Workout equipment

Have you ever watched athletes doing workout? Various tricks and exercises on the horizontal bars look amazing. Athletes can freeze in a static pose, or they can demonstrate strength and agility in dynamic combinations. To achieve such a result, workout workers work out without sparing themselves. Moreover, will and desire for a goal are the main things that athletes need. Interestingly, workout equipment is the simplest it can be. Horizontal bars, parallel bars, abdominal benches, wall bars - this is already enough to start practicing and achieve your first successes.

Workout complex: what does it include?

As already mentioned, athletes do not need expensive and complex equipment for training. The simplest projectiles, which are available on almost every street site, are an ideal option. Workout is considered street gymnastics, accessible to anyone. If the classes required something else, it is unlikely that the direction would have been such a success. “Yard fitness” has an impressive geographical spread. Of course, no one officially calls it a sport yet. But in vain. Workout would give a head start to many areas - from gymnastics to strength training.

Let's get back to the equipment. A workout complex may include only a few equipment that have already been listed. But this is not the limit. The training area can be equipped with other structures and different variations can be provided. For example, there is a standard horizontal bar, and there is a wide one. The second is much more attractive for freestyle, as it gives more room for maneuver. There are ordinary bars, and there are bent, long, double, triple. It's the same story with them.

You can add to the training complex:

  1. monkey bars;
  2. cascades for push-ups and pull-ups;
  3. snake;
  4. benches for the press;
  5. elevator;
  6. pillars.

There are designs, the purposes of which are not entirely clear. For example, a triangle. Due to the small width of each horizontal bar, it is inconvenient for three people to pull themselves up. What else to use the projectile for remains a mystery. Another thing is the hexagon. Experienced athletes find this machine convenient. Several people can work on it at once and not interfere with each other. This is the first advantage. There is one more thing: the hexagon is used in freestyle. The projectile makes it possible to fly and jump. An analogue for push-ups is a hexagon of low horizontal bars.

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