How to cure facial irritation

If you often experience irritation on your face, it's time to find out why it's happening. We will tell you about the most common causes of this scourge. Here you will find the most effective treatment methods: proper care for diseased skin, medications and folk remedies.

It's very unpleasant when it breaks out irritation on the face in the form of a small red rash or spots. Most often it is accompanied by itching, flaking and severe itching. It can appear at literally any age. It’s one thing when this happens to teenagers during puberty, and completely different when it happens at a more mature age, when you don’t know what to think.

Indeed, in the fight against this scourge, it is very important to understand what is happening, why the skin is covered with these hated pimples. If you eliminate the provoking factor, the irritation will disappear with it. Therefore, first we find out the reasons for this misfortune.

Causes of rashes on the face

It's actually not hard to understand Why skin irritation appears on the face. To do this, you just need to analyze some circumstances over the last 2 weeks that you have encountered and that could become possible causes of skin rashes.

These could be dietary habits, lifestyle, new cosmetics, or health conditions. Try not to miss anything. The most common provoking factors are:

  1. hormonal imbalances, so you shouldn’t be surprised why irritation appears on the face during puberty in adolescents (accompanied by pimples and acne), during pregnancy, on the days of the menstrual cycle (usually localized on the chin) or during menopause;
  2. avitaminosis;
  3. irritation occurs very often after hair removal - this is how the skin reacts to wax and sugaring, if women have to get rid of excess facial hair in such ways;
  4. severe stress, depression, neurosis, psychosis - all kinds of nervous disorders;
  5. In winter, many people experience irritation on their face from the frost, from cold (accompanied by peeling and severe dry skin);
  6. medicinal brushing - long-term use of powerful medications: birth control, aspirin, antibiotics (additional symptoms - unhealthy redness in the form of spots);
  7. low-quality, inappropriate, expired cosmetics: irritation on the face is especially common after cream, which they began to use recently, without first checking it for the presence of skin allergens;
  8. bad habits: alcohol and cigarette abuse;
  9. allergy to various irritants (animal fur, citrus fruits, spices, spicy foods, dust, pollen) - the rashes usually itch very much;
  10. unhealthy diet: regular consumption of too many exotic, overseas fruits and berries, raspberries and carrots, citrus fruits; as well as fatty, salty, smoked, pickled, spicy foods;
  11. insufficient skin care: cosmetics that do not match the skin type, too superficial cleansing of pores, regularly leaving makeup on overnight;
  12. irritation often occurs after peeling, facial cleansing if too aggressive means were used;
  13. problems with immunity;
  14. contact of facial skin with synthetic fabrics (for example, during sleep - with a pillow or when walking - with a hat);
  15. if you suffer from hyperhidrosis, from time to time irritation will appear on the face from sweatA;
  16. injuries;
  17. recent cold or hypothermia;
  18. oversaturation of the skin with ultraviolet radiation: this usually happens in women who abuse solariums, love a strong tan and take too long sunbathing.

View all these causes and try to answer yourself honestly which of them takes place in your life. There may be only one (for example, irritation clearly appears only after hair removal or use of cream).

But often factors affect the skin in a complex manner (unsuccessful peeling + strong tan + days of the menstrual cycle). Once you understand what is happening to you, it will be easier for you to resolve the issue, how to treat irritation on the face. Additional symptoms will also help. After all, as you know, trouble (rash) does not come alone.

According to statistics. Dermatologists say that one of the most common causes of irritation on the face is store-bought cosmetics.

Skin diseases

If all the above reasons can be easily eliminated (you just need to go through adolescence, stop smoking, replace the cream with another product, do epilation without waxing, etc.), then in some cases various types of irritations on the face become the result of serious skin diseases that have to be treated over a long period of time. Therefore, take a closer look at your rash and try to see in it the symptoms of this kind of pathology.

Irritation in the form of spots

  1. lupus erythematosus;
  2. nevus;
  3. syphilis;
  4. seborrheic dermatitis;
  5. toxidermy.

Irritation in the form of a small rash

  1. molluscum contagiosum;
  2. teenage acne;
  3. warts;
  4. nevus;
  5. keratosis.

Red rash:

  1. skin cancer;
  2. syphilis;
  3. dermatitis;
  4. angiofibroma;
  5. lupus erythematosus;
  6. telangiectasia;
  7. nevus;
  8. hemangioma;
  9. erysipelas;
  10. acne;
  11. folliculitis;
  12. keratosis;
  13. sarcoidosis

Irritation in the form of a tumor

Swollen red rashes:

  1. amyloidosis;
  2. lupus erythematosus;
  3. sarcoidosis;
  4. telangiectatic granuloma.

