How to treat nail hyperkeratosis

Based on medical statistics, today nail hyperkeratosis is diagnosed in every fifth patient who has reached adulthood. This disease leads to deformation of the horny tissue, which, in turn, provokes thickening of the nail plate. Anyone who visits a sauna, swimming pool, gym, or bathhouse can become infected with this disease. It is in the humid environment that exists in these places that fungal spores feel best. First, the fungal spores penetrate under the nail plate, and only after that does thickening occur in the affected nail bed. It is for this reason that it is very important to wash and disinfect the lower limbs after visiting the places described above.


Subungual hyperkeratosis of toenails

Among ailments affecting the epidermis and nail plate, hyperkeratosis accounts for about twenty percent of recorded cases of damage. This disease is most often diagnosed in men over 25 years of age and in older people with weakened immune systems.

Age-related changes do not pass without leaving a trace on the body; the older a person becomes, the greater the chance of developing keratosis. The likelihood of developing the disease increases several times for every ten years lived. This is due to the weakening of the immune processes in the body, which protect it from various diseases. About a third of cases of fungal infection occur in the family circle, and the disease is transmitted from one family member to another.

Lichen planus is the cause of the disease

Hyperkeratosis can occur due to:

  1. Onychomycosis or other fungal pathologies.
  2. Psoriasis.
  3. Wart-like formations on the nail bed.
  4. Lichen planus.
  5. Chronic eczema.

The most common cause of keratosis is the initial infection with onychomycosis. It is with this problem that ninety percent of patients go to the doctor. You can become infected with mycosis by visiting swimming pools, saunas, baths, as well as by coming into contact with personal belongings or shoes of a patient. Family members can also become infected with the fungus if someone in the family is sick and neglects the rules of personal hygiene and the safety of their loved ones.

Often, many types of fungal diseases that can cause hyperkeratosis are suppressed by the immune system. But this only happens if the person is completely healthy. In people with a weakened immune system, on the contrary, the fungus develops with a vengeance.


There are a number of indirect factors that can trigger the occurrence of this disease. They are represented by the following pathologies:

  1. Strong and constant stressful situations.
  2. Diabetes mellitus.
  3. Consequences of acute viral infections.
  4. Treating certain ailments with antibiotics.
  5. Overweight.
  6. Vitamin deficiency due to poor nutrition.
  7. Dysbacteriosis.

The risk group also includes people with AIDS, tuberculosis and cancer. This list also includes patients undergoing chemotherapy, which kills not only cancer cells, but also the immune system.

In healthy people, subungual fungus can occur as a result of poor personal hygiene, improper care of the lower extremities, wearing tight and poor-quality shoes, and impaired blood circulation in the legs due to certain ailments.

If subungual hyperkeratosis is not treated in a timely manner, then mycotic spores will quickly penetrate deep into the nail, which will lead to its delamination, and subsequently complete destruction. Pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate various areas of the nail tissue, causing irreversible changes in them. The more the nail thickens, the more advanced the disease becomes, which means that there is very little time left before the complete destruction of the horny tissue of the nail. For this reason, when the first symptoms of keratosis appear, you should immediately consult a doctor and begin antifungal therapy.


This unpleasant disease begins to develop immediately after mycotic spores enter the nail plate. Some time after infection, a person begins to notice separation and damage to the nails. Thus, the body reacts to the activity of fungal pathogens in it.

If the patient undergoes inadequate treatment, or treats it negligently, then as a result of subungual hyperkeratosis, the affected nails will simply delaminate and completely collapse over time. Fungal spores, entering the stratum corneum and the surrounding nail tissue, begin to destroy them. And over time, without proper treatment under the influence of certain factors, the process becomes irreversible. For this reason, the disease must be treated when the first symptoms appear.

Fungus development process

The main symptoms that should prompt the patient to see a doctor are presented:

  1. Covering the affected nail plates with white, peeling spots.
  2. The appearance of an unpleasant yellowish tint on previously healthy nails.
  3. Dystrophic changes in the plate and its noticeable thickening.
  4. Severe peeling, breaking and crumbling of nails.

Some patients experience complete delamination and coloring of the stratum corneum of the affected nail plates. The main danger posed by subungual hyperkeratosis is the complete loss of the nail plates and the spread of infection to the skin of the feet. The advanced disease is characterized by painful skin layers, cracks and severe dryness of the epidermis. The patient experiences enormous discomfort and pain when stepping on the feet. All these symptoms indicate the development of foot fungus.


