Homemade cream for wrinkles under the eyes

Wrinkles around the eyes appear first, this is due to the fact that, along with the fact that the skin there is the most delicate and thin, this area is actively loaded with facial movements.

We laugh, cry, blink, frown, squint - all these demonstrations of emotions create a constant dynamic, either straightening or contracting our muscles and our skin.

Let's consider what methods and techniques exist to get rid of deep wrinkles around the eyes, as well as preventive measures to prevent the appearance of these unpleasant folds.

It must be said that the skin here is not just thinner than in other areas, but as much as 4 times (!), and there are also almost no sweat and sebaceous glands, blood vessels and muscle fibers - they are represented in the most minimal quantities.

As we age, collagen fibers are increasingly lost, their properties deteriorate, they become loose and acquire a sparse mesh structure. The skin loses its elasticity and, along with the tendency of this area of ​​the face to edema, easily stretches, loses its beautiful and elastic appearance, becomes flabby, shapeless.

We cannot ignore such a factor as genetics., heredity. For some, nature gives generous bonuses in this regard, while for others it is difficult to maintain skin turgor around the eyes in the period of “a little over thirty.”

It is customary to divide wrinkles into groups: static and facial (dynamic). Static appear due to age-related changes, and facial expressions due to the high dynamics of muscle contraction in this area. Over time, many small wrinkles appear around the eyes; they become noticeable by the age of 30.

How to remove deep wrinkles under the eyes?

Wrinkles around the eyes take the form of arrows running from the outer corners of the eyes to the temples and cheekbones, as well as from the inner corner of the eyes to the cheekbones.

Deep wrinkles around the eyes, although they are the fruits of age, are formed precisely in places that are subject to the greatest facial influence. It’s just that the skin gradually loses substances that would easily straighten it after contraction, returning to its previous shape.

In addition to the specifics of facial expressions, Poor vision may be a factor in the formation of deep wrinkles – myopia, in which a person often squints. For this reason, it is recommended to pay attention to its solution.

Expression wrinkles cannot be corrected with cosmetics, but become less pronounced with such therapy. But great Facial gymnastics helps solve the problem, or, as it is also called – yoga for the face, face building.

So, the reasons for the appearance of deep wrinkles around the eyes are features of facial expressions, poor vision, excess ultraviolet radiation, and only then – age-related changes.

Creams and ointments

Blefarogel and Radevit

An ophthalmic drug such as Blepharogel has proven itself well. This product is available in two forms: Blefarogel 1 and Blefarogel 2.

Of these two We are interested in Blefarogel 1 (the other is intended to combat eye diseases).

Blefarogel 1 can be used every day, moisturizes, removes swelling, relieves inflammation, and has a positive effect on the rejuvenation process. You will need it if you have skin around your eyes that is prone to irritation. After all, if the already thin skin in this area becomes inflamed and becomes even thinner and dries, this exacerbates the appearance of folds and increases their depth.

Blefarogel (or similar Radevit) does not solve the problem of deep wrinkles to a noticeable extent, does not help get rid of them, it is more good as a preventive measure.

Possible intolerance to components, allergic reaction.

Cream composition: Aloe Vera juice, which promotes regeneration processes; hyaluronic acid, helps retain moisture in the skin, has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties; glycerin, moisturizing and softening the skin.


“Relief” is an ointment that contains shark oil, which thickens the epidermis and activates regeneration processes in the skin.

This ointment is good for aging skin, as a means to smooth out deep wrinkles every day (recommended to use at the beginning and end of the day). Relief relieves swelling in the eyelid area well.

The direct purpose of Relief ointment is varicose veins. How can it be useful in this matter?

Thanks to its absorbent action, it removes puffiness under the eyes, which add problematic weight to the collection of negative factors that create deep wrinkles. In addition to Relief, they also recommend using the cream for varicose veins “Sofya” with leech extract.

