Cosmetic procedures for the face against wrinkles

The desire to maintain a blooming appearance is inherent in every woman. Various procedures for facial rejuvenation by a cosmetologist have been developed and are successfully used. An experienced specialist will analyze the condition of the skin and select a technique taking into account individual characteristics: age, type of dermis, presence of problems. This approach is designed to ensure maximum effect.

It is advisable not to postpone your visit to the salon or clinic until the distant future. The longer you delay, the more time, effort and material costs will need to be invested to correct the situation. The skin is exposed to daily damage fromfor poor care, bad habits, stress, lack of sleep, atmospheric factors, etc.

Which facial rejuvenation procedures are more effective?

Cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation using different techniques. They are used both separately and in combination with each other to achieve maximum effectiveness.

The radical method is plastic surgery. However, for a quick effect you will have to pay for a long period of rehabilitation, pain, and a high risk of complications.

Injections of special components can cope with the task. The skin receives a cocktail that ensures its healing, acceleration of metabolic processes, and launch of the regeneration mechanism. It’s nice that after the session there is no long recovery required, discomfort is absent or minimized.

The hardware action stimulates the production of collagen and elastin under the influence of electric current, ultrasonic waves, laser, light and heat rays. This type of rejuvenation has virtually no contraindications, combines well with other techniques, and does not cause discomfort.

Peeling frees the dermis from dead cells, which helps restore normal metabolism, activate collagen synthesis, smooth out wrinkles, and cleanse pores.

Massage is considered the most pleasant procedure, but requires regularity and high qualifications of the performer. With its help, the flow of lymph and blood returns to normal, the tissues are saturated with oxygen. The tone increases, wrinkles are smoothed out, the frame is strengthened, the contour is restored.

Cosmetics in the form of masks, scrubs, intensive serums, creams are designed to maintain youthful and healthy skin and protect against external factors.

How to choose a procedure, expert advice

Without outside help, it is difficult for an ignorant person to understand the numerous methods offered by clinics or salons.

It is worth deciding which procedure is best to do to achieve facial rejuvenation with the help of a specialist.

According to professionals, the palm goes to Botox and hyaluronic acid injections. The effect is noticeable immediately after the end of the session.

Mesotherapy does not give such an instant result. In this case, much depends on the choice of drug.

Hardware methods aimed at maintaining youth have proven themselves to be quite good. Among them, the following stand out: plasma lifting, LPGmassage. Regular use makes it possible to delay the onset of senile changes. They can boast of well-deserved popularity: photorejuvenation, ozone therapy, thermage.

Inexpensive facial rejuvenation procedures

The cost of the technique is not always directly proportional to the effectiveness. Therefore, when choosing a procedure, you should not rely only on the price of facial rejuvenation in salons. It would be wise to trust the opinion of a specialist.

Mesotherapy allows you to cope not only with wrinkles, but also helps to improve the health of the skin and slow down aging. Depending on the composition of the cocktail, the cost of lifting ranges from 3 to 7.5 thousand rubles. Long-term results are achieved after 4-10 procedures.

Laser exposure is a popular method due to its affordable cost and effectiveness. With its help, the synthesis of collagen fibers in the body is enhanced, restoration processes are launched, and a layer of keratinized dermis is removed, which interferes with normal breathing and nutrition of the skin. The course consists of 8-12 sessions and costs about 20-30 thousand rubles.

The essence of the ultrasound technique is massage and stimulation of the deep layers of the dermis under the influence of a wave of a certain frequency. Visible changes occur after the first session. By performing 2 to 5 procedures, you can smooth out even deep wrinkles. For a course of treatment you will have to pay from 25 to 35 thousand rubles.


The principle of peeling is to remove the layer of epidermal cells. This promotes regeneration and renewal of the skin. The result is alignment, smoothing, and increased elasticity. Such facial procedures can rejuvenate, the best options: chemical, laser, mechanical.

According to the degree of depth, peelings are divided into deep, superficial and medium.

