How to cure pores on your face

Most often, those with oily skin type face a variety of skin problems. Oily skin can ruin even the most attractive and blooming appearance: pimples, acne, inflammation. Let's look at how to tighten the pores on your face using various means at home.

Rules for caring for pores

You won’t be able to get rid of pores on your face forever, even by visiting beauty salons and doing expensive cleaning procedures. The fact is that natural processes constantly occur on the face, and it is not possible to radically change them. But if you regularly take care of your skin and follow all instructions, you can visually significantly reduce aesthetic problems.

For a productive result you need to follow the rules:

  1. Always cleanse the skin of cosmetics with foams, milk and other products;
  2. Wash your face twice a day: before bed and after;
  3. After using contracting tonics, micellar water or herbal decoctions;
  4. Cleanse your skin with a scrub 1-2 times a week, in addition to treatment with traditional methods;
  5. You need to use cosmetics for your skin type, which dries the surface and helps remove oily shine;
  6. If possible, visit a cosmetologist and dermatologist (once every two months is enough) or make masks at home.

For more information about how and with what products you need to care for your facial pores, you can watch our video.

Video: creams and masks that tighten pores

Tightening products for oily and normal skin

To narrow the pores on the face, astringent masks for problem skin are widely used. In this case, you can remove excess fat from the surface and cleanse the dermis of old particles. For example, a soda scrub for the face works wonders, perfectly removing the top stratum corneum.

#1: Blue, white or black clay mask.
In just half an hour, the skin will become noticeably lighter, and the pores will be less noticeable. It is very important not to leave the clay until it dries completely, especially for girls with sensitive skin. It is necessary to wash off immediately after the first chilling sensations. It helps some girls get rid of oily skin for a long time.

#2: Lemon-protein mass will help narrow and lighten enlarged pores on the face.
Lemon whitens damaged blemishes, and protein has an astringent effect. Proportions: for 1 teaspoon of juice you will need 1 egg white, whipped into foam.

#3: Steaming your face with almond peeling.
Almonds have wonderful healing properties and effectively cleanse sebaceous pores. But this method is absolutely contraindicated for young ladies with inflammation on the face.

#4: Berry whitening masks for normal skin.
Most often, the water or herbal base is replaced with a milk one, and this fruit paste is rubbed over the face with a sponge. Fruits with astringent properties:

  1. Strawberry;
  2. Apricot;
  3. Raspberries;
  4. Grape;
  5. Currant.

Strawberry mask

#5: Kaolin.
Mix a tablespoon of fennel oil with a teaspoon of kaolin, add glycerin and mineral water until a thick, dense mixture is formed. Apply the solution to especially noticeable facial pores and leave for 10 minutes (for sensitive skin) or 20 (to reduce oily combination skin).

#6: Linden decoction.
For half a liter of boiling water - 2-3 tablespoons of herbs. Leave for about half an hour. It is necessary to wash your face several times a day, it is advisable to continue the procedure for a long time. This way you can not only narrow pores, but also get rid of blackheads.

#8: Elderberry Constrictor.
These berries were popularly used to disinfect wounds and lighten skin. Boil chamomile, linden blossom and elderberry flowers over low heat, and after boiling, remove after three minutes. Proportions: take a spoonful of each herb for half a liter of boiling water. Mix the warm solution with heated flower honey (not hot, but pleasantly warm) and oatmeal. Add at your discretion, the mass should not be very steep or thick. Put it back on the fire and boil. Cool and apply several layers to the skin. Keep on the dermis for 20 minutes.

Pores before and after masks

#9: Orange zest actively tightens large pores on the face.
We grate the fresh skin of the fruit and mix it with its pulp. We carefully apply this porridge to problem areas. You can use the method to cleanse and whiten pores on the body. After twenty minutes, rinse well. Many cosmetics manufacturers have begun producing foundation creams based on orange extract; this is a very good decorative remedy.

#10: Famous mask with starch.
To prepare the ancient starch remedy, we need two spoons of potato powder, a little flower honey, heated to a pleasant warmth and a couple of spoons of warm milk. Mix all the ingredients and apply the mixture to the dermis. Keep it for no more than half an hour.

#11: Cryomassage with ice cubes.
A very good remedy is to rub pieces of ice over the skin. Particularly effective after steaming and cleaning pores. You can do this morning and evening, or pour cold water over your face in the morning.

