Is it possible to go to the sauna after peeling?

After exfoliation in the salon, the cosmetologist gives the client a number of recommendations about whether after peeling it is possible to go to the bathhouse or to the gym, which cosmetics are best to use, how to care for the face, and others. How conscientiously these tips are followed will directly determine how well the effect will manifest itself and how long it will last.

There is a general list of recommendations from beauty salon masters for clients who have undergone an exfoliation procedure. But to this list of tips, items specific to different types of exfoliation will definitely be added. The more the skin is injured, the longer and more carefully it will need to be cared for. A woman’s body characteristics play a major role in the duration of rehabilitation: age, skin type, general condition of the body, metabolic characteristics.

What happens to your skin after peeling?

If you are interested in the question of whether it is possible to visit a bathhouse after facial peeling, then think about how this will affect injured skin? What effect will elevated temperature and profuse sweating have on her?

If you evaluate the condition of a woman’s skin after exfoliation, then an analogy with a burn is appropriate. Moreover, the stronger the concentration and depth of penetration of the exfoliant, the greater the trauma to the skin. Peeling is a serious stress for the body, requiring a period of rehabilitation to restore the integrity of the damaged skin.

Interesting: the first peel using salicylic acid and resorcinol was done in Germany at the end of the 19th century.

During the exfoliation process, the active components destroy the fibers of the epidermis, which die and flake off from the surface of the epidermis. In their place, a layer of new cells is formed, characterized by firmness and elasticity. Through a woman's eyes it looks very unpleasant. Redness, inflammation and swelling are replaced by profuse peeling of the skin.

The main thing at this difficult moment is to allow the body to restore the damaged area without interfering with the natural process. Follow the recommendations of cosmetologists, use only approved products. If you do not follow the advice, you take upon yourself all the side effects and complications of the post-peeling condition.

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse and play sports after peeling?

If you have exfoliated in a beauty salon, remember an important rule: a bath after peeling is taboo. For the next 48-72 hours after exfoliation of any kind, the skin should not be exposed to elevated temperatures and steam. Not only the traditional Russian steam room is prohibited, but also the Finnish sauna, Turkish hammam, herbal barrel and other analogues.

Many women are interested in the question “Is it possible to go to the sauna after peeling and why?” In a sauna, as in a bathhouse, body temperature rises and sweating intensifies. Particles of the active substance that was used in chemical exfoliation begin to come out of the pores along with the liquid. At the same time, the effect of the procedure is noticeably reduced. In addition to increased sweating, during a stay in a sauna or bathhouse, a person’s blood vessels dilate and the skin turns red. This process prolongs the hyperemia of the skin for a longer period of time. Therefore, when a patient asks a cosmetologist, “Is it possible to go to the steam room or bathhouse after peeling?”, the specialists answer with a firm “no.”

A specialist in outdoor activities will give approximately the same recommendations. Can I exercise after peeling? You will hear an unequivocal “no!” from experts. Active sports also provoke sweating and redness of the surface layer of the skin. This interferes with the normal process of restoration of the epidermis after injury. During the rehabilitation period, I need to refrain from baths and fitness.

Now you know the answer to the question: “Can I take a bath or go to the gym after peeling?” To quickly restore the skin and consolidate a good result, these activities should be abandoned. Spicy foods and alcohol, which cause vasodilation, are also prohibited.

General recommendations from cosmetologists

At the end of the exfoliation procedure, women have hundreds of questions swarming in their heads: from “Can I wash my face after peeling?” to “When will it be possible to go outside?” The salon master will definitely give a number of tips to consolidate the results of the impact and avoid negative consequences.

There are general recommendations after peeling from cosmetologists that are considered universal. They are relevant after exfoliation of any type and depth.

During the first 12 hours after the procedure:

  1. It is forbidden to wash your face even with plain water;
  2. You can't touch your face;
  3. Do not apply any care products to the epidermis;
  4. Do not go outside, especially in sunny weather.

What not to do in the first 48-72 hours after a chemical peel:

  1. Use harsh alkaline products for washing. Prefer gentle gels and foams to them. The cream can be applied only on the third day after exfoliation. The preferred components in the cream are panthenol and lanolin;
  2. Stay outside for a long time. During this period, the epidermis is just forming. Therefore, it is better to minimize the impact of aggressive environmental factors: sun, high and low temperatures, wind, rain, etc.