Keratoregulating peeling

The procedure is intended for oily, problematic skin of the superficial type. The components included in the exfoliant cope with acne and its consequences, pigmentation, inflammation, cleanse pores, normalize the amount of secretion, smooth out wrinkles. We can say that aesthetic rejuvenation of the face is taking place.

A similar effect is provided by the basic components:

  1. glycolic acid;
  2. salicylic acid;
  3. plant extracts;
  4. hormones of natural origin;
  5. zinc-containing compounds;
  6. vitamins.

At the end of the session, the skin is soothed with a mask, which promotes faster recovery. Finally, a cream is selected for comprehensive care during the rehabilitation period.

Course use involves performing from 7 to 10 sessions with an interval of at least a week between them. It is allowed to use the method a maximum of 2 times a year.

Chemical peeling

The mechanism of the procedure is the formation of a controlled burn under the influence of natural or synthesized acids. As a result of injury, the regeneration process at the cellular level is launched, the synthesis of collagen and elastin is enhanced, nutrition and oxygen saturation are improved. At the same time, pores are cleansed and tightened, wrinkles are smoothed, and skin texture and tone are evened out.

Depending on the main active component, the following types of exfoliation are distinguished:

  1. glycolic;
  2. almond;
  3. salicylic;
  4. dairy;
  5. retinoic;
  6. Jessner;
  7. TCA;
  8. phenolic, etc.

The choice of drug is influenced by the degree of age-related changes.

  1. In the absence and insignificant number of wrinkles, superficial peeling is used.
  2. If the problem clearly manifests itself during the movement of facial muscles, median exfoliation is recommended.
  3. In cases where wrinkles are noticeable even in a relaxed state, uneven pigmentation is observed, dilatation of capillaries is indicated by a medium or deep method of treatment.
  4. Only deep peeling can get rid of a large number of pronounced senile changes.


The technique involves removing dead cells with appropriately cut diamond crystals. At the same time, a vacuum massage occurs. The skin is cleansed well and gets a boost to renewal.

Depending on the type of dermis and the problem area, a nozzle is selected from 10 possible, with particles of a certain size. The surface of the face is treated with light movements, following the massage lines. The keratinized particles are captured in a special container.

After complete recovery (5-8 days), you can notice the following improvements:

  1. smoothing wrinkles;
  2. increased elasticity;
  3. relief leveling.

However, you need to be prepared that up to 12 weeks the face retains a reddish or pink tint, which gradually loses intensity.

Injections to prolong youth

Injection therapy helps to achieve a quick effect. This explains the high popularity of this facial rejuvenation procedure. Nutrient and fixative cocktails are precisely injected into the tissue. In general, the procedure does not cause severe pain, but there is the possibility of anesthesia for those with increased sensitivity.

There are several methods of injection lifting: mesotherapy, Botox, contour improvement using fillers or stem cells, etc.


During the session, active substances and vitamins are injected into the skin to a depth of 0.6 mm. Microinjections are performed in large quantities with special thin needles, covering the entire problem area. This allows useful components to be fully delivered to their destination. The cosmetologist selects the composition individually, from more than 100 options, depending on the needs of the dermis. The result of the procedure does not occur immediately, but after some time.

The mesotherapy procedure, according to experts, is considered the most effective method of facial rejuvenation. A course consisting of 4 to 10 sessions will help you achieve lasting results.


Using injections, botulinum toxin is injected into the area of ​​facial wrinkles, which helps block nerve impulses. The muscles are completely immobilized, which leads to smoother skin. The achieved effect lasts for four months. After the muscles regain the ability to contract, it is worth repeating the treatment.

For health purposes, it is recommended to combine Botox with injections of hyaluronic acid and vitamin complexes.

The technique is often chosen by women who have crossed the forty-year mark. It is advisable to use it in such cases:

  1. pronounced eyebrow wrinkles;
  2. "crow's feet";
  3. nasolabial folds.

