How to clean heels with a blade

How to do a pedicure with a blade

How to do a pedicure with a blade so as not to cut yourself and achieve ideal feet? Below you will find step-by-step instructions that will completely free and clearly explain how to do it correctly.

Getting ready

Getting ready

For a blade pedicure, you will need a bowl of warm water and softener, a special machine with a blade, as well as a nail treatment kit and nail polish. Just in case, stock up on a bandage, cotton wool and hydrogen peroxide, especially if the condition of your feet leaves much to be desired and you are new to this dangerous business.

Working on softness

Working on softness

How to do a pedicure with a blade correctly? First, steam your legs. Add a softener or aromatic oil of your choice to the water and enjoy for a couple of minutes.

Now take the machine and start removing strips of rough skin from your feet. You need to start with the roughest areas. Usually these are corns on the heels and pads of the fingers (big, sometimes ring and little fingers). Having dealt with them, you can polish the entire surface of the foot with a machine so that it is evenly processed. Do not get carried away so as not to cut off living areas.

At the end of the procedure, the remaining skin is usually washed off the feet and treated with cream or lotion.

Pedicure with a blade has several nuances

First of all, it's quite dangerous.

How to do a pedicure with a blade without getting hurt? Use a special machine to treat rough areas of skin. By the way, it uses a characteristic blade. It is as safe as possible, and in combination with the machine it provides fairly confident movements. The pedicure machine is very easy to operate because it is specially designed taking into account the anatomy of the feet. No, this product is completely different from a traditional razor, and yes, using a regular razor is highly not recommended.

Secondly, be sure

Movements should be smooth, not abrupt, and have appropriate pressure. The blade processes the roughest areas of the foot first, and then the less rough ones. This ensures uniform removal of the skin, and the heels become soft and pink, like a baby’s. Don’t be afraid to run the machine over the skin, use it confidently, then cuts and scrapes will be easy to avoid.

Third, curb your excitement.

When you operate a machine on steamed leather, you always want to remove the extra strip; it seems that the skin will be even softer and more beautiful. In fact, you need to remove it carefully, without strong pressure, and only the very top layer. The rest are healthy, but steamed cells, and by cutting them, you risk, at a minimum, acquiring noticeable pain when walking. There should also be no pain felt when working with the machine.

Fourth, work according to the system

To avoid difficulties, uneven calluses and cracks on the foot, blade pedicure should be carried out constantly, and not once every six months, and carefully. Gently and methodically treat your feet 2-3 times a month, and your heels will be soft.

Speculation is not a barrier

Speculation is not a barrier

There are several misconceptions associated with blade pedicure, often false.

It leads to cracked heels

Cracks can indeed form, but only if you do it occasionally. Systematic removal of rough skin, on the contrary, prevents cracks. So don’t forget your machine and use foot cream.

After it you can't do anything else

This is an absolute lie. Afterwards, you can switch to any other type of pedicure, removing rough skin using files or special compounds.

It leaves "ragged skin" on the feet

Yes, it does if it is done incorrectly and unprofessionally. Before doing a pedicure with a blade, steam your feet well, cut the skin carefully and thoroughly, and you will not face a sloppy pedicure.

How to do a pedicure with a blade: video

In order to clean your heels, first of all you need to steam your feet in warm water, to which you should add a couple of teaspoons of regular baking soda.

You can clean your heels with a pumice stone, a scrub, or a razor with a blade. The fastest and most noticeable result is obtained by using a blade - the rough skin is simply cut off, but be prepared for the fact that after such a procedure the skin will grow faster, and then you will constantly have to cut it off. It’s better to use pumice or a scrub - the result is not the same as after using a blade, but you won’t have to clean it as often. After all the procedures performed, the skin must be moisturized with a nourishing cream.

