Wrinkles at 25: how to get rid of them

Not every girl develops wrinkles at an early age. They often say that their owner should reconsider her skin care and start using products that slow down the aging process. But improper care is not always the cause of wrinkles.

Below we will look at what reasons can trigger the aging process of the skin, and also learn how to deal with hated wrinkles in the most effective way to prevent their appearance in the future.


The main reasons include the following:

  1. Smoking and other bad habits.
  2. Tension of the muscles that are responsible for facial expressions.
  3. Poor environment (dry air, large amounts of dust, frequent exposure to the sun).
  4. Unbalanced diet (consumption of meat products and sweet foods in large quantities, little water consumption, frequent habits of eating unhealthy and too fatty foods).
  5. Features of the female body (oily and dry skin, insufficient elasticity).
  6. Incorrect skin care (use of incorrectly selected cosmetics).
  7. Presence of diseases (furunculosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, hormonal disorders, ichthyosis).

Early facial changes

The reason for the early appearance of facial wrinkles may be the structure of the skin. It is distinguished by its subtlety and weakness, which means it is not so easy for it to withstand external influences. Insufficient sebum can lead to sensitivity and excessive dryness of the epidermis.

Collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin, contains rare and thin fibers that deprive the skin of protection.

What to do with them?

In order to get rid of them at an early age, you can resort to the following methods:

  1. Botox injections. This drug blocks nerve endings, restoring smoothness and youth to the skin.
  2. Mesotherapy. It is a real vitamin cocktail. Collagen can renew and tighten the skin around the eyes, nose and forehead.
  3. Plasmolifting. It's very effective. This involves taking blood from the patient and mixing it with nutrients. Afterwards, this medicine is injected into the places where wrinkles need to be smoothed out.
  4. Filling with biogel. A cosmetologist can offer several ways to restore youth, but at an early age it is better to opt for a non-injection method.

Manifestations on the face at 23-27 years old

The appearance of the first wrinkles is a signal that the human body is beginning to age and need help. They appear unexpectedly, so many young individuals panic. Not everyone knows that choosing comprehensive and proper care can delay skin aging.

The appearance of the first wrinkles can be noticed at the age of 23-27 years, although there are also those lucky women in whom they begin to appear after 30 years. All this depends on many factors, especially lifestyle, nutrition and the presence of diseases.

Recommendations for caring for the skin around the eyes

If you notice the appearance of tumors early enough, pay attention to the fact that It is strictly not recommended to do:

  1. Use soap to cleanse your eyelids.
  2. Specifically stretch the skin.
  3. Smoking and squinting often.
  4. Leave a rich cream around the eyes at night.
  5. Powder the skin around the eyes, as this leads to dryness.

You should do the following procedures:

  1. Lubricate it with gel or cream, which contains vitamins A and E, collagen and fatty acids.
  2. Remove makeup before going to bed, no matter where you are.
  3. Apply cosmetics only in circular movements, making a light massage.
  4. Don't neglect sunglasses.
  5. Use suitable cosmetics to remove mascara and eye shadow.
  6. Rub problem areas with ice cubes every morning.

Using good creams

Remember that it is much easier to preserve the beauty of your face than to start the restoration process. Around the age of 23-25, choose a good night face cream that will restore the skin and promote cell regeneration.

You should not think that if you start using the cream at an early age, your skin will get used to it and will not age. In this case, she will get used to proper care and hydration, and in order for the result to bring pleasure longer, it is important to reconsider your lifestyle, nutrition and habits that can have a detrimental effect on health and beauty.

When going for cream, pay attention to the following products:

Using masks

Comprehensive facial care will relieve you of visible wrinkles for a long time. The following guide will help you understand how to apply these masks:

  1. The active ingredients in masks lose their valuable qualities quite quickly.
  2. It is important to cleanse the skin with a soft gel.
  3. The mask should remain on the face for 30 minutes, then it should be washed off with water.
  4. To ensure that it is always effective, allow time for the beneficial substances to be absorbed into the skin. You need to make masks before going to bed.
  5. Don't get carried away with the frequency. It is enough to make 2 masks per week.
  6. Experiment, as the skin quickly gets used to the same components.