Other types of irritation

  1. burn (thermal or solar);
  2. Quincke's edema.
  1. dermatophytosis;
  2. glucagonoma;
  3. zinc deficiency;
  4. lupus erythematosus;
  5. solar keratosis;
  6. dermatitis;
  7. psoriasis.
  1. dermatitis;
  2. solar keratosis;
  3. keratoacanthoma;
  4. herpes;
  5. lichenization;
  6. impetigo;
  7. lichen.

Weeping and festering ulcers:

All these diseases relate to dermatology and are quite dangerous to health. If you do not complete the full course of treatment, complications may begin, the consequences of which will affect your entire life.

Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to external symptoms, what the rash looks like, in order to understand the true cause of what is happening. After an examination and tests (epithelial scraping, biopsy, blood), a dermatologist will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and tell you in detail how to relieve irritation on the face with medications and folk remedies.

Helpful advice. If irritation on your face gets worse every day and nothing helps, immediately seek help from a dermatologist before the rash turns into weeping ulcers. After all, they can leave traces behind them for life.

Elimination of irritation

So, what to do for irritation on the face, if you are sure that its cause is not a serious dermatological disease? Some useful tips from experts will help you get rid of it in a matter of days.

  1. Quickly remove irritation on the face, if it is caused by hormonal imbalance, it will not work. Wait for it to normalize. You can only mask the rash with anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. Irritation on the chin and in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle can be easily removed using tetracycline ointment (treat the area twice a day).
  3. Allergic irritation is relieved by eliminating the allergen.
  4. Be less nervous, consult psychologists, take antidepressants.
  5. If you have any doubts about the nature of the irritation on your face, make an appointment with your doctor.
  6. Limit or completely stop taking medications.
  7. Get your food in order.
  8. To refuse from bad habits.
  9. Take a course of multivitamins.
  10. Use less decorative cosmetics.
  11. Clean your face regularly with scrubs and steam baths.
  12. Remove makeup before bed.
  13. Provide proper skin care.
  14. Avoid hypothermia, strengthen the immune system.
  15. Avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation on irritated skin: do not sunbathe, use cream with a UF filter, wear sunglasses, do not sunbathe, do not visit a solarium.


  1. Creams And ointments for irritation on the face: Manting, Buryonka, Children's, Metrogyl, Ovante, Rozex, Rosamet, Exoderil, zinc cream.
  2. Vitamins (multivitamin complexes and ampoules for injections).
  3. Antihistamines - for allergic irritations on the face.
  4. Antidepressants - for stress.

Now you know, how to remove irritation on face at home, unless there is a serious skin disease behind the rash. But unless you address the root cause, all these measures will only be temporary. You need to be especially careful with medications.

Many ointments are effective only because they are hormonal and quickly become addictive to the body. As soon as you stop using them, the rashes attack your face again with even greater force. Folk remedies are much safer, but at the same time not as effective.

Take note. If the cause of irritation on the face is clarified and you are intensively working to eliminate it, you can simultaneously improve the condition of the diseased and sensitive skin in the salon. Professional therapeutic vitamin masks, cryomassage, clay therapy and electrocoagulation will perfectly cope with rashes, spots and itching.

Folk remedies

Which folk remedy Can I use it at home for facial irritation? Again, if the problem is not a serious dermatological disease, any of them will be useful and will improve the condition of the diseased skin - albeit not immediately.

In other cases, it is better to obtain permission from a specialist to use them. There are many recipes - so you will not be short of choice. However, do not forget to test each mask for the presence of allergens in its composition.

  1. Cucumber mask

Mix 50 grams of cucumber puree with 20 grams of white clay, diluted with chamomile decoction to the desired consistency

  1. Honey-yolk mask

Mix 50 ml of flower honey with raw egg yolk, add 2-3 drops of orange and juniper esters.

  1. Multi-component mask

Mix 20 grams of sour cream with the same amount of grated cheese, 50 grams of raw potato puree. Add 3-4 drops of tangerine essential oil.

  1. Whitening mask with oatmeal

Mix 30 grams of oatmeal with 20 ml of lemon juice, diluted in half with water.

  1. Water treatments with herbs

Wash your face several times a day with decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, oak bark, calendula, St. John's wort, coltsfoot).

  1. Medicinal decoctions

Make a decoction from elderberries or birch leaves (buds). Soak gauze in it, folded in several layers. Apply to the problem area for 15 minutes.

