What does combination skin look like?

The mixed type of epidermis occurs in 80% of adolescents, 40% of people under 25 years of age, and 15% of men and women aged 25-35 years. Combination facial skin is when the cheeks, area around the eyes, neck and temples are normal or dry, and the forehead, nose and chin (T-zone) are oily. The phenomenon occurs due to increased testosterone synthesis. With age, hormone production improves, and mixed skin becomes normal. In order for this type of epidermis to look healthy, it is necessary to regularly and properly care for it.

Care for combination skin

The mixed type of epidermis requires a separate approach - different procedures and care products are provided for dry and oily areas. The care regimen depends on the season. Recommendations for all seasons:

  1. Summer. During the hot season, skin requires care as for oily type: cleansing with gels with anti-inflammatory components, systematic use of masks and scrubs.
  2. Winter. In cold weather, combination skin types become dry. Half an hour before going outside, you need to apply a moisturizer to the epidermis. Cleaning with scrubs is carried out once a week, or even less often.
  3. Autumn, spring. At this time, special attention should be paid to the T-zone, which becomes oily. The problem area of ​​the face must be periodically blotted with special wipes. It is advisable to carry out a set of procedures aimed at reducing the greasiness of the T-zone.


Care for combination skin is carried out according to the following principle: eliminating excessive sebum production in the T-zone and moisturizing dehydrated areas. It is very important not to dry out your cheeks, neck, temples and at the same time not to clog the pores on your nose, forehead, or chin. Blackheads and pimples easily form on oily skin, so you need to regularly remove sebaceous secretions. You should have separate products for dry and oily epidermis at your disposal, or choose cosmetics suitable for the combined type.


To rinse your face, use water at room temperature. If you wash your face with too cold or hot water, the production of sebum will increase, and the epidermis will become even fatter. Avoid toilet soap - it dries out your cheeks, neck, area under the eyelids, and temples. Use gels or mousses to wash your face. The main requirement for them is non-comedogenic. The composition should not contain oils or other components that clog pores:

  1. wheat germ oil, coconut, almond, peach oil;
  2. lanolin;
  3. butyl stearate;
  4. oleic alcohol;
  5. glyceryl diisostearate;
  6. algae extract (seaweed extract);
  7. carrageenan;
  8. SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate), SLES (sodium laureth sulfate).

It’s good if your cleansers contain herbal extracts and fruit acids. In the morning and evening, it is necessary to treat oily areas using a special brush. Apply the gel to it and gently massage the T-zone. On the bristles, the gel or mousse foams better and penetrates deeper into the pores. Popular means:

  1. Foamingly Clean, Benefit. An excellent choice for dry and sensitive areas of the epidermis. The product has a light structure and contains components that retain moisture in the cells.
  2. Pearl mousse Carita. A product with antibacterial action is intended for combination and oily epidermis. Regulates sebum production, shrinks pores, and has a slight exfoliation effect. Provides deep cleansing.
  3. Foaming cream with cotton extract Doux Nettoyant Moussant, Clarins. The product is suitable for normal and combination skin. It also contains coconut extract, which softens, nourishes and brightens the face.
  4. Planeta Organica cleansing phyto-gel for washing. Suitable for oily and combination skin. The composition includes organic oils, plant extracts, vitamins. Deeply cleanses, tightens pores, refreshes the face.

The main problem of mixed-type epidermis is low acidity (pH). To even out the indicator, apply fatty kefir or whey to your face in the morning and leave the product for 10 minutes. Wash with melt water or carbonated mineral water. Kefir can be replaced with a vinegar solution: pour 30 ml of table vinegar into 1.3 liters. Dampen a cotton pad with this liquid and wipe the T-zone. There is no need to wash your face afterwards.

