Победители конкурса от ТМ Prestigio

Prestigio Contest Winners Announced

The sports competition organized by Prestigio has come to an end, and after almost 6 weeks of inspiring and motivating healthy lifestyle choices, the winners have been announced. The competition was designed to promote healthy living and inspire participants to take up sports and exercise as a regular activity in their lives.

The competition successfully achieved its goals, and the organizers would like to thank everyone who participated. They hope that the "Useful Tips" provided during the competition have answered some of the participants' questions about living a healthy lifestyle, and the fitness test has inspired them to take up sports.

The winners were selected using the Random.org service, and the following people have won the prizes:

1st place: A comprehensive health package consisting of a smartphone, Body Fat Scale, and a fitness bracelet.
Winner - Natalia Dynnik

2nd place: Body Fat Scale and a fitness bracelet.
Winner - Alisa Popova

3rd place: Body Mass Scale and a fitness bracelet.
Winner - Valeria Ermolenko

4th place: Body Mass Scale.
Winner - Anna Pelina

5th place: Fitness bracelet.
Winner - Natalya Nazarchuk

Congratulations to all the winners! Those living in Kiev can collect their prizes personally while the organizers will send the prizes to those living in other cities. The website administration will contact the winners shortly. Thank you to everyone who participated in the competition.

This contest was brought to you by Prestigio.