Antifungal drug "Ketoconazole"

In order to choose the right medications and effective therapeutic techniques, it is necessary to understand what caused the disease. This issue should be dealt with by a professional dermatologist or mycologist, who is obliged to conduct a thorough diagnosis, including passing the necessary tests. If the disease has become chronic, it is necessary to consult not only a dermatologist, but also an immunologist and a therapist.

Complex antifungal treatment in combination with traditional therapy will significantly accelerate the growth of a healthy nail plate and prevent relapses. If the disease is found to have a mycotic nature, then in this case treatment is carried out with Ketoconazole, Terbinafine, Giseofulvin and Itraconazole.

Also, the patient can use not only the tablet version of these drugs, but also ointments, sprays or liquids. All of the above medications effectively cope with the problem, but they need to be used for a long time, for six to eight months. If positive results appear, you should not stop therapy, as the disease will return immediately.

Medicines need to be used several times a day. They should be thoroughly rubbed into the nail plates damaged by the fungus and into the epidermis around them. After new, healthy nails grow, they need to be covered with a medicinal product in the form of varnish - Loceryl - for several months to protect them.

If there is delamination or dead areas on the surface of the plates, they must be removed using a laser device or keratolytic compounds. They will soften and remove dead tissue, allowing the patient to clean it up at home without going to the doctor.

It would also be a good idea to take biological supplements to strengthen and grow nails, and vitamin formulas.


When using traditional medicine for hyperkeratosis, it is necessary to take into account that the recipes used will only be effective if they are practiced in combination with medications. The use of folk recipes alone will provoke the transition of the disease into a chronic form, which means it will be very difficult to cure it.

For subungual hyperkeratosis, sea salt baths help well. Salt actively fights fungal spores, destroying them and stopping reproduction. In order to prepare a bath you will need two liters of hot water and two tablespoons of salt. When the bath is ready, immerse your lower limbs in it and leave them in the saline solution for fifteen minutes.

Foot baths with soda

Also, in case of fungal infection, baths with the addition of soda show good results; they need to be prepared according to the same recipe as salt baths. After the legs are steamed, it is necessary to cut off the diseased nail plate as much as possible in order to accelerate the growth of a new healthy nail. After baths, be sure to treat your feet with pumice and antifungal creams.

Keratosis can also occur as a result of a lack of vitamins C and A in the body. For this reason, during therapy, it is necessary to add foods containing vitamins and minerals to your diet. In this way, you will help your immune system fight the disease. Your diet should be replenished with:

  1. Fermented milk products.
  2. Carrots.
  3. Blackcurrant.
  4. Apricots.
  5. Tomatoes.
  6. Citrus.
  7. Rosehip.
  8. Cereals.

You should avoid baking, sweets, sugar and chocolate, as they cause dysbiosis, which in turn leads to increased proliferation of yeast and fungal bacteria. You should also exclude fatty, fried and salty foods from your diet. Proper nutrition in combination with medical therapy will help you get rid of the disease faster.


To prevent fungi from growing in your body if you become infected, you need to support your immune system and proper bowel function. Besides:

  1. Swimming pools, baths and saunas must be visited only in special shoes; you should not walk barefoot.
  2. It is necessary to monitor your health and take vitamins from time to time.

By following these simple rules, combining them with personal hygiene, no fungal diseases will threaten you.

Subungual hyperkeratosis photo

Hyperkeratosis is a disease in which the stratum corneum of cells begins to overdevelop and slough off the surface incorrectly. In addition to localization on the skin and feet, the problem is often activated on the nails. The main reason is various types of fungi, which lead to disruption of the formation of new cell layers.

Main symptoms of pathology

An unpleasant disease develops after infection of the nail plates with fungal pathogens and is the most common cause of separation and damage. This type of mycosis is a natural reaction of the body to the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Subungual hyperkeratosis on the hand

If patients ignore proper treatment for subcutaneous hyperkeratosis, it can lead to complete loss of the patient’s nails. The fungus penetrates the thickness of the stratum corneum and surrounding tissues, gradually destroying them irrevocably. Over time and under the influence of additional factors, the process may become irreversible, so the disease should begin to be treated at the first manifestations.

The main symptoms that should force the patient to see a specialist may be:

  1. the nails are covered with large white spots over the entire surface;
  2. may have a yellowish “old” tint;
  3. dystrophic changes in the state of the plate begin, noticeable thickening;
  4. The nail is severely delaminate, breaks off and crumbles.