If you are looking for a remedy, how to get rid of irritation on your face, first try to understand what is happening to you and why you are faced with this scourge. Eliminate the root cause - it will be easier to get your skin in order. Remember: medications must be used with extreme caution, preferably only with the permission of a doctor.

All other cosmetics, which, as manufacturers promise, can help, will only mask the symptoms for a while. But if you don’t undergo treatment, everything will come back again. Therefore, be competent in this fight and keep your skin clean and healthy.

Human skin is a complex organ that protects the body from many damages, takes part in breathing, in the process of thermoregulation, in metabolic reactions, etc. The skin of the face is especially vulnerable to external influences, since it most often remains unprotected.

Improper care, age-related changes in the body, disturbances in the functioning of the sebaceous glands, exposure to the sun, wind, frost, hormonal imbalances, various diseases - all this can cause irritation of the skin on the face. There are many external and internal factors that influence the condition of facial skin. By focusing on the main reasons why irritation occurs, you can prevent this problem from occurring or eliminate it promptly and quickly. After all, skin irritation is often not only a cosmetic defect, but also a sign of trouble in the body.

Causes of skin irritation on the face

The main causes of skin irritation on the face:

Allergic reactions

Facial skin irritation often occurs as a result of exposure to allergens. They can act both internally and externally.

The main types of allergens are:

Foods that a person eats (the most allergenic foods are considered to be: chocolate, bright red fruits and vegetables, seafood, nuts, eggs). Each person's body is unique and what causes an allergy in one may not cause any reaction in another.

Household chemicals: cleaning powders, detergents, washing powders, etc.

Cosmetics. This includes all kinds of creams, shower gels, powders, shadows, etc.

Metals. Especially often, irritation occurs on the face due to wearing inappropriate jewelry. An allergic reaction may occur after the piercing procedure.

Insect bites often cause allergic inflammation and lead to irritation. Sometimes insect bites can pose a direct threat to human life, especially if a lot of poison has entered the body.

Taking medications.

The process of inflammation on the face due to exposure to allergens can occur as a type of contact dermatitis, when the irritant gets on the skin. As a result, a person experiences skin hyperemia, itching and peeling. The skin of the face becomes covered with blisters.

Sometimes irritation on the face occurs like urticaria. In this case, the reaction occurs instantly after contact with the allergen. Irritation is expressed in the form of redness and itchy swelling of the skin. As a rule, identifying the allergen in this case is easier.


Very often, irritation of the skin on the face occurs due to changing weather conditions. Low air temperatures, strong winds with rain and snow can provoke inflammation and peeling. An additional irritating factor are heating appliances that operate in the house during the cold season. They make the air dry, and this immediately affects the condition of the facial skin.

Hormonal imbalances and facial skin irritation

As they age, many women notice increased dryness of their skin, which becomes prone to irritation and inflammation. If a woman is over forty, then most likely this process is associated with changes in hormonal status due to the onset of menopause. Hormonal changes affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands, slowing them down. As a result, even minor impacts on the facial skin lead to irritation.

Hormonal imbalances in the body can be caused by pregnancy and puberty. While pregnant, women often develop flaky red spots on their faces, and during puberty, adolescent skin becomes more prone to irritation, which manifests itself in the form of acne. It is known that the level of hormones in a teenager can change several times a day; if we add to this factor poor nutrition and emotional stress, then skin irritation during puberty cannot be avoided.

The content of estrogen in the body, which has a direct effect on the condition of the skin, can change with diseases of the thyroid gland, inflammation of the ovaries, and pathologies of the adrenal glands. All problems in the body will certainly affect the condition of the skin and, first of all, the condition of the facial skin.

Diseases that cause irritation of the facial skin

Such diseases include:

Avitaminosis. A lack of vitamins always leads to the fact that the condition of the facial skin worsens, and areas of irritation, inflammation and peeling appear on the dermis. With vitamin deficiency, no nourishing cream can help, since the problem will come from the inside. It is the face that suffers first, although it is possible that areas of irritation may appear on the palms and on the extensor surfaces of the elbows and knees. The skin reacts especially acutely to a deficiency of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, B vitamins, and vitamin E. The causes of vitamin deficiency may be hidden in poor nutrition, as well as in disruption of food absorption processes, for example, in intestinal diseases.

