How to use salicylic zinc ointment

  1. November 9, 2018
  2. Dermatology
  3. Catherine

Salicylic-zinc ointment is widely used in medicine for the treatment of dermatological diseases and other pathologies. It is in great demand among patients because it is highly effective and relatively inexpensive. This ointment is also called Lassara paste. The second name is explained by the fact that this drug was first manufactured by Lassar, a German dermatologist.

Pharmacological group and description

This drug belongs to the category of drugs for external use that have a healing and drying effect.

Salicylic-zinc paste (ointment) is a substance with a creamy, dense texture. The main color is white, but the shade can be milky or slightly gray.


The composition contains 2 types of components: main and auxiliary.

The main active elements of the ointment are:

  1. zinc oxide (250 mg is present in 1 g of ointment);
  2. salicylic acid (20 mg of salicylic acid is useful for 1 g of ointment).

The following additional components are present:


Manufacturers of medicines have offered several packaging options.

  1. Aluminum tubes. The volume can reach 25 or 50 g. The tube is packed in a cardboard box.
  2. Dark glass jars with a tight nylon lid. In this case, the volumes of the cans are identical to the volumes of the tube (25 and 50 g).
  3. Bottles made of polymer. The bottle size reaches 50 and 100 g.

Each cardboard box contains detailed instructions for using salicylic-zinc ointment.

Depending on the dosage and type of packaging, the cost of the medicine varies.

pharmachologic effect

This drug is a combination drug intended for local application. The elements included in the paste effectively complement each other’s action, which has a positive effect on the speed of treatment.

Salicylic acid acts in several ways:

  1. inflammatory processes are reduced;
  2. the skin becomes dry;
  3. pathological microorganisms are neutralized (antiseptic properties);
  4. the stratum corneum of the epidermis softens and exfoliates;
  5. discomfort, itching are relieved;
  6. the lumens of the capillaries in the area of ​​application of the product narrow.

When applied to the skin, this compound affects the nerve endings, which reduces pain and improves trophism.

In addition, dermatology uses the property of salicylic acid to significantly reduce the secretory function of the sweat and sebaceous glands.

Zinc oxide is characterized as an anti-inflammatory agent with antiseptic properties. When applied to the skin it exhibits drying and astringent properties.

Thanks to regular application to the skin, it is possible to reduce exudation and weeping. For this reason, zinc-containing ointments and creams are recommended for weeping wounds and rashes.

Vaseline in the ointment actively interacts with zinc oxide, resulting in the formation of a protective film on the surface of the skin after application. It prevents irritating particles from entering the skin, which blocks the appearance of new rashes.

Indications for use

Salicylic-zinc ointment is often prescribed for the treatment of dermatological diseases and mechanical damage to the skin. The list of pathologies for which Lassara paste gives high results includes:

  1. skin diseases of inflammatory and infectious origin;
  2. burns;
  3. eczema and ulcers (including weeping);
  4. some types of lichen (pityriasis versicolor, multicolored and pink);
  5. dry and oily seborrhea;
  6. dermatitis;
  7. foot hyperhidrosis;
  8. psoriasis;
  9. acne.


The advantage of zinc-salicylic ointment is the minimum number of contraindications. This list includes:

  1. individual sensitivity to the components of the composition;
  2. purulent skin lesions;
  3. increased dryness of the skin;
  4. children up to 12 years of age.

Use with caution

There are several pathologies and conditions in which the use of this drug should be limited:

  1. kidney disease (especially in case of renal failure);
  2. severe blood diseases (including anemia and poor clotting).

There are no restrictions for elderly patients unless there are other contraindications.

To avoid possible complications, using the paste on your own is not recommended.

Dosage and method of administration

According to the instructions for use of salicylic-zinc ointment, this product is intended for topical application. When using, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The affected area of ​​skin should be washed and dried thoroughly before the procedure. The ointment should not be applied to wet areas of the epidermis.
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly to prevent infection in the wound.
  3. Remove a small amount of paste from the tube or bottle and apply it to the affected area in a thin layer.
  4. It is recommended to apply the ointment not only to damaged areas, but also to cover a small area of ​​healthy tissue.
  5. There is no need to rub in the product. In most cases, an occlusive dressing is also not required.
  6. After some time, the remaining product must be removed, since the ointment is very thick and greasy. The product is poorly absorbed into the skin and leaves traces.