Contour plastic with fillers

The method consists of subcutaneous injection of compounds based on hyaluronic acid, which is a physiological component of tissue. The shape, volume, wrinkles, scars, asymmetry can be corrected, and the degree of moisture in the epidermis is normalized. The advantage of contour plastic surgery is:

  1. ease of execution;
  2. short session duration;
  3. absence of allergic reactions;
  4. painlessness;
  5. affordable price

The procedure is often used in combination with hardware.

Preparations with hyaluronic acid have a gel-like consistency, which allows them to successfully fill subcutaneous cavities.

The peculiarity of the technique is the prohibition of tension in the facial muscles.

Stem cells

With age, the body loses reserves of stem cells, which have a unique ability to self-renew. After a thorough examination, adipose tissue is collected and biomaterial is multiplied. Some unclaimed cells can be frozen at low temperatures.

The procedure is performed using injections under local anesthesia, and releases the body's hidden reserves. The method is used to rejuvenate the face, neck, and décolleté.

The first positive changes appear after a few weeks.

Hardware procedures for rejuvenation

The best cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation include types of lifting, which are carried out using special devices.

Radiofrequency lifting

The facial skin rejuvenation procedure using electromagnetic waves is a safe method. During the session, the inner layers are heated, which promotes the formation of new collagen fibers and strengthens the muscle frame. At the same time, blood and lymph circulation, oxygen saturation improves, and toxins are eliminated. The result is noticeable after the first session and has an increasing effect.


The essence of the method is the action of light pulses, which affects the deep layers of the dermis. As a result, collagen production accelerates, which prevents further aging of the skin, restores healthy color, and smoothes wrinkles. With the help of photorejuvenation, you can get rid of acne and a pronounced network of capillaries.


A facelift is performed with hyaluronic acid. Its delivery is carried out using special devices or injections. Particularly popular are techniques that do not injure the skin. In this case, a low molecular weight compound is used. The following types of procedures are distinguished:

  1. cryo;
  2. laser;
  3. iontophoresis;
  4. magnetophoresis;
  5. using oxygen.

The effect of a course of 3-5 sessions intensifies over several weeks and lasts from 4 to 8 months. To maintain the result, perform 2-3 procedures every 4 months.


The method is based on the delivery of plasma isolated from the patient’s blood into the subcutaneous layer up to 3 mm deep. This leads to increased activity of stem cells. The effect will be provided by a course of 4-5 sessions with an interval of 2 weeks.

The facial rejuvenation procedure at the cellular level can be used solo or combined with other techniques.

Ozone therapy

This type of procedure helps saturate the dermis with oxygen.ozone mixture. It is administered using injections. The result is increased blood circulation, acceleration of metabolic reactions, synthesis of collagen and elastin. Users note:

  1. smoothing wrinkles;
  2. strengthening the muscle frame;
  3. return of a fresh shade;
  4. increased elasticity.

Massage and stimulation

Speaking about the most effective procedures designed for facial rejuvenation, one should not discount massage and special types of gymnastics. With their help, it is possible to correct many age-related problems.


Direct exposure of the skin to electrical current leads to muscle contractions. This stimulates accelerated blood flow, normalizing metabolic reactions in the body. At the same time, the tone of the dermis improves and wrinkles are smoothed out. The course includes from 10 to 15 sessions, which are conducted daily. You can notice visible changes after 4 procedures.

The technique is recommended for women over 40 years of age, but it can also be used at an earlier age.

LPG facial massage

Using a special device, a vacuum is applied to the skinplucking action. The procedure is reminiscent of manual massage, but with greater efficiency.

By completing the full course you can achieve the following:

  1. wrinkle removal;
  2. jowl lift;
  3. elimination of double chin;
  4. lifting in the eyelid area;
  5. improvement of contours.

With maintenance therapy, the achieved effect lasts for 6 months.

Other popular techniques

Cosmetology does not stand still and is constantly adding to the list of anti-aging products.