If you are looking for a mask that will help restore youth and hide the first signs of wrinkles, pay attention to the following:

Cucumber mask.
  1. The cucumber is grated and then mixed with almond oil and yolk.
  2. Whisk the mixture and apply to the face for 40 minutes.
  3. Afterwards it is washed off and cream is applied to the face.
Beeswax based product. In order to create it, you need:
  1. Take beeswax, a spoonful of honey and an onion.
  2. All ingredients are mixed and applied to the face for 10 minutes.
  3. You can remove the residue with a damp cloth.
Gelatin mixture.
  1. It is necessary to pour two large spoons of the gelatin mixture, and then let it swell.
  2. Apply to face with gentle movements and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Next, wash off all this and moisturize the skin.

Useful video

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In conclusion, it is worth noting that the presence of wrinkles at an early age is not a cause for concern. But under no circumstances should the situation be left to chance. You need to try to find an approach to your health by using masks, creams, and also adhering to a healthy lifestyle. This is the only way you can maintain youth and beauty for many years.

Yesterday I discovered slight changes in the corners of my eyes when I smile. Very, very small wrinkles. I was very upset. I feel like I’m 18, but it turns out I’m already slowly getting older. Has anyone encountered this? At what age did you experience the first “age-related” changes on your face? How did you start fighting them?

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Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Dubitskaya Irina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Cognitive-behavioral direction. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Mishurov Sergey Valentinovich

Psychologist, Consultant Sexologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Andreeva Anna Mikhailovna

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist, oncologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Pukemova Olga

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Kostenich Lyudmila Stanislavovna

Psychologist, Art therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Same stuff. At 25, I noticed the first smile lines in the corners of my mouth. I immediately bought my first anti-aging cream (day, night and eyelids) from Shiseido for +30 years, used it for 8 months, it ran out, bought again anti-aging +35 from Estelauder (also a complex), and used almost all of it. Soon I will be 27, nothing has changed at all, on the contrary, it has only become noticeably worse. The wrinkles stretched out, became longer, and new ones appeared. I think that nothing will help except injections, and the sooner the better.

Same stuff. At 25, I noticed the first smile lines in the corners of my mouth. I immediately bought my first anti-aging cream (day, night and eyelids) from Shiseido for +30 years, used it for 8 months, it ran out, bought again anti-aging +35 from Estelauder (also a complex), and used almost all of it. Soon I will be 27, nothing has changed at all, on the contrary, it has only become noticeably worse. The wrinkles stretched out, became longer, and new ones appeared. I think that nothing will help except injections, and the sooner the better.

Same stuff. At 25, I noticed the first smile lines in the corners of my mouth. I immediately bought my first anti-aging cream (day, night and eyelids) from Shiseido for +30 years, used it for 8 months, it ran out, bought again anti-aging +35 from Estelauder (also a complex), and used almost all of it. Soon I will be 27, nothing has changed at all, on the contrary, it has only become noticeably worse. The wrinkles stretched out, became longer, and new ones appeared. I think that nothing will help except injections, and the sooner the better.

Under my eyes appeared very early - at the age of 16. Because I removed the mascara incorrectly and rubbed my eyelids. At 23 they appeared in the corners of the eyes. At 26, nasolabial folds tried to appear. Sometimes the eyebrows want to appear - I don’t allow them. A regular eye cream moisturizer works for me. Face creams according to age. But the most important thing is gymnastics using the Nadia Payo method, which allows me to push wrinkles back. I'm 33, but I look better than I did at 25.
Don't forget about facial massage. But it must be done very carefully so as not to destroy your own collagen.

anti-aging creams for facial wrinkles do not help

I use the clean line youth boost, eye cream and face concentrate. It’s very budget-friendly, but it helps – that’s a fact! I'm also 25.

