Which doctor should I contact for papillomas?

Examination of papillomas by a doctor

The content of the article:
  1. What are papillomas
  2. Which doctor should I contact?
    1. Virologist
    2. Immunologist
    3. Dermatologist
    4. Cosmetologist
    5. ENT
    6. Gynecologist
    7. Oncologist
    8. Surgeon

Papillomas are formations that appear on the skin or mucous membrane of internal organs. They infect carriers of the virus of the same name. When such growths appear, consultation with doctors is required, and here the question logically arises of which doctor to contact with papillomas. Let's look at this in more detail.

What are papillomas?

HPV 3d model

These tumors are most often benign and do not pose a threat to health. They are formed in the epithelium as a result of damage to healthy cells by the virus of the same name. Their sizes usually do not exceed 1 cm, depending on the type. Thus, there are filiform, pedunculated, and flat papillomas.

When considering the question of which doctor to contact with papillomas, you need to take into account that the virus can enter the body in several ways - through household contact and sexual contact. In the first case, infection occurs as a result of shaking hands with the patient, using his personal belongings, or during a kiss. The second method involves sexual contact, the type of which does not play a special role here. The threat of becoming a carrier of HPV arises both among those who practice oral sex and vaginal intercourse, and among fans of anal coitus.

Before we talk about which doctor to contact with papillomas, we note that hanging growths have a stalk that goes deep into the tissue, and it is due to this that they stay on the surface. Flat formations do not have such a dense root, and they look more like warts or moles. Their surface can be smooth or rough, their shape can be uneven, with unclear boundaries.

Before you find out which doctor to contact with papillomas, you need to understand that they do not appear in a person immediately after infection; before that, it usually takes from 2-3 months to 1-2 years. This period increases if the immune system is very strong and can resist the active activity of the virus. The first symptoms appear just as it worsens.

Chronic stress, a poor diet lacking ascorbic acid, iron and other important substances, and constant lack of sleep, which exhausts the body, contribute to the deterioration of immunity and an increased risk of papillomas. It is also negatively affected by poor ecology and long-term antibiotic treatment.

Chronic diseases, primarily infectious, can also increase the likelihood of papillomas forming on the body. Thus, gastritis, colitis, stomach and intestinal ulcers are dangerous, because of which beneficial substances are not able to be absorbed in the quantities necessary to maintain normal immune function.

  1. See also how a wart differs from a papilloma

Which doctor should I contact for papillomas?

Before answering which doctor treats papillomas, we note that such problems are dealt with by a wide range of specialists, which include virologists, immunologists, dermatologists, cosmetologists, ENT specialists, gynecologists, therapists and some other doctors. Here, a lot depends on the location of the growth and the general state of health. Quite often, treatment is carried out under the simultaneous supervision of several doctors, if required.

Consultation with a virologist for papillomas

Consultation with a virologist for papillomas

This specialist studies the papilloma virus, how it spreads and how to combat it. It is imperative to contact it if you want to not only get rid of the external manifestations of HPV activity, but also take it under control. This will allow you to avoid the occurrence of new growths in the future and speed up the process of eliminating existing formations.

When contacting any virologist, you need to know that he can prescribe antiviral drugs, for example, Likopid, Kagocel, Tsitovir-3. His tasks also include issuing referrals for tests necessary to make an accurate diagnosis. These, for example, include the Digene test, which allows you to study the DNA of pathogenic microorganisms and identify the degree of their oncogenicity, which can be low, medium and high.

It doesn’t matter which doctor you contact with papilloma, the main thing is that it is done on time. It is worth considering that a virologist is a very rare specialist in public medical institutions; most likely, to see him, you will have to make an appointment at private hospitals, where all consultations are paid. It should also be taken into account that his duties are sometimes performed by an immunologist.

  1. Read also about the need for help from a virologist for genital warts

Visiting an immunologist for papillomas on the body

At an appointment with an immunologist for papillomas on the body

When considering the topic of which doctor deals with papillomas, one cannot help but think of an immunologist. This doctor is responsible for the normal functioning of the immune system; this is what determines the success of treating the papilloma virus and eliminating existing growths. Also, the list of his responsibilities includes preventing their appearance on the body and internal organs through prevention with the help of special drugs - immunostimulants and vitamin-mineral complexes.

This specialist should be contacted if immunity deteriorates, since this is the main reason for the activation of the papilloma virus and provokes the appearance of tumors on the body. Ideally, you should visit him every six months, even if you have already managed to get rid of the growths. Its tasks are to prevent their recurrence.

  1. Read also about the importance of consulting an immunologist for papilloma in an intimate place

Examination of papillomas by a dermatologist

Examination of papillomas by a dermatologist

When studying the question of which doctor deals with papillomas, you need to take into account that consultation with a dermatologist is required both when it is located externally and internally. He collects anamnesis, examines the suspicious surface and preliminarily determines whether the formation is benign. If various defects are detected, this specialist issues a referral to an oncologist or other doctors, depending on the situation.

Answering the question of which doctor deals with papillomas, it must be said that a dermatologist has the right to take a smear to determine the type of pathogen and its resistance to certain agents. He can also independently engage in treatment, writing out prescriptions for the purchase of the necessary products - cauterizing, anti-inflammatory and sedatives. First of all, we are talking about creams, external solutions, lotions, sprays, etc. It is he who should prescribe CryoPharma, Aldara, Verrukacid and their analogues.