Heparin ointment

Heparin ointment (directly used for hemorrhoids) is popular for use on the skin around the eyes. Eliminates bags and dark circles under the eyes, relieves swelling, smoothes wrinkles.

The secret why ointment for hemorrhoids can have such properties lies in the fact that its ingredients:

  1. increase vascular tone;
  2. relieve inflammation;
  3. heal wounds and microcracks;
  4. prevent the formation of a pathogenic environment;
  5. protecting the skin, moisturize without disturbing the natural alkaline balance.

Opinions differ on how often to use such creams.

For some, even a single use provokes inflammation. and thinning of the skin.

Some people who use these have noticed that with frequent use, more than once a week (or even twice), the skin, on the contrary, dries and wrinkles in the affected areas.

There are also those who use these products almost every day, and from this category one hears only odes of admiration for the miraculous ointments.

Masks for home use

Beauty Style

Firm “Beauty Style” produces an anti-aging two-phase product from a lifting mask and gel. With arnica and butcher's broom.

The mask smoothes out a network of fine wrinkles, fights swelling, normalizes the process of blood microcirculation and activates regeneration.

Using this remedy regularly long lasting effect can be achieved. A course of 12-14 procedures is expected, with 2-3 procedures performed per week.

"Shining Eyes" (Algologie)

Nourishing, softens and moisturizes. Systematic use brings into active action the natural protective mechanisms of the epidermis.

Gezatone BREEZE gel mask

A compress mask with gel filler is used to care for the skin around the eyes.

Relieves swelling and fatigue, removes bruises and bags under the eyes, neutralizes signs of stress, smoothes wrinkles.

If the mask is cooled by placing it in the refrigerator, it turns into a compress. Cold tones blood vessels and removes stagnant fluid.

If, on the contrary, you heat it by placing it in hot water for a couple of minutes, you can get a hot compress to relieve muscle spasms, relieve pain, moisturize the skin, and improve its condition.

The mask is reusable, washed after each use.

It can be used both for emergency recovery and used systemically, increasing the effectiveness of accompanying anti-aging effects.


Preference in working with deep wrinkles around the eyes worth giving jojoba oil, sesame oil, castor and almond oil, cocoa butter. If you enrich them with an oil solution of vitamin E and essential oils, the effectiveness will increase significantly.

Wheat germ oil is also on the list recommendations, it has a very important property - a high natural concentration of vitamin E.

Due to the fact that it is very thick, before use you should dilute it slightly with any of the above vegetable oils.

These oils are obtained by cold pressing, which maximally preserves the biologically active properties of plants.

Cranberry seed oil – it is unique in its combination in optimal proportions for humans of such substances as Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9.

Very effectively smooths out wrinkles and prevents their appearance.

The light texture of cranberry seed oil allows for quick absorption.

Moisturizes the skin and helps retain moisture.

All of the above oils are vegetable, and there are also essential oils. Recommended Essential Oils:

Molecules of essential oils easily penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, nourish and restore.

Essential oils should never be used in their pure form or as cosmetic oils.

It is worth telling more about jojoba oil, what makes up its wonderful properties. Eicosenoic acid is the secret of jojoba success in the fight against wrinkles.

This very rare substance in jojoba oil improves intracellular metabolism and triggers natural regeneration processes.

Fatty acids protect against sun exposure and low temperatures. Jojoba also contains collagen., identical to human. Tocopherol (aka vitamin E) – its high concentration enhances all the above properties.


Photorejuvenation, mesotherapy and numerous other types of physiotherapy help with fine wrinkles. Here they, if they have an effect, are insignificant.


Handles the problem well deep wrinkles around the eyes botox injections. Under the influence of Botox, muscles relax for a long time, and facial wrinkles are smoothed out.

High-quality botulinum toxin injections - Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm.

Fillers – intradermal fillers, injected into problem areas through injections. The substance injected under the skin fills the grooves of wrinkles, straightening the surface of the skin, making it smooth. One procedure is enough to eliminate wrinkles for a period of six to ten months.