Elos rejuvenation

The complex influence of electric current and light makes it possible to act on deep layers. Due to this, the production of collagen and elastin is enhanced. In addition to the anti-aging effect, modern techniques are also aimed at eliminating pigmentation, treating acne, the effects of acne, enlarged pores, etc.

The course consists of 7-10 sessions, in advanced cases their number can reach 15. The achieved state lasts from 1 to 1.5 years, depending on the individual characteristics of the dermis.

Oxygen therapy

Beneficial substances enter the skin due to an increase in the partial pressure of oxygen. The technique is applicable for people with different skin types of any age category.

It is recommended for smoothing facial wrinkles, fighting acne, deep moisturizing, eliminating dark circles, and improving the condition of aging skin.


Another method of skin rejuvenation is carried out using injections along certain lines. This approach allows you to recreate a frame from thin threads filled with gel. It is based on hyaluronic or polylactic acid.

It is recommended to undergo at least 3 sessions to ensure lasting results for six months.

Anti-aging masks

You should not give up such anti-aging cosmetology as face masks. They are definitely included in the complex of skin care measures.

From a large number of options, it is easy to select recipes or products according to the individual needs of the epidermis. It is recommended to pamper your skin 1-2 times a week to provide it with nutrition and hydration.

Reviews of cosmetic procedures

Comments from those who have already tried various methods for rejuvenation are sometimes contradictory.

This, for example, applies to laser treatments and the Elos technique. The final result is greatly influenced by the professionalism of the performer, the condition of the equipment, and the characteristics of the patient’s skin.

The best procedure for facial rejuvenation after 40 years, as confirmed by reviews, is Botox. The technique has been used for many years, and still does not lose its position.

Contouring also has a good reputation among women as a rejuvenation procedure. Clients especially like the quick effect.

There are fans of chemical exfoliation, but it is best used for the initial signs of aging.

Masks made from natural ingredients, factory-made products and pharmaceutical preparations have many fans. Regular use is an excellent preventative measure, and in addition, special gymnastics should be included.

Video: Review of popular cosmetic procedures 25+


The issue of preserving youth is relevant at all times. Fortunately, our contemporaries have at their disposal a large number of progressive techniques and care products. But don’t forget about physical activity, proper nutrition, drinking enough water and vitamins to delay the onset of old age as much as possible.

If you want to remove wrinkles with the help of effective cosmetic procedures, look at what clinics and beauty salons offer us.


Peeling is the simplest procedure to combat wrinkles. And although peeling is not directly aimed at eliminating wrinkles, its modern versions contain various acids that literally “dissolve” the old epidermal layer. As a result, skin cells begin to actively renew themselves, the skin looks smoother, firmer and tighter, that is, its quality improves. Of course, this is not enough if the wrinkles are deep, but it copes well with facial wrinkles. You can also try using home peeling from natural ingredients.


Today, this procedure has become very popular among women who want to smooth out wrinkles. Botulinum toxin, which is injected into the skin in minimal safe doses for health, paralyzes the muscles. They stop actively contracting, which in itself eliminates wrinkles caused by facial activity. Namely, between the eyebrows, forehead and “crow’s feet” around the eyes. In addition, thanks to Botox, you can solve other age-related changes - drooping corners of the lips, eyes and eyebrows. The duration of the procedure is up to 20 minutes, depending on the area of ​​application. The effect lasts up to 7-8 months, after which a repeat procedure is necessary. For those interested, all the details of the use of this drug can be found in the material what is botox and how to use it correctly.

Wrinkle fillers - fillers

This procedure is carried out using so-called fillers, or more simply - fillers. It follows that its task is to fill the wrinkle from the inside. The famous hyaluronic acid, polylactic acid, collagen, calcium hydroxyapatite. These substances have the properties of “swelling,” as if pushing out a wrinkle and smoothing the skin. They can remain in the skin for up to a year, then they dissolve on their own and are eliminated from the body without harm. With the help of fillers, you can get rid of nasolabial folds, crow's feet, drooping facial contours, wrinkles around the mouth, nose and eyes. We described all the nuances of their work in the article. natural fillers, we recommend for review.

