Cynovit acne cream gel instructions

Natural, antibacterial, antihistamine drug. Application: acne, pimples, neurodermatitis. Price from 450 rub.

Zinc ointment, Zinokap, Tsindol solution. You can find out more about analogues, their prices, and whether they are substitutes at the end of this article.

Today we’ll talk about Cynovit cream-gel. What is this product and how does it affect the body? What are the indications and contraindications? How and in what doses is it used? What can be replaced?

What kind of remedy


Cynovit cream-gel is an effective and inexpensive drug. Used in the treatment of dermatological pathologies and inflammatory processes caused by an allergic reaction.

Cynovit for acne in the form of a cream-gel is available in bottles.

Active ingredient and composition

The antiallergic cream contains 2 main components - zinc pyrithione 1% and licorice (root extract).

Among the auxiliary components:

  1. panthenol (vitamin B);
  2. avocado, olive, jojoba, shea oil:
  3. lactic acid.

Cynovit cream-gel is safe and hypoallergenic.

Pharmacological properties


The components included in the composition help suppress the activity of the process on the skin caused by an allergic and inflammatory reaction. The product has antibacterial, antiseptic, antiallergic and moisturizing effects.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

Licorice reduces the sensitivity of the epidermis to allergic substances.

Zinc pyrithione is an antibacterial component that fights pathogenic microorganisms.

Panthenol eliminates the symptoms of the inflammatory process and stimulates the regenerative effect.

Natural oils promote hydration and nourish the epidermis.

Lactic acid has an exfoliating effect.

The active components are absorbed into the general bloodstream in a minimal amount and are excreted from the body by the kidneys.

Indications for use


The drug Cynovit is used in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the upper epidermal layer. The drug actively fights not only allergic, but also the following pathological conditions:

Cynovit cream-gel is also used to treat superficial burns and seborrheic dermatitis.


Cream-gel Cynovit for allergic and inflammatory manifestations on the skin is not recommended for everyone. There are contraindications for use.

The main limitation is individual intolerance to the components included in the composition. In this case, side reactions from the skin occur.


Directions for use and dosage

Use the product until the symptoms of an allergic or inflammatory reaction disappear. The duration of therapy is determined taking into account the reason why the cream is prescribed:

  1. eczema – up to 4 weeks;
  2. psoriasis – up to 30 days;
  3. acne – up to 5 weeks;
  4. comedones and acne – up to 1.5 weeks;
  5. burns – up to 3 weeks;
  6. acute dermatological reaction to an irritant – up to 7 days.

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, you must follow the rules when using the product. Before applying the cream, the skin is cleansed using appropriate formulations. Next, apply the product in a thin layer, leaving until completely absorbed.

The instructions for use of Cynovit cream gel indicate a daily dosage - 2 applications in the morning and evening.


In childhood, during pregnancy and breastfeeding

There is no information regarding the risk of using the cream-gel during pregnancy and lactation. The possibility of using Cynovit during pregnancy is determined by the attending physician. A remedy is prescribed if the potential benefit outweighs the possible harm. During the period of therapy, stop breastfeeding.

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of allergic and dermatological manifestations in children starting from 1 year of age.

Side effects

In most cases, Cynovit cream-gel is well tolerated by the body. If you are hypersensitive to the components, an allergic reaction may occur on the skin in the form of rash, itching, and redness.

special instructions

Avoid contact of Cynovit with the eyes and mucous membranes. In case of accidental penetration, it is recommended to rinse the area with clean water.


The active components do not affect the body when driving a car or other vehicles. Safe when engaged in activities that require increased concentration.


There are no registered cases of drug overdose.

It is not recommended to exceed the dosage recommended by your doctor. Otherwise, the risk of increased adverse reactions increases.

Drug interactions

Specific reactions do not occur during the simultaneous use of Cynovit cream-gel and other local agents. Additional intake of antiallergic drugs in the form of tablets should be discussed with your doctor.



There are no direct analogues of Cynovit. There are only drugs with similar therapeutic effects:

Only a doctor should prescribe medications, taking into account contraindications and features of the course of the disease.

There is a wide range of topical products available for the treatment of acne. Cynovit gel cream instructions for use position it as an effective topical preparation for problem skin. It contains active substances that effectively fight acne.

Composition and properties of Cynovit

The main active ingredients of the drug are zinc pyrrolidone carbonate and dipotassium glycyrrhizinate.

Zinc pyrrolidone carbonate has an antibacterial effect and suppresses excessive sebum secretion by reducing active testosterone found in the sebaceous glands.

Dipotassium glycyrrhizinate has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and exhibits hypoallergenic properties.

Additionally, Cynovit acne gel cream contains non-comedogenic oils and vitamins that help moisturize the skin and saturate it with nutrients.

