Bunduk - hazel - hazelnut

He is famous. The earthiness of a hazelnut is superior to that of a walnut, and it is more nutritious than a walnut, because it is denser, less oily and digests more slowly.

Somewhat hot and slightly dry.

Actions and properties.
Hazelnuts generate bile; they are more astringent than walnuts and, in addition, they swell and generate winds in the lower abdomen.

Burnt hazelnuts color your hair.

Organs of the head.
Hazelnuts cause headaches. If you fry them and eat them with a little pepper, it brings the runny nose to maturity. Hippocrates says: “Hazelnuts increase brain matter.”

Organs of the eye.
Some claim that if you apply hazelnut ointment to the crown of a blue-eyed child, the blueness will disappear.

Respiratory system.
Hazelnuts are eaten with water sweetened with honey and this helps with chronic cough and promotes expectoration of phlegm.

Nutritional organs.

Tree nuts are slow to digest and cause vomiting; they are digested more slowly than walnuts.

Eruption organs.
Their shell binds and locks the stomach.

Hazelnuts help with stings and are especially helpful with figs and rue for scorpion stings.