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No matter how much cream you apply (for 300 rubles Nivea or Garnier, or for several thousand) it will not help! I judge by myself, I’m 27 this year, and I always had small wrinkles (facial wrinkles) in the corners of my eyes, under my eyes. The only things that help me are peelings and Aevit. try coffee cake (hard, not very fine), and rub your face, after steaming it thoroughly. removes dead skin cells, the face is clean, and wrinkles seem smaller, the cake will also even out some defects, then you can make a mask to narrow pores (also helps hide wrinkles well), protein + lemon juice (after application, there will be tightening, but the effect is noticeable right away! ), and at night, under the eyes, on the forehead (actually where these wrinkles are) - aevit (you crush the capsule and smear it), or even better, ordinary olive oil, not on the whole face, but in the desired “wrinkled” places! Believe me, there are no chemicals in the oil, you use it in food, and after peeling from coffee (again, a natural product), the oil will penetrate even better.

Only plastic dolls have no wrinkles.
But in living people this is completely normal, because living people chew, squint, laugh, wince, and move their facial muscles.

Only plastic dolls do not have any wrinkles. But in living people this is completely normal, because living people chew, squint, laugh, wince, and move their facial muscles.

Shu Uemura art Of Beauty Facial emulsion “Red: rejuvenating revitalizing restoring.”

I just don’t really want to understand this, when a year ago everything was very elastic before your eyes, but now it’s a little different, as if the skin has become a little thinner. I would like some practical advice - what to do to make it as before

Same stuff. At 25, I noticed the first smile lines in the corners of my mouth. I immediately bought my first anti-aging cream (day, night and eyelids) from Shiseido for +30 years, used it for 8 months, it ran out, bought again anti-aging +35 from Estelauder (also a complex), and used almost all of it. Soon I will be 27, nothing has changed at all, on the contrary, it has only become noticeably worse. The wrinkles stretched out, became longer, and new ones appeared. I think that nothing will help except injections, and the sooner the better.

Yesterday I discovered slight changes in the corners of my eyes when I smile. Very, very small wrinkles. I was very upset. I feel like I’m 18, but it turns out I’m already slowly getting older. Has anyone encountered this? At what age did you experience the first “age-related” changes on your face? How did you start fighting them?

Same stuff. At 25, I noticed the first smile lines in the corners of my mouth. I immediately bought my first anti-aging cream (day, night and eyelids) from Shiseido for +30 years, used it for 8 months, it ran out, bought again anti-aging +35 from Estelauder (also a complex), and used almost all of it. Soon I will be 27, nothing has changed at all, on the contrary, it has only become noticeably worse. The wrinkles stretched out, became longer, and new ones appeared. I think that nothing will help except injections, and the sooner the better.

peach oil, aevit, olive oil, and also cream for hemorrhoids, they say it helps a lot)

The first wrinkles are indicators of how much facial expression is expressed, whether the skin is sufficiently moisturized and, of course, lifestyle: nutrition, sports, smoking, etc. Now everything is getting younger, so is aging((again, it’s a lifestyle((first of all, you need to sufficiently moisturize the skin with good creams and masks, and then resort to a cosmetologist to eliminate the problems! I’m 27 and unfortunately, I’ve also been tormented by such problems since I was 25, this such an age is a barrier beyond which everything is revealed on the face (((nasolabials were done at 26, nasolabials at 27, but my facial expressions are not very flexible and therefore there are no problems with the forehead and “crow’s feet” (these are the corners of the eyes)))

There is only one remedy for expression lines - Botox! Only it will help not only get rid of those wrinkles that have already appeared, but will also allow new ones to form. But creams are good for daily care and moisturizing of the skin. For me, expression wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead began to appear early, because... very moving facial expressions. At the same time, I started taking care of myself and fighting wrinkles at the age of 18-20. As a result, at the age of 27, I realized that it was time to go to a cosmetologist. By this time I already had obvious stripes on my forehead and around my eyes. On the advice of an older friend, I went to SPIC on Savushkina to see the wonderful doctor Natalia Evgenievna Kalenova. A couple of injections of magic Botox and voila - I can no longer see wrinkles. And for the past 5 years I have been consistently going to Natalya Evgenievna about 2 times a year for another dose of Botox.

