How to get rid of facial wrinkles with massage

Anti-wrinkle facial massage is an effective, safe and budget-friendly alternative to plastic surgery and “rejuvenation” injections. Are the positive reviews true, and what is the most effective anti-wrinkle facial massage technique? This article will tell you.

Hi all! Svetlana Morozova is with you. Today we’ll talk about rejuvenating facial massage. What is its effect based on, what types exist, how to properly do a massage at home yourself, what rules need to be followed - read on for this and much more.

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Anti-wrinkle facial massage: the secret of success

Age-related changes can be dealt with in different ways. Some people prefer to only visually mask them with injections, while others decide to go under the surgeon’s knife. And the majority choose a more difficult, but reliable and safe way - it affects the very cause of wrinkles and sagging facial muscles.

The latter is precisely what massage refers to. How it works:

  1. Warms the skin, causes a rush of blood and oxygen.
  2. Enhances the effect of external care products - the beneficial substances from them are absorbed faster and deeper into the prepared skin.
  3. Serves as a kind of “warm-up” before anti-aging gymnastics for the face.
  4. It engages nerve fibers and restores their conductivity: spasmodic areas relax, and weakened areas are put back into action.
  5. Improves the outflow of waste and toxins from the skin.
  6. Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, the deficiency of which causes the skin to age.

Massage works best in combination with special gymnastics and anti-aging masks. All this can be done independently at home, or in the salon - as your budget allows.

What effects should you expect from proper and regular facial massage:

  1. Tight, elastic skin;
  2. Relaxing spasms and smoothing wrinkles;
  3. Smooth and fresh complexion;
  4. Reduction of swelling and puffiness;
  5. Elimination of swollen eyelids, circles under the eyes;
  6. Restoring skin oiliness;
  7. Narrowing of pores, elimination of blackheads and pimples.

Therefore, massage is an effective technique both for rejuvenation and for giving the face a fresh and healthy look.

Types of facial massage for wrinkles


A basic massage option that does not require any special skills. Take any cosmetic oil and use your fingertips to stroke, rub and tap the skin along the massage lines.

Here are a few techniques:

  1. Lightly stroke your face from the midline to the ears: chin, cheeks, forehead.
  2. Use your fingertips to tap across your entire face.
  3. Using circular movements with slight pressure, rub the line of your cheekbones, moving from the nasolabial folds to the ear.
  4. Place the tips of your index fingers on the area between your eyebrows. Using pointed vibrating movements, move your fingers to the temples along the upper border of the eyebrows.
  5. Lightly tap the line under the lower eyelid with the pads, moving from the nose towards the temples.

Helps relieve tension, “warm up” before facial exercises or applying a mask, and slightly smooth out wrinkles.

2.Japanese Shiatsu massage

This is a more complex technique - you need to apply precise pressure on certain areas on the face. A maximum of 3 minutes is allotted for each zone, during which pressure and pauses alternate. These phases are equal and last 5 seconds.

Each side of the face is worked on separately. The pressure points are connected to each other by light broken lines, or these lines go beyond the line of the face - this is how tension is displayed. The pressure is quite strong, so in order not to cause harm, you need to know exactly the diagram of biologically active points.

With the help of Shiatsu, you can significantly smooth out wrinkles on the forehead, get rid of eyebrow folds and nasolabial wrinkles, and tighten the areas around the eyes and mouth.

If you want to do it at home yourself, you should definitely watch educational video lessons on Japanese massage for wrinkles or master classes from specialists.

3.Japanese massage Asahi

“Asahi” literally translates from Japanese as “massage for wrinkles,” so the name is telling. This method is even more aerobatics. Here there is an intense effect on deep muscles and connective tissue. Therefore, again, special skills are needed. It is better to do this massage in a salon. If you want to do self-massage, study the technique thoroughly, and at first, do not apply as much pressure as required.