The ointment also contains cetearyl alcohol in a small amount, which is intended to tighten pores and also acts as an antiseptic.

The presence of panthenol in the composition promotes faster regeneration of cells damaged during the inflammatory process.

In combination, all active components help relieve inflammation, have an antibacterial effect, reduce the production and improve the outflow of sebum, and also accelerate the renewal of the damaged layer of the epidermis.

The active substances primarily exhibit their antibacterial effect against the following pathogenic microorganisms:

  1. Propionibacterium acnes;
  2. Staphylococcus aureus;
  3. Staphylococcus epidermalis;
  4. Escherichia coli.

The maximum therapeutic effect occurs if acne occurs in an uncomplicated form.

Indications for use

Cynovit cream gel instructions recommend use for mild to moderate acne as part of complex therapy. The drug is also used for prophylactic purposes to prevent the occurrence of new rashes.

In severe forms of acne (conglobate, papulo-pastular, cystic acne, etc.), the use of the product is not rational.

How to use Cynovit for acne

The product is applied 1-2 times a day to the affected areas of the skin in an even layer without rubbing. Before application, you should wash and shower if the drug will be applied not only to the face, but also to the back and other parts of the body. The skin must be dry when applying.

The medication is used until the signs of acne are completely eliminated. Noticeable improvements are noticeable after just a week of regular use. Therapy is not stopped for another 10 days from the moment the rash is completely eliminated. In the future, the drug is used for prophylactic purposes as necessary.

Adverse reactions

Cynovit acne gel cream has a hypoallergenic property, however, in some cases, individual intolerance may occur.

If burning, redness, itching and swelling occur at the application sites, the product should be washed off immediately, take an antihistamine tablet and stop further use of the product.

Presence of contraindications

Cynovit gel cream instructions do not recommend use if you have an individual intolerance to at least one component included in the composition. There are no other contraindications for the anti-acne product.

Precautionary measures

Cynovit gel cream should be applied with caution to the mucous membranes. If the product accidentally gets into vulnerable areas, they should be immediately washed with plenty of water.

Other forms of release

The drug for treating acne is also available in aerosol form. Spray Cynovit For acne has a similar composition and effect, but has a slightly different method of application.

Before spraying, shake the can vigorously and then apply it to a cotton pad or sterile napkin, using which the product is distributed over the affected areas of the body.

Spray treatment is carried out in the morning and evening hours after washing.

During the post-acne period, the spray is used once a day to prevent the occurrence of new acne.

This release form has similar contraindications for use.

The product is also available in the form of shampoo, shower gel and regular cream.

The shampoo is used to treat seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, as well as to eliminate acne that has arisen as a result of this dermatological disease.

The gel is used for the whole body as an adjuvant therapy for seborrheic dermatitis, pityriasis versicolor, atopic dermatitis and other skin pathologies.

The cream is intended to eliminate allergic skin reactions in the form of irritation, redness, and acne caused by dermatological diseases. In addition, it can be used to eliminate discomfort after insect bites or superficial burns.

Analogues of Cynovit for acne

Cynovit gel cream has no analogues in composition, but substitutes based on the principle of action can be found on sale, among which are:

Zinc ointment has a drying, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Its main components are zinc oxide and petroleum jelly. The ointment helps in case of minor rashes. For severe acne, it is ineffective.

Sudocrem contains zinc oxide, which helps relieve inflammation and prevent a further increase in the population of pathogenic bacteria. Additionally, the component helps relieve irritation and promotes the healing of post-acne scars. Other active substances enhance the therapeutic effect of the medication for external use. The drug is used for mild acne.

Differin is available in the form of cream and gel, containing components that are aimed at fighting acne and act in several directions at once. The main active ingredient has strong anti-inflammatory and comedolytic properties. Differin eliminates not only acne, but also comedones and blackheads.

Boro Plus consists exclusively of natural ingredients that have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and healing effects. Its use is effective for mild forms of acne.

Reviews of Cynovite for acne



Before menstruation, pimples constantly pop out. I use Cynovit and the very next day the inflammation is significantly reduced.



In the summer season I get acne. A friend advised me to try Cynovit. The product does a good job of reducing oiliness and removing rashes.



I used Cynovit cream gel for two months. The acne has decreased, but has not completely gone away.

Cynovitis for acne has maximum effect only in the case of an integrated approach to acne treatment. Before starting therapy, you must undergo an examination by a dermatologist and pass all the necessary tests to identify the cause of acne. A topical drug can only temporarily remove the rash. If the provoking factor is not eliminated, the dermatological disease will return again.

Acne and pimples - this is a common skin disease that can be found on the face of almost any teenager; it is not uncommon for a rash on the face to continue to accompany a person beyond the age of twenty-five.