The rehabilitation period will continue for the next 2 weeks. At this time, the skin will peel and peel off after the procedure. In its place, new young cells are formed, which will form a refreshed face. To ensure a successful recovery, it is better to adhere to the following tips:

  1. Use products recommended by a cosmetologist on an individual basis. Do not try new facial care products;
  2. Do not apply decorative cosmetics to the skin: powder, foundation, highlighter, blush, etc.;
  3. Do not touch your face with your hands;
  4. Do not peel off crusts and scales;
  5. Do not use scrubs and peels;
  6. Do not sunbathe, use creams with sunscreen;
  7. Do not take a steam bath or sauna;
  8. Do not swim in the sea or in reservoirs;
  9. If the cosmetologist did not give such a recommendation, then avoid using homemade masks.

Many women are interested in the question: “How to exfoliate crusts after peeling?” Cosmetologists strictly prohibit tearing off skin flakes and removing them with scrubs. These crusts should come off on their own. Trauma to the skin can lead to the formation of scars.

Features of skin care after peeling

Exfoliation varies in the quality of the method used and the depth of impact. After any skin injury, rehabilitation follows, which will be longer for deep exfoliation. During this period, the epidermis is most sensitive to any influences from external factors, so their influence must be minimized. You can take a steam bath after peeling only when the skin is completely restored. Each type of exfoliation requires specific skin care.


Superficial exfoliation is the most gentle. Injury to the skin is minimal. Despite the relative safety of the procedure, the epidermis requires restoration. When can I take a steam bath after retinoic peeling? Elevated temperature and humidity are aggressive factors that can harm injured skin and slow down its recovery.

After superficial peeling, visiting the bathhouse is contraindicated until complete rehabilitation. As a rule, it takes no more than 2 weeks. In addition, the cosmetologist reminds clients that it is strictly forbidden to use exfoliating scrubs, chemical compounds or physical exfoliation methods after facial peeling.

A day after superficial exposure, you can use your usual brand of cosmetics, supplementing it with wound-healing and anti-inflammatory agents. It is necessary to moisturize the epidermis as often as possible and drink up to 2 liters of water daily.


Medium peeling injures the deeper layers of the epidermis and recovery takes a long period of time. Facial care during the rehabilitation process should be delicate and thorough. To the cosmetologist’s question, “Can I go to the bathhouse after a medium-type chemical peel?” you will receive a negative answer.

Until the epidermis is restored layer by layer, all stress factors should be excluded: direct sunlight, high and low air temperatures, spicy foods, alcohol, harsh cosmetics, mechanical irritants.

Skin care should be done using mild cosmetics. You can wash your face only once a day with warm water. Therefore, you should temporarily exclude decorative cosmetics. If swelling and other side effects occur, you should consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist. You cannot self-medicate. All medications used must be prescribed only by a doctor.

During the process of deep exfoliation, the skin suffers serious trauma. A woman is often in a hospital setting, where specialists monitor her health. After this, the cosmetologist gives a number of special recommendations: what to do after facial peeling and what not to do.

The following rules should be followed:

  1. Take prescribed medications: anabolic steroids, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medications;
  2. Do not wash your face with water for 48 hours;
  3. For care, use only light, gentle cosmetics;
  4. Constantly and for life use sunscreen cosmetics.

For a long period of up to two months, exfoliated skin should not be exposed to harmful factors. That’s why you can’t go to the bathhouse, play sports, or use a scrub after peeling.

What to do if side effects occur?

Following your esthetician's recommendations will help prevent side effects from exfoliation. But what to do if they do appear? It is necessary to immediately contact a specialist to minimize the impact of complications on the skin.

Peeling of the epidermis is considered a normal reaction. It appears on the 2nd day after exfoliation and disappears after a week. To soften and speed up the process, you can use a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid as prescribed by a cosmetologist. On the 3rd day, it is recommended to include shea and grape seed butter in your facial care. They eliminate tightness and prevent scar formation. Before using cosmetics after peeling, consult a cosmetologist to see if this can be done in your situation.

Hyperemia or redness of the epidermis is characteristic of medium and deep exfoliation. It can remain on the face for up to 2 weeks. Therefore, to the question “How many days after peeling can you go to the sauna?” you can answer: until the redness goes away. For the same reason, fitness, stress, spicy food, and alcohol are prohibited. Omega-3 acid supplements will help the body cope with this problem.