Biorevitalization for wrinkles

This procedure involves injecting hyaluronic acid into the skin. And therefore, it is very similar to filler, but it also has a fundamental difference - for biorevitalization, unstabilized acid is used, which resolves after 2-3 weeks, depending on the individual characteristics of the skin. The main task of unstabilized hyaluronic acid is to attract the maximum number of water molecules that are in the skin. As a result, small wrinkles are smoothed out, and deep ones become less noticeable. At the same time, the skin starts the process of producing its own collagen and elastin, as a result the skin becomes more elastic, its quality significantly improves. The procedure is recommended for those who do not want to introduce long-acting medications into their skin. The disadvantage of this procedure is that it must be repeated frequently once a year in a course; the usual course is 3-4 sessions with an interval of 2-3 weeks.

Microcurrent therapy

This is another procedure that will help smooth out wrinkles. The microcurrent procedure works by stimulating the skin with currents of ultra-low amplitude and frequency. They are identical to the currents that the body itself produces. Thus, penetrating the cells, they trigger the rejuvenation process. Metabolic processes in the skin are sharply activated, it is better saturated with oxygen and better nourished, that is, it begins to work as young and active. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed out, new ones are prevented, skin color improves, and the skin looks radiant and elastic. The same procedure can be performed to prevent the formation of wrinkles. To achieve results, you will have to carry out from 8 to 12 such procedures - all the details are in the article microcurrent facial therapy, pros and cons of the technique.

Anti-wrinkle laser

This procedure is perfect for age-related changes in the skin, as well as early aging. Laser rejuvenation stimulates the work of fibroblasts, which are responsible for the production of collagen in the skin. Collagen is the source of elastic and youthful skin, and with age its quantity decreases, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles. Laser beams that penetrate 1 mm into the skin literally force fibroblasts to produce their own skin collagen. As a result, the skin becomes denser, more elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out and pores are reduced. The course will be recommended by a cosmetologist depending on the condition of your skin and the depth of wrinkles.

Modern methods of combating aging make it possible to get rid of the problem of wrinkle formation, and not of wrinkles, which are only a consequence.

Facial cosmetology is primarily of interest to women who want to get rid of wrinkles, restore youth and freshness to their facial skin and, ultimately, become more beautiful and younger. But in order to choose the right cosmetic procedures, it is necessary to understand how the face changes with age and what causes these age-related changes. To help our readers understand the building blocks of beauty, we invited experts from the Moscow clinic Arbat Aesthetic.

Types of modern cosmetology

Facial skin cosmetology is divided into aesthetic and therapeutic.

  1. Aesthetic cosmetology – these are effects aimed at eliminating aesthetic imperfections: removing wrinkles, smoothing out folds, adjusting the shape of the nose, lips, cheekbones, etc.
  2. Medical cosmetology – these are procedures designed to restore the skin to the lack of nutrients and moisturizing substances, to cure certain diseases associated with the skin. Injections of hyaluronic acid, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, various hardware procedures are procedures of therapeutic cosmetology.

In this article we will look at the basis of aesthetic cosmetology – wrinkles. What wrinkles exist, how to deal with them: famous Moscow expert cosmetologists from the Arbat Esthetic clinic Levon Chakhoyan, Ekaterina Zhivotkova and Olga Kradina will talk about this.

What types of wrinkles are there?

Wrinkles are age-related skin defects that appear on the human body and face during the aging process of the skin. It is simply impossible to avoid their appearance, since the passage of time and gravity are still beyond our control, but it is possible and even necessary to effectively combat such defects. In order to choose the most rational method for the prevention and treatment of wrinkles, you should familiarize yourself with their types and characteristics.