You can and should fight this at any age. It is known that acne occurs as a result of inflammation of the sebaceous glands. Each of us has sebaceous glands throughout our skin, which secrete oil that gradually reaches the surface of the skin.


Once clogged, without the ability to exit through the pores, it accumulates and causes inflammation in this place, followed by the growth of the usual pimple or blackhead.

Most of these glands are located on the face.

A few common types of acne:

  1. Black dots
  2. White wen (white dots)
  3. Pink, inflamed bumps
  4. Yellow, gray ulcers
  5. Internal, located deep under the skin
  6. A crimson cyst is the most serious type of rash, covering a large area of ​​the skin, about 5 centimeters; squeezing such pimples is strictly prohibited, as is self-medication.

The “cynovit” line of drugs distributes:

  1. Cream – for use on the face
  2. Shampoo – to combat psoriasis, itching, seborrhea, dermatitis.
  3. Spray - in addition to the face, it is applied to the décolleté, shoulders, and back. Apply to the face using a tampon, spray the spray onto the tampon, and then treat the face.
  4. The cream-gel will serve as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent, moisturize and soothe the skin, and help after burns.

All these products are designed to combat skin diseases; their combined use is recommended. In this article you will learn specifically about Cynovit cream-gel: its composition, how it works, indications/contraindications and methods of its use.

Description of the drug


Homogeneous and quite thick, the white cream-gel is distributed in 35 ml plastic tubes.
The drug is perfect for the face, as well as for the whole body, which forms its first distinctive feature from its analogues.

This product is practically odorless and has soothing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. The cream-gel will help get rid of peeling and irritation, is quickly absorbed, it does not leave an oily sheen on the skin, and has matting properties. We wrote more about ointment for irritation here.

It is worth noting the advantage of the drug is its effectiveness and easy availability. According to experts, with daily use of Cynovit cream-gel, within two weeks, global improvements are noticeable, the rash disappears from the face and blackheads disappear.

During this time, the skin is moisturized, redness disappears and the spread of inflammation stops.

Ten most striking qualities of this drug

  1. Doesn't dry out skin
  2. Removes blackheads and rashes
  3. Relieves redness and irritation
  4. Allows you to quickly achieve results
  5. Odorless
  6. Cream-gel is very economical in costs
  7. Absorbs well into the skin
  8. Ideal for dry and oily skin types
  9. It’s not difficult to find in city pharmacies at an affordable price
  10. Acts as an analgesic and skin soothing agent.

It is noteworthy that the cream-gel does not contain alcohol or any components that could adversely affect your skin.

Components of the drug


  1. Dipotassium glycyrrhizinate (relieves the skin from inflammation and irritation, prevents redness of the skin and the release of histamine.)
  2. Zinc prithion (fights dry skin, and also has an antibacterial effect)
  3. Jojoba, olive, avocado and shea oils (oils mainly for moisturizing and soothing irritated skin)
  4. Vitamins A and E (these vitamins will provide antioxidant protection and increase immunity)
  5. Panthenol (substance for the treatment and healing of the skin)
  6. Urea (will serve in antitumor prevention and as a skin cleanser)

All these substances in combination with each other make it possible to control the process of acne in adolescence and treat skin diseases in adults.

How does the cream gel work?

In the fight against acne, the main thing is to restore the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminate bacterial proliferation, calm inflammation and normalize the outflow of sebum.

  1. Cynovitis prevents hormones from affecting the sebaceous glands, reducing the amount of sebum produced by the body.
  2. Reduces the number and activity of bacteria that cause acne.
  3. It will eliminate redness, irritation and serve as a preventative for the skin, increasing its immunity to irritants and allergens.
  4. Skin healing and restoration, removal of toxins from the skin in the area of ​​application

Indications of the drug

The cream-gel is mainly used for skin prevention, combating acne, blackheads and blackheads.


It is recommended that when you first purchase the cream, apply it to the skin, in the area of ​​the elbow, on the outer side, for about 40 minutes.


After making sure that after a while there is no allergic reaction (redness or itching), you can apply the cream-gel to your face.

The fact is that the drug contains natural oils, which in turn can provoke a reaction appropriate for allergy sufferers.

Or carefully study the composition of the drug if you are familiar with your allergens. You should avoid using Cynovit during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

No data on a more complicated situation have been reported when used by pregnant women, but since clinical trials have not been carried out, experts do not recommend using the product during this period.

You can contact your specialist for advice to determine possible risks for your unborn child.

Instructions for use

After purchase, before the first use, you should test for a possible allergic reaction.