Some patients note that the stratum corneum of the plate literally crumbles into small crumbs. The main danger of subungual hyperkeratosis, in addition to complete loss of nails, is infection of the entire foot. It is characterized by the appearance of growths, painful cracks and severe dryness. The person experiences a lot of unpleasant sensations and is unable to move normally.

Causes of subungual hyperkeratosis

Among all diseases of the skin and nails, hyperkeratosis accounts for at least 20% of recorded cases. Its subungual form most often affects young men over 25 years of age and older people with weakened immune systems. Statistics show a sharp increase in the likelihood of developing this form of mycosis by 50% with an increase in biological age by 10 years.

Subungual hyperkeratosis has several main causes:

  1. onychomycosis or fungal pathologies;
  2. complications of psoriasis;
  3. chronic form of eczema;
  4. lichen planus;
  5. warts on the nail bed.

Subungual hyperkeratosis photo

The most common is the first reason. It accounts for up to 90% of all visits to a dermatologist. You can become infected with different types of fungus through contact with personal belongings or shoes of a person suffering from mycosis. Most cases of infection occur when visiting public saunas or baths, swimming complexes. In this case, infection can occur not only in the shower, but also when using benches or touching the side. This is due to the ability of fungal spores to remain highly active in a warm and humid environment. In 30% of cases, infection occurs in the same family due to neglect of personal hygiene rules, use of clothes and shoes.

Under normal conditions, many types of opportunistic mycoses that can lead to subungual hyperkeratosis are suppressed by the body of a healthy person. Most of the diseases occur in people with reduced immunity. Some pathologies, diseases of internal organs and systems can become indirect factors:

  1. diabetes mellitus in later stages;
  2. previous acute viral infections;
  3. treatment with potent antibiotics;
  4. dysbacteriosis;
  5. intestinal problems;
  6. vitamin deficiency due to improper diet;
  7. critical mass for obesity;
  8. severe emotional stress.

At constant risk are people with HIV or tuberculosis, undergoing chemotherapy or radiation if they have cancer. Alternatively, in a practically healthy person, subungual hyperkeratosis occurs due to improper care of the feet, wearing poor-quality or too tight shoes, or poor circulation in the lower extremities during active work.

Subungual hyperkeratosis treatment

Griseofulvin tablets 150 mg for subungual hyperkeratosis

For the correct choice of medications and methods of therapy, it is necessary to establish the cause of hyperkeratosis. Treatment in this case is carried out by a dermatologist, who conducts a thorough examination and prescribes laboratory tests. In case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, consultation and advice from specialized specialists is necessary.

Complex treatment combines antifungal therapy and the use of folk remedies that can accelerate the growth of healthy nails. In case of mycotic nature of the pathology, the use of special drugs such as:

The patient can choose any convenient form for treatment: ointments or creams, liquid solutions or sprays. All drugs are highly effective only with long-term use, so you need to tune in to a long and continuous course - up to 6-8 months. You should not stop treatment if positive visual signs appear: the fungus has a tendency to recur and requires increased attention.

Itraconazole for nail fungus

The medicine must be applied several times a day, thoroughly rubbing into the surface of the damaged nail and the skin around it. After a completely healthy plate has grown, you can replace the creamy form of the medicine with a medicinal varnish: Loceryl or Batrafen.

If the surface of the nail has dying and exfoliated areas, they must be carefully removed. For this purpose, surgical techniques, laser or more gentle keratolytic compounds are used. They help soften the affected areas gently and painlessly, making it possible to remove them at home.

Folk recipes

Subungual hyperkeratosis cannot be cured with folk recipes alone, but their use will help speed up the process. They have good efficiency:

  1. Daily lubrication of the affected area with iodine solution or preparations based on it.
  2. Applying propolis tincture, which helps fight fungus and strengthens the nail plate.
  3. A course of treatment with compresses made from oils of various plants (tea tree, bergamot or basil).

Before all types of procedures, it is useful to take warm baths with the addition of antiseptic solutions, herbal decoctions or medicinal mixtures.

Preventive measures

The main condition for the prevention of this fungal disease is to maintain a good immune system and monitor the well-coordinated functioning of the intestines. Besides:

  1. visit public places for bathing and swimming only in special rubber shoes;
  2. do not use personal belongings of strangers (even close family members);
  3. monitor the general condition of the body, carry out regular vitamin therapy.

