my advice: go to good cosmetologists and don’t chase savings of 200 rubles.

Oksana Dmitrievna, cosmetologist

Drug dosages

Both research and the practice of cosmetologists show that the same amounts of Botox and Dysport provide different effects in patients. Botox is on average 2.5-3 times more effective than Dysport, and therefore, to get the same effect of Dysport, you need to inject about the same number of times more.

According to research, one unit of Botox is more effective than one unit of Dysport.

The reason here is, oddly enough, the differences between the response to botulinum toxin in humans and mice.

The fact is that when the drug is manufactured for 1 unit (1 IU), its quantity is a lethal dose for mice. This “mouse” lethal dose is the same for both Dysport and Botox.

However, even in the human body, the same amounts of these drugs manifest themselves differently. Evaluating various effects in experiments - from the duration of muscle immobilization to the area of ​​diffusion - scientists calculated that the ratio of the effectiveness of Botox and Dysport is approximately equal to 1:2.5-1:2.8, respectively, and according to some parameters - 1:3. Therefore, to obtain a similar effect, 3 times more Dysport is required than Botox.

For example, the photo below shows the patient’s face before and after Botox injections:

And here is the result of using Dysport:

Interestingly, in terms of the potency of action, Dysport generally stands out from the range of botulinum toxin preparations. Other well-known drugs - Xeomin, Myoblock, Lantox, Relatox - are almost identical in strength to Botox and, therefore, superior to Dysport.

This does not mean, however, that one drug is worse and the other is better. Yes, Botox is “stronger,” but the dosage of Dysport can be adjusted more precisely, in smaller increments and with less likelihood of unwanted side effects. This is also why many cosmetologists prefer to use Dysport.

The effect of which product lasts longer?

It is widely believed that Botox lasts longer than Dysport.

Thus, in most reviews, patients at beauty salons report that when using Botox, the duration of the effect is on average 7-9 months. Similar reports from patients who received Dysport injections indicate an average duration of effect of about 6-7 months.

The exact reason for these differences cannot be stated. If the effect of the drugs themselves is the same in strength, then their effect on the target muscles is identical and there seem to be no prerequisites for faster restoration of wrinkles with Dysport injection. Moreover, the mechanism of muscle inactivation when using both drugs is the same.

Moreover, there is reason to believe that information about such differences is greatly exaggerated. Both when using Dysport and when using Botox injections, the duration of the effect can be either longer than average or shorter than it. What it will be in each specific case depends only on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the psychological factor: if the patient was given more expensive Botox, it will be more difficult for him to admit (including to himself) that the duration of the product was shorter than he expected. Consequently, the number of such reports and reviews is generally less than reports about the shorter duration of action of Dysport.

But something else is more important: special clinical studies have not revealed a difference in the duration of action of these drugs. These studies were carried out over a long period of time to determine differences in the duration of the effect between different patients, and, if these differences were found, to find out what caused them. As a result, after precise measurements, the researchers concluded that the duration of action of both muscle relaxants is approximately the same.

Clinical studies have proven that the effect of both Botox and Dysport is almost the same in duration.

You need to be very careful with different substitutes and combinations. There was a case in the clinic when a patient had threads placed two days after Dysport, while he was still getting up. So her entire forehead was swollen, including the bridge of her nose and eyelids. And this horror lasted for a month and a half. And when I got off, Dysport didn’t take up. Then I tried again - the same reaction. Then she wanted to inject Refinex, but she was convinced and switched to Botox. In general, here you need to listen to your doctor.

Evgenia Nikolaevna, Moscow

It is interesting that the same results are shown by the drugs in question during studies of their effect in the treatment of various pathologies - hyperhidrosis, spasms, urinary incontinence. When using the products in correctly calculated dosages, there is practically no difference in their effectiveness.

There are also reviews that for some people Dysport does not give results at all. However, the same situations happen with Botox, and it is impossible to check the ratio of reliable reviews about both drugs. Data from clinical studies show that there are no significant differences in the rate of unsuccessful procedures between these drugs.

According to statistics, approximately 5% of patients are not at all sensitive to botulinum toxin preparations. Neither Botox nor Dysport affects their wrinkles.

There is a certain category of patients for whom neither Botox nor Dysport produce positive results.

Cost Differences

It is generally accepted that if Botox is more expensive, then it is definitely better than Dysport. It's a delusion. The difference in price here is due only to the difference in the strength of action of equal amounts of the product: 1 unit of Botox is more effective than 1 unit of Dysport, and to the same extent Botox is more expensive.