If you are so worried, go to a cosmetologist, the pleasure is certainly not that cheap, but it’s better than letting yourself down, creams only mask for a while but do not eliminate the problem. I am now 38 years old and I look as beautiful as I did at 30! And for a woman my age to look 30 is a great achievement. Most likely, the cosmetologist will recommend your usual care to begin with (peelings, masses, massage). I also started with this, now age is still taking its toll and you have to solve the issue more deeply, but it’s too early for you. If you are in Moscow, I can recommend you the Beauty Trend clinic, in my opinion it is the most successful combination of service and prices!

I found several anti-wrinkle masks, tried it myself, the effect was after the first use. Look

If you are so worried, go to a cosmetologist, the pleasure is certainly not that cheap, but it’s better than letting yourself down, creams only mask for a while but do not eliminate the problem. I am now 38 years old and I look as beautiful as I did at 30! And for a woman my age to look 30 is a great achievement. Most likely, the cosmetologist will recommend your usual care to begin with (peelings, masses, massage). I also started with this, now age is still taking its toll and you have to solve the issue more deeply, but it’s too early for you. If you are in Moscow, I can recommend you the Beauty Trend clinic, in my opinion it is the most successful combination of service and prices!

Who do you go to? I read the reviews about the clinic that are quite positive.

My cosmetologist at the clinic, Elena Fedyakova, is very cool, read about her, you could definitely trust her face with no doubt!

DV, can I have the cosmetologist’s contact information? Is she only in the clinic or does she also go to your home?

Actually, everyone has wrinkles in the corners of their eyes. We laugh and squint. But if this bothers you, then take a cream under your eyes to prevent the first wrinkles. Get yourself the Ciel Eye Moisturizer. It will moisturize, strengthen the skin, and restore elasticity.

No, as far as I know, only in the clinic, and there’s no point in going home, all the equipment and everything is in the clinic, here’s the number by which you can find out the exact information (495) 411-03-03, by the way, on the website it seems that you can do it online sign up)


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The skin around the eyes occupies a leading position in sensitivity. Therefore, the first one takes the blow - the appearance of wrinkles. Is it possible to protect facial skin from early aging, and how to deal with the first wrinkles around the eyes, most girls are interested in.

Causes and factors contributing to early aging

The first wrinkles under the eyes can appear as early as 25 years old. However, there is no need to panic. It is better to consider the reasons for their appearance and prevent their deepening. What influences the premature appearance of the problem at such an early age?

  1. Impaired health, genetic predisposition to early aging.
  2. Excessive activity of facial expressions - first of all, constant squinting from the sun due to poor eyesight, grimacing and grimacing.
  3. Lack of proper care for the skin around the eyes, frequent use of decorative cosmetics, poor quality.
  4. Abuse of tanning without special sunscreens (creams and glasses).
  5. Stressful situations, smoking, alcohol, chronic lack of sleep - negatively affect facial tissues.

Before you fight the first wrinkles around the eyes, try to prevent their appearance and eliminate harmful factors. Start with prevention and lifestyle changes.

Preventive measures against early aging of facial skin:

  1. use cosmetics that are age-appropriate and of high quality;
  2. the effect of the cream should be directed strictly to the area around the eyes; general action creams are not suitable;
  3. nutrition and hydration of tissues is a must at any age (both at 25 and 40);
  4. sun rays significantly exaggerate the risk of defects, so it is recommended to spend less time in the sun (preferably in the shade of trees and at home);
  5. massage, gymnastics and proper care are the key to beauty and long-lasting youth in problem areas;
  6. A healthy diet and lifestyle will do 20% of the work to get rid of wrinkles.


How to remove the first wrinkles at home

As soon as you notice wrinkles under the eyes, you need to urgently take measures to eliminate them:

  1. start by preparing anti-wrinkle cosmetics from natural ingredients;
  2. study massage techniques and gymnastic exercises, if necessary, consult a cosmetologist or massage therapist about this;
  3. Organize your day so that, in addition to regular massage and quality facial care, you have enough time for healthy, full sleep (7-8 hours).