Facial swelling after exfoliation may occur in women with thin skin. Products with antioxidants will help get rid of this side effect.

Pimples should not normally appear on the face after exfoliation. Their presence indicates incorrect post-peeling care. With this problem you need to contact a cosmetologist. He will prescribe antibiotics, sebostatic, anti-inflammatory or zinc-containing drugs on an individual basis.

An allergy test, which must be done before exfoliation, will protect you from allergies. During the rehabilitation period, you need to care for your skin with hypoallergenic cosmetics. If dermatitis does occur, the doctor prescribes antihistamines.

Attention! It is forbidden to peel off the resulting crusts; this can lead to infection, the formation of a scar or scar. Aseptic care and wound healing ointments based on panthenol or retinol are needed.

Hyperpigmentation can occur if exfoliation is done in the summer without prepping with kojic and retinoic acids. If spots appear, then discard products with extracts of St. John's wort, lemon, cinnamon, clover, lavender, and bergamot.


In order for peeling to please you with a good result, it is very important to properly rehabilitate the skin. You should definitely take medications prescribed by a cosmetologist and avoid the negative influence of external and internal stress factors. In just a short time, you will be able to enjoy firm, youthful and radiant skin.


Since ancient times, the bathhouse has been a special ritual, a healing and a cosmetic procedure. Even today, despite the abundance of hardware technologies, it remains the most effective method of body and face care. The bath will help solve many problems if there are no contraindications.

Read in this article

Preparing to enter the bathhouse

Before you go to take a steam bath, you need to get ready properly. Preparation for visiting the bathhouse consists of two stages. First you need to find all the necessary things for the steam room. You need to choose them carefully.

The first thing you should take care of is a broom. It is necessary because they give massage. It activates blood circulation and has a healing effect. Brooms are made from different types of trees, each of which has its own special properties. The most popular are:

  1. Birch. Eliminate pain and tension in muscles and joints, promote the regeneration of new cells.
  2. Oak. They normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, give elasticity to the skin, and eliminate stress.
  3. Linden. Brooms are diuretics, relieve swelling, and help relieve headaches.
  4. Eucalyptus and conifers used for colds.

It is also important to take sheets or wide towels with you to the bathhouse. One is wrapped around the body, the other is laid underneath. You should also cover your hair with towels to protect it from high temperatures. Some people take special felt hats for this. But they must be personal, as you can catch parasites and diseases.

In addition, to protect your feet from strokes and overheating, slippers are taken to the bathhouse. Ordinary, well-known flip-flops will do.

To achieve maximum effect, it is useful to brew tea with herbs: mint, thyme, chamomile, linden, lemon balm, spices - ginger, cinnamon. It’s good to add fruits, berries or honey to them. Drinks should be warm or hot, as they should trigger thermogenesis, which means speeding up the process of losing weight and removing toxins.

It is important to remember that visiting the bathhouse is prohibited on an empty or full stomach, after drinking alcoholic beverages. Also, you can’t do all this during a steam room.

In order for visiting the bathhouse to become a pleasant procedure and not have any consequences, it is important to follow the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to remove jewelry to avoid getting burned or losing it.
  2. Before visiting the bathhouse, you need to saturate the muscles with oxygen and disperse the blood, so the effect will be more noticeable. It is recommended to first swim in the pool, go to fitness or aerobic classes.
  3. The first time you are allowed to stay in the steam room for about 3 minutes, longer can be dangerous due to lack of habit. In addition, you only need to lie on the bottom shelf, since the hot air is very light and rises.
  4. To avoid getting a burn to the bronchi, you can only breathe through your nose. This will give the hot air time to cool down and become humidified.
  5. If there is wet steam in the steam room, then it is worth using it, as it will help regulate the temperature.
  6. First you need to adapt to the steam and temperature, and only then perform the procedures with a broom.
  7. In order for the broom to release all its beneficial substances, before use it must be doused with boiling water or moistened with hot water.
  8. It is important to undergo a medical examination or consult for contraindications before going to the bathhouse.

To learn how to go to the sauna for health benefits, watch this video:

Facial and body beauty treatments

Using brooms and steaming in a steam room are not the only activities that will help make a visit to the bathhouse beneficial for beauty. However, for the effect to be noticeable, you must wash thoroughly before entering the steam room. Dirt, sebum and cream residues will prevent the penetration of beneficial substances and the release of impurities and toxins.