Using tissues to wipe your face

After washing, do not rub your face with a towel, but gently pat it dry with a regular paper napkin. During the day, use matting wipes - small pieces of fabric or paper soaked in special solutions. With their help you will eliminate greasy shine and refresh your face. For a combination type of epidermis, choose wipes with chamomile and tea tree extracts - they disinfect the skin. Matting paper will come in handy during the hot season. It should be used as sebum forms.

The following matting wipes are in demand among buyers:

  1. Chanel Papier Matifiant. In one touch, excess shine is removed. The napkins are packed in a velvet box with a mirror.
  2. Bobbi Brown Blotting Papers Refill. The set includes 100 wipes that instantly absorb oil. Remember that you do not need to rub problem areas with them; the paper should only be lightly pressed against the epidermis.
  3. Jane Iredale Facial Blotting Papers with Compact. A natural product made from flax grains.

Using tonics

The second stage of cleansing is toning the skin. It is better to use two different products - for dry and oily areas. Apply the product to a cotton pad and wipe your face along the massage lines. The tasks of the toner are to remove remnants of makeup or cleanser, moisturize the epidermis, restore pH, and tighten pores. The desired components in the composition are panthenol, bisabol, herbal extracts. The best toners and lotions for combination skin:

  1. Garnier Skin Naturals Essential Care. A hypoallergenic product that effectively refreshes skin. Contains grape extract and provitamin B5.
  2. Black Pearl for normal and combination skin. Among the components are hyaluronic acid, liquid collagen, and plant extracts. The domestic product moisturizes, nourishes the epidermis, imparts matteness, cleanses and tones.
  3. Thalgo Pure Freshness Tonic Lotion. Delicate lotion for combination skin. Contains no parabens, GMOs, or animal products. Useful components - extracts of rare algae and grapefruit.

Using scrubs

It is recommended to remove dead particles of the epidermis no more than three times a week. Scrubs should not contain coarse abrasive substances, alcohol, or alkali. These components stimulate the sebaceous glands and dry out the skin. The scrub is easy to prepare at home:

  1. Fill the black bread crumb with kefir, add 2 tsp. soda, stir. Distribute the composition over your face, gently massage for 2-3 minutes, rinse with cool water. The scrub cleanses oily areas and moisturizes dry ones.
  2. Grind the dried orange peel into flour using a coffee grinder. In 1 tbsp. l. flour add 1 tbsp. l. natural yogurt. The application method is similar to the previous one.
  3. Add 1 tsp to the white of one egg. chopped sea salt, stir. Apply only to oily areas of the face - this scrub provides deep cleansing and removal of subcutaneous fat.

At home, you can use chopped oatmeal, fine sugar, soda, and coffee grounds. Mix them with kefir, yogurt, applesauce or banana puree. If you don’t have time to make homemade scrubs, buy ready-made ones. The best products for combination skin:

  1. Vichy Normaderm Unclogging Exfoliating Gel. The composition includes salicylic acid, which fights inflammatory processes. No parabens or alcohol. The soft gel gently cleanses the skin and does not injure it, but it strongly tightens dry areas of the face.
  2. Librederm Seracin cleansing with eco-granules. The product provides deep cleansing. The composition includes silicon dioxide, crushed tea tree leaf, zinc, sulfur. The scrub tightens pores, reduces greasy shine and the number of blackheads. Not suitable for sensitive skin.
  3. KORA Triple action polishing. Combines mechanical and light chemical peeling. Polishing particles – silicon dioxide, jojoba granules. Succinic and lactic acids fight comedones and even out the tone of the epidermis.

Skin hydration

After cleansing, the epidermis must be saturated with moisture. Use special hydrogels or serums, which are 70% water and plant extracts. A good age remedy is Almea H.A. Serum. Girls and women aged 25-35 can choose the Missha Super Aqua Ultra Waterfool Gel Serum. For beautiful ladies over 18, mattifying serum Face Serum Magistral Sebatics is suitable. Moisturizing is especially necessary in winter and summer.