For example, the price of a 100 unit Botox ampoule is approximately 12,100-12,500 rubles. The cost of a 300 unit pack of Dysport is 12,700-13,000 rubles. As you can see, the difference here is approximately threefold, corresponding to the difference in the strength of the action. For the same price as a unit of Botox, you can buy 3 units of Dysport.

The differences in the cost of introducing 1 unit are less significant. Botox injections in Moscow cost 250-350 rubles per unit, Dysport injections there cost 160-200 rubles per unit. However, the largest part of this cost is the price of the specialist’s work. And since no one charges one unit per procedure, the cost of the cosmetologist’s overall work is determined by him personally. As a result, the approximate prices for botulinum therapy in Moscow using these drugs are as follows:

  1. Forehead area – 3500-4000 rubles using Botox and 3000-3400 rubles using Dysport;
  2. Eyebrow wrinkle – 2500-2800 rubles with Botox and 2200-2400 rubles with Dysport;
  3. Crow's feet - 2200-2500 rubles with Botox and 2000-2300 rubles with Dysport.

These prices can vary significantly in different cities and regions, but their ratio is approximately the same everywhere. Injecting Dysport is generally cheaper, but this does not mean that it is better or worse.

The cost of one unit of Botox is approximately equal to the cost of three units of Dysport.

Which is safer: Botox or Dysport?

There are practically no differences in the number, strength and frequency of side effects from the use of Dysport and Botox. Both drugs, with approximately the same frequency, can cause unwanted manifestations on the face or generalized symptoms, and the likelihood of their development, strength and duration depend only on the individual sensitivity of the patient.

Also, when talking about the safety of botulinum toxin preparations, they usually mention the degree of diffusion into the tissue surrounding the injection site. The higher the likelihood that the product will “spread” under the skin, the more likely unwanted side effects will occur.

Theoretically, it can be assumed that the degree of diffusion for Dysport should be higher, since the botulinum toxin molecules in it are smaller and move more easily within tissues than the molecules in Botox. However, again, special studies with strict control of the effect did not reveal differences in the strength of action on adjacent tissues between these two agents.

Selection rules

What conclusions can be drawn as a result? Dysport is cheaper, but the cost of the final effect with its use is the same as with Botox. Judging by the available information, it can be assumed that the effect on the face after Dysport will last slightly less than after Botox, but this duration depends on the sensitivity of the individual patient. In the same way, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, unwanted side effects appear when using these drugs.

All this means that choosing the best one of these drugs on your own is pointless. The specific result of using a particular product in a specific person can only be checked after injections. However, in some cases, a cosmetologist, based on his experience, can, with some degree of probability, determine in advance which drug will be preferable for a given patient.

When choosing a drug, you should first of all rely on the opinion of an experienced, qualified specialist.

Almost always you need to inject the product that was used previously and gave the desired result. Changing it in an attempt to make it even better is not only undesirable, but also dangerous - the body’s reaction can be unpredictable. Therefore, if you have already had experience with botulinum therapy, the cosmetologist must tell you which product was administered previously.

If severe side effects occurred during previous use of one of the drugs, this should also be reported to your doctor. He will decide which product to use instead and whether it is worth repeating botulinum therapy at all.

So, it is impossible to say unequivocally which is better – Botox or Dysport. In some situations, one of these drugs will be preferable, in others, the other. In some cases, there are no clear advantages of one drug over another, and in others, neither of them can be used. You won’t be able to figure this out using the Internet, forums or reviews alone, and only a specialist with special training and experience should make a decision about using Botox or Dysport. Therefore, the patient’s task is not to choose a drug, but a cosmetologist, who will decide which product is best to inject to obtain the maximum effect.

Youth injections have long been actively used by women in the USA and other countries; they began to be used in the CIS later. During this time, many who have tried anti-aging procedures undergo sessions again and again to look young and attractive. Now, without surgical intervention, it has become possible at any age, thanks to procedures with Botox or Dysport, to turn back the clock and maintain beauty.

In recent years, many new terms have appeared in the field of cosmetology and very often it is difficult to understand and understand what the essence is, which procedures are better and more effective, safer for health? There is the opinion of experts, their reviews, which will help you find answers to your questions.

Botox and Dysport - what is it?

Sooner or later, wrinkles begin to appear, and this fact causes unpleasant emotions. Cosmetics are not always able to cope with age-related changes, but rejuvenation procedures can come to the rescue, which from the outside always impress. All that remains is to take a step towards eternal youth, but for this it is worth learning more about botulinum toxin injections, which are increasingly used in cosmetology.

Everyone has heard about Botox, but recently another term has appeared - Dysport, and legends have begun to circulate about it. According to many, he is a champion in the fight against expression lines. Both Botox and Dysport have become synonymous with youth and beauty, but how do they work on the skin and what are the benefits of these products?