A dermatologist-cosmetologist performs minimally invasive procedures to eliminate growths on the body - electrocoagulation, cryodestruction, radio wave removal and laser therapy. It also controls the recovery process after such manipulations. This specialist works both in general public and private medical centers, and in highly specialized dermatological clinics.
  1. See also how a dermatologist is useful when removing papilloma on the eyelid

How can a cosmetologist help with papillomas?

At an appointment with a cosmetologist for papillomas

This is not the doctor who treats the papilloma virus. Unlike, for example, a dermatologist, a cosmetologist, as a rule, does not engage in diagnostics; his tasks include carrying out procedures to remove formations. To do this, it is proposed to perform cryodestruction, electrocoagulation, radio wave or laser therapy. Such services are provided both in medical centers and in beauty salons.

You only need to contact a cosmetologist who has a higher medical education. Completion of courses in this specialty does not give him the right to conduct physiotherapeutic procedures. Also, for this, the doctor must have a permit that allows him to work with the necessary equipment.

When to contact an ENT specialist for papillomas?

At an appointment with an ENT specialist for papillomas

You should go to an otolaryngologist if papillomas are located in the oral cavity - on the tongue, tonsils, gums. This is necessary to assess the condition of the mucosa and exclude pathological processes, to prevent the growth of formations. This specialist has enough knowledge to visually determine whether the growth is benign. If any problems are detected, the doctor writes a referral to an oncologist and other specialists.

To study papilloma, the doctor performs pharyngoscopy or indirect laryngoscopy. If necessary, for example, in the case of a deep location of the formation, a video endoscopic examination of the oral cavity is performed, which makes it possible to determine the size of the growth with an accuracy of a millimeter.

If you are interested in which doctor removes papillomas, for example, in the mouth, then the ENT specialist is relevant here. Addressing it is also important because very often the appearance of such growths is provoked by various otolaryngological diseases of an infectious nature - tonsillitis, laryngitis, sore throat, etc. If necessary, during the examination, a sample is taken for histological examination to exclude malignancy of the tumor.

  1. Read also about an ENT consultation for the treatment of papilloma under the tongue

Consultation with a gynecologist for papillomas on the body

Consultation with a gynecologist for papillomas on the body

This is a highly specialized specialist who is booked for a consultation if papilloma is localized in intimate places. One of the main tasks of this doctor is to minimize the risk of developing cervical cancer, which is caused by HPV. The gynecologist must examine the patient for suspicious growths on the genitals and visually assess their boundaries, surface, color, structure.

Now we know which doctor removes papillomas in intimate places, only before that he must take a smear for histological examination to determine the type of pathogen and develop an effective treatment plan. The gynecologist has the right to recommend effective means for external use, for example, Epigen Intim.

The gynecologist does not remove any formations on his own, but can refer you to a surgeon for classic removal of growths or to a dermatologist-cosmetologist for the purpose of cryodestruction and other similar procedures.

It is recommended to visit him if you have papillomas in intimate places at least once every six months. Thus, it will be possible to notice dangerous changes in the structure of the tumor in time and quickly respond to them.

  1. Read also, what are the types of papillomas on the body?

Why visit an oncologist for papillomas?

Visiting an oncologist for papillomas

When trying to understand which doctor removes papillomas, do not forget that if they look suspicious, you may need to consult other doctors. This becomes necessary if the appearance of the formation is suspicious, when, for example, there are damages on it, if bleeding and inflammation of the tissues around are bothersome, the growth noticeably increases in size. The oncologist can visually identify suspicious tumors, which may require a biopsy.

The oncologist himself does not examine the samples taken; after receiving them, they are sent for examination to special laboratories. This doctor interprets the results, makes a diagnosis and makes recommendations for treatment, if necessary.

Before choosing which doctor will remove papillomas, the oncologist must examine them. The problem is that he is rarely on staff at an ordinary clinic; to get his advice, you usually need to go to a private medical center or specialized institution.

It is necessary to take into account that this doctor may have a narrow focus, for example, be an ENT-oncologist, dermatologist or gynecologist. Therefore, it should be selected based on the localization of the growth.

  1. Read also: Can papilloma develop into cancer?

When to go to the surgeon for papillomas?

At an appointment with a surgeon for papillomas

When considering the problem of which doctor to go to to remove papilloma, it is necessary to note that the surgeon is last on the list of those who should be contacted. And all because he deals only with cavity elimination of formations. Other specialists give a referral to him only if therapeutic methods of treatment do not give positive dynamics. The surgical method of removing growths is relevant when it is necessary to perform a biopsy after surgery to exclude cancer cells.

The surgeon removes the papilloma using a scalpel, under general or local anesthesia, depending on the location of the formation and its size. This method is recommended to be excluded when tumors are localized on the face, since there is a high probability that an unsightly scar will remain in this place. To solve the problem, most often it is necessary to place the patient in a hospital for several days.

Which doctor should you contact for papillomas - watch the video:

Having determined which doctor to contact with papillomas, you should not delay making an appointment for a consultation. The sooner the doctor examines you, the faster and easier the process of removing the formation will probably be. If you are still in doubt about whom to choose, then, first of all, it would not be a mistake to visit a general practitioner or family doctor, as he is now often called. He will conduct an initial examination, collect anamnesis and give a referral to the right specialist. In this way, you will be able to save both time and money.

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