In addition to serums and hydrogels, you can apply a moisturizer for combination skin. The 2 in 1 formula carefully takes care of both oily and dry epidermis. It is desirable that the creams include the following components:

  1. essential oils of lavender, tea tree, rose – smooth the surface of the face, relieve inflammation;
  2. rosemary, ginger - tone, stimulate cell renewal;
  3. green tea, calendula - refreshing;
  4. natural extracts of medicinal plants (chamomile, thyme, plantain, yarrow) – relieve inflammation.

The combination cream is non-greasy, light, and quickly absorbed. The daytime moisturizer should have a mattifying effect, and the nighttime moisturizer should be aimed at nourishing, restoring and renewing cells. The most popular creams:

  1. Natura Siberika for combination skin;
  2. Ligne Soin O2ptimal, Revonia Botanica;
  3. Normaderm Total Mat, VICHY.

Cosmetic ice for combination skin

Short-term exposure to cold has a positive effect on the epidermis - it stimulates blood circulation and metabolism. Thanks to this, the benefits of herbs or fruit juices included in the ice are enhanced. Contraindications: rosacea, inflammation of the epidermis in the affected area, increased fragility of blood vessels, eczema, damage to the integument, winter time. Use cosmetic ice according to the rules:

  1. The best time for a cryoprocedure is 15 minutes after waking up. You can wipe your face with ice every day, and in the summer 2-3 times a day.
  2. The interval between cryomassage and going outside should be 0.5-1 hour.
  3. Before the procedure, thoroughly cleanse the skin. 5-10 minutes before the session, remove the ice tray from the freezer.
  4. Pass the cubes along the massage lines without strong pressure. Don't stay at one point for too long. Wipe the area under the eyes once; you can go over the remaining areas twice. The duration of the procedure is up to 2 minutes.
  5. Leave your face for 15-20 minutes so that the melted ice is absorbed into the epidermis.
  6. Wipe the skin with tonic and apply cream.
  7. The shelf life of cosmetic ice is 1 week.

For combination skin, use herbal ice cream. Prepare a decoction or infusion of chamomile, parsley, calendula, string, oak bark, wormwood. Pour it into molds and freeze. Mint ice refreshes your face. For oily areas, cubes of tangerine, orange, and grapefruit juice diluted with still mineral water are suitable. Areas with normal to dry skin can be rubbed with iced green tea.


A properly selected composition normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, dries out the T-zone and moisturizes the cheeks. Before applying the mask, it is advisable to cleanse the pores using a herbal steam bath. To prepare it, use sage, chamomile or calendula. Treat oily areas with a scrub. After this, proceed to applying the active composition. The full course consists of 10-15 procedures performed 1-2 times a week, then take a break for 2-3 weeks.


These masks contain components that saturate the epidermis with vitamins, minerals, healthy fatty acids and other active compounds. Regular application of nutritional mixtures to the face evens out its color, normalizes the water-lipid barrier, and improves skin regeneration. Effective masks:

  1. Recipe No. 1:
  2. Ingredients: 2 tbsp. l. semolina, 1 tbsp. l. curdled milk, 1 tbsp. l. fresh cucumber puree (without skin), 2 tsp. aloe juice
  3. Mix semolina with yogurt, add cucumber puree and aloe juice, mix thoroughly.
  4. Distribute the composition over your face, wait 15-20 minutes, rinse with running water.
  5. Recipe No. 2:
  6. Ingredients: 100 g ripe melon, 1 tbsp. l. kefir
  7. Turn the melon pulp into a pulp, add kefir.
  8. Apply the composition to your face, rinse after 20 minutes. The mask nourishes and tightens the skin, tightens pores, and prevents dehydration of the epidermis.
  1. Recipe No. 3:
  2. Ingredients: 2 tsp. dry yeast, 2 tsp. sour cream.
  3. Mix the ingredients in a cup and place it in a container of hot water. As soon as fermentation begins, the mask is ready.
  4. Clean the epidermis, lubricate it with a light cream.
  5. Apply the mask and wash off after a quarter of an hour.