Video on the topic:

Traditional methods

Fill fabric bags with dried linden flowers and place them in boiling water for 10 minutes. Place it warm on your eyes for 5 minutes, after cleansing your eyelid skin. Make herbal compresses twice a week.

Options for herbal compositions for compresses to combat wrinkles around the eyes:

  1. stinging nettle in combination with St. John's wort and tricolor violet make the skin around the eyes soft, smooth, remove dryness, and nourish.
  2. Fresh lettuce leaves (any salad will do, except types with a spicy taste), finely chopped and mashed.

These compresses do not need to be packed in bags, just form a couple of thick rounds from the resulting mass and apply to the skin around the eyes.
Lilac flowers would work well for this purpose, and apple blossom would work great here too.

While linden blossom can still be bought at a pharmacy, these inflorescences cannot be obtained unless you harvest them yourself.

Remember that collection cannot be done in the city, only outside the city, at least 300 m from the roadway. Because plants absorb harmful substances.

AND a couple more secrets combating wrinkles around the eyes:

  1. Apply yogurt, sour cream or cream around the eyes before washing for about 10 minutes.
  2. Mash a piece of white bread without crust in milk, it must be warm. Apply as a mask to the skin around the eyes, lasting 10-15 minutes.


The most The best prevention is timely proper care, getting rid of facial expressions that are harmful to the skin.

And let’s not ignore perhaps the most important part of the action in the fight against deep wrinkles - special exercises.

Exercise 1. Using your fingertips, gently pull the outer corners of your eyes away from each other toward your temples. Narrowed eyes need to be closed and opened, while not letting go of your fingers. For two to three minutes, move your gaze to different objects - sometimes closer, sometimes further, holding your gaze. Then repeat closing and opening the eyes again, without releasing your fingers, keeping your eyes narrowed.

Exercise 2. Close your eyes, lift your eyeballs under your eyelids up for a couple of seconds and relax. Place your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes, your ring fingers on the inner corners, and your middle fingers on your eyebrows. Holding the skin firmly in these places, try to squint your eyes. Action - squint, reaction - resist this movement with your hands. In the first days of practice, do the exercise 5-7 times, then increase the number of “approaches”.

Don't forget about self-massage around the eyes: from the outer corners of the eyes, gently and smoothly move to the bridge of the nose and back along the lower eyelids with the pads of your fingers, making circular movements. Then the upper eyelids - from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer ones. Press lightly on the outer ones and lightly tap at this point.

After this, slowly return to the bridge of your nose, lightly tapping the skin of your eyelid with your fingertips (pay attention to both the upper and lower parts).

The duration of self-massage is quite enough for 5 minutes. After the massage, wash your face with mineral water.

Video on the topic:

Whatever the cause of deep wrinkles around the eyes, We always have available funds in our hands, allowing, if not to solve the problem, then at least to improve the situation.

Remember that by overexposing the skin around your eyes, you risk making the problem worse. Here, as in everything, not only determination matters, but also a sense of proportion. By correctly combining precise influences, we are sure to achieve joyful results.

The eyelids have very thin and sensitive skin, which loses its youth and elasticity before anything else. Caring for the skin of the eyelids requires special attention, so Perchinka recommends that you use only special products and creams. Your eyes deserve to have a cream designed specifically for the care of the skin of the eyelids on your dressing table and it will be doubly wonderful if you prepare it at home conditions. You can copy several cream recipes that really help in caring for the skin of the eyelids, smooth out wrinkles, nourish and moisturize from this article. Or click on any social network button, then the recipes will be saved forever on your blog.

Recipes for creams and masks recommended by Perchinka

Eye masks
To relieve swelling and swelling of the eyelids, use green tea bags. It is brewed with a glass of boiling water, infused for 10 minutes, then cooled in the refrigerator and applied to the eyelids for two minutes.

Prepare a 1:1 mixture of cucumber juice and milk powder. Apply the mixture to the eyelids and leave for 10 minutes. After this, remove with a damp swab.