After steaming in the sauna, the body needs to be toned and cooled. Water procedures are necessary. As a rule, the following manipulations are carried out: dipping into a cold pool or font, dousing with ice water, rubbing, gommage, scrubbing.

Contrast water procedures have the following beneficial effects on the body:

  1. tone the body;
  2. strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  3. hydromassage will help remove waste and toxins;
  4. accelerate the breakdown of fat deposits;
  5. even out skin texture;
  6. get rid of cellulite;
  7. relieve swelling.

After the steam room in the bathhouse, you must wash thoroughly with a washcloth. During steaming, the pores open and all toxins come out, so a shower helps get rid of them. It is also useful to apply a special scrub or exfoliant to the skin after steaming. Coffee or honey-salt has worked well. The skin will become soft, velvety, and even if there were blackheads and comedones, after the bath they become much less noticeable.


In addition to cleansing, the bath also has healing properties. Health-improving procedures include hardening, warming, steaming, and aromatherapy.

The first means following the pattern: warming-cooling-relaxing. Each stage should last 10 - 15 minutes. However, it is still worth focusing on the well-being and experience of the person himself. You can start with 3 - 4 minutes, gradually increasing the time. After steaming in the steam room, you need to plunge into a cold pool or take a contrast shower, and then relax there for 10 minutes, drink tea or herbal infusions.

Such visits should be made up to 5 - 7 times. But you should not expect results from the first visit to the bathhouse; this procedure is cumulative.

For a cold accompanied by a cough and runny nose, you can resort to steaming in an aromatherapy bath. Essential oils of conifers, for example, fir, pine, eucalyptus, are added to the water for adding to the coals. It is important to breathe through your mouth, not your nose.

To further influence the nasopharynx, it is recommended to rub natural honey into the neck and chest after 5 - 10 minutes of steaming. However, it is important to avoid the area where the heart is located. Then take a warm shower and wash off the remaining honey.

The bath helps well with various diseases of the joints and musculoskeletal system. Before the steam room, you need to wash yourself thoroughly, then steam well and massage the painful areas. You can treat the areas with birch, nettle, juniper brooms, and apply regular medicinal ointments.

For cellulite

The bathhouse is the main enemy of the “orange peel”. Thanks to high temperatures and massage, blood flow and lymphatic drainage are accelerated, cells are saturated with oxygen, so that subcutaneous deposits dissolve faster. Nevertheless, some auxiliary procedures in the bathhouse need to be done to get rid of cellulite. The following manipulations help:

  1. Sea salt massage. For the procedure, you need to warm up, namely sit in the steam room for 10 minutes, then take a contrast shower to tone the skin. During the second visit, a salt massage is performed using a special washcloth-mitten. You should move from your feet or knees upward to improve lymphatic drainage.

The massage should last 3 - 5 minutes. After the procedure, take a contrast shower. Massage and steaming in the bath should be done every week for 2 - 3 months.

  1. Rubbing with a special mixture. You need to prepare a mass of honey and salt in equal proportions in advance. Apply it before visiting the steam room and massage the skin for several minutes. Then sit in the bathhouse for a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, take a contrast shower.
  1. Peeling. For the procedure, mix a glass of white grape juice with a tablespoon of natural honey. The mass is applied to problem areas and kept in a steam room for 10 - 15 minutes.
  2. Rubbing in essential oils. After entering the steam room, essential oils of orange, grapefruit, rosemary, and geranium are applied to problem areas with massage movements. Beneficial substances penetrate perfectly into open pores.

For information on the rules for body peeling in a bathhouse, watch this video:

Beneficial for skin

The bath will also help improve the condition of your facial skin and relieve many problems. To do this, you can use both ready-made products and make them yourself. To make a useful procedure in a bathhouse, you can use kefir, sour cream, different types of clay, honey, fruits and vegetables, and oils.

The following recipes help a lot:

  1. Scrub with sea salt and wheat germ or grape seed oil, olive oil will do.
  2. A mask of sour cream and honey will soften the skin and make it velvety.
  3. Procedures with clay. Masks for oily skin should be made from black, for dry and sensitive skin - from yellow and green, for problem skin - from blue and red. You can also add essential oils to the mass according to the type of epidermis.
  4. A mask with sour cream and oatmeal is indicated for oily skin to get rid of blackheads.
  5. With cucumber. The juicy vegetable is grated and applied to the steamed face. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

It is important to remember that you can only keep masks on while relaxing after the steam room. No composition should be applied to the skin inside the sauna.