Recently, to solve this problem, I tried Japanese pedicure socks Sosu. The box contains 2 pairs of disposable socks made of polyethylene, inside there is a liquid very similar to water with a slight floral smell. The composition of the liquid is indicated on the box: lactic acid, hyaluronic acid, castor oil, ceramides and several herbs: sage, ivy, soapwort, burdock, soybean. The instructions say that they should be worn for 1-2 hours. Next, after 3-5 days, exfoliation of the keratinized layers will begin. In general, that’s how it was. The skin peeled off in a thin layer, much the same as from a sunburned back, only absolutely painlessly. As for the effect, the heels became much softer, but not like a baby’s. It may be necessary to carry out several procedures.

To soften the skin of your feet and heels, you first need to clean it of old, rough skin. To do this, make a foot bath; you can add herbs or oatmeal to the bath to steam them. Then use a pumice stone or a special brush to remove the rough skin. Finally, apply foot cream, preferably one that contains glycerin.

My husband’s heels were hard and cracked, and one woman recommended “Zorka” cow udder cream. I don’t know what it’s made from, but the results are impressive. or rather on the heels. Before applying, of course, you need to make a foot bath with soda and rub it with a file for a dry pedicure.

Pink heels

I will offer a very simple recipe for “Pink Heels”. In the evening we make soda baths; no salt is needed. They will be hard from the salt. We sit for about 20 minutes in a warm basin with a soda solution and brewed chamomile. Then dry it well, rub in any rich cream or butter, and attach a piece of lemon on top of the heel by wrapping it in cling film. All this needs to be done before you go to bed, that is, at night. And we do this for a week.

After a week we continue to make soda baths. only instead of lemon, we apply a honey dressing. We apply honey to the bandage and attach it to the desired place, fixing everything with the same cling film.

In 2 weeks you won’t recognize your heels. Verified.

I would like to offer a video that is useful in the household, perhaps something will interest you too?

My mother treated my spurs with this method. But it also heals rough tissues. You need to put a chicken egg in a glass, pour vinegar so that the egg disappears, and leave for several days in a dark place. You will get cream. Smelly as hell. At night, apply it to rough areas of the skin and wrap it in plastic, with a sock on top. The sensations are not pleasant, but quite tolerable. In the morning, thoroughly rub your heels with pumice, the effect will be from the first use. Just don’t apply it in a thick layer, otherwise you’ll burn the skin, and try not to get it on healthy areas for the same reason. I hope it helps you, I use this procedure periodically.

I myself have the same problem with my heels: over time, the skin on them becomes very thick, rough, and can even crack. On the advice of friends, I started using the following method: I pour a little baking soda and dish detergent into a basin, then I bring a kettle of water to a boil and begin to steam my feet, adding liquid a little at a time. After about 20 minutes of this procedure, using a piece of pumice, I carefully scrub the skin on the heels until it becomes thin and smooth.

The remedy that helps me with rough skin on my heels is glycerin + vinegar. You need to buy a bottle of glycerin at the pharmacy and add table vinegar. Wipe your heels with this product every night before going to bed. Heels soften after several uses. Plus, while taking a shower, when the skin softens for half a minute, rub each heel with a pumice stone, but not too much.

First you need to steam your feet well, then take a special pebble and get rid of old skin, making light movements along your heel. Next, you need to apply a cream that helps keep the skin smooth and fresh and rub it on your heels. This should help resolve your problem.

Personally, my heels and my whole body become soft, like a baby’s, after I lie in the bath for several hours. The secret is simple, the skin simply steams. After my bath I use moisturizer. Do this constantly and your skin will become much softer.

Rub with penza and lubricate with baby cream or hand cream!

The theme of smooth and beautiful heels is especially relevant in spring and summer, when you have to expose your legs. I have a couple of tips on how to keep your heels soft and smooth, like a baby’s. A lot of celandine grows at the dacha, so I actively use it for my beauty recipes. I grind 50 grams of celandine leaves and put the resulting pulp on the heels. I put gauze on top, cover it with a plastic bag and put on socks. It would be good to leave this compress overnight. In the morning you need to wash your feet with warm water. A couple of procedures are enough for you to see the effect.

You can also rub your heels with orange zest. But you need to rub it with the back of the zest, where the white pulp is. For a visible effect, this procedure must be carried out three or four times a day.