An excellent mask that relieves swelling. In 2 tsp. add 2 tsp of grated fresh potatoes. wheat flour and boiled milk. Apply the resulting mixture to the eyelids and the area under the eyes and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then wash off.
Dill infusion is also good in the fight against puffiness of the eyelids. Pour 2 teaspoons of dry dill with half a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. After this, apply cotton swabs soaked in the infusion to the eyelids and leave for 20 minutes.
Jojoba oil, castor oil and olive oil are excellent eye moisturizers.

Parsley lotions also help effectively in the fight against swelling. To do this, parsley is passed through a meat grinder and 1 tbsp is added. tea and 30 drops of vitamin A solution.

To eliminate crow's feet, rub pure vitamin E into the skin around the eyes once a week.

Makeup remover lotion

This is a quick and easy eyelid recipe, especially suitable for sensitive and often tired eyes. With this composition it is recommended to remove makeup and also use it as a lotion for the entire face. Heat the rose water in the microwave or on the stove, pour into a bowl and add the gum, stir until the granules dissolve. When the mixture becomes slightly warm, pour in castor oil and aloe juice, then cool, pour into a tightly sealed bottle, use the product for no longer than two weeks, then prepare a new one. As a mask, the mixture is used as follows: moisten a soft cloth or two cotton pads and apply it to the area around the eyes for 15-25 minutes.

  1. rose water 80 ml;
  2. A. vera juice 10 ml;
  3. castor oil 6 ml;
  4. 2 g xanthan gum.

Aloe mask with milk

The recipe is especially useful for dry eyelid skin; special preference can be given to it in the cold season, when the area around the eyes loses a lot of moisture. The mask prevents the appearance of wrinkles and dark hollows under the eyes. To make it as easy as shelling pears, mix:

  1. aloe vera or agave juice 2 tbsp. l.;
  2. the same amount of milk;
  3. one yolk or a teaspoon of cream.

Aloe and banana mask

Effective against wrinkles around the eyes. Cut the leaf and remove the inner gel using a spoon or knife. In a blender, mix a couple of banana slices and a tablespoon of gel, and then add ½ tablespoon to the resulting mixture. spoons of olive oil and 10-12 drops of lemon juice. Clean your face thoroughly, including the area around the eyes, and apply the product for a quarter of an hour.

Aloe and cottage cheese mask with honey

Ideal for skin that is starting to age and become wrinkled. The mask is applied to the area around the eyes and under the eyes for 25 minutes, after which it is removed with water, and the usual nourishing cream is applied to the skin.

  1. cottage cheese 1 teaspoon l.;
  2. aloe juice 2 tsp. l.;
  3. honey 1 tsp. l.

Aloe and glycerin mask

This is a simple two-component mixture of plant gel and glycerin, which must first be dissolved in a small amount of water. The product helps reduce wrinkles and puffiness under the eyes thanks to its intense moisturizing effect. The ingredients are usually taken in equal proportions, a teaspoon at a time; if desired, the mask is enriched with honey.

How to properly apply cream on eyelids and under eyes

The cream should be applied in the directions of least stretch of the skin. For example, along the upper eyelids - from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, along the lower eyelids - vice versa, from the outer to the inner.

Apply eye cream with light patting movements using only your fingertips, being careful not to stretch thin skin. Such creams, as a rule, are easily and quickly absorbed, perfectly moisturizing and nourishing delicate skin. Those with sensitive eyes, as well as those who wear contact lenses, should use eye care products with caution so that the cream or gel does not get into the eyes.

It is best to moisturize the skin of the eyelids only once, preferably in the morning, since evening moisturizing can cause morning swelling.
To relieve eyelid puffiness, apply a cooling eyelid gel based on plant extracts to the upper and lower eyelids in the morning instead of washing your face. It not only effectively relieves swelling, but also smoothes out fine wrinkles. Another effective way to combat eyelid puffiness is “ice masks”, which look like a plastic mask filled with gel. This mask should be stored in the refrigerator and applied to the eyelids for a few minutes in the morning. Apply the product using light tapping movements using your fingers, a cotton pad or a swab.