The principle of action of these masks is to soften the skin and expand pores. Active components penetrate deep into the dermis and draw out toxins from it. As a result, the face acquires an even, healthy color, becomes elastic and smooth. Effective masks:

  1. Recipe No. 1:
  2. Ingredients: 3 tsp. white clay, juice from one slice of lemon.
  3. Combine the ingredients: you should get a thick paste.
  4. Apply the mixture to the T-zone.
  5. Wash off the mask when it is completely dry and crusty.
  6. Recipe No. 2:
  7. Ingredients: 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal, milk or chamomile infusion (by eye).
  8. Grind your oats into flour using a coffee grinder. Add enough milk or chamomile decoction to make a paste the consistency of sour cream.
  9. Apply the mask to your face and wash off after a quarter of an hour.
  10. Recipe No. 3:
  11. Ingredients: 1 egg white, 2 tbsp. l. semolina porridge without sugar and salt, 1 tsp. lemon juice.
  12. Beat the whites into a fluffy foam, add lemon juice to it. Enter warm semolina.
  13. Apply the mask to oily areas of the skin, keep for no longer than 10 minutes. The composition effectively removes blackheads, eliminates pimples and blackheads.


Such masks promote cell regeneration and hydration. Regular use of restorative mixtures makes the skin young, eliminates wrinkles, unevenness, hides vascular networks, and eliminates swelling. Effective and simple masks:

  1. Recipe No. 1:
  2. Ingredients: 50 g pumpkin pulp without peel, 1 tbsp. l. potato starch, 2 tsp. olive oil.
  3. Boil the pumpkin until soft, turn into puree. Add starch, olive oil, mix thoroughly.
  4. Apply to face for a third of an hour, rinse with warm water.
  5. Recipe No. 2 (for those with very dry cheeks):
  6. Ingredients: 2 tbsp. l. flaxseed, water (by eye).
  7. Grind the seeds in a coffee grinder, pour the resulting flour with water. Boil over low heat until a sticky paste forms.
  8. Cool the mixture to body temperature, spread over the cheeks and cheekbones, and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  1. Recipe No. 3:
  2. Ingredients: 2 tbsp. l. wet cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, 2 tbsp. l. almond oil, 1 tsp. milk, 1 tsp. carrot juice.
  3. Mix all ingredients in a blender or mash the cottage cheese well with a fork until smooth, and then add the remaining ingredients.
  4. Distribute the mixture over the epidermis, rinse after 10-15 minutes.

Cosmetics for combination skin

Products for mixed type epidermis must be multi-component, only in this way can they have a positive effect on both dry and oily areas of the skin at the same time. Give preference to cosmetics with the following ingredients:

  1. essential oils: orange, lemon, green tea, calendula, tea tree, lavender, rose, chamomile, rosemary, bergamot, menthol;
  2. extracts of the plants listed above, to this list are added extracts of pineapple, lily, kanuka, iris, aloe, grape seeds;
  3. any vitamins, micro- and macroelements;
  4. glycerol;
  5. hyaluronic acid;
  6. panthenol;
  7. collagen.

It is advisable to choose products specifically for combination skin (there should be a note about this on the packaging). Be sure to take into account age - cosmetics 35+ are not suitable for young girls, and creams 25+ are useless for adult women. Don’t rush to purchase large volumes of products; first, purchase samples and adequately assess the skin’s reaction. Gradually, the mixed epidermis will become dry or normal; you need to track this moment and change cosmetics in time.

If you have combination skin, avoid using powder. An alternative is a water-based foundation. It is marked “oil-free”, “non-oil”. A popular foundation is Power Fabric from Giorgio Armani. Girls and women with a mixed type of epidermis should have the following care products in their arsenal:

  1. cosmetic milk;
  2. mint or thermal water;
  3. cleansing foam for dry areas and gel, mousse for oily areas;
  4. alcohol-free tonic;
  5. drying, moisturizing cream;
  6. soft scrub;
  7. matting napkins;
  8. nourishing, cleansing, moisturizing, restoring masks.