Decoctions of sage, chamomile, oak bark, nettle, and St. John's wort help greatly. You can stock up on all this in the forest and meadow. Simply place 100 grams of your chosen herb in a pan and fill it with a liter of water. Place on the stove and let the broth boil over low heat for about half an hour. Before going to bed, soak your feet in this decoction for ten minutes. Then dry with a towel and apply moisturizing foot cream.

Hard and rough heels with an unpleasant yellow color look unsightly and often cause cracks. To avoid such troubles, they should be taken care of constantly. How to clean your heels at home? In this article you will learn about effective ways to eliminate this skin defect.

Why do my heels get rough?

Rough skin on the legs is a problem that is familiar to many women. There are many reasons why heels become rough.

Among them are the following factors:

  1. Untimely or improper care of the skin of the feet.
  2. Being overweight puts more stress on your feet.
  3. Standing on your feet for long periods of time.
  4. Due to uncomfortable or poor quality shoes.
  5. Washing your feet with too hot water leads to dry skin.
  6. Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, which causes dry heels.
  7. Constantly walking barefoot.
  8. Lack of moisture.

In addition to the reasons listed, rough skin on the feet and cracked heels can signal the presence of fungus, diseases of the endocrine system and kidneys. Sometimes this indicates hormonal diseases in the body.

In most cases, rough heels are accompanied by negative symptoms. They manifest themselves in the form of itching and pain, as well as discomfort when walking.

The main reasons for the appearance of the stratum corneum include the loss of water and lipids, which occurs through the skin. The body cannot make up for this deficiency. Due to the constant load on the feet, the skin becomes rough, bursts, and cracks appear on the heels.

Secrets of care

If the skin is quite neglected, then you can clean your heels at home using several procedures. There are several ways:

  1. You can clean them by doing foot baths daily.
  2. After the skin has steamed, you should use a pumice stone or file.
  3. Also effective procedures for feet are scrubbing, oil wraps and masks.
  4. Everything must be done on clean feet.
  5. It is better to do the skin care procedure in the evening so that your feet can fully rest.
  6. Do not cut off corns and cracks with sharp objects (blade, razor). This way you can only injure the skin.
  7. You should not use rough pumice. It can negatively affect the epidermis.
  8. After the skin returns to softness, we steam and clean the heels twice a week. The main thing is to carry out the procedures regularly.

Foot baths

The procedure is effective and requires a container of hot water and a few ingredients.

What is the best way to clean your heels? To prepare the bath you will need the following components:

  1. sea ​​salt;
  2. decoction of medicinal herbs from 2 tbsp. spoons of chamomile, lemon balm or calendula and a liter of water;
  3. 1 tbsp. spoon of soda (per 1 liter of liquid);
  4. 1/2 liter of milk;
  5. 4 tbsp. spoons of hydrogen peroxide.
  1. It is necessary to prepare a bath with one of these components.
  2. Lower your feet and keep them in the water until it begins to cool.
  3. Clean your heels with a pumice stone for 3 minutes. The rough skin will begin to come off.
  4. Then you need to rinse your heels with water and moisturize with cream.

Next method. Clean your heels with glycerin and vinegar. This is one of the effective methods for eliminating coarse deposits on the feet. The product also helps get rid of yellow heels that appear after summer. Baths can heal cracks in the skin and rid the feet of fungus.

Add 100 ml of glycerin and 80 ml of vinegar to 1.5 liters of warm water. Stir the mixture well and place your feet in the bath. The procedure continues until the water cools completely. To improve the result, go over the heels with pumice. Moisturize with foot cream.

The next method is to clean your heels with aspirin and citric acid. The product is effective not only for whitening legs, but also for removing rough areas of skin. Therefore, this recipe is used to get rid of these defects.

To prepare the product, you need to crush 10 aspirin tablets and dissolve them in a liter of water. To enhance the effect, add 20 g of citric acid to the liquid. You need to put your feet in the water for 20 minutes. Then the rough skin is removed with a brush and the feet are lubricated with moisturizer.

