How to clean the wings of the nose

Almost all girls face the problem of skin contamination and the appearance of blackheads on it. The process is quite natural, but it doesn’t make it any easier: it seems that the skin looks worse and your hands are reaching out to either apply a thicker layer of foundation to hide this “disgrace,” or squeeze it out. However, neither the first nor the second option completely solves the problem, and blackheads appear again. Even going to a cosmetologist for an expensive cleaning procedure does not guarantee that you will get rid of the scourge forever. Let's figure out what it is and whether it is possible to clean the pores on the nose at home.

What are blackheads

For some reason, it is generally accepted that blackheads are the lot of either teenagers or people with oily or combination skin types. However, it is not. Even those with dry skin can find open comedones in the T-zone. They occur because the sebaceous glands periodically become clogged with excess sebum, dead skin cells and dust. The pores become clogged and become dark in color.

Reasons for appearance

The main reasons for the appearance of blackheads are considered to be improper skin care and insufficient cleansing. Everyone knows that you need to wash your face twice a day and remove makeup before going to bed, but in practice, not every girl does this. As a result, the foundation and dirt remain on the face until the morning, the pores become clogged and appear well, if only blackheads and not pimples. Poor-quality cosmetics, too thick foundation that does not allow the skin to breathe, can also lead to the appearance of blackheads.

An unhealthy diet can provoke the appearance of open comedones: abuse of fatty, spicy, sweets, coffee and alcohol. You don’t have to give up your favorite food forever, but if you notice that there are more and more blackheads, despite proper skin care, you should reconsider your diet.

Hormonal levels, stress, certain medications, and the environment also affect the formation of open comedones. If you cannot clear the pores of your nose from blackheads using cosmetic procedures and increased skin greasiness is alarming, you may need to consult an endocrinologist and gynecologist.

Options for dealing with imperfections

If you decide to clear your nose pores of blackheads at home, you should know that there are several options for dealing with the “enemy.” Which method to choose depends on your skin type, the time you have, and allergic reactions to the components of the masks.

Alternative to salon treatments

Mechanical facial cleansing is one of the most effective options that our grandmothers used when looking for a way to clean the pores on the nose.

Cosmetologists strongly do not recommend performing the procedure yourself due to the high risk of damaging the skin and causing some kind of infection. However, this stops few people. You can avoid unwanted inflammation if you approach the process competently.

First, remove makeup from your face and wash your face. Prepare a steam bath to prepare your skin for cleansing.

To do this, you will need a towel, a saucepan, about two liters of water and one tablespoon of chamomile, St. John's wort, sage - to your taste. Bring the water to a boil, remove the saucepan from the heat, cover your head with a towel and lean over the steam - not too close so as not to burn your face. Sit like this for 10-15 minutes to open the pores.

If you are afraid of getting burned, you can hold a towel over the saucepan, and then apply it to your face and lie with it for 10-15 minutes. It is worth considering that steam baths are contraindicated if you are prone to rosacea. Then your option is to clean your face after taking a bath or shower.

After your face has been steamed, it’s time to start mechanical cleaning. Wash your hands well, wipe them with alcohol or vodka, especially under the nails. Ideally, wrap each finger with a bandage soaked in a one percent solution of salicylic acid. Gently and lightly press on problem areas; if the blackhead does not give in the first time, do not be zealous.

To make the procedure more hygienic, you can use a “uno spoon” instead of your fingers. This device is specially designed for facial cleansing lovers and will help clean the pores on the nose at home.

After the procedure, wipe your face with toner or apply a pore tightening product.

It is recommended to carry out such cleaning a maximum of twice a month, so as not to aggravate the situation and not to enlarge the pores.

Gelatin masks

There are also less traumatic ways to clean the pores on the nose and any other problem area. For example, masks. A gelatin mask, despite its budget, will do the job perfectly. There are several types of mask preparation, choose the one you like best.


The most common and simplest option for cleaning the pores on the nose using gelatin is a mask with milk.

To prepare it, you will need a tablespoon of edible gelatin and milk. If you want to apply a thicker mixture, then you should increase the proportions, for example, 2:2. After the gelatin swells, heat the mixture in the microwave or in a water bath.

Apply the resulting mixture with a makeup brush, cotton pad or fingers and leave until dry (15-20 minutes). The paste should harden to a thick film. After the allotted time, carefully but quickly remove the mask in one smooth movement - this will help avoid discomfort. If you did everything correctly, then there will be tubercles or small dots on the inner surface of the film.

Wipe your face with lotion or apply a pigment-reducing serum.

Gelatin with egg

This gelatin mask can perfectly cleanse and tighten the pores on the nose.

