How HPV type 31 manifests itself and the main method of its treatment

The content of the article:
  1. What is HPV type 31
  2. Routes of infection
  3. How does papillomavirus 31 manifest itself?
    1. In men
    2. Among women
  4. Diagnostics
  5. Treatment of papilloma virus 31
    1. Antiviral therapy
    2. Immunomodulatory treatment
    3. ethnoscience

Human papillomavirus type 31 is one of the most unsafe strains of this pathogen in terms of carcinogenicity. In terms of the level of risk of malignancy, it is comparable to HPV 16 and 18. It can remain “hibernating” in the body for a long time, waiting for the most suitable moment to activate - deterioration of immunity, exacerbation of a chronic illness, hormonal surge, etc.

What is HPV type 31 and why is it dangerous?

The papilloma virus has a clear gradation according to the types of strains, which differ in the level of carcinogenicity, that is, the tendency of neoplasms to become malignant (malignant). As for the 31 types of HPV, this strain belongs to the group of pathogens with a high probability of causing cancer.

Papillomavirus type 31 has a special DNA structure, penetrating into the human body, it begins to change healthy cells, the latter rapidly mutate. Thus, their degeneration and malignancy occur.

Typically affects the genitals of men and women. But type 31 is especially unsafe for the fairer sex. They are more likely than men to be susceptible to cancer of the genital organs due to HPV.

Greatest danger Human papillomavirus type 31 represents for the following categories of people:

  1. Those living an active intimate life (from 16 to 60 years old);
  2. Future mothers;
  3. People with impaired immunity (immunodeficiency);
  4. Newborn children;
  5. Women during menopause.

For an almost unlimited time, HPV of this type is present in the body without being activated. However, it is highly contagious, and an infected person spreads it.

It begins to manifest itself, as a rule, when the immune defense is reduced, after serious illnesses, treatment with antibiotics, or after severe stress. Then it is important not to miss the first symptoms of the disease in order to prevent serious consequences for life.

Human papillomavirus type 31 leads to the following complications in patients:

  1. Cervical dysplasia (considered a pre-cancer condition, quite difficult to treat);
  2. Oncological lesions of the cervix;
  3. Cancer of the male penis, vulva, labia;
  4. Cancer of the oral mucosa;
  5. Prolonged damage to teeth and gums.

Note that the process of degeneration of growths caused by human papillomavirus type 31 in women takes quite a long time. On average it takes 15-25 years. Thus, if you undergo regular medical examinations with specialized specialists, you can promptly notice pathological changes in papillomas.

Routes of infection with HPV type 31

The main way the virus enters the human body, regardless of gender, is unprotected sexual contacts (oral, vaginal, anal). This method of HPV transmission causes infection in 55% of cases. In other cases, we are talking about kissing, using the same household items and hygiene devices.

In the carrier, the virus is concentrated mainly in genital secretions and saliva. Therefore, any contact of a healthy person with a weakened immune response with the physiological fluids of the carrier can cause infection with papillomavirus type 31.

HPV type 31, like all other strains, is transmitted from mother to child - at the stage of gestation, childbirth. This happens infrequently, because a confluence of various factors is required, but this risk cannot be excluded during pregnancy. In infants, papillomavirus type 31 causes a dangerous disease - laryngeal papillomatosis. This occurs if a newborn, while passing through the female genital tract, swallows fetal fluid containing the virus. The danger of this disease is that it can lead to suffocation of the baby or his disability.

Human papillomavirus type 31 is transmitted directly from person to person if there are one or more provoking factors:

  1. Promiscuous sex life, frequent changes of partners, unprotected sex;
  2. Frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages, drugs, smoking;
  3. Lack of hygienic culture in a person - using other people’s care items, dishes, towels;
  4. Frequent visits to the sauna, swimming pool, public showers;
  5. Incorrect lifestyle, poor nutrition, which leads to a general weakening of health and immunity;
  6. Chronic illnesses;
  7. Chronic stress, physical and psychological exhaustion;
  8. Hormonal imbalances;
  9. The presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  10. Diseases of the digestive organs;
  11. Genetic predisposition;
  12. Abuse of sunbathing and solarium;
  13. Regular exposure to areas with high humidity levels.
Note! All of the above factors can double the risk of infection and exacerbation of a viral infection.

How does papillomavirus type 31 manifest?

Since the virus can remain inactive for a long time when it enters the human body, if any specific signs of the disease appear, you should immediately contact a specialist for an accurate diagnosis. Although women are more at risk of exacerbation of this strain, men may also notice unpleasant symptoms.

Signs of HPV type 31 in men

Most often, men are carriers of this type of papillomavirus, infecting their sexual partners, but not getting sick. Only with a general weakening of the body due to various factors, representatives of the stronger sex may notice symptoms of HPV.

Type 31 papillomas in men are essentially neoplasms common to HPV, which are leathery growths on a thin stalk. Initially, they are benign in nature, but they have a high tendency to degeneration and malignancy.

They are localized on the head of the penis and can spread further if treatment is not started in time.

In addition, papillomavirus type 31 in men can be expressed in the form of Bowen's disease. This is a pathology that affects the penis. On the latter, specific plaques of a red or brown hue appear. They usually rise above the surface of the epidermis and can become wet.

Bowenoid papules also sometimes occur in men. They are capable of spreading to the perianal zone, the inner surface of the thighs. They look like growths from pink to yellow. They are usually quite difficult to cure and can regenerate.