Botulinum toxin preparations were first used to treat cerebral palsy, hyperhidrosis, seizures, and also began to be used in cosmetology to eliminate facial wrinkles. Botox and Dysport are part of the same group of drugs, but their actions have their own differences. If we consider them as a cosmetic product, then, first of all, they differ in price and side effects.

In recent years they have often studied in clinical settings, and it was noticed that both drugs begin to act maximally only 2 weeks after administration. Dysport, according to scientists, begins to act more actively, so if urgent elimination of wrinkles is required, then it is better to use this particular drug. Unlike Dysport, Botox does not act as quickly, but its effect lasts longer. The difference in action time is 4-5 weeks.

Both products are based on the same component, but in different proportions. The neuroparalytic poison, which forms the basis of the drugs, affects individual areas and causes paralysis in the injection area. The development of Botox belongs to American scientists, and French specialists worked on the creation of Dysport.

Sodium chloride was used as an auxiliary component in Botox, and in its analogue only lactose, which is found in both drugs. These products have different dosages; 1 bottle of Dysport contains more in volume, this is intended to achieve a more effective result. Within a day after its administration, you can notice a positive result.

Main differences

Both drugs have the same purpose - intramuscular injection, their main task is to eliminate facial wrinkles in the facial area. What exactly to choose for rejuvenation procedures will be decided by a cosmetologist, who will be able to prescribe a course of treatment only after an examination. Botox has the following characteristics:

  1. the initial effect will be noticeable after 1 week;
  2. maximum effect can be observed after 10-14 days;
  3. duration of action 12 weeks;
  4. affects a specific wrinkle selected by a specialist;
  5. the number of toxins in 1 bottle is 100 units;
  6. the period of use from the date of production is 24 months;
  7. period of use from the moment of dilution is 60 minutes;
  8. cost for 1 unit 300 rubles;
  9. the average price of a bottle is 14,000-15,000 rubles.

Dysport has the following properties:

  1. the initial effect can be noticed after 2-4 days;
  2. the final result is noticeable after 10-14 days;
  3. duration of action 7 weeks;
  4. affects not only a specific wrinkle, but also the muscles located nearby;
  5. the number of toxins in a bottle is 500 units;
  6. shelf life from the date of release is 1 year;
  7. period of use from the moment of dilution is 1 hour;
  8. cost per unit 100 rubles;
  9. the average cost is 16,000-17,000 rubles per bottle.

Having carefully read the data, we can conclude that Botox is in the lead and the effect of this drug lasts longer. Unlike Dysport, it has the following advantages;

  1. its composition is cleaner;
  2. side effects are rare;
  3. it is stronger in action than Dysport;
  4. is highly effective;
  5. longer shelf life.

Side effects

Botox and Dysport are medications, so both can cause side effects. After using Botox they are minor and can appear as:

  1. headache;
  2. swelling in the eye area;
  3. in short-term irritations in the injection area;
  4. discomfort in the respiratory organs.

To avoid such troubles, before carrying out anti-aging procedures It's worth visiting a therapist and consult him. It has been observed more than once that after injections the face became like a mask due to a partial change in facial expressions. To avoid mistakes, an experienced specialist must very accurately determine the injection sites, down to the millimeter.

After using Dysport, drooping of the corners of the eyes, weakness of the adjacent muscles, dysphagia of the nasolabial folds, and changes in facial expressions are possible.

After Botox, temporary dry eyes, deterioration in general health, weakness and nausea may occur.

All these possible negative consequences are not an obstacle to rejuvenation. Many women decide to undergo procedures to get rid of wrinkles.

Botox and Dysport: reviews from cosmetologists

These youth drugs are completely accessible today; they can be purchased at medical centers or special clinics where procedures are performed with them. You can buy them, but use them yourself dangerous for health. The consequences can be unpredictable - muscle atrophy, pinched nerves, distortion of the face shape and even complete disability.

Cosmetologists share their feedback on two popular products, since they already have considerable experience working with Botox and Dysport.

For several years now I have been working with Botex and Dysport in the same way and I do not see any difference between these two drugs in rejuvenation procedures. Most clients leave only positive feedback if everything is done correctly and professionally. Action of Botox very individual, it happens that the client drinks or goes to the solarium, takes antibiotics, and this greatly interferes with its action.

Botox injections are always given in areas of horizontal wrinkles - forehead, eyebrows, crow's feet, nasolabial folds, but in any case, this is all individual. The drug blocks the muscles for a certain time and during this entire period they remain motionless.

