Excessive discharge from the uterus

Their excess sometimes arises as a result of the expulsion of excess by nature, and this is commendable if it does not lead to sharp excess and to an outflow for which there is no need; sometimes this occurs due to a disease associated either with the condition of the uterus or with the condition of the blood. As for the uterus, this may be weakness of the uterus itself and its veins due to a disorder of nature, ulcers, corrosion, growths, itching or cracks, or the opening of the mouth of blood vessels, rupture or splitting due to a physical or external cause - a blow, a fall, or the like, as well as improper or difficult delivery or difficult pregnancy. And a disease that depends on the blood sometimes occurs because the blood overcomes, "" becomes abundant and comes out, obeying its own power, and not the power of nature, correcting the condition of the body. We have already spoken above about outflows through the elimination of nature, and both types of outflows are different, although they are close in the sense that they stop only when the body weakens. Either the excessive flow is caused by the fact that the blood burdens the body due to its weakness, although the blood does not exceed the limits of balance in quantity and quality, or it occurs from the sharpness of the blood, or its fluid, or thinness, or hotness, or the abundance of aqueous humor in it . However, any bleeding begins with scanty and thin discharge, which then necessarily begins to thicken and remains thick, and then the density decreases again and it again becomes thin and scanty and turns into aqueous humor. This is the situation with any uterine bleeding, no matter what the cause, and this happens because the mouths of the vessels and the paths for the passage of blood are narrow at first, and in the end they also narrow and shrink due to their dryness.

If the bleeding becomes excessive, it is followed by a loss of appetite, poor absorption of food, swelling of the limbs and the whole body, and deterioration of the complexion. This often causes dropsy, and sometimes the copious release of blood leads to a predominance of yellow bile and burning yellow bile fevers occur. Due to the blazing burning heat, which in the absence of bleeding was tempered by blood, the woman also experiences attacks of “gooseflesh”, and when such heat occurs, there is an increase in the decrease in appetite for food, due to the weakness of the stomach from loss of blood, and pain appears in the spine due to tension nerves located in this place. Sometimes bleeding from the uterus increases when there is a lot of rain.

Signs. A sign of bleeding from the expulsion of blood by nature is that it does not entail harm, but, on the contrary, leads to benefit and is not accompanied by damage or a change in the state of strength; Most often it occurs in women who live in prosperity. As for bleeding due to general overflow, it doesn’t matter whether the blood is driven by nature, or the blood has prevailed and rushed out, then this is indicated by plethora of the torso and face, swelling of blood vessels and other signs of overflow; sometimes there is pain, and sometimes there is no pain, and the bleeding does not stop until the woman weakens. Which juice predominates with the blood is found out this way: the blood is dried on a white rag and they see what color it is - whitish, yellowish, blackish or scarlet, because along with the blood the juice that predominates in the body is also excreted.

Bleeding due to the weakness of the uterus and the opening of its vessels is indicated by the release of blood in a pure form, without pain, and if the cause is the sharpness of the blood, this is recognized by its color, pungency and speed of release, and its release is rarely interrupted. When bleeding from blood fluid, due to the abundance of watery matter and moisture, the blood is watery and not sharp, and the woman is harmed by astringents. Sometimes she feels like she's pregnant, and sometimes she feels like she's going into labor and she's leaking fluid. Her abdominal muscles are very flabby and look like milk about to curdle into cheese; often dissolving agents cause harm to it due to their warmth, which increases the wateriness of the blood.

Bleeding from ulcers occurs with pus and is accompanied by pain, and when corroded, the blood comes out little by little, and it is black, like wine grounds, especially if it comes from the veins and not from the arteries. When corrosion takes place in the cervix, the color of the blood is not so black; Corrosion in this place and near the mouth of the uterus can be determined by touch. Bleeding due to growths occurs in periods different from the periods of monthly cleansing, and sometimes it does not appear periodically and seems to follow an overflow. Signs of growths in the uterus are obvious, and the blood is most often black if it does not flow from the arteries. Blood due to growths sometimes flows drop by drop, and growths in the uterus are often accompanied by headache, heaviness in the head and pain in the insides, in the liver and spleen. When the blood flows out of the growths, these phenomena pass.

Treatment of bleeding. We mention here measures for treating bleeding in general, and at the end of the paragraph we will talk about the treatment of a woman who has bleeding after menstruation. If there is bleeding due to the expulsion of blood by nature or from the body being overfilled and burdened with blood, one should not hold back the blood until one fears that the woman’s strength will be weakened; Sometimes bloodletting eliminates the need to wait for this, since it eliminates the overflow and draws the matter to the other side. When the cause of this is yellow bile, then the bile is removed - especially with smoke and myrobalans, because they have an astringent force, and if the cause is aqueous humor, then it is brought down and drawn to the skin and the patient is given gum arabic and tragacanth to drink. When bleeding from weakness of the uterus, substances are added to astringent medications that strengthen with their aroma and their special properties, and if the cause is uterine ulcers, they are treated with complex medications - adhesives, astringents and numbing agents. Bleeding due to growths is treated by treating the growths and also using flaxseed with hot water; it is necessary to note periods of rest, if periodicity occurs, and then treat the patient, and during attacks they are based on calm alone. When the bleeding becomes excessive, it is necessary to bandage the arms from the base of the shoulders and the legs from the base of the thighs to the groins and place cups on the lower part of the chest and where the vessels that rise from the uterus to the chest pass. It is necessary to suck out the air from the cans and choose large cans - they immediately stop the bleeding; this must be followed by other measures. Sometimes the blood stops if you place the cups on the area between the thighs. A person suffering from bleeding should eat, for example, the yolks of soft-boiled eggs, and everything that is quickly digested and strengthens; sometimes you have to feed it with strong meat juice, which was previously acidified with sumac. As for shish kebab and good roasts of excellent meat, you cannot do without them, as well as fresh habis with oatmeal and starch and young, thick, sweet wine in small quantities, while old and liquid wine should be avoided. Sometimes fresh honey nabeez is suitable for such a patient.

