What is the name of the doctor who checks the skin?

What is the name of a doctor who treats skin diseases?

What is the name of a doctor who treats skin diseases?

Which doctor should you contact when there is a rash, redness, peeling, itching on the skin?

Skin specialist is dermatologist. Another doctor for skin and venereal diseases is dermatovenerologist. These specialists are contacted if problems with the skin arise, some kind of rash appears, the skin changes color and begins to peel, some spots appear on the skin, the skin becomes dry, etc. By the way, acne treatment is carried out by a dermatologist, who first finds out its causes.

There are still doctors dermatocosmetologists. For example, the same acne on the face can be treated by a dermatologist and a dermatocosmetologist.

If there are problems with the scalp, hair growth, then a direct path to trichologist.

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We talk about skin diseases when manifestations of pathological processes, such as inflammation, rashes, peeling, etc., are visible on its external areas. A doctor who specializes in skin diseases is called a dermatologist.. You need to make an appointment with him in the following conditions:

  1. pale rashes on the surface;
  2. severe and persistent itching;
  3. boils, the appearance of pustular lesions;
  4. if certain areas are inflamed or wet;
  5. skin peels or turns red;
  6. profuse acne.

If dermatological treatment of the scalp is necessary, you should contact trichologist.

It happens that pathological changes affect the genitals. In this case, you need a doctor called dermatovenerologist.

If the problem is related to aesthetic appearance, turn to dermatologist-cosmetologist.

Skin is the largest organ of our body. It performs the respiratory and protective functions of the body, so it must be protected.

Nothing beautifies the skin better than its natural elasticity, purity and healthy color. Therefore, when something new appears on it, this is a reason to think about your health. In this article, we will try to understand new growths on the skin, where they come from, what they can cause, and who to show them to.

In general, any new “mole” on the skin should at least cause concern, and if it has been injured or is asymmetrical, uneven, gradually enlarges or bleeds, is more than 5-7 mm in diameter, is sensitive, then it’s time to sound the alarm. But let's be consistent.

What types of tumors can be found on the skin:

Benign. They do not threaten our lives, but they can cause trouble. And not only aesthetic ones. For example, when placed “successfully”, in large numbers or in impressive sizes, they can disrupt the functioning of organs in our body. In addition, due to external influences they can turn into malignant ones. Benign ones include moles (nevi), papillomas, fibromas, hemangiomas, lipomas, etc.

Borderline. They are not yet malignant, but one can already expect evil from them. The tissues of these neoplasms have some potential to degenerate into malignant tumors. Borderline types include cutaneous horn, pigmented xeroderma, keratoacanthoma, borderline pigmented nevus, etc.

Malignant. They are distinguished not only by their dangerous nature, but also by their rapid aggressive growth, often forming metastases. Such neoplasms are prone to recurrence, and therefore it is not easy to get rid of them. The prognosis in this case is usually unfavorable, even death if vital organs are damaged. Malignant ones include melanoma, sarcoma, squamous cell skin cancer, etc.

Having discovered a tumor on the skin, you should not try to remove it yourself, cauterize it or cut it off. The very first thing you need to do is make an appointment with a specialist. Which doctor should you contact if you have a skin tumor? It is customary to introduce nevi to dermatologists, dermatovenerologists, surgeons, oncodermatologists, oncologists and other medical specialists who can determine the nature of the neoplasm and prescribe competent treatment.

If the neoplasm does not cause trouble and does not look dangerous, then first it will be enough to consult a dermatologist. This specialist will examine the neoplasms on the skin, and he will also be able to advise which doctor to contact if necessary. At an appointment with a specialist, you can receive comprehensive advice and recommendations on nevus care.

How are skin tumors removed?

In modern cosmetology, laser removal is considered the most optimal method of getting rid of tumors. The essence of the procedure is simple: the doctor, using a laser beam, either dries out the tumor layer by layer, evaporating it, or cuts off the tumor with a beam and sends the resulting material for histological analysis. After the session, a small wound remains at the treatment site. After some time it will become covered with a crust that cannot be peeled off. After a week or two, the crust will fall off on its own, leaving behind clean and smooth skin.

Immediately after the session, the doctor will give recommendations on how to care for the wound, as well as some instructions. For example, refusing to visit the sauna, bathhouse or solarium for the first time.

Where to go for advice

At the Laser Doctor clinic you can make an appointment with a dermatologist, dermato-oncologist or dermatovenerologist. The doctor will examine the skin and determine the nature of the tumor. If there is a suspicion of a malignant tumor, the dermatologist will refer you to a more specialized specialist - an oncologist-surgeon. If the tumor does not pose a danger, but causes aesthetic inconvenience, then immediately after the consultation you can sign up for a laser removal procedure.