The positive effect of the procedure can be noticed even after the first time; to consolidate the result, you need to do at least 3 baths. You can add magnesium to warm water, stir thoroughly and soak your feet for 20 minutes. This way you can get rid of the keratinized layer of the skin and soften it. The procedures are best carried out before going to bed. After steaming the skin, it is carefully treated with pumice.


You can clean your heels at home using a scrub. The procedure is allowed to be carried out once a week.

It is best to scrub your heels after a foot bath, because on dry feet the positive effect will be completely absent. Then you should gently massage the problem areas and walk with a pumice stone. At the end, moisturize your heels with cream.

You can prepare the scrub yourself. It is prepared from sugar, salt, ground nut shells with vegetable oil. How to quickly clean your heels at home? Coffee foot scrub also has valuable properties. The recipe includes the following components:

  1. 3 tbsp. spoons of coffee;
  2. 1 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  3. 1 teaspoon chopped cinnamon;
  4. olive and vegetable oils.

You need to mix all the ingredients and add a little oil. Massage your feet for 5 minutes. This recipe will help bring your legs into excellent condition, making them smooth and soft.

Oil wraps

Oil can treat rough skin on the heels. Even vegetable ones are suitable for this. The leaders include castor, olive and burdock oils. They are rubbed into clean and damp heels, after which socks are put on. After this, the feet need to be wrapped in polyethylene. And then they put on another pair of socks. The procedure is carried out over several hours.

Oil wrap with vinegar and lemon juice:

  1. 40 ml of olive oil is poured into the container.
  2. Add 1/2 teaspoon of white vinegar or lemon juice, as well as a little honey, to the liquid.
  3. The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and massaged into the skin of the feet, especially in the heel area.
  4. Put on socks.
  5. In the morning, feet are cleaned with pumice and washed with water.
  6. The feet are wiped dry and moisturizer is applied.

It is enough to do the procedure once a week. This will significantly improve the condition of your skin. This will require only a few procedures.

Foot masks

How to clean rough heels at home? To restore the skin of your feet, you need to make the following masks:

  1. With olive oil. 60 ml of the product is heated in a water bath. The feet are lubricated with a warm product, wrapped in polyethylene and cotton socks are put on top. The compress is left for 3-4 hours, and excess product is removed with a paper towel.
  2. With lard and honey. The product is particularly effective. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of melted lard is mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey. Then socks are put on; after this procedure, it is not recommended to additionally lubricate the feet.
  3. With fir or apricot oil. The skin after the procedure becomes soft and smooth. After applying the oil to your feet, put on socks and let them rest.
  4. With sour cream. The recipe is well known and effective. You need to lubricate your feet with sour cream and put on cotton socks. Carry out the procedure at night.
  5. With glycerin. The product will help get rid of even the roughest and most cracked skin on your heels. It’s easy to prepare such a mask. Add apple cider vinegar to an incomplete bottle with the product, about 1/4-1/5 of the volume. Lubricate your feet with the resulting mixture in the morning and evening for 2-4 weeks.
  6. Herbal bath. Thanks to it, you can clear your heels of calluses. To prepare the bath, take 200 g of linden flowers and marshmallow root and add a liter of hot water. Insist for half an hour. Strain and pour into a bowl, diluting with 2 liters of water.

You can prepare a softening fruit foot mask. It contains a lot of useful substances. To do this, grind the pulp of 1 banana, 1/2 avocado and coconut. The resulting mixture is applied to the feet for 15 minutes. Wash off the mask and blot your feet with a towel. Instead of 3 components, you can take one - for example, a banana.

How to use pumice

Among the many means for cleaning feet, pumice is used. It is a porous substance of natural origin. You can use pumice to clean your heels at home. It is this that will help get rid of calluses and eliminate corns. This will make the skin soft and tender to the touch.

How to properly clean your heels with pumice? The procedure has several nuances:

  1. Pumice should never be used on dry skin. It should be cleaned and steamed, and dried with a towel. To do this, use steam baths with sea salt, starch or plant decoction.
  2. Pumice is used for problematic, rough and hard areas of the skin. During the procedure, a few movements are enough to notice an effective result.
  3. Pumice should not be used for daily heel care. The main objective of the procedure is to remove rough skin. And when a positive effect is achieved, the product can only be used as a preventive measure.

