What causes diarrhea with blood and mucus in a Yorkie?

Digestive disorders in small dogs are quite common, but when a Yorkie has diarrhea with blood, this is a very dangerous symptom that requires the help of a veterinarian. Yorkshire Terriers are lap dogs with a sensitive digestive tract and a weak liver. A pet's stool disorder may indicate an error in the dog's diet, poisoning, or infectious diseases. Due to the fact that the Yorkie has a relatively small body weight, frequent diarrhea can lead to rapid dehydration and death of the four-legged friend.

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general information

Liquid stool (diarrhea) is not considered a dangerous condition if it lasts no more than 3-5 days. However, the dog owner should take a close look at his pet's stool. The feces of your four-legged friend may contain mucus, undigested food particles, and blood. It is very important to monitor the color of the stool, because an unnatural shade of feces indicates the presence of certain disorders:

  1. pale stool is a sign of liver pathologies;
  2. black color of feces - the dog has internal bleeding;
  3. green tint of excrement - possible presence of infectious diseases, food poisoning;
  4. Blood in a Yorkie's stool is a sign of dangerous infectious diseases, injuries, helminthiasis, and volvulus.
Attention! Diarrhea can be caused by feeding your pet low-quality and cheap food, a sudden transition from natural food to a dry diet, allergic reactions, or a side effect after treatment with antibiotics.

Causes of bloody diarrhea in Yorkies

Bloody feces in a Yorkie are considered a sign of an inflammatory process. The most common causes of bloody diarrhea are:

Info! It is impossible to determine the exact reason why your Yorkie has diarrhea on your own; only an experienced veterinarian can carry out the necessary diagnostics and identify a possible disease.

Symptoms of bloody diarrhea in a Yorkie

You can determine that your pet has bloody diarrhea by the following signs:

  1. The number of bowel movements increases to 3-4 times a day, sometimes the dog begins to empty its intestines about 10 times a day.
  2. The appetite completely disappears, the Yorkie does not even show interest in his favorite treats.
  3. Yorkie poops blood.
  4. The pet is shivering, and general weakness of the body is observed.
  5. Vomiting, discharge from the eyes and nose, and coughing may occur.

My Yorkie has diarrhea and vomiting, what should I do? If a Yorkshire Terrier also vomits during diarrhea, this will very quickly lead to dehydration and death of the pet. In such cases, your four-legged friend should be taken to the veterinarian immediately. It should be noted that vomiting is the body’s protective reaction to an irritating factor (infectious disease, poisoning with poisons and chemicals, helminths). The owner of the animal must tell the doctor about the nature of the vomiting: how often the pet vomits, whether there is mucus, blood, or foam in the vomit. If your puppy is simply vomiting, this will be helpful for you.


What to do if your Yorkie has bloody diarrhea? A veterinarian can determine the cause of indigestion. To make a diagnosis, one clinical examination is not enough; it is necessary to carry out a whole range of measures:

  1. Blood test for biochemistry. Allows you to determine the presence of pathological processes in the kidneys and liver.
  2. Scatological analysis of stool. With its help, you can identify parasites that have settled in the dog’s intestines.
  3. X-ray. Able to assess the external state of internal organs (stomach, liver, intestines), allows you to see a foreign object in the digestive tract, an accumulation of liquid or gases.
  4. Blood test (general). Using the method, you can find out whether there is an inflammatory process in the animal’s body. Also, a blood test gives an idea of ​​the iron content and the degree of dehydration of the dog.
  5. Cytology. Used to identify the simplest microorganisms that cause your Yorkie to stool in the blood.

Advice from the doctor! You can use special medicinal food for feeding, always super-premium class (Purina, Hills, Eukanuba). A veterinarian can advise you on what food is suitable for a recovering dog.


It is difficult to completely exclude the possibility of developing diarrhea, because a Yorkie can develop loose stools even from a stressful situation. But every owner is obliged to minimize digestive disorders in their four-legged pet. It is enough to be attentive to your pet: feed only fresh and high-quality food, make sure that the animal does not pick up anything on the street, carry out vaccinations and deworming in a timely manner.

The health of a small lap dog is entirely in the hands of its owner. When purchasing such a dog, a person must be prepared for special care for it. Whether the Yorkie will be healthy and happy depends only on its owner.