For example:

  1. Press your fingers tightly to the middle of your forehead, hold for 3 seconds and press them to your temples, and from there perpendicularly down.
  2. Press your fists to the sides of your forehead above your eyebrows, thumbs extended and pointing down. Using the pads of your thumbs, press on the area near the nose at the border with the lower eyelid and apply pressure to the temples, hold there for 3 seconds. Then repeat the same with the upper eyelid, running your thumbs along the lower border of the eyebrows.
  3. Lips are compressed. Place your index fingers in the pits on the side of the nostrils, and your thumbs 1 cm below the corners of the mouth. Press, hold for 3 seconds, press your fingers to the corners of your lips, hold again for 3 seconds, move your fingers back.

The skin should be well lubricated with oil or cream.

4.Chinese anti-wrinkle massage

Here the technique is similar to Shiatsu - active points are also warmed up. This massage relieves muscle spasms, helps for rejuvenation - smoothes out facial wrinkles and folds, relieves stress, and relieves headaches and toothaches. Plus, working out certain areas stimulates the production of elastin and glycogen.

Basic movements of Chinese massage:

  1. Cover your face with your palms. We move our eyes under our palms up and down, left and right, and rotate them. We blink quickly and quickly, sometimes simultaneously, sometimes alternately.
  2. Place your index fingers on both sides along the partition and heat it for 5 seconds. Then we rub the partition from bottom to top using pads in a circular motion.
  3. We pat our cheeks with our palms. We perform 10 claps, by the 5th clap the intensity increases, and then decreases again.
  4. Cover your ears with your palms and warm for 5 seconds. Then, with our middle fingers, we move pointwise from the tragus to the lobes, kneading them in a circular motion.
  5. Cover your lower lip with your upper lip, move your chin forward and slightly upward. Place your thumb in the hollow under the chin and massage it. Now use the back of your fingers to lightly move from your neck to your chin.

Important condition: hands must be warm. Therefore, warm them up - rub your palms together thoroughly.

5.Massage with spoons

One of the simplest techniques for home self-massage. Prepare spoons of different sizes, glasses with hot and cold water (herbal decoctions). The back of the spoon is lubricated with cream, then it is lightly pressed into the skin and passed along the massage lines. Alternately change the size of the spoons, heat and cool them in the liquid.

Rejuvenating massage in cosmetology clinics

What anti-wrinkle facial massage do cosmetologists offer:

  1. Classical. Everything as described above, plus the use of special anti-aging oils and cosmetics during the massage.
  2. Oriental: Thai, Japanese, Chinese. Such techniques are recommended not only for rejuvenation, but also if you need to relieve stress, cleanse the skin of blackheads, relieve swelling, or correct the consequences of unsuccessful plastic surgery.
  3. Sculptural. It is prescribed already for pronounced age-related changes after 50 years, in order to tighten sagging facial tissues and make the oval clearer.
  4. Hardware electric massage. Both light discharges (galvanization) and the introduction of anti-aging agents (electroiontophoresis).
  5. Lymphatic drainage. It is carried out along the lymph flow to remove toxins, relieve swelling, and cure acne.

In what cases is massage contraindicated:

  1. Skin wounds;
  2. Herpes;
  3. Infectious diseases (flu, sore throat, etc.);
  4. Extensive ulcers;
  5. The presence of large moles or warts on the face;
  6. If the skin is very oily, use caution: massage increases the secretion of sebum.

Before the massage session, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin, and after that, perform facial exercises and apply a rejuvenating mask. Some salons offer similar services in addition to massage.

Facial massage against wrinkles gives the best effect if combined with special exercises.

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After we have studied what massage styles there are and become familiar with the rules for their implementation, you can begin to independently practice rejuvenation.

Stages of performing a facial massage for wrinkles

Learning how to do almost any facial massage for wrinkles at home and doing it yourself is quite simple. To do this, it is enough to master one of the massage techniques correctly.