The frequency of application is prescribed by the doctor. This takes into account the patient’s diagnosis and age.

As a standard treatment regimen with salicylic-zinc ointment for adult patients, it is recommended to apply the product 2 or 3 times a day. For patients under 18 years of age, the dosage and frequency of use are determined by the doctor.

If the drug is used to treat open wounds, then the paste is applied only along the edges. Getting the composition inside the wound is strictly contraindicated. This may cause itching, burning and other side effects.

When treating burns, doctors recommend careful application of the composition to the affected area of ​​skin and subsequent application of an occlusive dressing. This will create a reliable barrier that prevents contact with external factors and will accelerate tissue regeneration.

Side effects

In some cases, side effects may occur when using the paste. In most cases, local reactions occur in the area of ​​application. The absence of common side effects is explained by the fact that when applied to the skin, the active substances are absorbed into the blood in small quantities.

The list of side effects includes:

  1. skin rashes;
  2. itching;
  3. burning;
  4. redness of the skin;
  5. excessive dryness of the epithelium.

If during the use of the paste one or more of the above symptoms are identified, further use of the product should be discontinued. To correct treatment, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.


Cases of overdose occur extremely rarely, since the active substances of the paste are absorbed into the blood in small quantities. The risk of overdose occurs if salicylic-zinc ointment is applied to large areas of skin for a long time.

Exceeding the dose in this case may be accompanied by symptoms characteristic of side effects. In such circumstances, it is necessary to discontinue treatment with this drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The instructions for use of salicylic-zinc ointment do not contain data on its effect on the health of the fetus. This is explained by the lack of research and clinical trials in this area. In this regard, the use of ointment during pregnancy is undesirable, but possible for some indications. The decision to prescribe in each case is made by the doctor. Therapy is carried out under regular medical supervision.

During lactation, you should refrain from using salicylic-zinc ointment. Admission is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Use in pediatrics

The drug is not prescribed to children aged 0 to 12 years. This is due to the lack of data on the effect of paste on the health and condition of children.

Interaction with other drugs

A paste with zinc oxide and salicylic acid combines well with many other medications, both local and for oral administration. For this reason, the medicine is often prescribed as part of complex therapy for various dermatological diseases.


When studying what salicylic-zinc ointment helps with, you should pay special attention to additional recommendations.

When using a paste, apply the composition only to the skin. Contact with mucous membranes or eyes is unacceptable. If this happens, you must thoroughly rinse your eyes or mucous membranes under running water. This will help avoid irritation and increased dryness and itching.

Effect on ability to drive a car

Salicylic acid and zinc oxide have no effect on the driver's reaction speed and condition. For this reason, the ointment can be used while driving vehicles and other complex mechanisms.

Release from pharmacies and storage features

The paste is on the list of drugs that are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

The medicine should be stored in a place protected from direct sunlight. The air temperature should not exceed +25 degrees. If the storage conditions are met, the paste can be used for 4 years. You can check the release date on the packaging. After this period, the use of the ointment is prohibited.

Salicylic-zinc ointment for acne

Pimples or acne often accompany people for several reasons:

  1. hormonal surge during puberty;
  2. presence of oily skin prone to inflammation;
  3. diseases associated with hormonal levels;
  4. poor nutrition;
  5. failure to comply with hygiene requirements.

Whatever the cause of skin rashes, salicylic-zinc ointment can effectively treat them; reviews of this drug fully confirm this statement from the manufacturers.

To treat acne and pimples with a paste containing zinc and salicylic acid, you should follow several rules.

  1. Apply the ointment only to clean, well-dried skin.
  2. Do not use large amounts of ointment. Apply the cream pointwise to single pimples, lightly rubbing it into the skin. If the rash covers a large area of ​​skin on the face, you need to treat each individual defect. Getting a thick, oily paste into healthy areas of facial skin can cause clogging of pores, which will lead to the opposite effect.
  3. For spot application, repeat the procedure 4-5 times a day. It is advisable to do this before bedtime.
  4. While using salicylic-zinc ointment for the face, doctors do not recommend using decorative cosmetics (foundation, powder, concealer).
  5. During this period, you should refrain from sunbathing, going to the solarium, to the beach and to the sauna. Aggressive influence of external factors can aggravate the condition of the skin.