Subungual hyperkeratosis reviews

Svetlana, 30 years old

Hello. I share my experience. My husband worked as a pool instructor a year ago. It is clear that the room is constantly humid and hot, and this is an ideal breeding ground for fungi and other diseases. The work was not dusty, he liked it, but everyone knows about the danger of contracting fungus in such places, but he had to work. After some time, they began to notice that the nails began to lose their normal color, the back part began to peel off, especially on the legs. We panicked and went to the dermatologist. The doctor diagnosed subungual hyperkeratosis. At the first appointment, we were prescribed to apply Exoderil at night (on clean feet), but we did not see any significant changes for the better. Then, two weeks later, at the second appointment, he recommended Lamisil tablets. The medicine may be of good European quality, but 1,400 rubles is too much. They began to look for analogues and found Binafin tablets (price - 720 rubles). My husband took the course for 4 months and his nails became fine. It is better not to get sick with fungus and periodically take preventive measures.

Kirill, 31 years old, policeman

This summer, before my vacation, my girlfriend and I decided to sunbathe on the local beach, so that at sea we wouldn’t look like black crows and be a little tanned. We spent almost every sunny weekend on the beach. As a result, my husband got a great tan, and strange spots appeared on the nails of my left foot. At first I didn’t attach much importance to this, but when the nail began to peel off little by little, I got scared. After reading advice on forums and analyzing the symptoms, I diagnosed myself with subungual hyperkeratosis or fungus. As a matter of principle, I don’t go to doctors, since they are present in our city clinic as furniture and only know how to shake money from patients. In general, I treated this sore as follows: for three months, almost every day, I smeared my nails with Terbinox 1% cream, and after that I also took Thermikon tablets. After four months, the nails became normal and no longer peeled off. True, I had to wait until a completely new nail grew.

Doctors warn! Shocking statistics - it has been established that more than 74% of skin diseases are a sign of parasite infection (Accarida, Giardia, Toxocara). Worms cause enormous harm to the body, and the first to suffer is our immune system, which should protect the body from various diseases. The head of the Institute of Parasitology shared the secret of how to quickly get rid of them and cleanse your skin, it turns out that’s enough. Read more .

Hyperkeratosis of the feet is a thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis on the surface of the feet, up to keratinization, caused by excessive production of keratin in the body. The affected areas grow several centimeters in thickness. Under the pressure of body weight, bleeding cracks appear on dry feet, which causes unpleasant painful sensations and creates a risk of developing inflammation and infections.

Pathology may be accompanied by complications. Patients often experience pinpoint hemorrhages, interdigital soft and root hard calluses. Increased pressure on soft tissue causes ulcers to form.


Among the causes of hyperkeratosis of the feet, there are two groups of factors: external and internal origin. Their complex action increases the likelihood of developing the disease and its complications.

Endogenous factors

Internal causes are related to the state of the body:

  1. diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus);
  2. skin diseases (lichen, dermatitis, psoriasis, fungal infections);
  3. heredity.

Exogenous factors

External provocateurs are associated with prolonged excessive load on the surface of the feet:

  1. poorly chosen shoes (tight, inappropriate size);
  2. body type (tall, overweight);
  3. deformations of the surface of the feet of a congenital and acquired nature (previous operations, consequences of injuries, flat feet);
  4. prolonged walking due to lifestyle or professional activities.


The clinical picture of various forms of hyperkeratosis is somewhat different. Common signs are increased dryness of the skin and a slightly bumpy surface.

Follicular hyperkeratosis

With this form of the disease, follicles are involved in the pathological process. Excessive keratinization leads to disruption of epidermal detachment, which causes the mouth of the follicle to fill with dermal scales. Aseptic inflammation develops in them. When examined, the cover looks like goose bumps, that is, it is covered with small bright red tubercles.

Warty form

The variety in question develops due to genetic failures in the formation of keratin. It can be congenital and acquired (occurs under the influence of production factors). This type of hyperkeratosis is characterized by the appearance of multiple formations similar to warts, which have a yellowish color.

The growths tend to crack, forming crusts on the surface.

Lenticular form

Characterized by periods of exacerbations and remissions. This type of disease is manifested by the development of large papules up to 0.5 cm, having a yellowish or brownish color. First, the skin of the thighs, legs, and the outer surface of the feet are involved in the process, then the disease spreads to the ears, hands and oral mucosa.

Diffuse hyperkeratosis

With this form of hyperkeratosis, large areas of skin or entire skin are affected. The dermis is prone to peeling and dryness.