Just as in the previous recipe, mix gelatin in equal proportions with water or milk, leave to swell, and then heat in a water bath. While the mixture is cooling, separate the white from the yolk, add the white to the mixture, stirring gently.

Apply the resulting mask to a previously cleansed and steamed face and leave until completely dry. Then remove the film and wipe your face with tonic.

Soda masks

Another budget option for clearing the pores on your nose is a cleansing mask with baking soda.

The fastest and easiest way to use baking soda is to mix one tablespoon with face wash and a tablespoon of regular salt. Mix, apply to problem areas (nose, chin, forehead) and leave for 5-10 minutes, no more. Rinse with water.

Oatmeal and soda

To one tablespoon of oatmeal crushed in a blender, add a teaspoon of soda, a tablespoon of lemon juice and milk. Mix thoroughly and apply to face. Leave the mask on for 5-10 minutes, then wash.

Activated carbon masks

If the previous options do not suit you in some way, but you are still looking for ways to clean out the pores on your nose, a mask with activated carbon deserves attention. This is one of the popular methods of getting rid of open comedones at home.

The easiest and fastest way to prepare a charcoal mask is using boiled water. All you need is a tablespoon of water and three tablets of activated carbon. Crush the coal until it becomes dusty, add water, stir and apply the resulting mixture to problem areas. Wait until completely dry and then rinse thoroughly.

Coal and clay

To prepare the mask, you will need two charcoal tablets, a tablespoon of cosmetic clay (black or blue), and a little boiled water.

Crush the coal into dust, add clay to it and carefully pour in a spoonful of water. The result should be a homogeneous paste, reminiscent of sour cream in thickness. If there is not enough water, add a little more.

Apply the resulting mask to a previously cleansed face and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash your face and wipe your face with lotion.

Film mask with gelatin and activated carbon

If you are looking for how to clean out the pores on your nose and do not suffer from rosacea, then try making a gelatin mask with activated charcoal. According to the girls who tried the product on themselves, the mask perfectly cleanses even the smallest pores.

Crush half a tablet of activated carbon, add to it a teaspoon of milk and half a teaspoon of edible gelatin. Mix everything thoroughly and heat in a water bath or in the microwave. Apply to problem areas and leave until completely dry. Then gently remove in one quick motion.

Lightening blackheads

You won’t do masks every day to get rid of blackheads, as well as mechanical cleaning. Then how to get rid of comedones? You can lighten them and make them less noticeable.

Some people recommend wiping very oily skin with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, but keep in mind that it is very drying and can cause increased sebum production. So peroxide can be replaced with lemon juice or a solution of ascorbic acid mixed in equal proportions with water. You should wipe your face with the resulting lotion once a day for two to three weeks.

A more gentle option for the skin is a solution of baby soap with salt and soda. Grate a small piece of fragrance-free baby soap and dissolve it in water. Add half a teaspoon of baking soda and table salt. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting solution, wipe your face and leave for a couple of minutes. Then rinse your face with water.

To maintain the beauty of your skin, do not forget to remove makeup, wash your face and pamper it with simple (moisturizing or nourishing) masks.

People with oily skin and increased sebum secretion often develop comedones - sebaceous plugs, the tops of which become black due to the admixture of dirt, dust, particles of cosmetics and exfoliated epidermis. Blackheads usually appear on the nose – it is impossible to get rid of them forever, but regular cleansing and tightening of pores will help reduce their appearance, the skin will look healthy and the complexion will improve. Procedures should be carried out daily, so periodic visits to a cosmetologist will give a short-term effect. Now let's figure out how to get rid of blackheads on the nose at home? Try a comprehensive program using available tools.

Skin cleansing

Steaming your face

The main method of combating comedones is facial cleansing. Only their regular removal allows you to cope with their quantity, makes the skin smooth, complexion healthy, and aesthetically attractive. The easiest way is to squeeze out the blackheads - you can do this at home, taking into account all the rules of disinfection. But before this, the face should be prepared - steamed so that the pores expand and the sebaceous plugs come off easily, without effort, after light pressure. Basic steaming procedures:

  1. Steam bath - boil water in a small saucepan, add a spoonful of herbal mixture (chamomile, sage, St. John's wort), a drop of eucalyptus, tea tree or lemon essential oil. Lean over the saucepan, cover your head with a thick terry towel and breathe in hot air for 15 minutes.
  2. “Hot” masks - you will need ready-made compositions that have a steaming effect. These can be industrial masks with blue clay, “hot” scrubs, special steaming strips.
  3. Visiting a bathhouse, sauna, using hot compresses. During hygiene procedures, under the influence of steam and water, the pores open - the effect is equivalent to the effect of a steam bath for the face. Combine taking a bath, visiting the sauna and performing cosmetic procedures - the benefits will be double. Use a hot chamomile decoction as a compress - squeeze out gauze folded several times in it, apply it to your face. Change the compress after it has cooled down.