It should be remembered: acne is a consequence of one or another abnormality in the human body. If you do not get rid of the root cause, acne will not be overcome for long. After some time she will appear again.

Reviews from doctors and patients

This drug has been actively used for several decades. During this time, he managed to earn a reputation as a reliable effective treatment for dermatological diseases. Doctors note several benefits of the paste.

  1. Wide range of applications. The ointment actively fights many dermatological diseases, has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, healing and drying effect.
  2. Few contraindications. This makes the drug almost universal.
  3. Rare occurrence of side effects. Doctors note that the composition of the ointment is well tolerated by patients and does not cause negative symptoms.

This ointment is a must-have item in many home first aid kits. Patients note several features of the paste.

  1. Easy to use. According to the instructions for salicylic-zinc ointment, it is enough to apply the composition to the affected area.
  2. Relatively low cost. Compared to many other dermatological ointments, this medicine remains inexpensive.
  3. High efficiency. For minor skin lesions, just a few applications are sufficient to eliminate symptoms. If you believe the reviews, it is enough to use salicylic-zinc ointment for acne once at night.

Based on the above features of the drug and its principle of action, we can come to the following conclusion: Lassara paste is an effective inexpensive topical drug. You can buy it without a prescription. Meanwhile, before using the medicine, you should consult a specialist.

People of different age groups face skin diseases throughout their lives. Many pathological conditions respond well to local therapy using drugs for external use. Such drugs include salicylic-zinc ointment, which is relevant both among doctors and patients due to the active properties of the active ingredients.

Release form and composition

The drug is released in the form of an ointment or paste. The substance has a uniform white structure, sometimes with a yellow tint. The medicine is packaged in dark brown glass jars. Packaging volume: 25 grams. There is a paper sticker on the container that contains brief information about the shelf life and mode of storage of the product.

Salicylic-zinc ointment consists of two main components that exhibit a therapeutic effect, and auxiliary chemical compounds. The main active substances are represented by the following elements:

  1. Salicylic acid is a powerful antiseptic, eliminates signs of inflammation, tissue swelling, redness of the skin, reduces pain, helps exfoliate the surface layers of the epidermis that have undergone necrotic changes, which accelerates cell regenerative processes.
  2. Zinc oxide - has an astringent and soothing effect, reduces the likelihood of local allergic reactions, and performs a barrier function against excess ultraviolet radiation.

In addition to the active ingredients, zinc ointment with salicylic acid contains adjuvants. They preserve the medicinal qualities of the drug and promote uniform application of the product to problem areas. The optimal ratio is ensured by the following auxiliary components:

  1. white paraffin;
  2. Vaseline;
  3. potato starch.

Indications for use

Due to its active properties, zinc ointment is widely used to treat dermatological pathologies. The drug eliminates inflammatory changes, prevents microbial infection, accelerates tissue repair processes, and has a drying effect. You can note what zinc paste helps with:

  1. Skin problems caused by hormonal changes in adolescents and adults - ointment for pimples, acne and acne helps well.
  2. Elimination of areas of increased skin pigmentation - zinc ointment with salicylate prevents the formation of age spots by normalizing the level of melatonin in cells due to its effect on the upper layers of tissue.
  3. Signs of hyperhidrosis - the zinc component has a drying effect and reduces sweating. This allows the ointment to be used when there is excess moisture production in the armpits and feet, which is especially important for the patient’s psychological comfort.
  4. Skin diseases of an autoimmune and allergic nature - psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis with an exudative component. The ointment helps well against lichen.
  5. In cosmetology, zinc-salicylic paste is used by specialists in the form of masks after cleansing the face.

Instructions for use

Salicylic zinc ointment, according to the instructions for use, is prescribed depending on the type of pathology, severity of symptoms and size of the lesion. Zinc ointment with salicylic acid should be used correctly in order to get effective results. The following recommendations must be followed.

  1. Pre-clean the skin with a soap solution or special detergents.
  2. Dry them with a soft cloth without damaging the damaged area.
  3. Apply a thin layer of salicylic-zinc paste locally with clean hands, a spatula or a cotton swab.
  4. The ointment is not washed off. After a while, you can remove excess product with a cotton swab or sponge.