What should a homemade eye cream be like?

A homemade eyelid composition will bring maximum benefit if you follow the recipe accurately and prepare the product in small portions. The shelf life of natural cosmetics is limited, so you can make a serving of no more than 20 g at a time. Why is the attention of modern women focused on homemade creams?

  1. Firstly, they are not harmful - they do not contain parabens, propylene glycol and other potentially dangerous compounds.
  2. Secondly, the natural ingredients of products prepared with your own hands bring much more benefits.
  3. Thirdly, they are easy to make; you can use the most necessary components to create it.
  4. And finally, you will be one hundred percent sure of the quality of the resulting product, which is very important in modern environmental living conditions.

Nourishing and softening recipes

Smoothing eye cream recipe

Many sources indicate that this recipe is known as Cleopatra's cream, and it can be used not only for wrinkles around the eyes and crow's feet under the eyes, but also for the area around the lips, especially in winter.

  1. aloe juice 2 tsp;
  2. pure water 10 ml;
  3. rose water 25 ml;
  4. honey ½ tsp;
  5. interior fat 50-70 gr.

To begin, combine all the ingredients except the fat and heat the mixture in a water bath. After stirring, add lard and achieve a homogeneous mass. Store the cream in a jar with a lid in the refrigerator.

Cream based on sea buckthorn oil.

Try making this homemade cream, it gives an amazing effect.. Melt the cocoa butter in a water bath. Then add sea buckthorn oil and vitamin E. Mix everything and remove from the water bath. Stir the cream until it cools completely. Transfer the finished cream to a glass jar and close lid.

  1. 4 teaspoons cocoa butter
  2. 2 teaspoons sea buckthorn oil
  3. 1 teaspoon vitamin E oil solution

Cream based on olive oil.

Nourishing eyelid care is optimal if your skin is prone to dryness and irritation. This is the simplest composition that prevents aging and eliminates the appearance of facial wrinkles. Apply it in a circular motion and remove any remaining mixture with a regular napkin or cotton pad.

  1. olive oil 1 tsp;
  2. vitamins A and E, one capsule each;
  3. jojoba cosmetic oil 4-5 drops.

Softening cream based on chamomile and linden.

Prepare herbal decoctions, mix everything, after which the mixture can be used immediately.

  1. castor oil ½ tsp;
  2. chamomile decoction with linden blossom 2 tsp;
  3. natural butter 1 tsp. with top.

Super nourishing cream based on fat

The cream contains pork fat (no salt!) and any of these vegetable oils: olive, apricot, jojoba, peach, in a 1:2 ratio. The fat should be melted using a water bath or in a microwave oven at medium power, and then add the second component. Place the mixture in a tightly closed glass jar.

If desired, the composition can be supplemented with a few drops of orange or rosemary essential oil. Shelf life reaches 3 weeks. And it is applied no more than 3 times a week. However, remember that if you have very oily skin, it is better not to use this recipe.

Home care for mature skin around the eyes

This recipe will be useful for ladies of Balzac age or older. This is a rather complex multi-component composition, but the effectiveness will exceed all your expectations. Prepare no more than 20-30 g of product. Here are the ingredients:

  1. parsley;
  2. essential oils of nutmeg, sandalwood and carrot - 2, 4 and 6 drops, respectively;
  3. castor and cosmetic pomegranate oil – 1 tsp;
  4. emulsifier;
  5. half a capsule of aevit;
  6. hyaluronic acid 2-3 drops;
  7. rose hydrolate 10 ml;
  8. sericite – 5 drops;
  9. cornflower hydrolate 15 ml;
  10. grape and seaweed extracts - ½ tsp each;
  11. jojoba oil – 2 tsp.