Women rated positive results from Premium Age-Out Treatment Antipolution Capsules from Eldan (Switzerland). The product quickly restores skin elasticity and radiance. If you are looking for budget-friendly and high-quality cosmetics, pay attention to the L’oréal Endless Freshness cleansing gel, the soothing Lavender Mi&Co fluid, and the Sebium Mat Bioderma mattifying emulsion. Deep cleansing is provided by the Purifying mask PCA Skin. If you cannot find suitable cosmetics, seek help from a dermatologist-cosmetologist.


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Signs of mixed skin: oily in the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) and dry on the cheeks. To be fair, in this case, different areas of the face need to be taken care of differently. To optimize your care, you will have to get out of it - that is, remember a few rules for caring for combination skin.

  1. 1. Don't use soap
  2. 2. Do not wash your face with hot water
  3. 3. Use tonic
  4. 4. Moisturize your skin well
  5. 5. Mattify
  6. 6. Exfoliate 1-2 times a week
  7. 7. Try multimasking

1. Don't use soap

No skin type will be happy with soap, even the most fragrant. The alkaline base cleanses the face until it squeaks - in other words, it damages the protective hydrolipidic layer, causing dehydration.

What is the result? But nothing good. The skin in the T-zone begins to fight dryness by producing even more sebum, and dry areas become even drier. We have chosen for you products for delicate and at the same time high-quality cleansing.

Gel-foam “Basic care. Grape extract, Garnier, removes excess sebum, refreshes and moisturizes.

Ultra Facial Cleanser, Kiehl’s, Suitable for everyone, as it works gently, contains oils (apricot kernel, avocado) and squalane.

2. Do not wash your face with hot water

Hot water does what you're trying to get rid of: it increases oil where there is already excess oil, and it dries out areas that are already lacking moisture.

3. Use tonic

If you have managed without this product so far, we advise you to include it in your daily care. The main problem with mixed skin is the imbalance between oily areas and dry areas. And tonic is just the product that can bring them to a common denominator. How he does it?

Removes residual sebum and impurities.

Restores skin pH.

Soothes, softens, moisturizes.

Increases the skin's sensitivity to subsequent care.

Consider the following products.

Vitamin tonic “Basic care. Rose water" for sensitive skin, Garnier, gives a feeling of freshness and comfort.

Tonic “Endless Freshness” for normal and combination skin, L’Oréal Paris, Soothes and moisturizes combination skin thanks to rose and lotus extracts.

Thermal water La Roche-Posay can replace a toner, softening, soothing and protecting the skin.

4. Moisturize your skin well

This needs to be done both in winter and summer. Combination skin needs products with a light texture based on components with a moisturizing effect, such as:

aloe juice and extract.

They will cope with the task without the risk of clogging pores and thereby triggering the formation of acne on oily areas of the face.

Here are examples of such cosmetics.

Aqua-fluid “Genius of Hydration” for normal and combination skin, L’Oréal Paris, consists of water, hyaluronic acid and aloe juice, moisturizes the skin for 72 hours without causing greasy shine.

Botanical cream “Green tea”, Garnier, combines moisturizing with oil control, consists of 96% natural ingredients.

Day care cream for normal and combination skin Idéalia, Vichy, Gives skin radiance, tightens pores and protects.

5. Mattify

In the summer, when it's hot and humid, dry areas return to normal, but oily areas begin to shine with a vengeance. How to deal with this? There are several options.

Use mattifying cream

Typically, such products contain ingredients that absorb sebum. Most importantly, do not use medicinal formulas for problem skin! They are not intended for you and can dry out your skin.

Get mattifying powder

Preferably something compact that you can carry with you. Use it as a finishing touch to set your makeup and adjust it throughout the day. Mineral particles will absorb sebum and control greasy shine.