After choosing the style of the procedure, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the technique of its execution. During the process, follow important recommendations:

  1. Prepare the skin: remove makeup, collect hair in a bun;
  2. Wash the hands;
  3. Apply oil or cream;
  4. For manipulation, it is preferable to use your fingertips (unless the technique suggests otherwise);
  5. All movements should be soft and smooth;
  6. Be gentle in the eye area;
  7. Perform movements strictly according to the line diagram for facial massage;
  8. Start and end with stroking techniques.

What techniques can be used at home to tighten the oval face?

At home, you can use almost all massage techniques, with the exception of those that use special tools: stones, vacuum and roller devices. But even they are freely available for purchase. The easiest to learn and perform are: honey massage, facial massage, spooning and pinch method. When used regularly, they provide an excellent rejuvenating and strengthening effect.

What to use for facial massage

Facial massage is a delicate procedure. Because the skin on the face is highly sensitive. It is thinner than on other parts of the body. Therefore, when performing movements, it is necessary to use oil or facial massage cream. This will avoid redness and irritation, and will also prevent unnecessary stretching.

Stage of classic face and neck massage

  1. Apply the oil to the skin with soft patting movements;
  2. From the wings of the nose to the ears, massage the cheeks with spiral movements;
  3. Using light patting touches, massage the eyelids from the outer edge to the inner along the lower edge and then from the inner edge to the outer along the upper eyelid;
  4. Using spiral movements, we relax the forehead in the direction from the eyebrows to the hair;
  5. Using rubbing movements, massage the contour of the lips and lower jaw.

Stage of smoothing nasolabial wrinkles

Massage the nostril and the beginning of the nasolabial fold near the nose with two middle fingers of each hand, rotating each in its own direction like a figure eight.

Squeeze the side of the nose for 30 seconds alternately, then stretch it, thereby relaxing the muscle that lifts the skin, creating the nasolabial.

Photo from the book by N.B. Osminina “The World of the Face and Its Secrets”

Stage of elimination of crow's feet

The skin in the eye area is delicate, thin and sensitive. It is almost devoid of fat and hydrolipid layers. Therefore, the first signs of aging appear here first. To reduce them, we perform a facial massage of this area:

  1. Close your eyes tightly for a few seconds;
  2. move the eyeball left and right without changing the position of the head;
  3. intensively rotate your eyes clockwise for about a minute, then in the opposite direction;
  4. draw a figure eight with your eyelids, move your eyes alternately in different directions: right, up, left, down, left, up, right, down;
  5. massage the outer and inner corners of the eyes with your fingertips, and then the points at the end and beginning of the eyebrow arch;
  6. massage the entire eyebrow with a strong pressing movement with the phalanx of the index finger from the inside out in one stroke;
  7. raise your eyebrows high, while trying to close your eyes.

Facelift stage

When the muscle frame on the face loses its normal tone, the skin begins to fold and sag on the spasmed muscle. Visually, this leads to drooping and displacement of the oval of the face. To restore the firmness and elasticity of the contours, it is necessary to perform the following massage techniques to tighten the oval:

  1. Using the middle and index fingers, massage with smooth pressing movements from the nose to the temples (in Fig. 12, 13, 14, 15);
  2. Using the little finger of both hands, gently draw strokes along the lines of the nose (in Fig. 10, 11);
  3. Raise your head up and use vibrating technique to activate lines 20-23;
  4. Use your middle and ring fingers to massage lines 16-19;
  5. Use delicate strokes to manipulate the eye area (in Fig. 4-9).

Facial oval lift lines

Make a dissatisfied expression on your face, tightening the corners of your mouth. Massage the tense muscles under the corners of the lips for 30 seconds.

Drawing from the book by N.B. Osminina “Anatomy of facial aging”

Holding your chin with one hand, use the edge of your index finger to press firmly with the other and move first in the direction of your ears, then in the opposite direction.

Drawing from the book by N.B. Osminina “Anatomy of facial aging”

Vacuum cupping massage is also very helpful for tightening the oval. When working with cupping in a massage to tighten the oval of the face, you should pay special attention to the area of ​​the chin, lower zygomatic arch and lateral surface of the neck.