The procedure ends with rinsing your feet with cool water. And obligatory application of nourishing cream to the skin.

Scholl file

Beautiful and delicate heels are the standard that many women strive for. This can be done using an electric file. It removes rough skin from the feet. This happens quickly, without much effort.

The Scholl heel file is quite easy to use and works in one mode. To activate it, just turn the ring in a certain direction.

The procedure has its own characteristics. The main requirement is dry skin on the feet. This is explained simply. A highly abrasive surface can easily injure steamed heels. Due to the high risk of damage, manufacturers recommend treating the skin with smooth movements, without lingering on a specific area for more than 4 seconds.

One of the particularly important points is the pressing force, since the file particularly reacts to too much force and will stop working. This will also protect the skin from microtraumas, because in this way it can remove too much skin.

After the procedure, the feet are thoroughly cleaned of dust and moisturizer is applied. The main advantage of the file is a high-quality and fast pedicure, which is in no way inferior to a salon one. After all, the main purpose of the device is to remove rough areas of the skin and bring it to an ideal state.

Mechanical heel file

There are effective devices for the beauty and health of feet. The advantages of mechanical files include:

  1. quick results;
  2. minimal effort to remove dead epidermis;
  3. low price.

The disadvantages of the file include the possibility of injury to the skin; sometimes the treated areas during the procedure are washed until they bleed. The safest are devices made of metal and ceramics.

Types of files include:

  1. Mechanical device. They are made from different materials. This could be metal, ceramic or sandpaper. Typically, the cheapest file options are made from the latest material. It perfectly cleanses the heels of the rough layer, but it can cause injury to the skin. A file made of metal and ceramics is more expensive, but is considered safer. Therefore, it contributes to an effective procedure.
  2. A laser file is a type of mechanical grater. She appeared on the market relatively recently, but has already managed to gain fame and trust among women. The file is made of metal, and its surface is strewn with microscopic and sharp teeth, the size of which is 0.1 mm. A similar effect is created thanks to laser technology, which is why it got its name. The file is a high-quality device.

How to properly clean your heels with a file? Recommendations for using the device include:

  1. Initially, wet treatment of the feet is carried out. To do this, they are thoroughly washed and special baths are made.
  2. After 10-15 minutes, you need to remove your feet from the solution and wipe them with a terry towel.
  3. After this, you need to move on to treating your feet with a file. For skin that is not very rough, use a less rough surface. And for especially neglected areas of the foot with corns and calluses, use the coarser side of the file.
  4. Then the skin of the feet is polished. To achieve softness and silkiness, it is necessary to remove only keratinized and dead particles without damaging the healthy epidermis.

It is important to carry out the procedure on only steamed skin. Otherwise, the procedure will lead to injury and will reduce the positive effect to “no”.

A pedicure file is a necessary device for a woman to remove rough skin. Without it, it is impossible to achieve ideal heel condition.


It is better to prevent the problem of rough heels than to treat them. To keep the skin of your feet tender and soft, you must follow several important rules:

  1. Twice a week, your heels should be cleaned with a pumice stone or brush. This will free them from dead cells.
  2. Apply moisturizer to your feet daily.
  3. Those who are constantly bothered by rough skin need to give up alcohol and smoking. These bad habits can dehydrate the skin.
  4. It is necessary to wear comfortable shoes made from natural materials. It is best to avoid tight shoes.
  5. You need to eat a balanced diet and take a vitamin complex for skin and hair once a year.
  6. In hot weather, it is necessary to constantly moisturize the skin with cream. After foot baths, you can use warm olive oil.
  7. It is necessary to constantly massage your feet. Normal circulation will completely eliminate the formation of corns and cracks.

Proper foot skin care will prevent the occurrence of rough heels and other problems. This will improve their appearance. Cleaning your heels at home is not difficult at all if you use the full range of known procedures. Regular skin care for your feet will keep them soft and tender.