As for general medicines, especially against acute, hot bleeding, one of the best is plantain and there is not even anything like it. Sometimes it stops bleeding completely if you drink it or inject it into the uterus; it helps with chronic bleeding, and is also drunk with vinegar. Consuming camphor in the form of a drink or candles also brings benefits. One of the useful remedies is to drink milk with iron oxide, well boiled with a hot iron; it is given with some astringent medicine daily for three uqiyas; Thickly brewed sour citron juice is also a very good remedy. They also drink gum arabic with tragacanth or flaxseed in hot water; cakes made from bamboo nodules with camphor are very useful for such patients, as are cakes made from pomegranate flowers.

Description of a medicine that is very effective and useful. Take equal amounts of mumiyo, printed clay, Armenian clay, alum, galls, dragon's blood - all this takes one dirham, and also camphor - two hubba and musk - danak; The composition is diluted in one uqiya of myrtle wine. Also: they take akakiya, pomegranate flowers, galls, hiyufastidas, bloodberry, purified sumac, myrrh, frankincense, opium, mix it all in sharp, strong vinegar and let them drink half a dirham at a time. They also take shoemaker's vitriol, acorn peel, myrrh, frankincense and opium, mix it, turn it into pills and give one dirham to drink. This is a very good medicine. They also give you burnt cowries to drink - in the amount of two dirhams with the juice of sumac, quince and dates. The food for such patients, before it is necessary to revive their strength, is jellies, carices and marinades from the meat of kids and mountain birds, as well as meat fried in a frying pan and sour lentil stews, which a woman eats cold. And let her avoid all foods, hot or potentially hot.

Common candles for such patients include candles made from lead oxide, vitriol, pomegranate flowers, printed and Armenian clay, antimony glitter, and the like.

Good writing. They take kalkatara, akakiyi, incense crusts and surmy shine and prepare flat cakes from them. Then they take one misqal of flat cakes and also Armenian clay, arabic gum and amber - a misqal of each, mix it all in two ukiyahs of some astringent juice or water and do an enema into the uterus, as you already know from the description of the enema for the uterus. Also: they take half a dirham of alum, a danak of henbane seeds and a danak of opium and insert it into the vagina.

An excellent candle, especially for corrosion and ulcers. They take baked clay from a bread oven, squeezed salsify and acacia juice, bind it and prepare a candle from this with the juice of unripe galls. Also: take unripe galls, pomegranate flowers, starch, opium, alum, Chinese rhubarb, roses, green myrtle berries, sumac, squeezed salsify juice, unripe grape juice, burnt papyrus paper, white sandalwood, incense peels, printed clay, pomegranate cuttings, bloodstone, new shards of baked clay, dry coriander. In total, four dirhams are inserted into the vagina in a green woolen rag and kept there all night, and sometimes they make cakes from this, throwing out burnt papyrus paper from the recipe, and drink them in one bowl with plantain juice. They also take pomegranate flowers, mud, from skewers, burnt papyrus paper, alum, vitriol, cumin soaked in vinegar, Armenian clay and thickly brewed acacia juice, mixed with willow and coriander juice and inserted into the vagina overnight.

Baths. It is useful for such patients to sit in a bath of a decoction of mint, its leaves, fruits and roots, boiled with myrtle, roses along with calyxes, pomegranate peels, Nabataean horns, pomegranate flowers, salsify and green galls.

Ointments. Among the ointments and rubs that are useful for them are gypsum ointment, which is placed on the navel, and rubbing astringent oils with highly astringent properties into the uterine area.

Let us return, however, to a detailed presentation of the treatment of bleeding due to fluid and wateriness of the blood and say: the method of treating this is to remove aqueous humor from the bottom and intensively induce urine excretion and perspiration in the patient using, for example, a decoction of coffin, celery, madder and similar remedies, and once a laxative should be used, and another time a diuretic and diaphoretic, carefully and carefully. The patient is forced to sweat and her body is rubbed with rags, first soft, then hard, and then her body is lubricated with honey and water and bandages are used for dropsy; Sometimes vomiting is beneficial. In general, with regard to medicines and foods for such patients, one should turn to something that dries and thickens the blood. And if the cause is ulcers, then this patch helps: take pomegranate flowers and lead oxide, prepare a wax ointment with rose oil from these two substances and wax and insert it into the vagina.

Treatment for bleeding after menstruation. Some doctors consider it necessary to treat a woman who has bleeding at the end of her period in only one way; This method of treatment is combined with cleansing, binding and strengthening and consists of the following: menses are brought on at the proper time so that they are not delayed, then their movement is accelerated and the uterus is cleansed and strengthened so that it does not accept excess beyond what is necessary. And they say that a woman should be given the following medicine: juniper berries - ten dirhams, mint seeds - dirhams, fennel seeds - two dirhams; All this is put in a cauldron, poured with two rills of pure wine and boiled until the composition is reduced to half. Then they throw anzarut and khudad into the pot - two dirhams each, cow butter and honey - one spoonful each and give this to drink on an empty stomach with a spoonful, and the patient’s food is postponed until the afternoon. They do this for three days. And I will say that although this method is beneficial in most cases, sometimes bleeding after menstruation occurs from other reasons that require simple binding.