#13: Blackhead strips from a napkin with whipped egg white.
Beat part of the egg into foam and apply to problem areas, but not to the entire face (otherwise it will be painful to peel off). We tear pieces of napkins and stick them on the same problem areas. Apply again to the whipped mass on a napkin and wait 15 minutes until everything dries. Then, with sharp movements, we tear the napkins off the face. The procedure may be a little painful if you have sensitive skin. We recommend applying to a small area first.

Napkin with protein

#14: Cooked potatoes.
Enlarged pores can be easily removed with a mixture of premium wheat flour, whipped egg whites and mashed potatoes. The same method will help cleanse mature skin, give it elasticity and get rid of age spots with regular use.

#15: Tomato mask.
We cut the fresh vegetable into slices and put it on the face. Tomatoes not only help to tighten the very visible pores of the face, but also cleanse the pores of old cells and remove toxins.

Tighten pores on dry skin

Thin skin with insufficient secretion of subcutaneous sebum is quite difficult to treat. Most traditional remedies irritate it and increase sensitivity. You can tighten the pores on your face if you have dry skin by using blue clay. Just before applying the mineral base, you need to treat the surface of the dermis with a nourishing cream.

#16: On mature dry skin, rosehip tincture works well to tighten pores.
A few drops of essence are mixed with two tablespoons of a decoction of these berries. Apply to the face as a compress and keep for at least 10 minutes. Apply 2 times a week.

#17: Decoction of burdock root and nettle leaves.
For half a liter of boiling water, the proportions in tablespoons are 1:1. Leave for one day in a dark place at room temperature, and wipe your face with this liquid several times a day. If you are worried about enlarged pores and acne on your back, you can take baths with this decoction; the water should be yellowish in color, but not very concentrated.

A step-by-step process for narrowing pores on the cheeks:

  1. Steam your face and inhale essential oils;
  2. Cleanse the skin with tonic or chamomile infusion;
  3. Apply a mask;
  4. Nourish the skin with cream;
  5. Several times a day, wipe the pores on your face with a swab soaked in herbal infusions or fruit juices.

Moreover, an integrated approach also includes a special diet. Every day you need to drink at least two glasses of special herbal tea. His recipe: lavender, coltsfoot, chamomile, sweet clover, rosemary, star anise are mixed in equal quantities and poured with hot water (not boiling water!). Infuse for a day in a cool, dark place. Dilute the resulting brew with warm water to the usual tea concentration and drink. If you really want to tighten the pores on your face, you can add a little sage and thyme.

The type of facial skin determines the basic rules of care. There is one problem that exists in women of all age groups - enlarged pores on the face. This cosmetic defect is most often a sign of oily and combination skin types, and is located on the skin of the nose, forehead and chin. It is necessary to combat enlarged pores on the face, especially since in our time there are a huge number of special cosmetics, salon procedures and folk remedies for this.

Enlarged pores on the face not only have an unattractive appearance, but also promote the growth of bacteria, which, in turn, causes acne. If you ignore enlarged pores, then over time they increase in size, then blackheads and pimples appear, the skin becomes “greasy” and “blackheads” form. Therefore, it is necessary to combat such a deficiency at an early stage.

Most often, enlarged pores on the face are companions of girls during puberty and are accompanied by an inflammatory process. If there are problems in the gynecological area or in the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation may be more acute. Enlarged pores often disappear with age, but there are cases when they continue to spoil life for even a single year.

Causes of enlarged pores on the face.
In fact, there are plenty of reasons for the appearance of enlarged pores on the face. Their occurrence can be facilitated by genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalances, sunburn and dehydration, neglect or improper implementation of the procedure for cleansing the skin of impurities and dead cells, the use of low-quality decorative cosmetics, improper use and selection of decorative cosmetics, poor diet, bad habits, constant stress in conditions of modern life and many other factors. For example, due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the process of collagen production in the skin is disrupted, which leads to enlarged pores.

But, of course, a common cause of this cosmetic defect is the incorrect use of cosmetics or their irregular use.

Treatment of enlarged pores.
Enlarged pores on the face can be eliminated using a peeling procedure, thanks to which, as a result of cleaning the skin epithelium, all irregularities on its surface are leveled out, including fine wrinkles, and the facial skin looks renewed. During this procedure, the keratinized layer of cells is removed, which stimulates skin regeneration processes, resulting in increased elasticity.

Chemical peels, in particular using trichloroacetic acid - TCA, help tighten pores and improve skin condition. Thanks to modern technologies and qualified specialists, this type of peeling is easily tolerated even by people with sensitive skin types. During this procedure, dead cells are removed and substances actively penetrate into the deep layers of the skin.

