Hot tumor in the uterus

Sometimes hot tumors form in the uterus, and their cause may be external, such as a blow, a fall, frequent copulation, a miscarriage or a rupture caused by the midwife when delivering the child. Often the cause of the tumor is constipation of menstruation, fullness, an abundance of cold and a thickening swelling that does not resolve, and sometimes it is formed as a result of the rise of semen. The tumor sometimes occurs at the mouth of the uterus, sometimes at the bottom, sometimes it occurs somewhere to the side, in one of the halves, and sometimes in front or behind; a malignant general tumor involving many sides.

Sometimes the tumor turns into an abscess, and sometimes it turns into a hardening or cancer.

Signs. Sometimes a tumor is indicated by the condition of the organs involved. Thus, the stomach is associated with the uterus and hurts, and “melancholy”, sadness, nausea arises, the absorption of food and appetite deteriorate or weaken. The brain also participates with the uterus and there is pain in the crown and pain in the neck, at the base of the eyes and in the depths of them, with heaviness, and the pain spreads and reaches the limbs, fingers, wrists, legs and joints with relaxation. The back also hurts on both sides, the groins and pubis, which is swollen; The abdominal walls also swell. In all these places there is a feeling of heaviness, and there is constipation or retention of urine, so that there is not even an outlet for the winds; this happens because the tumor presses, and where it compresses the passage more strongly, the retention is greater. Sometimes constipation occurs without urinary retention or retention without constipation. Often the pulse weakens, decreases and increases in frequency.

If the tumor is hot, then all these phenomena are severe and are accompanied by a burning fever with attacks of “goose bumps” and blackening of the tongue; the pain and throbbing intensify and the limbs sweat profusely; sometimes this leads to loss of voice, spasms and fainting. In which side the tumor is located can be inferred by the location of the beating, as well as by its involvement, that is, by whether the pain extends to the navel, to the back or to the ilium. The tumor near the mouth of the uterus is stronger and harder than the tumor at the bottom, because the mouth of the uterus is rich in nerves. The tumor near the mouth can be felt, but at the bottom it is difficult to feel. Whatever side the tumor is located, the uterus deviates in the other direction; it is difficult to lie on the other side, generally difficult to move and get up; the patient is forced to limp when walking. A sign that the tumor is turning into an abscess is a significant worsening of pain and increased signs of the disease; the fevers become varied and mixed, and the patient feels relief after the action of the stomach and the release of urine; and the sign of full maturity is that the fever and beating subsides and a tremendous chill sets in. If a tumor or abscess is located at the mouth of the uterus, then they can be seen, but if they are located in the depths, then it is impossible to see them.

Treatment of hot tumors. With such tumors, bleeding is required if this is facilitated by well-known signs. Although bloodletting from basil helps, it somewhat delays menstruation and draws the blood upward, while bloodletting from the gullet vein is more involved in healing, draws blood more strongly, is more capable of inducing menstruation and is more useful, especially with a tumor, the cause of which is the delay of menstruation. It is most correct to first bleed from the basilica in order to hold back the outpouring of matter, and accompany this with bloodletting from the jugular vein in order to pull the matter away from the sore spot and correct the harmfulness of bloodletting from the basilica, which we pointed out above. During bloodletting, “the patient should lie with her legs raised up, and she should be diligent in releasing blood. Her food should be prohibited or reduced in the first two days, until the third, and water should be completely prohibited, especially on the first day. She should be placed in a room where smells good, and keeps her awake as long as she can.

Vomiting helps a lot in this case, and sometimes you have to use a laxative to get the juices out; There should be something in the medications to calm the nausea. Food is reduced if necessary; At the beginning of the disease, the patient is placed in fresh water mixed with good rose oil, and the uterus is watered with astringent waters, and then they are not zealous with the astringents, so that the tumor does not harden. One of the remedies suitable for use at such times is the soporific poppy, completely dissolved by boiling, from which a bandage is applied with unripe olive oil or rose oil or apple oil. After this, they rush to move on to emollients: they pour wine and rose oil over the uterus, heating both, and introduce into it wool moistened with water in which they boiled, for example, marshmallow, flaxseed, tribulus, harmala, taken in large quantities, adding an astringent strength from large plantain or purslane. An ointment prepared from eggs and sweet clover, boiled and boiled, is also used; sometimes saffron oil or spikenard oil is added to this. Then they try to cause the tumor to ripen, and means promoting ripening are, for example, boiled dates boiled with oatmeal and rose oil or henna oil, especially useful at the end of the disease, and dressings with lanolin, goose fat, ghee, deer bone marrow and similar substances. And when the illness subsides, treat with purely dissolving medicines, which include thyme, marjoram, forget-me-not, rathiyanaj and other medicines of this kind, from among those that you know; nourish the patient, strengthen her strength and try to cheer her up. When bandages are applied to such a patient, they should not be tied, because tightening harms the tumor.

As for the abscess, measures must be taken to promote its maturation. If it is close to the mouth of the uterus, then it can be opened in approximately the same way as the fusion of a “locked” one, and if the abscess is internal, then for now one can expect that it will mature on its own and open up on its own, and that is what they do, limiting themselves to the means which slightly drive urine, for example, with milk and melon seeds with a small amount of mucus; if it is possible to cause dispersion and resorption, then this is better. When the abscess opens, the pus sometimes comes out of it through the vagina. In this case, it is necessary to help cleanse the residues and dissolve them using, for example, a small basilikun patch, which is inserted into the vagina. But often the pus comes out through the bladder, and then one should not promote cleansing with the help of strong diuretics, which will cause an influx of other juices into the bladder and both of these reasons will mutually contribute to the formation of ulcers in the bladder; on the contrary, act gently and limit yourself to substances that weakly expel urine, for example, milk and melon seeds with a small amount of mucus. It also happens that pus comes out through bowel movements.

It is often necessary to open an abscess with the help of medicines mentioned in the paragraphs on abscesses in the uterus and other organs, applying, for example, bandages prepared from figs, mustard and pigeon feces. After this, you should cleanse the ulcer with water sweetened with honey and repeat this many times until thick pus is detected, and when the ulcer is cleared, treat it as ulcers are treated. If the symptoms of an ulcer become frightening, then the use of emollient dressings prepared from barley flour, figs, fenugreek, flaxseed and sweet clover, and baths of the same kind cannot be avoided. We should also keep in mind the circumstances that we talked about in the paragraphs about hot tumors and abscesses from other parts of the Book that do not relate to the uterus, and supplement what we have briefly stated here.