Chop the parsley and mix it with jojoba oil. Let it brew to obtain an extract. After a couple of days, strain the mixture. This will be a parsley infusion. Separately mix hyaluronic acid and half of the cornflower hydrolate, wait until the mixture swells. After this, add grape and algae extracts to the resulting mass. Prepare the water base. In a glass or porcelain bowl, combine cornflower and rose hydrosols.

In another container, mix the emulsifier, parsley extract, pomegranate and castor oils. Heat both mixtures in a water bath and combine together. To do this, mix the composition intensively by immersing the container in cold water. This is necessary for rapid thickening. The basis is received.
Now we introduce the mixture with hyaluronic acid into the base, then the remaining components, and at the very end - sericite. Mix thoroughly again.

This homemade cream will successfully replace expensive anti-aging products.

Lightly moisturizes the skin around the eyes

This recipe is suitable if you have oily or combination skin. You will need one teaspoon of each ingredient. All components are mixed and the mixture is heated in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, thoroughly beat the resulting cream and cool it. The amount of product should be based on a week of use, since it should not be stored longer. Therefore, if after 7 days there is still cream in the jar, throw it away and make a new portion using fewer ingredients.

Lanolin based cream

There is another good recipe for moisturizing care. The recipe is as follows: first you need to melt the lanolin in a small bowl in a water bath, then add almond oil and remove from heat. Gently mix the composition with lecithin, then start adding water until you get a mixture with the consistency of thick sour cream.

  1. lanolin 1 tsp;
  2. lecithin powder ½ tsp;
  3. cosmetic almond oil ½ tsp;
  4. cold water 1-1.5 tbsp.

Eyelid oil is very beneficial for the skin.

To make it, take one tablespoon of olive oil (you can use peach, almond or rosehip oil instead), three drops of vitamins E and A in the oil and mix everything (for example, using a cotton swab) in a small jar. Use the resulting oil morning and evening, applying the composition under the eyes with light movements. If after using the product the skin under the eyes is very shiny, wait thirty minutes after applying the oil, then gently blot the skin with a napkin.

Cream of yolk and rose petals

This anti-wrinkle eye cream is very effective and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to seven days. To prepare it, take one tablespoon of softened butter or margarine and grind it with one raw egg yolk. Add 1-1.5 tablespoons of carefully crushed rose petals to the mixture (you can replace them with rosehip, jasmine or lily of the valley petals). It will be even better if you add stamens and pistils of flowers with pollen to the cream, also crushing them in advance. Mix all the ingredients and apply this cream under your eyes every day before going to bed.

To ensure that the skin of the eyelids is not dry and receives good nutrition, it is necessary to apply wheat germ oil to it every day before going to bed. In addition to it, you can use aevit, olive oil, peach seed oil (as well as grape and apricot), rosehip oil. You can mix all the oils in equal proportions, or you can alternate them, changing one oil to another every week.

Essential oil cream

This homemade eye oil effectively combats crow's feet. It is best to use olive oil as the basis for this product, but in the absence of it, you can use grape or peach seed oil. Take two tablespoons of one of the oils listed and mix them with two drops of rosemary essential oil, two drops of geranium oil and the same amount of verbena oil. Every day before going to bed, use your fingertips to massage the oil into the skin around your eyes.

Cream with essential oils

This eye oil recipe is a bit similar to the previous one. Take one tablespoon of the base indicated in the previous recipe (one of the three oils), add to it a tablespoon of avocado oil and two drops each of fennel, peppermint and orange essential oils. Mix everything. Use the oil as directed in the previous recipe.

Homemade anti-wrinkle cream with rosemary

The composition of this product is more than one century old: the rose water of the Hungarian Queen, which is one of the components, has been known to mankind for many years, since the 14th century, during the time of the Hungarian Queen Erzsebet. The cream contains 5 tablespoons. In addition, 3 tablespoons of apricot and jojoba kernel oils, 1 tablespoon of high-quality beeswax (15-20g) and 0.5 teaspoons of borax and carrot seed oil.