For this:

  1. Apply cream-gel to the back of the elbow joint
  2. Wait about forty minutes
  3. Rinse with water

Once you have ensured that there is no allergic reaction, the instructions for use are as follows:

  1. After waking up, while washing your face and before going to bed, you need to apply the gel to problem areas of the skin. After visible improvements, it is strongly recommended not to stop using the drug for at least two to three weeks.
  2. The cream is most effective after application to the skin, before bedtime.
  3. The product can be used an unlimited number of times, both for the treatment of skin diseases and for prevention and skin care.

Price and analogues of the drug

You can purchase this skin care product in almost any pharmacy in any city in our country. So, since the Pharmatek company is a domestic manufacturer, there is definitely no shortage in the country. The price of Cynovit ranges from two hundred to four hundred rubles, depending on the region and the volume of the tube.



  1. Cutivate – a drug for skin diseases, including children’s. Price from 260 rubles to 350 rubles
  2. Belosalik – from psoriasis, various types of neurodermatitis, against chronic and acute eczema, ichthyosis, keratosis, dyshidrosis, ichthyosis and many other pathologies. Price from 250 rubles to 650 rubles.
  3. Akriderm – for skin diseases, allergies. For patients with chronic dermatitis, itching and other skin diseases. Price from 80 rubles to 400 rubles.
  4. Bepanten – For the prevention of dry skin, healing of cracks, moisturizing. Price from 300 rubles to 750 rubles.
  5. Tsinocap – from psoriasis and dry skin. Price from 750 rubles to 800 rubles.
  6. Primalan – intended for skin prone to allergic reactions, used for swelling, urticaria, dermatitis. Prices – from 1500 rubles
  7. Pyridoxine – against lichen, dermatitis, diathesis, neurodermatitis and other skin diseases. This drug can be prescribed in the complex treatment of the nervous system. The price is about 50 rubles.
  8. Sudocrem – for the prevention of rashes, bedsores, wounds, frostbite, dermatoses. Price from 256 to 410 rubles.
  9. Kartalin – used in the observation of dermatitis, eczema in adults and children. Price from 500 to 900 rubles.
  10. Advantan – prescribed when a patient has endogenous eczema, neurodermatitis, for different ages. Price from 450 to 850 rubles.
  11. Elidel – the indication for use of the product will be: dermatitis with a long course of treatment. Price 998 rubles.
  12. Forethal – for dry skin suffering from flaking, hyperkeratosis, and other skin diseases. Price up to 300 rubles.

Consumer Reviews

  1. Oksana 18 years old: I have been using the cream-gel for quite a long time, about two years. In general, then, two years ago, I, a sixteen-year-old first-year student at the college of designers, like probably all girls my age, really dreamed of going out with a boy, my first “serious” relationship, but my face always repulsed guys and because of this I was terribly complex.

Until my mother’s friend advised me “Cinovit” cream-gel. After about 2 weeks, the blackheads and these nasty pimples began to recede, and after another one and a half to two weeks, the skin was evened out, moisturized and there was no trace left of the past nightmare!

I am very happy, since then I have become more confident in myself and communication with the opposite has improved and in general I have more friends. I still use this cream-gel for prevention.

If someone asks me: Listen, what should I do about acne?
I will definitely recommend this product! Thank you!


  1. Dmitry 28 years old: I use Cynovit and have no problems, if only I had come across such a remedy in my teenage life...) Every day, morning and evening, the main thing is to take care of yourself, your skin, your face.
  2. Oleg 22 years old: Hi all! Boys and girls who still suffer from acne problems and are reading this article, or are looking for reviews on this drug, I advise everyone, everyone, everyone! great thing. I use this product regularly, when washing my face, I always remember about cynovitis in the morning and evening.
  3. Diana 24 years old: I bought Cynovit about a month ago, I apply the cream-gel not only on my face, as a preventive measure, on dry hands and legs bitten by insects, it seems to do a great job!
  4. Natalya 42 years old: I purchased the Cynovit cream-gel for my fifteen-year-old son. The child had a profuse rash on his face and the pimples were quite large, red, with ulcers.

We contacted a dermatologist, after an examination, the doctor recommended this particular remedy. About two and a half months have passed since the purchase, the result, as they say, is “visible!” The pimples, the huge and scary ones, have almost disappeared, the rash has completely gone away. Skin is hydrated and soothed. We are very pleased with the drug!

  1. Karina 16 years old: I just bought it! I'm suffering from acne, I really hope it helps. By the way, I was advised by a classmate who has a clean and well-groomed face. She said that she uses Cynovit cream-gel.
  2. Olga 35 years old: I use this product as a skin care cream. Initially I bought it to combat acne and oily shine on the face.

After the blackheads and pimples disappeared, I continued to apply it for about two more weeks, as my dermatologist advised me.

And now, six months later, after the course of treatment ended, I continue to use Cynovit to prevent the appearance of acne and simply take care of my skin all over my body, and not just on my face. An excellent tool.