The course of therapy with a drug with a zinc component is 10-14 days. Frequency of use - up to 4 times a day. Within 30 minutes, the active substances are absorbed into the tissue, leaving a partially dry component on the skin. Given the hypoallergenic properties, long-term use of zinc ointment is allowed. To treat acne, the product is applied topically to a specific area of ​​the affected area in a thicker layer before bedtime and left overnight. This allows you to localize the infection and prevent the spread of pathology. For burns, it is allowed to use the product only from 7-10 days, strictly according to the doctor’s indications.

For proper facial care, salicylic-zinc ointment is used to prepare masks with a drying effect. This recipe gives good results for oily or combination skin types. The paste can be used in adolescents to solve cosmetic problems. In this case, the product is applied no more than 2-3 times a day.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

Salicylic-zinc paste rarely causes adverse reactions. This is due to the local use of ointment, which penetrates the surface layers of the skin and causes virtually no systemic effect. However, before applying the product, you should carefully study the instructions and, if necessary, consult a doctor. The drug has the following restrictions for use:

  1. individual sensitivity to chemical compounds included in the ointment;
  2. proven allergic conditions in history caused by the main components or adjuvants;
  3. age of children up to 12 years.

In some cases, adverse reactions may occur. Most often, adverse symptoms occur when applied to large areas of skin. These symptoms include:

  1. the appearance of a rash;
  2. hyperemia, swelling of the skin;
  3. itching, burning at the site of application of zinc ointment;
  4. noise in ears;
  5. signs of dizziness.

Attention! If pathological manifestations appear, you should remove the drug from the surface of the skin and seek help from a specialist.

Price policy

Zinc ointment with salicylic acid is available without a prescription. The bottle can be purchased at the pharmacy or on the website. On the Internet you can get detailed information about the availability of the drug, its cost, and indications for use. When purchasing retail at a pharmaceutical establishment, an on-site consultant will answer your questions. The price of the paste depends on the manufacturing company and the supplier's markup. Varies from 15 to 120 rubles.


There are medicines that have similar indications to zinc ointment. They may differ in composition and cost. These drugs include the following analogues:

  1. Solcoseryl - contains an extract from the blood of cattle. Has a pronounced reparative effect. Prescribed for burns, bedsores and erosive skin processes.
  2. Bepanten - the main active ingredient is dexpanthenol. It has an anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect, heals small cracks and wounds well.
  3. Levomekol - the ointment contains chloramphenicol and methiuracil, which exhibit a pronounced antimicrobial, antiseptic regenerative effect, eliminate inflammation at the site of pathology.
  4. Galmanine is produced in the form of a white powder. The main components are zinc oxide and salicylic acid, with talc as an adjuvant. The components act superficially and do not penetrate deeply into the tissue. Used for hyperhidrosis and exudative dermatitis.


Most patient responses are positive. The main advantage is the low cost of ointment with a zinc component. The drug is very popular among young people and teenagers who use it to treat acne.

Women especially like the paste due to its pronounced anti-inflammatory and drying properties. Therefore, recently cosmetologists have become interested in the drug. They use a substance based on salicylic alcohol and a zinc compound to eliminate local skin defects after special cleansing procedures.

Some negative reviews indicate insufficient effect for extensive skin lesions.

Important! If the expected result is not obtained, it is necessary to consult a doctor and conduct additional research to clarify the diagnosis.

Salicylic-zinc ointment is a safe and effective remedy for the treatment of various inflammatory skin diseases, which is available to every patient.

A huge number of people have problems with their facial skin, which include acne, acne, inflammation, etc. In this regard, the problem of finding medications that can cope with such manifestations is relevant for many.

The solution to the problem can be salicylic-zinc ointment, which is a medicinal product designed to combat ailments whose symptoms are expressed in the form of various types of rashes. The composition has an anti-inflammatory effect directly on the affected area. It is recognized as a highly effective medicine by leading dermatologists, cosmetologists and allergists.

Main active ingredients

Salicylic-zinc ointment looks like a thick yellowish substance.

It has two basic components:

  1. salicylic acid, which acts as an antiseptic and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Acid accelerates the exfoliation of dead tissue, which helps to quickly cleanse the skin. In addition, it helps restore the epidermal layer of the skin and eliminates pain;

  1. zinc oxide, which has a huge number of positive characteristics and beneficial properties. It has a calming and astringent effect, protects the upper layers of the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and other adverse factors. The main advantage of zinc oxide is that it is not capable of causing an allergic reaction.