Stage of smoothing vertical and horizontal wrinkles on the forehead

Massage is a very effective way to reduce and prevent skin wrinkles on the frontal part. One of the best techniques is the spoon massage technique. Regular practice of this exercise relaxes the frontal muscles.

  1. Prepare a herbal decoction in equal proportions from chamomile and calendula. Pour into 2 glasses. Cool one, heat the other until hot;
  2. Dip a spoon into the hot broth for a few seconds and move the back side along the massage lines of the forehead, from the center to the temples, for about 1 minute;
  3. Then lower the spoon into a cold glass and repeat the manipulations;
  4. Also, spiral movements from the eyebrows towards the hairline relax the forehead muscles well, smoothing out wrinkles.

To relax the forehead, vacuum massage and self-massage of the entire head with your fingertips and pulling your hair also help.

Deep facial massage stage

The practice of deep massage of the face and neck allows you to work on all layers of the skin and muscle corset and achieve lasting rejuvenating results. The technique includes pinching and sculpting facial massage, working on every spasmodic and weakened muscle.

  1. Use pincers to walk along the contour of the lower jaw;
  2. Work the muscles in the eyebrow area from the inner corner to the outer;
  3. Lightly pinching, stretch the bridge of the nose;
  4. From the outer corner of the lips, go through the subcutaneous layers of muscles to the earlobe.

At this stage, it is good to use a map of facial muscles and a diagram of massage lines to tighten the oval.

Stage of raising the corners of the lips

Place the side of your index finger on top of the corner of your lips, and the pad of your thumb below it. Slowly connect your fingers, as if sliding across the skin.

Photo from the book by N.B. Osminina “The World of the Face and Its Secrets”

Final stage

Any massage procedure should end with relaxation and light strokes. This soothes delicate skin and activates the regeneration process.

After this, you can apply a tonic lotion or wipe your face with herbal infusions. Nutrients and microelements, thanks to massage practice, will fully saturate the skin cells.

Lifting masks made from clay or seaweed will also be a good addition. This will strengthen and consolidate the result obtained.

Also, in addition to massage practice, it is recommended to perform gymnastics for the face, use the practice of applying tapes to the face and periodically undergo biomechanical stimulation of the face, use a mesoscooter for the face, then the process of natural rejuvenation will noticeably accelerate.

Video tutorials for self-massage of the face

Facial massages for wrinkles can be performed in a wide variety of ways. Here, for example, is a video lesson of the author’s technique of self-massage of the face from massage guru Elena Zemskova:

Not all women trust anti-aging cosmetics. But there are those who choose not only the cosmetological path to rejuvenation, but also facial massage against wrinkles. Techniques for this have been developed enough to choose the right one and make facial massage your habit. Self-massage at home or in a beauty salon - it doesn’t matter. Don't believe in efficiency? Try it!

How to do a facial massage correctly?

In every cosmetic procedure you can find many nuances to carry out. This also applies to massage. For it to bring the expected effect, it must be done correctly.

Face massage


The most important rule when massaging with your hands is the cleanliness of the massage “device” (that is, hands), as well as the surface being massaged. Therefore, the list of rules for safe hand massage begins with this nuance:

  1. wash your hands, cleanse your face in any convenient way (wash with gel, wipe with a sponge and lotion/micellar water, etc.). For greatest effectiveness, you can steam the skin with a warm compress or over steam;
  2. use a massage oil that will not cause allergies. Do the massage gently, with warm hands and only along those lines and points that are described in a certain technique;
  3. do not use areas of skin with warts or moles.

After finishing the special massage exercises, it would be a good idea to apply a nourishing cream or serum. You can do a hand massage at least daily, it definitely won’t do any harm.

Massage lines (lymph drainage lines) on the face


For facial skin, the easiest way is to use roller devices with several rollers that cover different areas of the face at the same time. Before starting massage procedures using a massager, no one canceled the rules of cleanliness:

  1. Clean the massager with alcohol. “Clean” the massaged surface, steam if necessary;
  2. apply massage oil (or rich cream), move the massager slowly, apply moderate pressure on it so as not to harm the skin;
  3. when using the device, take into account the location of the massage lines and move along them;
  4. After finishing the massage manipulations, wash with warm water and apply cream or serum.