Dysbacteriosis and intestinal diseases. Disturbance of the intestinal microflora, its inflammatory diseases, disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - all this can affect the condition of the facial skin. A lack of bacteria leads to the fact that food is not able to be fully absorbed. As a result, a person does not receive enough vitamins and minerals, he develops vitamin deficiency, which leads to irritation on the skin.

Demodicosis. Irritation on the skin of the face may occur due to infection with eyelash mites. Very often, he chooses the eyelids, chin, nasolabial triangle, forehead and other parts of the face and head as his habitat. In the place where the tick begins to parasitize, an inflammatory reaction occurs, which is expressed in irritation, peeling of the skin, and the appearance of swollen and hyperemic areas. Applying cosmetics to the affected areas only increases irritation and provokes itching.

Irritation on the skin of the face with lupus erythematosus. Lupus erythematosus is a serious autoimmune disease that causes a red rash on the nose and cheeks. The rash coalesces and often resembles a butterfly shape. At the same time, a person’s joints begin to ache, disturbances appear in the functioning of the kidneys, heart and blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.

Facial skin irritation due to burns. Irritation on the skin of the face may occur due to a burn. It occurs after prolonged exposure to the sun, or after exposure to chemicals on the dermis. The skin turns red and begins to peel. The degree of irritation directly depends on how severe the burn was.

Fungal infections. Irritation on the skin of the face may occur due to its damage by mycotic microorganisms. Most often, inflamed areas appear on the chin and neck. The surface of the skin begins to peel off and becomes covered with bumpy nodules. If a bacterial infection occurs, the pustules become yellow.

Improper skin care and other irritating factors

Despite the fact that there are many diseases that lead to irritation of the facial skin, most often the cause lies in improper care of the dermis.

Inflammation, peeling, redness, itching of the skin can occur for the following reasons:

Incorrect selection of cosmetics that do not match a person’s skin type.

Using alcohol lotions, tightening masks, alkaline soap for facial skin care.

Washing with hard and highly chlorinated tap water.

Improper shaving of the facial skin.

Using aggressive peels, rough brushes and sponges, etc.

Other factors influencing the condition of the skin:

Poor nutrition, including fatty, spicy and sweet foods, has a negative impact on the condition of facial skin.

Non-compliance with drinking regime.

Work in hot shops.

Living in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions.

Presence of bad habits (smoking, alcoholism).

Taking certain medications.

How to get rid of skin irritation on the face?

The process of getting rid of irritation on the face depends entirely on what caused the unwanted reaction:

Relieving irritation caused by allergies

To eliminate the irritation caused by an allergic reaction, it is necessary to determine what exactly acts as an allergen. Then avoid any contact with the irritating substance as much as possible. It is possible to take antihistamines (Zyrtec, Zodak, Erius, Telfast, etc.).

When you cannot cope with an allergic reaction on your own, you need to contact a dermatologist and allergist. After carrying out specific tests, it is most often possible to identify the allergen and eliminate it from your life as much as possible.

To treat contact dermatitis, it is possible to use ointments with corticosteroids (Advantan, Lokoid, etc.), but only a doctor can recommend them.

Relieves irritation caused by weather conditions

To prevent skin irritation due to exposure to frosty air and wind, you should protect your face with a scarf. It is recommended to use special protective creams in winter. They are applied to clean facial skin at least an hour before leaving the house.

It would be good if the cream contains the following components:

Hyaluronic acid, plant bioenzymes, lecithin (promotes skin hydration).

Sesame oil, coconut oil and grape seed oil (prevent moisture evaporation).

Extracts of plants and fruits (aloe, chamomile, avocado, cucumber, papaya, etc.).

Vitamin B5, which not only nourishes but also moisturizes the skin.

If you plan to use cosmetics, you should choose special creams intended for application under makeup. You should remember to protect your skin from sunlight. Even winter cream should contain UV filters. Protective creams are selected depending on the skin type, otherwise they can cause harm.

It is important to do an allergy test before using any new product. To do this, the cream is applied to the elbow and left overnight. If there is no irritation in the morning, then the cream can be used without fear.

Elimination of facial skin irritation caused by hormonal imbalances

To ensure that your skin is minimally susceptible to irritation during menopause, you should pay special attention to it.

Derma care should have the following features:

Each skin cleansing process should be accompanied by additional moisturizing.

Facial cleansers must contain moisturizing ingredients.

Instead of soap, you should use facial foams and gels.

To exfoliate your skin, you should choose products with alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs).