Glycolic peeling is also effective in combating enlarged pores on the face. This procedure also tightens pores, exfoliates the surface of the skin, and is carried out using a solution of glycolic acid.

Enzyme peeling is also a type of superficial peel that also helps tighten pores and cleanse the skin. Enzyme peeling contains special enzymes (bromelain, trypsin and papain) that cleanse the contents of pores and help smooth out skin turgor.

The most effective procedure performed in salons is microdermabrasion, which tightens pores, eliminates fine wrinkles and cleanses the skin of the stratum corneum of dead cells. When performing microdermabrasion, a special scrub with the addition of solid microparticles is used. This procedure, provided it is performed in a salon by a professional cosmetologist, can stimulate collagen production. A course of two to three procedures is considered optimal.

Cryotherapy today is a fairly popular procedure in cosmetology. It helps activate metabolism, improves well-being and appearance in general, including the condition of pores: noticeable lightening of the skin occurs, sebum production decreases, acne disappears. Cryomassage using liquid nitrogen is considered a popular and most beneficial cryotherapy procedure.

Exposure of the skin to high-frequency currents carried out using ultrasound (darsonvalization) can solve many skin problems, in particular eliminate comedones and acne, and significantly improve the color and structure of the skin. Today, devices have appeared on the market that allow this procedure to be carried out at home.

Laser facial cleansing is also a popular procedure for treating enlarged pores in beauty salons. In addition, this procedure eliminates pigment spots, the effects of acne in the form of scars, wrinkles, visibly tightens and tones the skin, promotes the production of collagen and elastin.

Scrubs can be used to deeply cleanse the skin, since they contain tiny granules, which effectively cleanse the skin pores and improve blood supply. After this procedure, the face should be washed with cold water or wiped with ice cubes, which is one of the ways to narrow pores. However, this procedure is not suitable for everyone. For women who have visible capillary mesh on their face, this procedure is not suitable.

When using scrubs, special care should be taken, since skin with enlarged pores can be easily injured by large particles that may be contained in scrubs, which can have the opposite effect, and the pores will become even larger. Therefore, to avoid troubles, you should choose special scrubs that are designed to cleanse skin with enlarged pores. After cleansing the skin, use a toner.

Other cosmetics for enlarged pores.
The cosmetics market offers a huge selection of skin care products for enlarged pores: cleansing gels, milks containing essential oils and plant extracts (lemon, chamomile, basil, orange, cloves, aloe, iris, grapefruit).

Your daily facial moisturizer should also be something that helps reduce pores. This kind of cosmetics should contain antimicrobial and astringent components, such as algae, cinnamon, ginger, burnet. People with enlarged pores on their face simply need to use a toner or lotion every day. They help narrow pores after cleansing. It is best to give preference to high-quality cosmetics. Pore-tightening tonics contain astringent components: extracts of birch, calendula, lemon, hawthorn, rosemary. And if the lotion contains zinc oxide, then with its help you can not only narrow the pores of the skin, but also remove excess sebum. After toner, apply a daily moisturizing and protective cream to the skin, which nourishes and smoothes the skin.

It is best if the toner that tightens skin pores contains the following components: salicylic and glycolic acids, zinc, witch hazel, glycasil, copper. Excellent cosmetics that tighten skin pores, reduce sebaceous gland secretions and tone the skin are cosmetics with Dead Sea minerals and plant extracts. It contains vitamins A and E that are necessary for the skin. In addition, such cosmetics provide a lifting effect.

Folk remedies for enlarged pores on the face.
Masks with a narrowing effect can be prepared independently at home, according to traditional medicine recipes.

Almond mask with herbs to tighten pores.
Take a tablespoon of chopped almonds and pour hot herbal infusion (1/4 cup) over it, add a teaspoon of flour and half a teaspoon of honey. Stir well until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Apply the resulting mass to your face, and after thirty minutes, rinse off the mask with cool water. The herbal decoction is prepared as follows: take two tablespoons of herbal infusion (elderberry, linden, chamomile flowers, pine shoots) and pour a glass of boiling water.

An astringent mask to tighten pores.
Pour one tablespoon of linden flowers into half a glass of boiling water and put on fire. Once a thick mass has formed, remove from heat. The resulting mixture should be applied in a thick layer to the facial skin while warm for oily skin, and after cooling - to dry and normal skin. After 15-20 minutes, wipe your face with a dry cotton pad and rinse with cool water. In the case of dry and normal skin, after such a mask, the skin should be lubricated with a rich cream.