It is not recommended to use massage devices more than 2 times a week. And the course of such rejuvenation should not exceed 1 month.

Anti-aging facial massage techniques (below each technique requires photos. Step-by-step photos are very welcome)

“Minds” of different generations puzzled over how to make massage as effective as possible. Thus, more and more new techniques have appeared that can reduce deep wrinkles, minimize the number of facial wrinkles and tighten the oval of the face. It is worth conducting massage sessions from the age of 28, if necessary - a little earlier (when age-related changes in the skin are already visible). Just like that, at a very young age, massage manipulations are not recommended.

Facial renewal after massage courses

By the way, almost all types of facial massage described below are aimed at an anti-aging effect. Techniques allow:

  1. increase skin tone, prevent the appearance of new age-related wrinkles;
  2. improve lymphatic drainage and blood supply;
  3. tighten the skin on problem areas of the face “affected” by age-related changes;
  4. rejuvenate the skin, relieve puffiness of the eyes;
  5. correct the oval of the face;
  6. get rid of a double chin;
  7. reduce layers of subcutaneous fat.

Facial massages will also help slow down the aging process so that new wrinkles appear as late as possible.

Classic facial massage

Regular sessions of classic massage will help get rid of the signs of skin aging and achieve significant results in just a couple of months.

It involves alternately operating with the following techniques: kneading and stroking, “finger” patting vibration and rubbing. The pads of the index and middle fingers are involved.

Directions of movements along massage lines:

  1. corners of the mouth - the upper part of the earlobe;
  2. the middle of the chin is the earlobe;
  3. wings of the nose - the top of the auricle;
  4. upper eyelid from the inner corner to the outer corner;
  5. middle of forehead - temples;
  6. lower eyelid (outer corner) - to the inner;
  7. corners of the mouth - the upper part of the earlobe.

Directions of movements along massage lines

Massage sessions should be carried out in courses - 15 - 20 sessions with an interval of 1-2 days. The course can be repeated after 1.5-2 months.

Japanese massage Tsogan and Asahi

The essence of the massage is applying pressure to special points of the face (where the lymph nodes are located). Such actions promote the outflow of lymph from the dermis, resulting in detoxification and strengthening of the muscles. With this Tsogan (Asahi) massage you can achieve the following goals:

Massage manipulations are suitable for both twenty-year-old girls and older ladies. Some Japanese technique exercises can be skipped or not done daily, but focus on problem areas.

Tanaka Yukuko, the founder of the Asahi technique (also called Tsogan or Zogan), identifies separate exercises for different areas of the face. But the most important thing is the final one:

  1. put 3 fingers together (i.e. “middle” - except for the little finger and thumb) and press on the lymphatic area near the ears, smoothly go down to the neck, then towards the collarbone.

Exercises for zones:

  1. Eyes. Place your middle fingers at the outer corners of your eyes, smoothly move them towards the inner corners. Stop for 3 seconds. Increase the pressure and move under the eyebrows to the outer corners, stop for 3 seconds. Release the pressure and move to the inner corners. Increase the pressure again and return to the outer corners, stopping for 3 seconds. Finish the exercise with a finishing movement. Massage for the eye area
  2. Forehead. Place your middle fingers in the middle of your forehead. Press for 3 seconds, then move to your temples. Turn your arms 90⁰ and head down. Finish the exercise. Massage for the forehead area
  3. Nose. Starting from the dimples at the wings of the nose, use 3 fingers to slowly move up to the bridge of the nose and back (5 times). Adding your ring finger, rub the bridge of your nose well and below, smoothly move to your cheeks. Finish the exercise. Massage for the nose area
  4. Lips. Place your 3rd and 4th fingers in the middle of your chin and press for 3 seconds. Then move towards the nasolabial fold and hold for 2 seconds. Finish the exercise. Lip massage
  5. Cheeks. Place your hands in front of you: elbow to elbow, palm to palm. Open your palms upward, place their bases near your lips and move towards your nose. Then cover your cheeks with your palms and press for 3 seconds. Finish the exercise. Cheek massage
  6. Lower part of the face. Press your 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers to your chin. With light pressure, move them towards the eyes, turn the brush and head towards the temples. Finish the exercise. Massage for the lower part of the face