In addition, a woman should drink enough water per day, eat a balanced diet and give up bad habits. If, in addition to irritation and dry skin, a woman during menopause is also bothered by other manifestations of hormonal imbalance (sweating, fever, hot flashes, etc.), then she should consult a gynecologist. Your doctor may recommend taking hormonal medications or other medications designed to improve your well-being during menopause.

As for facial skin irritation during pregnancy, it most often goes away after the baby is born. You should not take any medications, even completely natural ones, without your doctor’s permission. To reduce skin irritation, you can use ice cubes. To do this, boiled water is frozen, and then in the morning and evening after the cleansing procedure, they wipe the skin with it.

Even during pregnancy, you can safely use a mask with cottage cheese and kefir (you should mix 2 tablespoons of each product), or a mask based on cucumber pulp and chopped parsley. Any of the masks is applied to the face for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Pregnant women should remember that if irritation on the face is accompanied by a general feeling of unwellness, then they should not hesitate to consult a doctor.

If skin irritation appears in adolescents during puberty, this requires special attention. Your diet and daily routine should be adjusted. If this does not help, then you can use special ointments, including: Skinoren gel, Salicylic ointment, Retinoic ointment, Zinc ointment, etc. Each of the listed products should be applied only to thoroughly cleansed and dry skin. The drug for external use Zerkalin has proven itself well, which can be used both in adults and in adolescence. After consultation with a dermatologist, drug correction of acne and other skin irritations in adolescence is possible.

In the case when skin irritation appears due to hormonal imbalances caused by dysfunction of the adrenal glands, ovaries or thyroid glands, treatment is carried out exclusively by a doctor. It will completely depend on what kind of disease the person has.

Elimination of skin irritation due to vitamin deficiency

If irritation on the skin of the face is caused by a lack of vitamins, then their deficiency must be replenished. A person should adjust their diet and include more fresh vegetables and fruits. The menu should be designed in such a way that at the same time the body receives products that do not interfere with, but promote mutual absorption.

In addition to proper nutrition, in case of vitamin deficiency it is necessary to take vitamin complexes (Undevit, Triovit, Centrum, Pikovit, Supradin, etc.). However, they must be prescribed by a doctor; it is he who determines the timing of taking vitamins and selects a specific drug. It should be remembered that an excess of vitamins in the body also negatively affects the condition of facial skin and health in general, as does their deficiency.

Elimination of skin irritation due to dysbacteriosis

To get rid of irritation on the skin of the face due to dysbacteriosis, it is necessary to find out the cause that led to the disruption of the intestinal microflora and eliminate it.

General recommendations aimed at getting rid of dysbiosis are:

Optimization of the power supply scheme.

Taking probiotic medications (Linex, Rioflora Immuno, Bificol, Bifiform, etc.).

In severe cases (when dysbiosis is caused by intestinal diseases), antibiotics, intestinal antiseptics, and bacteriophages are prescribed.

After completing a course of treatment for dysbiosis, you will be able to get rid of skin problems. If the cause of irritation is inflammatory (colitis, infections, etc.) and other intestinal diseases (adhesive disease, intestinal polyps, etc.), then specific treatment is carried out.

Elimination of facial skin irritation due to demodicosis

It is impossible to completely get rid of demodicosis, however, achieving stable remission is quite possible. The use of antiparasitic drugs is not always justified, since taking such drugs will take too long, which is due to the life cycle of the tick. Treatment of demodicosis is possible with Tinidazole or Metronidazole, but in order to achieve a high concentration of these drugs in the skin, they will need to be taken for a long time, which can negatively affect a person’s health.

Therefore, for deep lesions, medications prepared in a pharmacy according to a doctor’s prescription are used. Local application of gel preparations with Metronidazole is also possible. Cosmetological procedures have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin with demodicosis: microdermabrasion, electrophoresis with moisturizers, professional peelings and non-hardware facial cleansing.

During treatment, the use of decorative cosmetics is prohibited; daily change of bed linen, washing and carefully ironing pillowcases are necessary. It is possible to use medicinal cosmetics. You should be prepared for the fact that the process of getting rid of a tick is very long and labor-intensive.

Systemic lupus erythematosus treatment and skin care

Treatment of lupus erythematosus is within the competence of the doctor; self-administration of any medications is unacceptable. Patients are prescribed hormonal ointments, cytostatics, and NSAID injections.

A very important recommendation for people with systemic lupus erythematosus is to avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Naturally, it is impossible to completely avoid sun exposure to the skin, so you should protect it with creams with UV filters.

In particularly severe cases, immunosuppressive stem cell therapy is performed.