Clay mask to tighten pores.
Cosmetic clay has long been famous for its properties, including its ability to tighten pores. It is effectively used in the form of masks. It absorbs sebum and impurities, and also tones the skin. In addition, clay has a bactericidal effect on the skin.

To tighten pores, you can use rose water; it helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Masking enlarged pores on the face.
Applying a thick layer of foundation will not hide skin imperfections, but will only make them more obvious. In this case, for enlarged pores, it is recommended to use makeup bases with silicone polymers, which have a mattifying effect and perfectly smooth out unevenness on the skin. Preference should be given to a light-based foundation with reflective particles. In areas where pores are pronounced, a concealer (concealer) should be used. You should not use powder frequently during the day to eliminate oily shine. An alternative would be to use matting wipes. In hot weather, it is effective to spray thermal water over your makeup to refresh your face.

How to prevent the appearance of enlarged pores?
Everyone knows that it is better to prevent a problem from occurring than to solve it. Therefore, in this case, in order to avoid enlarged pores, you should only carry out cleansing and moisturizing procedures on time, use mild scrubs and products to regulate the secretion of sebum. You should use cool water to wash your face, as hot water causes pores to expand. It is especially important to protect your skin from exposure to sunlight by using cosmetics specifically designed for this purpose. In addition, the decorative cosmetics used must be of high quality. And lastly, you need to monitor your diet, which should include more fresh fruits, vegetables, salads and plenty of liquids (water, green tea, fruit drinks, freshly squeezed juices).

I am 27 years old. I constantly struggle with acne. I tried everything. Baziron, differin, skinoren, vichy, etc. There were a lot of creams. I even bought darsonval and quartz. Over the past three months, the pores on my face have become bumpy to the touch and small rashes. I went to a cosmetologist, she cleaned it with a device, advised me to apply celestoderm-b allergy cream, but it didn’t help me, I also applied skin-cap. The pores are still red and clogged, it’s not even clear what happened to the face. I am already allergic to almost all creams and lotions. I start to cleanse my face and it itches. I don’t know what cosmetics to use, herbs don’t really help either. I don’t eat sweets, baked goods, etc. I drank ovesol, plantoglucid, gepobene. Who can tell me what to eat to cleanse the intestines, I understand that all acne comes from the inside, subcutaneous tubercles are still appearing all the time, especially on the forehead, I want to try drinking something else, maybe it will help. Has anyone ever taken milk thistle supplement? Affected the skin experts

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You need to get tested for demodex in a skin hospital - everything is useless - until the mite is cured. To wash your face, use Japanese cosmetics - they are the best that I have tried for many years - there is no dryness or irritation. Become a vegetarian (at least for the duration of treatment). If you like the result, stay with her all your life, otherwise everything will come back. Bad habits, of course, should be reduced to a minimum or should be abandoned altogether.

OATMEAL both internally in the form of porridge (preferably in water) and externally (grind into dust and use daily as a soft scrub.

look here about Declar, there’s even a photo there.
It’s also a good idea to take vitamins internally, such as aevita and fish oil.
Of the creams and washes, probably the best is La Roche pose.

you have problems inside, intestines or in women. Get checked

I have the same problem was solved by CORA peeling with fruit acids 2 times a week, and creams with acids, the last one was from La Roche Pose Effaclar DUO, there was also Super Aqua serum from Guerlain, just don’t be afraid, at first, after about 5-7 days, all sorts of things will come in *** their pores, such as inflammation, are a reaction to acids, then everything will go away by itself. I can also recommend anti-inflammatory ABR peeling from Holy Land, once every 3 weeks, but it’s more expensive and the effect is not as fast.

leave your poor skin alone
baby soap and water

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you have problems inside, intestines or in women. Get checked

I’m allergic to Bioderma, I tried Efaclar La Roche Posay too, it didn’t help at all. I asked for demodicosis, but they said no. Many people write good reviews about Japanese cosmetics, what they are called and where they are sold. Everything is fine with hormones too, I also checked them. I cleaned my gall bladder and about 7 years ago all my acne went away. And recently I decided to take a course to cleanse my gall bladder again, but my face hasn’t changed.