Cooking over low heat. Melt all the oils along with the beeswax and whisk, removing from heat. At the same time, dissolve borax and rose water in another container. Cool the container with oils in a bowl filled with water, gradually diluting it with the pink mixture. The last step is to combine it with carrot oil and transfer it to a container for storage in the refrigerator. The maximum period of use under proper storage conditions is 2 months.

I hope that you like all the creams. Change their composition so that the skin reacts to healthy ingredients and does not become addictive.


By the age of thirty-five, many people begin to develop “sun” wrinkles around the eyes, which are popularly called “crow’s feet.” Some sincerely rejoice at such manifestations, considering them signs of a good-natured disposition, but most are upset because of the passing years and passing youth. However, you can find an effective remedy for wrinkles around the eyes, thereby prolonging the youth and freshness of your face for a long time.

Causes of crow's feet

The condition of the skin of the face, including around the eyes, is directly influenced by factors such as diet and regularity of nutrition, healthy lifestyle, drinking and smoking, lack of sleep and constant stress at work and at home, inactive lifestyle and many other external and internal factors. Therefore, information alone about what to apply around the eyes to eliminate wrinkles will not be enough to achieve a good result. It is important to organize your life correctly, spend more time outdoors and be less nervous. Then the remedies for crow's feet will definitely work quickly and effectively.


Factors that accelerate aging

Lack of vitamins and nutrients, nervous shock and chronic lack of sleep affect the overall health of a person. We become irritable, and the skin loses its natural blush and delicate color, dark circles and bags appear under the eyes, not to mention a network of facial wrinkles. But there are other reasons why the first wrinkles may appear prematurely.

  1. The dermis around the eyes is approximately four times thinner than in other areas, which means that there is also much less elastin and collagen in it.
  2. The activity of facial expressions does not have a very positive effect on the skin. Just to keep the cornea constantly moisturized, a person has to blink at least twenty thousand times a day.
  3. The thin skin around the eyes has too few sebaceous and sweat glands, which leads to dryness and lack of nutrition.
  4. Wearing the wrong glasses, which causes you to squint, leads to earlier wrinkles.

Excessive application of decorative cosmetics can also have a detrimental effect on the thin and delicate dermis of the face and dry it out. Therefore, a very pressing question is how to moisturize the skin around the eyes so that the result is visible and the effect lasts a long time.


Rules for healthy skin

A healthy lifestyle, the basic rules of which will not hurt to follow, will help prevent premature skin aging. After all, even if you purchase the most expensive cream or mask, or perform hardware cosmetology procedures, but do not follow the rules, you will soon bring the dermis to its previous or even more vulnerable state.

  1. Ensure proper nutrition, with sufficient vitamins and microelements, and do not forget about regularity. The diet should have a little bit of everything, nuts, vegetables, fruits, fish and meat, milk and butter, but it’s better to do without fast food, soda, sweets and chips. A healthy diet will do its job, and collagen will be produced more intensively.
  2. Give your skin reliable protection from UV rays, use creams with similar capabilities, and do not forget to protect the area around your eyes in the solarium. The skin also needs to be protected from dirt, smog, wind, frost as best as possible, all this has a detrimental effect on it.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids, water is the source of life. If this is not done, the skin dries out and becomes wrinkled and thinner, especially under the eyes.
  4. Avoid alcohol altogether, even a glass of wine before bed. Yes, and you will have to quit smoking if you want to remain young and beautiful for a long time.

In this area, the epidermis is extremely thin, delicate and vulnerable, therefore it is difficult to care for it, you need to be extremely careful. Only by giving the skin the necessary care, with a proper, healthy lifestyle, can we talk about a high-quality prolongation of youth.

The best remedies for wrinkles around the eyes


Establish a daily routine, be calmer about everyday problems and work issues, learn to ignore external stimuli, quit smoking and drinking alcohol, any girl can afford all this, but sometimes this is not enough, and age takes its toll. To prolong youth and freshness as much as possible, you need to very carefully select, or even better, prepare remedies for wrinkles around the eyes at home, especially after 30 years. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, but let's sort it out in order.