Symptoms and manifestations of keratosis

Signs of hyperkeratosis of the skin of the feet are manifested in the following:

  1. The appearance of thickening on the feet, especially on the outer surface of the big toes and heels. The thickness of keratinization can vary from a few millimeters to 2-3 cm.
  2. Excessive dryness of the skin of the feet.
  3. Change in color of the affected areas from yellowish to brown.
  4. The appearance of calluses, corns, cracks.

Core callus

The growth of connective tissue in places where it should not exist leads to various neoplasms consisting of dry, keratinized cells. One of these phenomena is calluses, which are growths that penetrate deep into the skin, like spikes or rods - hence their name. They can appear both on the sole of the foot and in the interdigital space. Such skin deposits are dangerous and cause severe pain.

Soft callus

They are formed in cases where, with hyperkeratosis, an unfavorable mechanical effect is combined with high environmental humidity. Soft calluses are a comfortable environment for pathogenic microorganisms. This type of growth, along with cracks, often becomes a source of fungal infections.

Subungual hyperkeratosis

Experts also call it nail onychogryphosis. It is formed when tissue engorgement grows on the tissues of the finger under the nail plate.

Fibrous callus

Significant friction and stress on the foot lead to painful compression of the nerve endings. The problem under consideration is the most severe stage of complications of hyperkeratosis. Wearing shoes becomes impossible due to severe burning, itching and pain. Walking brings a lot of suffering to the patient.

Treatment methods for skin on feet

Therapy for hyperkeratosis on the legs is complex. To get rid of the pathology, it is recommended to perform foot peeling, hardware medical pedicure, take medications, make foot baths and use special care products.

Drug treatment

Hyperkeratosis of the feet is accompanied by dryness of the outer skin, therefore, for its treatment, retinoids and products with vitamin D are prescribed, which help accelerate the process of shedding the keratinized epidermis and the formation of new cells in its place.


Contains vitamin A and belongs to the category of retinoids. The medicine normalizes the processes of cell formation and desquamation of the skin. Prescribed at the rate of 0.5-1 mg per 1 kg of body weight, taken for 2-3 months.


It is an active form of vitamin D and is used to treat areas of the nail bed and skin of the feet affected by hyperkeratosis. The first results of drug therapy are visible after two weeks of use.


The active components of the product are similar in their pharmacological properties to lipoic acid, but are better absorbed by the body. The use of the medication normalizes metabolic processes in the body and improves fat balance.

When small areas of the feet are affected by hyperkeratosis, fatty ointments have a good effect, helping to retain moisture and soften the outer covering. Useful active substances are urea, panthenol, salicylic and lactic (fruit) acids, corticosteroids. Let's consider the most popular local remedies:

  1. Belosalik. The ointment has keratolytic and anti-inflammatory properties. The drug is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas 1-2 times a day. For mild illness, several applications of the ointment are sufficient; in advanced cases, the course of treatment lasts 3-4 weeks.
  2. Solkokerasal. Helps soften the skin of the feet and prevents the appearance of cracks. Salicylic acid, which is part of the ointment, produces an antiseptic effect, and urea softens the stratum corneum. The fatty base of the drug combats dry skin.
  3. Hydrocortisone ointment. Glucocorticosteroids in this product give a quick but short-lasting effect, normalize the process of epithelial discharge, and minimize irritation and inflammation. The ointment is applied with light rubbing circular movements onto the affected areas of the skin twice a day. The duration of use depends on the degree of manifestation of hyperkeratosis and the use of other means of therapy.

Solcokerasal does not contain steroid components, so it can be used for long-term treatment of foot hyperkeratosis without fear of side effects.

Treatment in the podiatrist's office

Therapy for foot hyperkeratosis begins with a visit to a highly specialized doctor – a podiatrist. The doctor, after a thorough examination and detailed study of the medical history, will be able to make a diagnosis. Health-improving activities are carried out according to a scheme developed over many years. It consists of several stages: softening of the hardened epidermis; cleansing of the stratum corneum; polishing the surface of the feet. At the moment, there is no universal remedy that allows you to remove rough skin without using a scalpel. To eliminate the defect, it is necessary to go through all stages of treatment for foot hyperkeratosis.

Softening procedure

The first stage of treatment for hyperkeratosis of the skin of the legs is softening the stratum corneum. The standard method involves the use of water, flavorings and salts. Use aqueous solutions yourself at home. Modern cosmetology offers chemical softening agents. The forms of their release are ready-made solutions, gels, ointments, foaming compositions. The main advantage of such products is high efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Removing the rough layer

To carry out the procedure, specialists use disposable instruments: a scalpel and removable blades of different sizes.

