How to avoid getting caught when buying sports nutrition?

Question: how to avoid getting caught when buying sports nutrition? - probably worries every newcomer to the world of “iron sports” who wants to save an extra penny. Because you have to buy in unverified, fly-by-night places that exist today, but tomorrow – look for their fistulas! And not every wallet will allow you to purchase sports nutrition in real brand stores with solid advertising and a reputation built up over the years, since you will have to “pay on top” for all this advertising and reputation - it, of course, is included in the price of the final product. And all this despite the fact that the product itself is not cheap to begin with! But it still needs to be somehow brought to the store, cleared through customs, etc., etc....

So we get the eternal dilemma: either buy obviously expensive, but knowing that the product is original and not counterfeit, or buy cheap, but at your own peril and risk. What is better anyway?

There was one funny incident in my sports practice when a young yellow-throated guy from our gym for about six months ate, instead of protein powder, milk powder, bought nearby at a local grocery store and cleverly packaged in a beautiful advertising package, printed in some basement on a color printer. Moreover, we learned this from the artisanal would-be producers of such counterfeit products themselves.

So what should a young bodybuilder do to avoid getting into a similar mess? I’ll give you some advice: I personally made a choice for myself, and I prefer Body For Life sports nutrition, purchased in their online store of the same name. Here you will definitely not be scammed, and the product is always 100% branded, tested, and its origin and quality do not raise even the slightest doubt! At the same time, there is a system of cumulative bonuses and significant discounts. Personally, I shop here all the time and don’t know of any problems.

In a word, I recommend this online store to all my friends and acquaintances, and, of course, to you, dear readers of the sports portal “fitness and bodybuilding in Russian.” If you have any questions, ask them in the comments! I will be happy to answer...

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