Squeezing out correctly

After the pores have expanded, start squeezing out blackheads - wash your hands, wrap your fingertips in a sterile gauze cloth, and soak them in a solution of hydrogen peroxide or a special antiseptic lotion. Remove only those blackheads that respond well - apply pressure with your fingers on both sides of the blackhead. If some comedones were not squeezed out the first time, then leave them - excessive zeal can lead to the formation of inflamed acne and scars. Wipe the treated skin with a solution of salicylic acid, a tonic for oily skin or a tightening extract. After cleansing, do not use cosmetics, let your face rest.

The patch is an alternative to steaming

An alternative to steam cleaning is a cleansing patch - it should be glued to the back and wings of the nose, wait for the time prescribed according to the instructions and quickly remove it. You can prepare such strips yourself - mix the mixture of gelatin and warm milk thoroughly, put the mixture in the microwave for 10 minutes. Apply the warm, swollen mass to your nose, wait for the mask to completely harden and remove the gelatin film along with the black plugs stuck to it. Also designed for home use is a device with a vacuum effect - a special nozzle creates negative pressure, due to which plugs are pulled out of the pores.

It is recommended to carry out cleaning followed by squeezing once every one to two weeks - more frequent steaming can lead to enlargement of the pores and aggravation of the situation. Steam cleansing can be combined with other methods of getting rid of comedones.

Lightening way to get rid of blackheads

Special procedures will help clean out pores and make the tops of sebaceous plugs light. Pour a soap solution of regular baby soap, without fragrances or dyes, into a small cup. Add to it half a teaspoon of fine salt and soda. Soak a cotton pad in this mixture, squeeze lightly and walk over the skin using soft circular movements, without pressing. After 3 minutes, rinse your face with cool water.

Blackheads can be discolored and made less noticeable using lemon juice - dilute it with water in equal parts, wipe your face once a day. Instead of juice, you can use a liquid solution of ascorbic acid. Hydrogen peroxide solution should only be used if your skin is very oily - the composition is very drying. Take breaks for two to three weeks so as not to disturb the skin's water balance.

Purifying face masks

In between facial cleansing, make simple masks that will keep your skin clean, nourished and moisturized.

Cleansing ingredients:

  1. Oatmeal - dilute crushed flakes with warm milk to a thick paste, apply to the nose, leave for a few minutes. Remove the mask with water.
  2. Clay - dilute the powdery mass with water, lubricate your nose with it, hold until completely dry, then clean with a soft, damp, porous sponge.
  3. Honey - liquid mixture spread over the nose, perform patting movements with your fingertips until dense white lumps appear on your hands. Wash your face with warm water.
  4. Rice – steam a spoonful of rice in the evening, drain the water in the morning, and lubricate the wings of the nose and the back of the nose with the resulting mass. After 15 minutes you can wash your face.
  5. Coriander and turmeric juice - mix equal parts of liquids, use the composition for daily wiping of areas with accumulations of blackheads.

Brightening masks

  1. Kefir or yogurt can be used instead of soap foam in the morning, and also as a mask. Apply it to your nose, wait until the kefir dries, then wash off the mask.
  2. Sour cream and salt – mix two tablespoons of sour cream with a spoonful of coarse salt. Wipe your nose twice a week.
  3. Aloe and Lemon: Whisk egg white, two tablespoons of lemon juice and aloe juice. Divide the mixture into two parts - lubricate your nose with the composition, and after drying, apply a second layer.
  4. Tomato – mash one juicy tomato, apply the pulp to the skin. Rinse off after 5 minutes.
  5. Potatoes – hold finely grated raw potatoes on your face for 10 minutes.

Use masks separately or after steaming procedures - steamed skin is more susceptible to any effects. After any procedure, you should lubricate your face with a disinfectant solution.

Tightening procedures

To reduce the size of pores, tighten them and prevent possible infection, special formulations should be used. After cleansing, the skin can be treated with beaten egg white, which dries to a thin film, or with a piece of grass ice. Prepare a disinfectant lotion from cucumber juice and vodka (2:1), use it to periodically cleanse the skin throughout the day. A mixture of calendula tincture and mineral water (a tablespoon per glass) is suitable as an antiseptic.

Remember that black dots on the nose can be the result not only of improper care, but also a consequence of hormonal problems and poorly chosen cosmetics.