This is an excellent product that combines toning, protective and caring properties. And, importantly, it has a relatively light texture.

Moisturizing, mattifying, sebum-regulating emulsion Effaclar Mat, La Roche-Posay, Keeps the skin matte for a long time and prevents dehydration. The composition contains sebulise, which controls sebum production, and perlite, which reduces oily shine.

BB cream “Clean Skin Active”, Garnier, for oily and combination skin contains salicylic acid, prevents rashes.

Ultra-resistant face powder Infaillible, L’Oréal Paris, easily provides a matte effect and maintains it throughout the day.

6. Exfoliate 1-2 times a week

Regular exfoliation is what you need to care for combination skin. In both dry and oily areas, dead skin cells accumulate and need to be removed. As a result, the skin will become more uniform, smooth, clean and will better accept care. Just choose soft formulas - combination skin does not need harsh abrasives.

Pineapple and Papaya Facial Scrub, Kiehl’s, Gently removes dead cells using exotic fruit enzymes and apricot kernel powder.

Peeling mask “Double radiance”, Vichy, contains fruit acids and mineral particles for high-quality and at the same time delicate cell exfoliation and skin renewal.

7. Try multimasking

The owner of mixed skin probably came up with the idea of ​​using different masks on different parts of the face. It is obvious! An oily nose and forehead need to be deeply cleansed and mattified, and cheeks, even if they do not suffer from dehydration, need to be moisturized and nourished. Try, for example, this combination.

Mask “Magic of clay. Exfoliation and tightening of pores”, L’Oréal Paris, with three types of clay and algae extract cleanses and saturates with minerals.

Soothing mineral mask, Vichy, contains vitamin B3, glycerin and thermal water, helps restore the mineral and water balance of the skin.

There are 4 types of skin: normal, dry, oily and combination. Particular attention should be paid to combination skin types. Combination skin is the type that is the most capricious and also difficult to care for. Why? It combines two types of skin, and each of them requires a different approach, thorough cleansing and special attention.

So, mixed skin combines 2 types: oily and dry or oily and normal. The most oily areas on the face are the chin, forehead and nose, while the cheek area with combination skin always remains dry or normal.

Mixed skin type makes the process of cleansing and caring for it very difficult. But how to care for this species? You need to learn to get along with him and, if possible, give him everything he needs. Thanks to this, those with combination skin will help their skin look beautiful and healthy and avoid problems with it in the future.

Features of mixed skin

With this type, the activity of the sebaceous glands increases. Therefore, such skin is prone to increased oiliness and the appearance of comedones, blackheads and pimples in the T-zone, and the cheeks are prone to dryness, since there is low activity of the sebaceous glands in this area. It turns out that each area of ​​the skin requires a special approach and attention. Products for the T-zone should be chosen that reduce excess oil, prevent the appearance of pimples, blackheads and blackheads, and relieve inflammation. Therefore, cosmetics for the cheek area should be selected taking into account its increased dryness. For the cheeks, it is necessary to use moisturizing and nourishing creams, foams, and lotions.

How do you know if a person has combination skin type? The type determination procedure can be done at home. Start by washing your face with soap. After 2-3 hours, you need to apply a paper napkin to your face for a few seconds.

In oily skin areas, the napkin will quickly absorb excess oil, while in normal or dry skin areas it will remain clean.

How to care for combination skin?

Oily and combination skin needs special care. She needs different care for each season.

In winter and autumn, the skin needs nutrition and protection from frost. Therefore, you need to choose creams that are thick and based on animal fat or wax. But all creams cannot be applied to the face just before going outside. This must be done at least half an hour before leaving. In winter, sensitive skin needs nourishment in the morning and hydration in the evening. Therefore, fatty and nourishing products should be applied in the morning, and moisturizers should be used in the evening after washing. A person protects his skin from harmful environmental factors in the morning, and in the evening from drying out due to the operation of heating devices.