Vaseline acts as a base. He is responsible for giving the drug the correct consistency.

Additional components

How to use salicylic zinc ointment

This medication has virtually no contraindications for use, however, its use must be agreed with the treating specialist. In most cases, the ointment is prescribed to people suffering from dermatitis, psoriasis and ichthyosis.

Using this drug you can achieve:

  1. improving skin elasticity;
  2. suppression of inflammation;
  3. reducing the intensity of secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  4. eliminate irritation;
  5. drying the skin.

The above problems, which salicylic-zinc ointment helps to combat, appear in many skin diseases. Therefore, this drug has received a wide range of applications.

What does salicylic-zinc ointment help with?

This medicine can successfully fight not only skin rashes, but also a host of other ailments:

  1. hyperhidrosis;
  2. herpes;
  3. calluses;
  4. eczema and dermatitis;
  5. pyoderma;
  6. Diaper rash.

In order to successfully use the ointment for the treatment of certain ailments, it is necessary to carefully study the method of use and the mechanism of action of the drug in each specific case.

Anti acne

To get rid of acne, you need to apply a thin layer of ointment to problem areas. If you want to get rid of acne on your face, then when applying the ointment, avoid getting it in your eyes and lips. Before using the drug, you must thoroughly wash off all cosmetics.

The ointment copes well with acne, other rashes and helps eliminate age spots. This is due to the whitening effect inherent in the drug. The ointment can be applied up to 6 times a day, with a break of at least 3 hours. The frequency of procedures directly depends on the severity of the lesion. Treatment does not need to be suspended until the existing problem is completely eliminated.

Do not expose unaffected areas of skin to the medicine. On single pimples, the ointment should be applied pointwise. Large inflamed pimples and boils are treated with compresses. They are placed as follows:

  1. a thin layer of ointment is applied to the damaged area;
  2. a cotton pad is placed on top of it;
  3. then the compress is secured with an adhesive plaster.

The positive effect will be noticeable in the shortest possible time.

Anti fungus

Salicylic-zinc ointment is an effective antifungal agent. This is due to the fact that it contains zinc oxide, which is a strong antiseptic.

The fungus should be treated with compresses based on this ointment. They must be left overnight. The process of installing a compress is no different from that described above (used to get rid of acne).

A positive result will be noticeable within a week. The nail will change structure and color, the inflammation will completely disappear. The ointment must be applied until the fungus is completely defeated.

Against deprivation

Ringworm is a scaly rash that has a pinkish tint. It is an infectious-allergic disease. Its main cause is a weakened immune system. Salicylic-zinc ointment is able to fight lichen due to the presence of zinc oxide in its composition, which protects the affected areas and promotes rapid healing.

The drug should be used 2 times a day, applying a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin. As a rule, positive dynamics are observed after just a few days of using the ointment. The lichen gradually lightens until it is completely eliminated.

Against psoriasis

This disease is characterized by the formation of rashes. The main active ingredient in local therapy of psoriasis with salicylic-zinc ointment is salicylic acid. It relieves inflammation and prevents the formation of pathological scales.

Before using the drug, you need to wash thoroughly. Failure to follow this simple rule can lead to disastrous consequences. Hygiene procedures are very important. This is due to a number of reasons:

  1. firstly, they have a gentle effect on rashes, preparing the affected areas for contact with the healing components;
  2. secondly, water cleanses the skin and promotes maximum opening of pores. This is important, because the ointment must penetrate the dermis;
  3. thirdly, taking a shower normalizes blood flow.

Hygiene procedures are a preparatory stage, after which you need to treat the affected areas with antiseptics and remove dead areas. If there are bubbles, they must be opened, and then washed and processed again.

The ointment can be used no more than 3 times a day. Compresses should be applied to cut areas of the skin.

For psoriasis, the ointment should be used with extreme caution. The maximum permissible period of use of the drug is two decades. The ointment cannot be used for longer, otherwise it will become addictive.

Salicylic-zinc ointment is a highly effective drug that allows you to fight many ailments that occur on the upper layers of the skin. Along with this, the advantages of the ointment include its almost complete safety and minimal price, varying from 20 to 50 rubles, per jar or tube weighing 25 grams.