After Dysport, there is often a slight redness in the injection area, but this does not prevent you from going out in public, almost nothing is noticeable. My clients mostly have only mild redness, it goes away quickly, lasts only a few hours, and there is no swelling. I give painkilling injections only at the request of clients.

Every woman wants to look young and well-groomed. For any representative of the fair sex, the real “calling card” is the face. That is why so much attention is paid to its beauty. In recent years, skin care has become more effective thanks to the developments of modern cosmetology. With the help of various means and methods, women have the opportunity not only to correct age-related changes in the skin, but also to make it even more well-groomed and beautiful.

Quite often, ladies choose surgery as a method of improving their facial skin. However, it is worth understanding that these are already extreme measures used in case of significant defects, and if there are no compelling reasons for this, a woman can easily correct the flaws in her appearance with the help of injections of anti-aging serum.

Botox and Dysport. What it is?

There are two drugs that share popularity in the fight for youthful skin - Dysport and Botox. We will compare these two means in our article in order to facilitate women’s choice in favor of one of them.

Both Botox and Dysport contain botulinum toxin or botulinum toxin. It's a kind of poison. It can provide a rejuvenating effect only with the correct dosage. This property of botulinum toxin was discovered by scientists after a long period of experiments and observations. This substance was originally used in medicine to treat various types of neurological problems. But many patients began to notice that after receiving botulinum toxin injections, wrinkles on their faces became much less noticeable. This gave rise to a study to identify the anti-aging effect of this substance. And after the first experiments, a positive result was obtained.

To understand which is better - Dysport or Botox, in the reviews of numerous women you can see real situations testifying to the properties of these two substances. But since the human body is unique, the effect of the same drug can be different for everyone. Therefore, first, let’s draw an analogy between Botox and Dysport to find out the real differences between them.

Manufacturers of drugs for rejuvenation procedures

Botox and Dysport are difficult to distinguish simply because they are based on the same substance – botulinum toxin. Accordingly, the effect of these two substances will be almost the same. The direct difference between the drugs is, first of all, that they are produced by different companies - Botox for wrinkles was first produced by the American company Allergan, and Dysport is an achievement of the French company Beaufour Ipsen Pharma. Both of these drugs have been equally widely used throughout the world for several decades, which proves the effectiveness of each of them.

Due to the intense competition between the two companies, there is a real struggle to completely conquer the market. For these purposes, both manufacturers use a variety of marketing tactics, including assuring customers that the composition of their injection is more effective.


How are Botox and Dysport made? In addition to the main component, botulinum toxin type A, several other substances are added to the composition. The difference between these drugs lies precisely in the auxiliary components. Depending on the composition, the shelf life of the drugs varies - Botox is stored for 2 years, Dysport - 1 year.

When identifying differences, it makes sense to pay attention to the cost of Botox and Dysport. So, the price for a bottle of the latter is slightly less than for a bottle of the same volume of Botox. However, taking into account the necessary volume required for the procedure, the cost in both cases will be approximately the same. Since the drug Dysport is administered in a slightly larger volume than Botox. Thus, the price criterion is not significant in determining the differences between the two anti-aging drugs.


What contraindications exist for such injections? There are no age restrictions for this procedure. Therefore, already with the appearance of the first wrinkles (and this is approximately 30 years and older), women can undergo a Botox or Dysport injection. It should be noted here that the earlier she begins to fight wrinkles, the less likely it is that she will need surgical intervention in later life.

However, like the use of any other chemicals, the use of an anti-aging composition has a number of contraindications:

  1. individual reaction of the body to the components of the drug;
  2. pregnancy and lactation;
  3. infectious diseases;
  4. exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  5. circulatory disorders and other problems of the cardiovascular system;
  6. any diseases in the field of neurology.

These contraindications apply equally to Dysport and Botox. Therefore, before using any of these drugs, it is necessary to undergo appropriate examination and consult a specialist. Don't ignore precautions. Since this can lead to irreparable consequences that can affect not only beauty, but also health.

Efficacy of drugs. Girls' opinion

Which is better: Botox or Dysport? In reviews about the effectiveness of these drugs you can find completely contradictory things. However, this may indicate manifestations of competition between the two manufacturers. Therefore, it makes sense to consider the effectiveness of drugs regardless of reviews, which most likely may not be related to reality.

What do these injections help correct?

The following aesthetic imperfections can be corrected with Botox and Dysport:

  1. remove wrinkles around the eyes (crow's feet) and lips. More often than not, it is this deficiency that brings many women to the cosmetic surgery office;
  2. hide nasolabial folds;
  3. smooth out other wrinkles that are signs of deep aging of the facial skin (above the upper lip, between the eyebrows, etc.);
  4. Botox or Dysport is injected into the forehead to smooth out wrinkles on this part of the face. These problems can be caused by both heredity and age-related changes;
  5. Anti-aging injections also eliminate the appearance of wrinkles in the neck and décolleté.