Elimination of irritation on facial skin due to burns

Any sunburn should not be left untreated, no matter how intense it is. First of all, you need to stop the sun from getting on your skin; to do this, you need to hide in a cool room or in the shade. Place a clean cloth (it is best to use a sterile bandage) soaked in cool water on the damaged area. Such compresses should be changed every quarter of an hour.

Further treatment of a skin burn comes down to taking vitamins (A, C, E), taking NSAIDs (to eliminate pain), and taking antihistamines (to reduce burning and itching). Thus, taking Paracetamol or Ibuprofen can reduce pain, Loratadine, Fenkarol, Tavegil, etc. can help relieve swelling and reduce itching of the skin.

To accelerate the regeneration of the skin, various creams, sprays, ointments are used: Dexpanthenol, Elovera, Vinilin, Sea buckthorn oil, Zinc ointment, Actovegin, etc.

Elimination of skin irritation due to fungal infection

A fungal infection should be treated by a dermatologist. He determines the type of pathogenic microorganism and, in accordance with this, prescribes medications. The patient will be recommended to use antifungal ointments, including: Clotrimazole, Miconet, Econazole, etc. It is possible to take antifungals orally. During treatment, it is recommended to stop using decorative cosmetics and adhere to a diet with an emphasis on plant and dairy products.

Proper skin care

To avoid irritation on the face due to improper care, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

Cosmetics and skin care products should be selected taking into account its type (dry, oily, normal, combination).

It is best to wash your face with boiled cool water.

When shaving, the direction of movement of the razor should be along the growth of the stubble, and not against it. You should use shaving foam, as well as aftershave creams and lotions.

When working in hot workshops, or when forced to spend a long time in the sun or in the cold, you should take care of additional skin protection.

Maintaining a drinking regime is important for skin health. The general recommendation for the average adult is at least 6 glasses of water per day.

Don't forget about your diet. Fatty, spicy, fried and salty foods cannot have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

It is equally important to give up bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle. You should spend more time outdoors and exercise. Competent facial skin care can be obtained in professional cosmetology offices, where there is a wide selection of various hardware and non-hardware procedures. Therefore, if any areas of irritation appear on the dermis, you should not delay visiting a specialist.

Author of the article: Kuzmina Vera Valerievna | Nutritionist, endocrinologist

Education: Diploma from Russian State Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov, specialty “General Medicine” (2004). Residency at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).

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The skin is the largest and most complex organ in the human body. It protects the body from mechanical damage and is involved in thermoregulation, respiration, and metabolic processes. But sometimes, under the influence of external factors, due to improper care, hormonal imbalances or serious illnesses, irritation may appear on the face.

Human skin is a real microcosm, home to about 1 billion individual bacteria and 14 types of fungi. It is bacteria that determine the smell of a person’s body and sweat; everyone has their own “own” odor.

Severe itching is often accompanied by peeling of the epithelium and local redness. The affected cover is not able to function fully, which is fraught with health problems. To eliminate a dermatological defect, it is enough to determine the cause of its occurrence and promptly get rid of it.

Physiological features of the phenomenon

From a physiological point of view, irritation is a reaction of the epidermis to damage to the epithelium by toxins and foreign organisms. If these substances overcome the protective barriers, local inflammation occurs. In this way, the human body signals danger.

Infected skin is no longer able to fully protect the dermis. Microcracks and blisters form on the epithelium, which are an “open door” for dangerous infections.

Dermatologists distinguish 2 types of redness:

  1. Physiological - the reaction of the integument to temporary stimuli, which is the norm for the human body. After eliminating the external influence, everything goes away, the functionality of the epidermis is restored without negative consequences.
  2. Pathological - a signal of failures at the level of physiological reflexes, diseases. You can get rid of redness only by eliminating the causative factor, which is achieved through treatment.

If we consider pathological problems, they are solved by specialized specialists, dermatologists, and doctors. In other cases, irritation is a cosmetic defect that can be eliminated by seeking help from a cosmetologist or by dealing with this issue personally. And the key to success here is identifying the root cause of the problem.

Causes of redness

Unpleasant manifestations can be caused by

many factors, ranging from poor ecology to internal consumption of allergens. Experts conventionally divide irritants into external and internal. Let's take a closer look at them.

Internal “provocateurs”

The skin not only protects internal organs, but also participates in air exchange, excretion, and metabolic processes. If the body gets sick, the condition of the skin and its appearance worsen.

