Effect of Massage on the Functional State of the Body

Massage is one of the most common methods of influencing the human body. It is widely used in medicine and cosmetology, and is also used in sports training. Massage has a positive effect on the body, improving its functional state.

There are five main types of massage effects on the functional state of the body: tonic, calming, trophic, energy-tropic and normalization of functions. Each of them involves the use of certain massage techniques and is aimed at achieving specific goals.

The tonic effect of massage is expressed in enhancing excitation processes in the central nervous system. It is explained by an increase in the flow of nerve impulses from the proprioceptors of the massaged muscles to the cerebral cortex, as well as an increase in the functional activity of the reticular formation of the brain. The tonic effect of massage is used to eliminate the negative effects of physical inactivity caused by a forced sedentary lifestyle or various pathologies, such as injuries, mental disorders and others.

Among the massage techniques that have a good tonic effect, the following can be distinguished: vigorous deep kneading, shaking, shaking and all percussive techniques (chopping, tapping, patting). In order for the tonic effect to be maximum, the massage must be carried out at a fast pace for a short period of time.

The calming effect of massage is manifested in inhibition of the central nervous system, caused by moderate, rhythmic and prolonged stimulation of extero- and proprioceptors. The fastest way to achieve a calming effect is through massage techniques such as rhythmic stroking the entire surface of the body and rubbing. They must be carried out at a slow pace over a fairly long period of time.

The trophic effect of massage, associated with the acceleration of blood and lymph flow, is expressed in improving the delivery of oxygen and other nutrients to tissue cells. The role of the trophic effect of massage in restoring muscle performance is especially important.

The energy-tropic effect of massage is aimed, first of all, at increasing the performance of the neuromuscular system. Specifically, this is expressed in the activation of bioenergetic processes in cells. To achieve this effect, massage techniques are used to enhance blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, as well as improve tissue nutrition.

Normalization of body functions is achieved through the effect of massage on individual organs and systems. For example, abdominal massage helps normalize the gastrointestinal tract, and head massage improves blood circulation in the brain and improves the functioning of the nervous system.

In general, massage has a complex positive effect on the human body, improving its functional state. It reduces stress levels, improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, improves the functioning of the nervous system, increases muscle performance, and speeds up recovery after injuries and surgeries. However, before using massage, you must consult a specialist and make sure there are no contraindications.