Botox helps improve your appearance!

In addition to age-related changes in the form of wrinkles on the face, neck and décolleté, Botox and Dysport allow you to achieve the following results in improving your appearance:

  1. Getting rid of the double chin and improving the oval of the face (the double chin, hated by many women and men, significantly worsens the overall appearance).
  2. Improving the shape of the lips. Which is the most popular procedure using Dysport or Botox for the face in recent years. Most often, clients strive to make their lips plumper and sexier.
  3. Raises the corners of the brows to create a more open and fresh look.
  4. Combating excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis. Both men and women seek Botox or Dysport injections to combat excessive sweating. This deficiency significantly reduces the quality of life, makes one refuse to wear certain types of clothing and becomes embarrassed when this kind of embarrassment arises at festive events. Botulinum toxin has a blocking effect on nerve impulses. As a result, sweating becomes impossible.

Application in medicine

In addition to all sorts of cosmetic effects, Botox and Dysport are widely used to treat various ailments in the field of medicine:

  1. strabismus;
  2. paralysis of limbs and muscles after a stroke;
  3. cerebral palsy;
  4. spasm of the eyelids.

The high cost of Botox and Dysport does not allow the use of these drugs in mass medicine. However, in some cases, only with their help can the disease be overcome. And then the price of the issue fades into the background.

Carrying out the aesthetic botulinum therapy procedure

To smooth out wrinkles, Botox or Dysport injections are administered intramuscularly, causing paralysis of a specific area. As a result, wrinkles and other skin irregularities disappear. However, at the same time, numbness of facial wrinkles does not occur. Because the dose of the drug is calculated very strictly. The product acts only on certain muscles, without affecting those responsible for facial expressions.

To carry out the procedure, special very thin needles are used, which are inserted strictly into the right places. The entire treatment session lasts about 30 minutes. During this treatment period, the patient is under local anesthetic. Therefore, no pain is felt during botulinum therapy.

How quickly does each drug work? How long does the effect last?

What's better: Dysport or Botox? In reviews of these drugs you can find different opinions about the effectiveness of these drugs. However, the effectiveness of each of them must be assessed depending on the specific situation.

If Botox and Dysport were used, when does the effect occur after using one or the other drug? For those who aim to improve their appearance for some important event, the second remedy is best suited. Since the result with its help comes a little faster, literally in two or three days. Botox gives a visible effect only seven days after the injection. This may not be entirely convenient in some cases.

If you were injected with Dysport, when does the effect occur? However, it should be borne in mind that Botox for the face creates a longer lasting effect. After dysport, in the first case the result lasts up to three months, and in the second - only two months.

Complications after such procedures

But there is one significant drawback that disqualifies the drug Dysport in the eyes of many. Complications in case of incorrect injection of this drug can be very disastrous - atrophy of muscles that should not have been affected. If a medical error is made, the client will suffer. As a result, consequences such as drooping lips, eyelids and eyebrows may occur.

In the case of Botox, this risk is much lower. Because this drug does not spread after injection onto adjacent tissues, but remains strictly at the injection site. However, a skilled specialist can perform the procedure with Dysport without such consequences. Then the result will be even better than after using Botox.

Thanks to this fact, only one thing can be understood: you can trust your own health and beauty only to a proven professional who knows his business down to the smallest detail. When choosing a doctor to perform the procedure, you need to make sure that he has a certificate of completion of the appropriate certification, as well as long-term experience in this particular field.

If side effects do occur, the patient has no choice but to wait until the drug expires. This will take approximately one to three months. The patient also has the right to apply to the judicial authorities for compensation for moral damages, if he considers it necessary to do so.

Side effects. Reviews

Which is better - Botox or Dysport? Reviews from real customers may contain negative statements about both drugs. However, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, which in most cases become the cause of side effects. Among the most common side effects of the anti-aging procedure are the following:

  1. headache;
  2. bruises at the injection site;
  3. pain at the injection site after the anesthetics wear off.

The listed side effects in most cases pass quickly enough and do not affect the final result. Therefore, you should not be afraid of them. And even more so, you should not refuse the procedure only for this reason, because the result forces you to take some risks. As they say, beauty requires sacrifice.


In order to maintain facial skin in ideal condition, cosmetologists recommend repeating the Botox or Dysport injection procedure about three to four times a year at the beginning of use. This approach will lead to improved skin condition over time. And in the future the procedure will need to be carried out only twice a year.