If the areas of skin affected by hyperkeratosis on the plantar surface of the foot, in the interdigital spaces, and on the metatarsophalangeal joints resemble grains of rice or narrow ribbons, then the keratinized epidermis is removed using a hollow blade.

During the manipulation, the affected area of ​​the outer covering is removed carefully, under the watchful supervision of a specialist. The roughened area is removed to the young layer of the epidermis. During the procedure, soft tissues are not damaged. Despite this, the stratum corneum is completely removed.

Subsequent grinding

It is the final stage of treatment for foot hyperkeratosis. The procedure is carried out using traditional files or special devices using ceramic attachments. Replaceable components of the device must be disposable.

Treatment with folk remedies

Along with traditional methods of treatment, it is recommended to improve the health of the outer integument of the feet using alternative medicine recipes. Such procedures provide comprehensive softening of painful areas on the surface of the feet.

Before using folk remedies, you should consult a specialist.

Aloe treatment

Large leaves of the plant are wrapped in cloth or parchment and placed in the freezer for three days. Then the raw material is thawed, cut into thin plates and applied to sore spots. The affected areas are wrapped in a bandage overnight. After removing the compress, the feet are wiped with a weak solution of salicylic alcohol.

Treatment with propolis

Hyperkeratosis of the foot is treated with bee glue. It must be applied in a thin layer to the painful areas, secured with a bandage and left for several days. The procedure is repeated at least 3 times.

The product is prepared as follows: softened propolis in an amount of 100 g is mixed with 10 drops of castor oil. The resulting mixture is applied to the affected feet and left for half an hour.

Treatment with potatoes

Peeled tubers must be grated on a fine grater. Transfer the mixture along with the juice to gauze and apply to areas of roughening of the outer integument of the feet.

Onion compress

Make a paste from two onions and wrap it in gauze. Apply to feet, wrapped in a plastic bag. The feet must first be steamed in water, adding soda to it. Leave the compress overnight. In the morning, wash off the raw material, treat your feet with pumice and apply a rich cream to your feet. Repeat the procedure 3 times.

Oil compress

Cotton socks must be soaked in heated castor, almond, olive, corn or sunflower oil. The feet should first be steamed, then put on socks, cover the limbs on top with cling film. To increase the effectiveness of the compress, add glycerin to the oil in a ratio of 2:1 or a few drops of eucalyptus or fir essential oil.

Bath with medicinal herbs

An effective way to treat subungual hyperkeratosis and other forms of pathology. To prepare a medicinal bath, you need to prepare a decoction of sage, elecampane, string, St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile or oak bark. 1 tbsp. Dry herbs need to be poured with a liter of water and brought to a boil. Then reduce the heat and keep the mixture on the stove for 30 minutes. After the specified time, the resulting decoction is diluted with water to a comfortable temperature and the feet are immersed in it for half an hour. At the end of the procedure, the feet are wiped dry and lubricated with cream.

Sea salt bath

Hyperkeratosis of the nails and feet can be successfully treated with daily foot baths. The procedures restore the affected areas of the skin and produce a softening and exfoliating effect. To prepare, add 100 g of salt and 1 tbsp to warm water. l. soda The feet are kept in the bath for 15 minutes, then wiped, lubricated with cream and socks are put on.

Healing ointment

Foot ointment made from plantain or calendula with Vaseline has wound-healing and bactericidal properties. The local remedy is prepared as follows: grind the dry plant, add a few drops of vegetable or almond oil. The resulting substance must be combined with Vaseline in the following proportions: if plantain is taken, then the ratio will be 1:9, if calendula - 1:4. The ointment is applied to the feet at night, covered with polyethylene and put on cotton socks. In the morning, the mixture is washed off, after which the feet are treated with pumice and lubricated with cream.

Preventive actions

Hyperkeratosis of the lower extremities often indicates other disorders in the body, so the main measure of its prevention is their diagnosis and treatment. Among the preventive measures are:

  1. regular foot hygiene;
  2. wearing comfortable shoes;
  3. inclusion of foods rich in vitamins A and C in the diet: carrots, spinach, lemon, cauliflower;
  4. fight against excess weight;
  5. reduction of stressful situations;
  6. proper nutrition.

Heel hyperkeratosis is a skin disease that causes unpleasant symptoms: painful calluses, discomfort when moving, burning sensation. It is necessary to treat the disease in a timely manner: this will help to avoid the negative consequences of the disease in the future.