All areas of the face are involved, and the impulses from the massage reach the deep muscles. With systematic exposure, they soften, and the folds of wrinkles decrease or disappear altogether. Massage is performed once a day. You can do it yourself or simply trust a specialist.


This type of acupressure slows down the aging process and also helps the skin rejuvenate. And they do Chinese lymphatic drainage massage (it’s also called that) according to the following scheme:

  1. stand up straight, straighten your shoulders;
  2. rub your palms so that they become warm;
  3. move your palms as if you were washing your face several times;
  4. Perform circular movements with your eyes in one direction - 10 times, then in the other. During the process, you need to blink frequently;
  5. Turn your hands with your thumbs down, press on the depressions at the bridge of the nose near the inner corners of the eyes;
  6. use your index fingers to move from the bridge of your nose to the wings of your nose and vice versa – 5 times in one direction;
  7. With three fingers (2, 3, 4), pat your cheeks moving from the cheekbones to the mouth, at the count of “5” increase the pressure, continue to the count of “10” and ease the pressure;
  8. tuck your upper lip under your lower lip, then tilt your chin forward a little to tighten the skin underneath. Press with emphasis on the point in the middle with your chin (where the pulse is felt), then move along such points towards the ears;
  9. massage your ears from top to bottom slowly, spend more time on the earlobes;
  10. spread your fingers like a rake, touching the scalp and make combing movements from the forehead to the back of the head.

Elements of Chinese massage

This simple massage is recommended to be done every day, once. Only with a systematic procedure can a positive result be achieved.

Massage with spoons

Another type of Chinese massage is with spoons. For manipulations, ordinary stainless steel tablespoons are suitable, and for the area around the eyes - a teaspoon.

Massage tools

For a treatment procedure against wrinkles of various types, you need to do the following exercises:

  1. Dip a teaspoon into a cool chamomile decoction, apply it first to the upper eyelid, then dip it in the decoction again. Apply to the lower eyelid. Repeat the same steps with the second eye; Massage with spoons: beginning
  2. heat a little olive oil, dip a tablespoon there and, patting, treat the forehead area, between the eyebrows, then work the same areas with circular pressure of the spoon; Massage with spoons: continuation
  3. heat a spoon in a hot chamomile decoction and move it from the neck to the chin; Let's continue...
  4. puff out your cheeks and tap the entire surface lightly with a spoon; Lightly tap your cheeks with a spoon
  5. Heat a spoon in a hot chamomile decoction and treat all areas of the face with expression wrinkles in a circular motion clockwise and counterclockwise. Completion

Alternatively, all active zones (massage lines and lymph nodes) can simply be massaged with a spoon. The cosmetic effect occurs with systematic massage procedures.

Pinch according to Jacquet

The pinch technique is quite complex for self-massage, but it is quite possible to master it. Cosmetic oils are inappropriate in this case. Perform a pinch massage along the massage lines, pinching the thumb and index finger.

The massage sacrament begins from the upper part of the face: between the eyebrows, moving to the forehead. Next, head to the eyes: in this area, gently massage with circular pressing movements, alternating with stroking. The massage is further carried out from the nose (from the bridge of the nose to the wings), moving to the cheeks along the massage lines, etc.

Lines for "pinching"


Anti-aging Thai massage is not very effective when performed independently. To get the greatest effect, it is better to use special products that can only be found in “Asian” salons.