I think about my face all the time. I regularly buy new products with a reliable idea that this will help, I think I’ll apply it for a week or two, take supplements (like oesol), and everything will go away, I bought quartz, I think I’ll do the procedure, it’ll heal here, it’ll heal there, but nope, new acne again . Every time I hope that a new remedy will help

Hello, Lena.
I am not a doctor and unfortunately I cannot give you advice on how to deal with your problem from a medical point of view. But I can recommend cosmetics; they can improve the condition of the skin or even completely solve the problem.
My friend uses Dead Sea cosmetics. She struggled with acne and pores for a very long time, and only after using these remedies, she finally breathed calmly.
Try cleansing toners and foams for sensitive skin. There must be an effect! I hope that I helped you in some way))

Hello, Lena.
I am not a doctor and unfortunately I cannot give you advice on how to deal with your problem from a medical point of view. But I can recommend cosmetics; they can improve the condition of the skin or even completely solve the problem.
My friend uses Dead Sea cosmetics. She struggled with acne and pores for a very long time, and only after using these remedies, she finally breathed calmly.
Try cleansing toners and foams for sensitive skin. There must be an effect! I hope that I helped you in some way))

I’ll tell you) I didn’t even have to ask, I already know)
She prefers Da Vita chain stores. If they are not in your city, then there is a website with delivery, everything is very convenient, from the link

what a cute advertisement with the same number))

Aha-ha-ha)) Here, even without a number, you can see that it’s an advertisement))) Author, I created a topic here yesterday “How to get rid of blackheads”, but it’s been under review by moderation for a long time, I wrote there an awesome remedy for this this horror. Clogged pores, acne, peeling. Honestly, I read so much, I realized that different things are suitable for everyone. But it was ordinary whey that helped me, the kind that comes from curdling milk. Drink a cup on an empty stomach and moisten your face with it. My grandmother advised me to do this, she said that my face would be like marble later) The taste is rare, but I persistently drank it every day, so my skin really became like marble)) They recommended a bunch of things to you, but just take it and start drinking this serum, so that without fail every day, and look in about three months for changes. This is not a panacea for all problems, so that it helps everyone, but suddenly it will help you, just like me. And another + to the first post. I read that vegetarianism helped one actor or singer get rid of acne. He suffered all his life, a friend advised him, he stopped eating meat and his face completely cleared up.

Go to a dermatologist... this time.
Check all internal organs.
Get tested for infections.
And stop self-medicating.

Are you tired of this useless “treatment” yet? Everyone who really has acne and really wants to be cured takes Roaccutane. After the RoA course, you will regret one thing - why you didn’t do it earlier.

Girls, I’m a cosmetologist for anyone interested, I do cleansing and all kinds of facial treatments, all depending on skin problems and its needs. A lot of problems can be hidden under problematic skin; treatment must begin primarily within the body, and cosmetic methods can only help the skin cope. I have my own group, personal cosmetologist, add me

Don't go to a dermatologist or cometologist. I won’t explain. Use your brains. Get some simple tests done. Experiment with your diet. AND CHANGE YOUR CARE.
I can personally recommend SULWHASOO soap. What kind of lotion. Like HADA LABO or the same sulvasu. Hydration. If it becomes inflamed, use MENTHLATUM powder lotion as a preventive measure. Their dotted pencil for problem areas. And MISHOKU in a blue bottle. That's not bad either. Everything except sulvasu is cheap. Their soap is also inexpensive. There will be an effect. Pores, blackheads and inflammation will go away. Give it a try.

For the intestines, I would advise drinking Bion 3, the doctor prescribed it to me, and with its help I got rid of all the defects on my face (ugh ugh ugh). And if we talk about external means, then I would advise you to use tar soap, but not the ordinary one for 15 rubles (it is of little use, plus it can also cause irritation, as it happened to me), but a special one, for example this one. In addition to tar, it contains oils, herbal extracts

The author also suffered from this problem and checked everything, both her stomach and intestines.
It helped - hormonal contraception - after a month I didn’t recognize myself, any creams began to suit my skin, even for children.

