Bad signs given by the position of the patient when lying down

When a patient lies on the bed not in the usual position, but scattered about, not as usual, this is a bad sign. It is especially bad if he little by little slides out of bed and every time you lay him down straight, in the right position, rolls over on his back, and also likes to expose his limbs and spread them in an unnatural way, although his fever does not manifest itself very significantly; the reason for this is severe melancholy. And here you should also keep one circumstance in mind: sometimes it is a corpulent person, with a heavy body and quickly relaxing muscles, who, even when healthy, likes to lie in this position from time to time, or the obstacle is pain that does not allow him to take another position; in this case it does not cause much fear. Any unusual position - supine or stretched out, etc., in which the patient did not lie when he was healthy, during acute fevers is a bad sign.

Know that the patient likes to lie on his back, either because of the abundance of juices in the insides, or because of their dryness and the dissolution of the juices, which weakens the muscles, or because of weakness affecting the muscles for some other reason. If he cannot lie on his back, on his side or in another position and wants to sit, this is a bad sign, and most often this happens for the reason that it is difficult to breathe while lying down due to a tumor or damage to the respiratory organs. You already know from the previous how things stand.

If the patient turns away from people and prefers to lie facing the wall, this is not a good sign. The desire to sleep on your stomach, if this is unusual, is also a bad sign - it comes either from clouding of the mind or from pain in the stomach. Lying down with a moisturized body is commendable, because in this case the joints quickly bend.