Begin the massage by stroking the neck, moving up to the chin and to the ears. The manipulation continues with circular stroking movements along the cheekbones and cheeks, moving to the area around the mouth, nose, forehead, and temples. Near the eyes, the tactics change: using the fingertips, strokes are performed from the corners of the eyes, heading towards the bridge of the nose through the lower eyelid area. Then return to the outer corner above the upper eyelid. Each zone should be given a total of 5 minutes.

Performing Thai massage

Shiatsu acupressure massage

One of the effective methods by which wrinkles are smoothed out and the skin is tightened is Shiatsu massage (Shiatsu - “finger pressure”). It is built on a targeted effect, after which the rejuvenation effect is achieved:

  1. press the points for 5 seconds with the pads of your ring fingers, starting from the center of the forehead, gradually moving towards the temples (hold on the temples for 7 seconds);
  2. Place your index (2nd) fingers under your eyebrow on the outer side, your middle (3rd) fingers in the middle, and your ring (4th) fingers at the beginning. Hold for 7 seconds;
  3. move your middle finger to the outer corner of your eye and hold for 7 seconds. Then move the same finger again, only to the inner corners. Hold for 7 seconds;
  4. make a “frowning” grimace and place your thumb on the resulting vertical wrinkles, press for 7 seconds; Performing a Shiatsu massage: steps 1 - 4
  5. spread your fingers: the 4th on the inner corner of the eye, the 3rd on the upper eyelid, the 2nd on the outer corner. Press your fingers on these points (7 seconds). Do the same with the lower eyelid (place your middle finger on the lower eyelid);
  6. for the cheekbones: place three middle fingers along their line at a distance of 1.5 cm from each other, press for 7 seconds;
  7. for the nose: place your index fingers in the dimples near the wings of the nose and press for 5 seconds;
  8. press above the lips with your middle finger, then under the lips in the center for 7 seconds;
  9. Place the 3rd and 4th fingers on the hollows of the cheeks, the thumb under the jaw at the site of pulsation of the veins, press for 7 seconds. Performing a Shiatsu massage: steps 5 - 9

Place your fingers perpendicular to the surface of the skin, and after the massage, moisturize the skin.

Lymphatic drainage

The essence of massage is to improve lymphatic drainage in order to remove toxins from the skin and rejuvenate it. Lymphatic drainage massage includes the following types: Japanese, vacuum, classic. All of them involve manipulation of lymph nodes and currents, along massage lines (along lymph outflow lines).

Diagram of lymph nodes

If you follow these lines strictly and make pinching or stroking movements (as well as using a vacuum device), then the lymphatic drainage effect will be achieved.


This type of massage is carried out using special devices: “grandmother’s” cups, a rubber massager, as well as silicone cups and a device.

Devices for vacuum massage

To do this procedure, you need to follow the following steps:

  1. cleanse the skin and apply oil or cream;
  2. place the jar or vacuum attachment of the device on the middle of the forehead so that it “sucks” to the skin (glass units need to be heated from the inside for this) and move it from the middle of the forehead to the temples and vice versa. Next you need to move “vertically” - from the eyebrows to the hairline; Performing a vacuum massage
  3. then place the jar on the cheekbone and move towards the nose and vice versa, then change direction towards the lips;
  4. Apply oil or cream generously under the lower eyelid and on the upper eyelid. Select a jar of the smallest diameter and place it at the outer corner, then smoothly move it to the inner corner and vice versa. The same should be done on the upper eyelid, after closing the eye.

This is how they do a vacuum massage

Vacuum massage can also be done in the décolleté and neck area, and for this it is better to choose jars of a larger diameter than for the face.

Vacuum massage of the neck and décolleté.


Despite all the advantages of facial massage, not everyone can do it. General contraindications to massage manipulations are:

  1. rosacea, an abundance of warts and moles on the face;
  2. allergic, hormonal and other rashes; Contraindications for facial massage
  3. “problems” with the lymphatic system;
  4. infectious diseases;
  5. wounds, ulcers on the skin;
  6. recent peeling or injection procedures.

In addition to the listed contraindications, massage should not be given to very young ladies, as well as to ladies with a small layer of fat under the skin of the face.