That's just some kind of trouble. No matter how hard I tried, it didn’t work. It is precisely the wings of the nose that are not cleaned in any way. The last thing I haven’t tried are these stickers on the nose. I don’t even know what they’re called? And in general, do they really help? And how do you deal with such a problem? (there is no money for a cosmetologist yet))), you need to do it on your own) I will be glad for advice) experts

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Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

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Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Nope. The wings will not be cleaned with stickers, just cleaning. But blood vessels may appear. Try mixing baking soda and salt and rubbing. They won't get clean, but they will definitely brighten.

Google what a spoon uno is.
Search on YouTube. how to use.
God help us!)

First, steam your face for about 15 minutes, then apply soap to your nose - that is, rub it in your hands until it becomes soapy and apply, and then apply baking soda on top. I kept it on for about 7 minutes, longer it starts to burn strongly. Then the skin turns red.
My blackheads just started falling out. But be prepared that acne will appear in their place. Then treat them and it’s fine

First, steam your face for about 15 minutes, then apply soap to your nose - that is, rub it in your hands until it becomes soapy and apply, and then apply baking soda on top. I kept it on for about 7 minutes, longer it starts to burn strongly. Then the skin turned red. My blackheads just started falling out. But be prepared that acne will appear in their place. Then treat them and it’s fine

Excuse me, but what does “fall out” mean?

To the floor, with a crash.

Related topics

Stickers are a thing)))
They are called Spring skin. It's cheaper than Nivea. But they are better))

Google what a spoon of uno is. Search on YouTube. how to use. God help you!)

Well, she’ll squeeze them out with a spoon, and then the pores will fill up again the next day. Press all the time and then the pores will become loose. Well, what the heck, I covered it with concealer and that’s it.

I press with the edge of my finger from the bottom of the wings of the nose, the skin of the nose seems to shrink, and the spots come out.

Make a mask with corn flour (finely ground) and water. Cool scrub for blackheads).

Ha, Author, I just stuck a Nivea sticker on my husband this evening. He also has oily facial skin, and there are black dots on his nose, I don’t know how old they are. And this despite the fact that he washes his face with soap every day (((Here, after 6 years of marriage, he has matured. ))) before this, he had difficulty agreeing to simply scrub his nose with a facial scrub.
The first sticker was all dotted with peaks of these dots, it became like a hedgehog from the inside. The nose is visually more aesthetically pleasing. So go for it! I wouldn’t recommend mechanical cleaning; it could ruin your face. Wash your nose more often with cosmetic soap, stickers on it - and you will be Happiness)))

And if you don’t clean it, the pores stretch. Everyone also told me: why are you cleaning (I clean at the salon), then there will be even more. Why not clean it? My skin is predisposed, although I have a few of them and not as large as some, but still. These blackheads also often become inflamed.

Maybe next winter I’ll do microdambrasion, they say it has a good effect

Ha, Author, I just stuck a Nivea sticker on my husband this evening. He also has oily facial skin, and there are black dots on his nose, I don’t know how old they are. And this despite the fact that he washes his face with soap every day (((Here, after 6 years of marriage, he has matured. ))) before this, he had difficulty agreeing to simply scrub his nose with a facial scrub. The first sticker was all dotted with the peaks of these points, it became like a hedgehog from the inside . The nose is visually more aesthetically pleasing. So go for it! I wouldn’t recommend mechanical cleaning; it could ruin your face. Wash your nose more often with cosmetic soap, stickers on it - and you will be Happiness)))

Lord, I have to deal with cleaning my husband’s nose from dirty grease, and also describe it here.
Don't you wipe his ass? Write.

Ha, Author, I just stuck a Nivea sticker on my husband this evening. He also has oily facial skin, and there are black dots on his nose, I don’t know how old they are. And this despite the fact that he washes his face with soap every day (((Here, after 6 years of marriage, he has matured. ))) before this, he had difficulty agreeing to simply scrub his nose with a facial scrub. The first sticker was all dotted with the peaks of these points, it became like a hedgehog from the inside . The nose is visually more aesthetically pleasing. So go for it! I wouldn’t recommend mechanical cleaning; it could ruin your face. Wash your nose more often with cosmetic soap, stickers on it - and you will be Happiness)))

That's just some kind of trouble. No matter how hard I tried, it didn’t work. It is precisely the wings of the nose that are not cleaned in any way. The last thing I haven’t tried are these stickers on the nose. I don’t even know what they’re called? And in general, do they really help? And how do you deal with such a problem? (there is no money for a cosmetologist yet))), you need to do it on your own) I will be glad for advice)

Tretinoin cream, when used regularly, generally removes blackheads. There is no need to press. But it must be smeared wisely, the product is strong.


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