The main irritants include:

  1. allergic reactions;
  2. damage to the epithelium by fungal infections;
  3. the presence of helminths in the body;
  4. frequent stressful situations;
  5. problems with the functioning of the digestive organs;
  6. diathesis;
  7. colds;
  8. demodicosis

In some cases, the cause of peeling of the dermis may be poor nutrition. First of all, this is the consumption of carbonated drinks, chocolate, energy drinks, chips - “food waste”.

External reasons

Irritation on the face is often caused by external factors. The most common are:

  1. Effect of intense ultraviolet radiation. The heated body becomes covered with red plaques, and after a short time it peels off. Sweat is not able to quickly evaporate from the surface of the skin.
  2. Use of low-quality, cheap cosmetics. Second-rate products and synthetic components have a negative effect on the epidermis.
  3. Frequent tactile contact between hands and face.
  4. Herbs, plants and their pollen. If they come into contact with skin, they can cause blisters, rashes and itching.
  5. Contact with household chemicals rich in alkalis and ammonia.
  6. The presence in the wardrobe of clothes made of synthetic fabrics and artificial dyes.
  7. Soap with a large number of ingredients and dyes. Due to the high pH level, they dry out the epithelium.

At the first signs of irritation, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of their appearance.

This division allows specialists to quickly and accurately determine the source of undesirable manifestations, eliminate it, and develop effective therapeutic tactics. In addition to the listed factors, the types of redness, their size, and location on the body are taken into account.

Types of redness of the skin on the face

Irritation on the face, redness of the skin, can be permanent or temporary. The first type depends on a genetic factor. The last type is acquired or caused by external factors.

Skin irritations vary in intensity and location.

Redness of the epidermis manifests itself as:

  1. inflammation of the skin (typical of the initial stage of acne);
  2. minor local swelling (observed with allergies, clogged pores);
  3. spots, neoplasms, “plaques” (manifestation of pigmentation, pityriasis rosea, rosacea);
  4. pustules (“ulcers” with local redness, spreading not only over the face, but also along the back and chest);
  5. subcutaneous bumpy pimples;
  6. papules (small rashes on the surface of the skin of a red-pink hue);
  7. burn damage to the epithelium (thermal, chemical, solar).

Regardless of the type of redness, you should seek help and advice from a dermatologist. Delaying treatment is fraught with aggravation of the problem (formation of boils, cysts) and progression of the disease.

Causes of redness on the face

Facial irritation differs from the defects discussed above primarily in that the causes are often external factors. If you analyze the events of the last 2-3 weeks, then identifying the source of the rash is not so difficult.

Peeling of the epidermis can cause problems with internal organs

In 90% of cases we are talking about the following factors:

  1. hormonal imbalances - typical for pregnancy, adolescence, menstrual cycle, etc.;
  2. skin reaction to cold or frost, moisture;
  3. nervous disorders - psychosis, depressive and stressful situations;
  4. cheap, expired cosmetics - typical for cases of using new products without preliminary testing or studying the composition;
  5. a consequence of mechanical or chemical effects on the skin - cleaning the pores, face, peeling, use of aggressive lotions, creams;
  6. poor facial care – typical for girls who actively use cosmetics;
  7. excess vitamin “A” in the body is a “disease” of women who abuse sunbathing and solariums;
  8. long-term use of certain medications.

Having carefully studied this list of irritants, it is easy to establish the reason for such an unpleasant reaction of the body. Cosmetologists say that the problem does not always lie in just one factor; sometimes it is a combination of them (hormonal imbalance + use of low-quality cosmetics + heavy tanning). Before removing irritation on the face, its source is eliminated.

Cosmetological methods of elimination

The easiest and safest way to get rid of redness on the face is to seek help from an experienced cosmetologist.. The specialist will not only identify the irritant, but also select the optimal procedures for a specific rash or acne.

The easiest way to eliminate redness on the face is in a beauty salon by introducing vitamin and mineral supplements into the epidermis

Basic methods for eliminating itching, peeling and redness:

  1. Program or chemical peeling. Deep facial cleansing with fruit acids has proven itself to be excellent. The dermis is saturated with useful components, moisturized, and problem cells are intensively renewed with new ones.
  2. Mesotherapy is the effect of active substances on the middle layer of the dermis.
  3. Biorevitalization – saturation of the deep spheres of the skin with micronutrients and vitamins. The drugs are administered through microinjections.
  4. Specialized cosmetic programs that provide intensive skin hydration.

Irritation on the face (redness, rash, peeling, rosacea) is eliminated only after completely eliminating internal factors that could provoke inflammation. If this is not done, but only deal with cosmetic defects, there is a high probability of relapse.