A bath can also have a positive effect on the condition of your hair. Special masks will help restore shine and vitality. The following mask recipe will help you do this: mix kefir with honey, yolk and a couple of drops of essential oil. Apply it only for 10 - 15 minutes.

A full body massage in a bathhouse will also help maintain skin firmness and elasticity. This relaxes you well, and the beneficial substances penetrate the skin better.

Aromatherapy in a bathhouse has a beneficial effect on the body. It is better to take a few drops of pleasant and favorite essential oils. Evaporating from hot stones, they solve many problems.

Soft scrubs gently cleanse the skin, for example, coffee, salt, orange.

Whitening products that you can make yourself work well in the bath. To do this, take a quarter of a banana and a little water, mix until it becomes sour cream. You need to keep this mask for longer than 15 minutes.

For information on anti-cellulite procedures in the bathhouse, watch this video:

Care after visiting a Russian bath

Measures taken after visiting the steam room and bathhouse in general are very important. Proper care allows you to get maximum benefits. Every time after steaming you need to take a shower. It's not so much about warm or cold as it is about washing off the sweat. It is with it that all impurities and toxins come out. If you don't do this, they will penetrate the skin again.

It is also important to rest after a shower and steam room, drink tea or herbal infusions. Since intense sweating occurs, if you do not fill the body with moisture again, you can easily get dehydrated in the bath.

After completing a visit to the steam room, it is imperative to apply a moisturizer to the skin with any effect depending on the problem. In this case, the skin should be allowed to cool and dry.

Possible side effects from the steam room

However, despite the benefits and pleasant pastime, the bath can be harmful to human health. Serious problems may arise if you have the following diseases and contraindications:

  1. Disorders of the cardiovascular system, heart defects, high or low blood pressure. Since high temperatures increase the load on this particular area, strokes, heart attacks, and thrombosis can occur after a bath.
  2. For acute inflammatory and cold diseases. Being in a hot and humid environment will make the condition worse.
  3. During pregnancy and lactation, as blood pressure increases. In this case, there is a possibility of premature termination of pregnancy.
  4. Gynecological diseases can also lead to a worsening of the situation.
  5. If you do not consume enough fluid, dehydration may occur.
  6. If there is a predisposition to varicose veins, then stars may begin to appear.

With regular and reasonable visits to the bathhouse, it will become an excellent assistant in solving many problems. The benefits of the procedure are sufficient, but it must be used wisely. Despite all the modern technologies, the long-known bathhouse cannot compare in terms of results.

Going to the bathhouse after peeling is one of the most serious and irreparable mistakes in the post-peeling period. Could a healing Russian bath really be the cause of complications and facial deformities? Just sit down like that, visiting a bathhouse, sauna and even a swimming pool is a taboo for skin weakened by facial cleansing.

What happens to the skin after peeling

Peels are a kind of skin operation to remove dead cells, layers, and dirt particles embedded deep in the pores. Often the peeling procedure involves the complete removal of the surface layers of the epidermis with their further renewal.

After mechanical, hardware or chemical intervention, the skin is deprived of its previous protection, and the body’s forces are aimed at regeneration and restoration of lost tissue. Peeling is stressful for the skin, so to smooth it out and quickly strengthen the skin, competent, high-quality care is needed.


The severity and duration of the period of restoration of the integument depends on the depth and intensity of exposure to an acid composition, laser or other peeling agent:

  1. After superficial facial cleansing (for example, yellow peeling), the rehabilitation stage lasts from 3 to 7 days. The damage to the integument is minor, so its restoration does not take a long time.
  2. After a mid-peel, the situation is more complicated and full recovery will take up to 14 days.
  3. Deep peeling is the most difficult cleansing procedure. Its effect in some aspects is compared to surgery. The recovery process is long and requires frequent monitoring by a cosmetologist. The slightest deviation from prescribed care can cause complications. The rehabilitation period, at best, ends after 3 weeks, and at worst, it can last 3 months or more.

In most cases, after peeling, active peeling, crusting and redness are observed on the face. As a rule, by the end of the recovery period they finally disappear. However, this is not a reason to “curtail” proper facial care. The processes to restore the integument continue for another 1–2 months, but the risk of complications is significantly reduced.