Note! Sometimes specific papillomas affect the oral cavity.

Signs of HPV type 31 in women

Once human papillomavirus type 31 is activated in the body, the following clinical picture is observed:

  1. Condylomas and papillomas form on the external genitalia.
  2. Also, neoplasms can affect the mucous membrane of the mouth and larynx.
  3. Sometimes growths appear on the epidermal surface.
  4. Spontaneous bleeding and nonspecific discharge from the genitals occur.
  5. After intimate relationships, pain may occur for no reason.
  6. Bowenoid papules sometimes appear on the external genitalia, as well as in the vagina.

In addition, papillomas and condylomas affect the internal genital organs, in particular the cervix and vagina, and the urethra. These tumors, caused by papillomavirus type 31 in women, can only be identified after examination by a specialized doctor.

Diagnosis of HPV type 31

Even with a long absence of sexual intercourse or with protected sex, it is strictly recommended to undergo regular preventive examinations with a gynecologist and a male specialist in urogenital diseases. Only in laboratory conditions can papillomavirus type 31 be diagnosed in women and men. It is especially important to see a doctor for people who have external manifestations of HPV.

For diagnosis, biomaterial is taken: blood, a smear from the cervix or urethra, the penis. There is a special test for papillomavirus, which is a mandatory step in cancer screening for men and women. People over 25 years of age are required to undergo this test.

Currently, two main methods are used to detect papillomavirus type 31 in the blood:

  1. PCR. It has long been used in diagnostics to identify hidden infectious lesions. Makes it possible to identify the causative agent of papilloma and identify its genotype and strain.
  2. HPV test. New research method. As a biomaterial, a smear is taken from the cervix, urethra, and mucous membrane of the glans penis. The analysis allows us to identify the viral load - the number of viruses in biological material. This test can also be used to determine the pathogen strain.
Important! If the presence of HPV type 31 in the blood is confirmed, the doctor may prescribe an additional examination - a cervical biopsy, colposcopy to identify atypical cells.

Methods for treating human papillomavirus type 31

To date, there is no special treatment for HPV type 31, or any other strain of this pathogen. It is impossible to completely eliminate it from the body with medications or physical therapy. However, there are a number of measures aimed at suppressing the activity of papillomavirus type 31, which can minimize the risk of developing cancer.

Antiviral therapy for HPV type 31

The main goal of such a therapeutic effect is maximum suppression of the virus. We are not talking about the destruction of HPV, and therefore we cannot talk about a complete cure. But with proper timely and regular therapy, it is possible to suppress human papillomavirus type 31 and avoid possible exacerbations.

Antiviral drugs destroy the structure of HPV and prevent it from multiplying. They can be produced in different forms: suppositories, ointments, tablets, solutions for injections. Tablets and injectables are the most effective.

As a rule, the following drugs are prescribed for the treatment of human papillomavirus type 31: Poludan, Panavir, Neovir. Their analogues can also be prescribed: Epigen, Allokin Alpha.

Immunomodulatory treatment of HPV type 31

The human immune system is the main tool in the fight against papillomavirus. When it is weakened, the papillomavirus type 31 “turns on.” The opposite reaction is also possible: when the immune system is strengthened, the pathogen is suppressed and goes into a “dormant” state. Therefore, the main goal of such treatment is to return the immune system to a normal level of body protection and strengthen the body’s resistance.

For this purpose, drugs from the group of immunomodulators are used. These are, for example, Kipferon, Human Interferon, Reaferon, Cycloferon, Leukinferon. Analogs are: Imunofan, Tamerit.

You can boost your immunity not only with the help of pharmaceuticals. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, and giving up negative habits help strengthen the immune system.

Traditional medicine against papillomavirus type 31

Traditional treatment methods should not be taken as the only way to get rid of HPV. As a rule, they can bring some benefit when combined with proper drug treatment for human papillomavirus type 31. The main emphasis in such therapy is on stimulating the body's immune response.

Let's consider the most popular methods of immunostimulation with folk remedies:

  1. We take equal parts of horsetail, plantain, nettle, lemon balm, dandelion root, rose hips. Pour 3 tablespoons of the mixture into 800 g of water and boil for 10 minutes. We insist for 3 hours. A glass of decoction should be taken 30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day.
  2. To treat human papillomavirus type 31, mix equal parts of hop cones, cudweed, valerian, linden, coriander, lemon balm, oregano and motherwort. 1 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into the mixture and leave to steep for 3-5 hours. This infusion should be drunk within 1 day in a couple of doses.
  3. We take herbs such as oregano, St. John's wort, immortelle, coltsfoot, burnet, string, thyme, sage, caraway, yarrow flowers, chamomile and calendula, birch buds and nettle roots in a frame amount. At 2 tbsp. l. You will need 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave the broth to steep overnight. We drink 0.5 glasses 4 times a day.
In addition, you can enhance the effect of herbal mixtures by eating a clove of garlic every day.

How to get rid of HPV type 31 - watch the video:

Treatment of type 31 papilloma is not much different from therapy for other types of papillomavirus. All methods are aimed at suppressing the virus and reducing the development of complications, since HPV type 31 is oncogenic and therefore capable of causing cancer. In addition, it is important to regularly undergo preventive examinations, which will help identify the pathogen and determine its strain.