I am 27 years old. I constantly struggle with acne. I tried everything. Baziron, differin, skinoren, vichy, etc. There were a lot of creams. I even bought darsonval and quartz. Over the past three months, the pores on my face have become bumpy to the touch and small rashes. I went to a cosmetologist, she cleaned it with a device, advised me to apply celestoderm-b allergy cream, but it didn’t help me, I also applied skin-cap. The pores are still red and clogged, it’s not even clear what happened to the face. I am already allergic to almost all creams and lotions. I start to cleanse my face and it itches. I don’t know what cosmetics to use, herbs don’t really help either. I don’t eat sweets, baked goods, etc. I drank ovesol, plantoglucid, gepobene. Who can tell me what to eat to cleanse the intestines, I understand that all acne comes from the inside, subcutaneous tubercles are still appearing all the time, especially on the forehead, I want to try drinking something else, maybe it will help. Has anyone ever taken milk thistle supplement? Affected the skin

I am 27 years old. I constantly struggle with acne. I tried everything. Baziron, differin, skinoren, vichy, etc. There were a lot of creams. I even bought darsonval and quartz. Over the past three months, the pores on my face have become bumpy to the touch and small rashes. I went to a cosmetologist, she cleaned it with a device, advised me to apply celestoderm-b allergy cream, but it didn’t help me, I also applied skin-cap. The pores are still red and clogged, it’s not even clear what happened to the face. I am already allergic to almost all creams and lotions. I start to cleanse my face and it itches. I don’t know what cosmetics to use, herbs don’t really help either. I don’t eat sweets, baked goods, etc. I drank ovesol, plantoglucid, gepobene. Who can tell me what to eat to cleanse the intestines, I understand that all acne comes from the inside, subcutaneous tubercles are still appearing all the time, especially on the forehead, I want to try drinking something else, maybe it will help. Has anyone ever taken milk thistle supplement? Affected the skin

Buy Japanese and Korean cosmetics in the online store.

Why are many people so afraid of dermatologists, will they bite you or something? Go to a dermatologist, only he will help solve your problem. It will take a long time to treat, it took me 2-2.5 years. But now everything is fine and it turns out I don’t have any allergies to creams.

Buy Ugrisept 911 at the pharmacy, it costs about 50 rubles for a penny, great for me, because... problem skin. I apply it under my makeup, it's great. Make a mask from blue clay, also inexpensive, I can buy it at the pharmacy for 20 rubles. bought it. Apply the mask for 20 minutes, rinse, and pat your face dry with a paper napkin. And apply Ugrisept. And, be sure to take a course of Polysorb (3 grams 3 times a day) to remove waste and toxins from the body and to prevent new irritations and pimples from appearing. It should help.

Hi, my doctor (dermatologist) prescribed me to do face masks every other day at home, and drink Polysorb for 2 weeks, it cleanses the body of toxins and impurities, it helped me in total!

It’s better to go to a dermatologist; cosmetologists usually prescribe cosmetics and take a long time to treat, because they get paid for it. I went to a regular clinic to see a dermatologist, he prescribed Polysorb to drink for 2 weeks and make masks, the result was excellent! not only acne goes away, but your skin color is healthier!

Buy Ugrisept 911 at the pharmacy, it costs about 50 rubles for a penny, great for me, because... problem skin. I apply it under my makeup, it's great. Make a mask from blue clay, also inexpensive, I can buy it at the pharmacy for 20 rubles. bought it. Apply the mask for 20 minutes, rinse, and pat your face dry with a paper napkin. And apply Ugrisept. And, be sure to take a course of Polysorb (3 grams 3 times a day) to remove waste and toxins from the body and to prevent new irritations and pimples from appearing. It should help.

dear friends! I want to help you with advice, my skin was normal, but blackheads began to appear, clogged pores, my face was losing its appearance, unkempt and uneven surface, bumps that spoiled my mood! and I found a miracle cream, this is a Chinese green tea cream , in the morning and evening set! it saved me, the skin instantly becomes even and uniform, smooth, removes the remaining red spots well after squeezing out! the dots and plugs that are in the skin become denser and fall out on their own during the course, without a trace and the pores are tightened! Try it! glad to help you!

Try drinking brewer's yeast.

Firstly, you have dandruff; anti-dandruff shampoo is sold at any pharmacy. Wash your hair more often, even with just water. Secondly, do not use creams and ointments from cosmetologists, but finally go to a dermatologist at a clinic. He will recommend you a medicinal antifungal cream. Try Zenerit, it will dry and tighten the skin and Aevit-cosmetics, for example. The result will exceed all expectations.

My pores are red and bumpy. Rash like dermatitis near the mouth and rosacea. While I'm saving Uryazh. Before this I took Roaccutane, it helped while you were taking it, then a cosmetologist and dermatologist prescribed Klenzit. The face turned red as if after a burn and looked old. All. I am 30 years old. Roaccutane made it even worse. led to rosacea. It would be better not to go to a cosmetologist or dermatologist.


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