Types of wrinkles and their features

Wrinkles can be conditionally divided into several groups, depending on the depth of their occurrence and localization. Thus, cosmetologists divide wrinkles into the following types:

Expression wrinkles. They are formed as a result of active facial expressions of a person. In this case, active and frequent expression of emotions is a direct factor influencing the appearance of wrinkles. For example, if you frown too often, then sooner or later small wrinkles are guaranteed to appear in the area between the eyebrows.

It is simply impossible to insure yourself against their occurrence, but botulinum therapy procedures (injections of Botox, Dysport or Xeomin) come first as methods of control; chemical peels, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, etc. are less effective.

Static wrinkles. Such changes are more serious and profound than the type described above. Static wrinkles on the face appear due to the loss of skin elasticity and firmness, imbalance of moisture, decrease in subcutaneous fat content, etc. In other words, these are the most age-related wrinkles.

Causes and types of age-related changes

In addition, based on the depth of wrinkles, they can be divided into superficial, formed in the upper layers of the skin and at the level of the epidermis, as well as deep, which arise in the middle and lower part of the dermis.

There are quite a few reasons for the formation of such wrinkles.

  1. Firstly, over the years, the lipid content in the skin decreases, as a result of which it actively loses water.
  2. Secondly, environmental factors have a detrimental effect.
  3. Thirdly, the appearance of superficial and deep wrinkles can be caused by poor nutrition, insufficient skin care, etc.

One way or another, wrinkles appear in every person, and they need to be dealt with somehow.

To help cope with static wrinkles, injection methods of contouring, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, as well as hardware and skincare cosmetic procedures - laser resurfacing and peelings will help. To get rid of fine wrinkles caused by loss of moisture, various hardware techniques are used, mainly focused on the lifting effect.

A detailed classification of wrinkles and methods for their correction is presented on the page of the Moscow clinic “Arbat Aesthetic”.

How to remove wrinkles from the face and neck

According to expert cosmetologists, the main thing is to fight not the symptoms, but the very cause of wrinkles - age-related ptosis, drooping facial tissues, active muscle work (in the case of facial wrinkles), age-related changes in the skin and subcutaneous layer.

An experienced cosmetologist will first of all recommend injection techniques to his patients - Botox, contouring, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, and will also advise using hardware techniques and chemical peeling. In other words, combine procedures that are aimed at restoring the cellular activity of the skin, moisturizing it and restoring the volume of soft tissues with procedures that combat the causes of wrinkles.

The younger the patient and the less pronounced the wrinkles, the less intensity of injection techniques will be and more attention should be paid to hardware and care procedures.

All kinds of home methods and remedies, in fact, have no effect in terms of combating the causes of wrinkles. Good professional cosmetic products (from 700-800 rubles per container) can maintain the effect of the procedures for a long time, but they are not able to cope with wrinkles on their own.

Is it possible to defeat wrinkles at home?

The answer is clear and understandable - no. It is simply impossible to cope with aging with the help of widely used creams, masks and oils. Any qualified cosmetologist will tell you this. The fact is that age-related changes can be compared with some disease, where in themselves wrinkles are symptoms.

As you know, it makes no sense to treat symptoms - it is necessary to act on the source of the problem. The same is the case with wrinkles. Of course, you can smooth the skin as much as you like, but without solving the problem from the inside, you won’t be able to deal with it.

Levon Robertovich Chakhoyan, head of the cosmetology department and leading physician at the Arbat Esthetic clinic, recommends seeking help from specialists, even if age-related manifestations are not yet very noticeable, rather than wasting time on useless products sold in pharmacies and beauty salons. By visiting a professional cosmetology clinic, you can get a detailed consultation from a cosmetologist who will identify the degree of occurrence of wrinkles, their localization, and develop the most effective skin restoration program.

Wrinkles are, of course, unpleasant. But there is no need to panic and despair, because modern facial cosmetology can effectively cope with even the deepest wrinkles. The main thing is to choose the right technique!

Fight age correctly and enjoy your reflection in the mirror for many years to come!