In the summer, problematic mixed skin needs light gels and creams to moisturize and nourish it. Be sure to use anti-inflammatory drugs in the summer to avoid the unpleasant appearance of comedones and pimples. This type of skin needs special and good cleansing. In summer, the mixed type needs hydration in the morning and nutrition at night. This way, in the morning you protect your skin from excessive drying, and in the evening you saturate your skin with nutrients and vitamins.

How to properly cleanse combination skin

It is important to remember that when starting to cleanse this type of skin, it is necessary not only to remove excess sebum from the T-zone, but also to prevent the skin in the cheek area from drying out. Nowadays there are many different cosmetic products, choosing the right one is not difficult. For combination skin, you can find various foams, lotions and milks.

Before buying a product, carefully study its composition. It is necessary that it contains plant and natural ingredients. The products are applied in a thin layer with massaging movements and left for 2-3 minutes for greater effect. After this, carefully wash off the T-zone using a sponge or sponge, as this helps to deeply cleanse oily skin. Cleansing the cheek area should be done as gently as possible.

For combination skin, washing with hot water is unacceptable. This can lead to increased activity of the sebaceous glands. It is advisable to wash your face with infusions of medicinal plants and herbs, such as chamomile, mint, linden and St. John's wort.

Using homemade scrubs for combination skin

Making a scrub at home is easy. But remember that scrubs should not contain alkali, alcohol or coarse abrasives. Homemade scrubs should be delicate. They can be used no more than 2-3 times a week.

Recipe for a scrub made from brown bread crumbs. To prepare it, pour sour milk over the crumb of black bread. Add 2 tsp to the mixture. soda and mix well. This scrub is applied to a face moistened with water. Next, you need to massage it with gentle movements for 2-3 minutes. After expiration, rinse thoroughly with water at room temperature. The use of such a scrub quickly softens and moisturizes the cheek area, and deeply and delicately cleanses the forehead, nose and chin.

Orange peel scrub recipe. Perhaps every family loves oranges. If you or your household decide to eat an orange, do not rush to throw away the peel. Orange peel can be used to make an excellent scrub. Dry orange peels need to be ground with a blender or coffee grinder until it becomes flour. To prepare the scrub you will need 1 tbsp. ground orange peels and 2 tbsp. yogurt (preferably natural or at least without additives). The composition must be mixed well. Next, the scrub is applied to the facial skin and massaged for 2-3 minutes with light and circular movements. After time, the composition is washed off with water at room temperature. The orange scrub is very gentle and light, which is especially suitable for areas with dry skin.

Mask recipes for combination skin

Melon mask. You need to take 2 small pieces of melon and mash to a paste. Add 2 tbsp to the resulting slurry. kefir or yogurt. Apply the mask for 20 minutes and wash off with warm water.

Sage mask recipe:

  1. 2 tsp sage;
  2. 1 tbsp. starch;
  3. 2 tsp linden color;
  4. 150 ml milk.

Pour milk over sage and linden blossom, put on fire and bring to a boil. The composition must be given time to infuse - 5-10 minutes. After this, it is filtered, and starch is added to the herbal part. The mixture is mixed well and applied to the face. The mask is kept on the face for 15-20 minutes. After time, it is washed off with a strained decoction.

Apple juice mask. 1 tbsp. mix apple juice with 1 egg yolk, add 1 tsp. vegetable oil and 1 tsp. nourishing cream. Before applying the mask, the skin is wiped with linden infusion. Apply the mask as follows: first apply the first layer, and after 5 minutes - the second. Leave for 15 minutes after applying the second layer. Wash off with a damp cotton swab.

Pineapple and honey mask. Mix 1 tsp. honey and 50-70 g of mashed pineapple. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes and then wash off with warm water.

In addition to masks, you can wipe combination skin with frozen watermelon juice. Watermelon juice is poured into molds and placed in the freezer. Wipe the skin of the face with frozen cubes and after 15 minutes wash with cool water.