Cosmetical tools

To quickly eliminate irritation, itching and redness, use cosmetics sold in every pharmacy. This method is aimed at eliminating symptoms, not causes, and is therefore not considered very effective. For quality and effective treatment, it is important to consult a dermatologist.

There are a number of ointments that are highly likely to eliminate redness

There are a number of ointments that in 95% of cases help to cope with the problem:

  1. "Fenistil-Gel" - eliminates itching, irritation, relieves swelling.
  2. "Gistan" - helps to cope with irritations of the epidermis.
  3. "BoroPlus" is a cosmetic product. Removes redness, softens the epithelium, nourishes the dermis with moisture.
  4. "Bepanten" - promotes intensive regeneration of the skin, healing of wounds and cracks.
  5. “Boromenthol” is an ointment with a pronounced cooling effect, refreshes the skin, relieves itching, and eliminates associated symptoms.

The listed drugs are actively used in cosmetology, because belong to non-hormonal drugs. For skin problems, extracts of jojoba, chamomile, horsetail and aloe will be useful.

Home treatment recipes

In cases where irritation on the face, redness or peeling is localized and the cause of the problem has been established, home recipes can be used. The skin recovers more intensively with regular use of compresses, creams and masks. Most products have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Steam bath with hops

A steam bath with the addition of hops will soothe reddened facial skin. It is prepared as follows: pour 15 g of crushed hops into a wide enamel pan, pour 1 liter of clean cold water over the plant. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat.

Steam baths with hops are an effective way to get rid of the problem of flaky skin

When the broth boils, bend over it and cover yourself with a blanket or terry towel. For dry skin, 3-4 minutes of steam exposure is enough, for oily skin – 10. Upon completion of the procedure, the epidermis is moisturized with lotion, milk or cream.

Potato mask for skin inflammation

Fresh and peeled potatoes are grated. Beat 1 egg yolk with a blender and add it to the potato pulp (80-100 g). The components are thoroughly stirred until smooth. Add 15 ml of lemon juice to the mixture and mix gently. At the final stage, add 1-2 ml of copper sulfate.

Masks are one of the effective ways to eliminate flaking and regenerate the skin.

The mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes, and at the end of the session, the residue is washed off with water and diluted lemon juice (0.1 liter of juice per 1 liter of water). The frequency of exposure is 1 time every 3 days.

Parsley decoction compress

Parsley not only has a soothing effect on problem skin, but can also whiten it. To prepare the decoction you need to follow a simple sequence of steps:

  1. Parsley (30 mg) is thoroughly chopped so that it reacts faster with other ingredients and poured into a glass container.
  2. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the greens and cover with a lid.
  3. The composition is infused for half an hour until the broth cools.
  4. Sterile gauze is moistened in warm liquid and applied to the face for 15-20 minutes.

Vegetable oils will help enhance the effect. After adding 2-3 ml of chamomile essence, the skin “calms down” in 3-5 minutes.

Cottage cheese and fruit juice mask

Method for preparing a soothing mask against redness on the face:

  1. Freshly squeezed fruit juice (10 ml) is poured into a plate.
  2. Add 0.5 chicken yolk.
  3. Add 10 mg of cottage cheese to the mixture (it is better to take fatty cottage cheese).
  4. The ingredients are mixed and 5 ml of vegetable oil is added to them.
  5. After final mixing of the components, the composition is ready for application.

The consistency is applied to problem areas of the skin for 20 minutes. Then the mask is washed off with cold water or chilled chamomile infusion.

Fruit juices are the best ingredient for nourishing masks against flaking and redness

Cosmetologists recommend carefully checking folk recipes to ensure there are no allergies to their components. To do this, apply a small amount of the composition to the wrist and observe the reaction on the surface of the skin for 2 hours. If the body has not reacted negatively to the mixture, you can use the prepared product.

Cuperosis on the face as one of the causes of redness of the skin on the face - video

One of the common causes of redness of the epidermis on the face is rosacea. We are talking about a skin disease in which “stars” of dilated vessels form under the epithelium. They are not dangerous to health, but they cause a lot of trouble for women because they seriously spoil their appearance. Learn more about this disease in the video below.

There are many reasons for facial irritation. But in almost every case, you can quickly get rid of unpleasant and unsightly redness and peeling, if it is not a serious disease. It is worth eliminating skin defects on your own only if the exact cause is known. In other cases, it is better to consult and enlist the support of a dermatologist.