The role of baths for skin health

Going to the bathhouse not only brings pleasure, but also heals the skin. Increased temperature and humidity contribute to the rapid opening of pores. These conditions stimulate increased work of the sebaceous glands, you sweat, and with sweat particles, toxins and harmful substances accumulated by epidermal cells leave the body.


Modern cosmetology welcomes the application of nourishing natural masks before a bath in order to ultimately increase their effectiveness. Or, on the contrary, applying medicinal cosmetics to a steamed and cleansed face, when the receptivity of the epidermis is high. However, cosmetology absolutely prohibits going to the bathhouse after undergoing peeling, regardless of whether it is yellow peeling or dermabrasion.

Please note that if you use masks or cosmetics before going to the bathhouse or sauna, make sure they are natural. Elevated temperatures promote the decomposition of chemical compounds and their rapid absorption by cells. The effect can be completely opposite.

Why can't you go to the bathhouse?

You should not go to the bathhouse during the entire period of skin rehabilitation after chemical, mechanical, retinoic or other peels. The restrictions do not end there; visiting such procedures is undesirable 1–2 months after the recovery stage.

Just imagine, chemical peeling is an extensive burn on the face, and mechanical cleaning involves the formation of a continuous wound. The cells are deprived of protection, plus an increased risk of introducing infection into the integument.


Why you shouldn’t go to the sauna after peeling:

  1. High humidity and air temperature are a comfortable environment for the development of bacteria and infections. At the slightest contact with them, irritation and inflammatory processes are inevitable;
  2. increased sweating in the bathhouse is inevitable, as the body adapts to external conditions and spontaneously cools down. With sweat, toxins and dirt leave the body. If sweat particles get on the post-peeling “wound” (burn), you risk infection of the integument, severe irritation and even suppuration;
  3. Increased room humidity is accompanied by deterioration and softening of the surface layers of the epidermis. This delays the healing of injured fibers, leads to their tearing - as a result, you get a scar;
  4. high temperature causes vasodilation and acceleration of microcirculation. This fact can affect the development of rosacea and fragility of blood vessels weakened by chemical exposure, increase redness of the skin and even provoke it. The result is the appearance of bruises, hemorrhages, persistent erythema and a swollen face;
  5. after acid peeling, particles of the chemical ingredient remain inside the epidermis. An increase in temperature causes their activity, and accordingly a repeated acid attack occurs, only the fibers are already weakened. Even greater tissue burns and the development of an allergic reaction are possible.

The outcome of the cleansing procedure largely depends on how well you follow the rules of post-peeling rehabilitation, how you sleep and eat, how many times you apply cosmetics and what type of cosmetics you use.

What other prohibitions are there after peeling?

Cosmetologists unequivocally state that after any peeling it is prohibited to go to the bathhouse. To avoid complications in the period after peeling and to quickly restore the skin without residual scars, unsightly dark and light pigment spots, additional precautions concern:

  1. going to the pool - chlorine and can cause burns and excessive dryness of the skin, and there is also a high risk of infection of damaged fibers;
  2. ignoring sunscreen cosmetics - you need to apply creams with SPF filters every day, regardless of the weather outside, for 2-6 months after peeling. With increased solar activity, the highest protection index is used (SPF 50 and higher), and the number of applications is also increased. Otherwise, dark pigment spots appear on the face from daytime sunlight;
  3. visiting solariums and sunbathing - violation of this condition threatens hyperpigmentation of the integument, inflammatory processes, severe burns and even the development of oncology;
  4. playing sports - active, strength exercises and loads provoke increased sweating. This increases the risk of infection by sweat particles and wounds becoming suppurated several times.

Despite the fact that these restrictions apply to the rehabilitation period, you should refrain from visiting the pool, bathhouse or solarium for 1.5–2 months. This is the only way you will be able to achieve perfect skin without additional complications in the shortest possible time.


Each type of cleansing has its own subtleties. After some exfoliations, even any contact with water is not allowed, for example, deep exposure to phenolic acid. But the yellow peeling is washed off only 3-6 hours after application. Therefore, find out any terms and nuances in care from your cosmetologist.

Peeling causes significant changes inside the skin, enhances regeneration, but weakens its protection. Keep in mind the slightest mistake; wrong actions can cause great harm and lead to unpleasant consequences.