Mask recipes, which will remove early wrinkles and preserve the youth of the face for a long time:

  1. three-step remedy for defects around the eyes consists of crushed oatmeal (2 tbsp) with olive oil extract (1 tbsp), natural honey (2 tsp) and grated apple, 3 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice with sour cream (2 tbsp) .l). The skin around the eyes is steamed and each pair of ingredients is applied step by step with an interval of 7 minutes. As a result, 7-10 minutes after applying the third group of components, the face is washed and lightly soaked with a paper towel. Wipe your face with cool mineral water and wait until it dries completely.
  2. honey mask is prepared from yolk, honey (1 tsp) and oatmeal (1 tbsp), applied to problem areas for 15 minutes. After which the residues must be washed off with water.
  3. a moisturizing mask can be prepared from yolk and 1 tsp. natural vegetable oil (optionally castor or olive). The yolk-oil mixture is applied around the eyes and washed off after 20 minutes.

Many masks and compresses can be prepared from the following pairs of ingredients: honey and strawberries, sea buckthorn oil, cocoa powder and vitamin E capsule, olive extract with the juice of chopped fresh asparagus, a decoction of cornflowers and natural oily liquid from olives or almonds. To make compresses, soak cotton pads in the mixture and place on the eyelids and area under the eyes for 20 minutes. Then remove and wash with warm water or a diluted herbal decoction.

Massage and gymnastics of facial tissues - activate a number of processes inside the cell, accelerate the production of collagen fibers, and ensure a rapid supply of useful substances and elements to the cells. After the first session, you will notice a healthy complexion, elasticity and tone of tissues, and tightness of the skin.

However, do not neglect the massage technique. In this case, the order, direction of movements, force of influence are extremely important. The following techniques may be useful to you: Ayurvedic facial massage, relaxing facial massage, honey facial massage, etc. All of them provide a gentle and effective targeted effect on the area near the eyes.

As for gymnastics, it’s much simpler. Some exercises can be performed anywhere (at work or at home). Gymnastics for tightening the oval of the face, gymnastics for rejuvenating the face and neck include a whole range of exercises that strengthen the muscles and tissues of the face, tighten the contours and transform the color of the skin.

Early wrinkles can easily be self-treated with folk remedies. There are no restrictions on the components, but what you should pay attention to when treating with home remedies:

  1. Do not apply medicinal cosmetics to uncleansed skin;
  2. Use masks and scrubs 2-3 times a week, no more often;
  3. add vitamin E to the composition of the treatment; it is indispensable in the fight against wrinkles;
  4. To achieve the maximum effect of massage, exercises must be performed according to the instructions and recommendations of experts in this matter. If you are unsure of the skill, consult a professional or have someone teach you how to do it.
  5. when preparing nourishing masks and creams, take into account the characteristics of your type of epidermis;
  6. If there are wounds, injuries, rashes on the face, it is better to hold off on massage and peeling.


Store products

Creams and masks purchased in the store are also suitable for combating skin defects. The main thing is that they are of appropriate quality, correctly selected and do not contain alcohol additives, which are harmful to young skin.

Never buy anti-aging cosmetics. For 25-30 years old, it is not yet needed, the skin itself copes with the production of elastin, you just need to properly nourish and moisturize it.

However, keep in mind that no one can guarantee the quality of the ingredients, their freshness and effectiveness, unlike products prepared independently.

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes in a salon

To treat early signs of skin aging, it is not necessary to resort to radical measures. Limit yourself to mesotherapy, ozone therapy, peeling and massage aimed at young skin.

What else is important for young skin

  1. Nutrition. Useful products for preventing aging at an early age are fresh ripe tomatoes, raspberries, blueberries, all fermented milk products, sea fish and honey. Their constant use will increase cell immunity, activate important functions, provide necessary vitamins, minerals, and eliminate lack of moisture and early wrinkles around the eyes.
  2. Healthy sleep. Avoid bulky pillows and do not sleep on your stomach or in one position. The duration of a full sleep is considered to be no less than 7-8 hours.
  3. Rejection of bad habits. Strictly get rid of smoking and alcohol. Even cigarette smoke has a negative effect on the skin of the face.
  4. Sport. Do fitness, yoga. Walking in the fresh air is also beneficial for young facial skin.