Natural oils

Professional cosmetologists have long said that natural cosmetics and essential oils are excellent at removing wrinkles around the eyes. You can purchase such products at any cosmetic store or pharmacy. The main requirement that must be presented to the product is that it must contain more active ingredient, in our case oil, than filler. Some unscrupulous manufacturers produce “supposedly products” that contain up to 50-80% ordinary vegetable oil. Such acquisitions should be feared and avoided. But which oils can be considered the most effective?

  1. Almond and apricot.
  2. Castor oil and sea buckthorn.
  3. Peach and jojoba.
  4. Cocoa butter.
  5. Carrot and coconut.

This is not a complete list of what will really help in the fight against age. Even an ordinary carrot can turn out to be a faithful comrade and ally, due to the incredibly high content of vitamins A and E, which are so necessary for the thin dermis under the eyes. If you combine the oil with massage and therapeutic facial exercises, the result will be noticeable very soon. But remember that pure oil cannot be applied to the skin; first you need to make a mask, cream or compress with other ingredients from it, otherwise you can give yourself a burn, which will not be easy to cure.


Facial gymnastics and massage

The main cause of crow's feet is relaxation and sagging of the orbicularis oculi muscle. To prevent this, you need to regularly tighten and train it, for which the best solution would be massage and gymnastic procedures. It is important that all these actions can be performed independently, without the involvement of strangers.

  1. Look to the right without turning your head, and then to the left. Hold your eyes at the extreme points for 3-5 seconds.
  2. Rotate your eyes with maximum amplitude, first clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  3. Draw a large dot on a piece of paper with a green marker and place the picture one and a half meters from your face. Look at the point for ten seconds, then move your eyes to your hands without changing the position of your head.
  4. Alternate between tightly closing your eyes when looking up and relaxing, repeating the action up to five times.
  5. Press the outer and inner corners of your eyes with your fingertips, not hard, but persistently, hold for one or two seconds and release. Repeat 3-5 times.

Repeat each exercise several times daily, morning and evening, then such gymnastics will be effective and efficient. You can perform simple manipulations using moisturizing creams or oils, this will keep the dermis in good shape.


Special cosmetics

To find the most effective remedy for wrinkles around the eyes, you need to pay attention to creams, milks and masks that are produced industrially. Now on store shelves you can find many jars, bottles and tubes that promise a second youth even at seventy years old. Meanwhile, you should find out how effective they are and how exactly to achieve the desired result.

  1. Professional cosmetologists warn that no cream, industrial mask or milk will get rid of those wrinkles that have already appeared, but they can prevent the appearance of new ones.
  2. Products around the eyes from the store in most cases are a standard cream, from which spreading or irritating components have been excluded, which can get on the mucous membranes and lead to cutting, burning, and itching.
  3. The best creams and masks usually contain substances such as bodyaga or caffeine, which effectively tone and refresh the dermis around the eyes.
  4. The most effective masks and creams contain components that tighten the skin and make it more elastic, but the effect usually lasts no more than a few hours, after which it disappears completely.

A short-lasting effect of smoothing the skin around the eyes is provided by special cosmetics filled with concealing pigments, in the manner of tinting, mattifying or BB creams. Such products have absolutely no smoothing effect, but they will make the appearance more fresh and attractive. If we talk about cream or masks, you can limit yourself to moisturizing and nourishing options, this will be quite enough.


Folk remedies


The most accessible and effective, and at the same time also the safest, remedies for crow’s feet can be considered those offered by traditional medicine.

  1. A mask of honey and yolk, with the addition of a few drops of vitamin E from the pharmacy, applied to the skin under the eyes for just 15-20 minutes a day three times a week, will provide the necessary nutrition and hydration to the dermis for a long time.
  2. Olive oil with vitamins A and E works exactly the same as the previous remedy. Dilute a teaspoon of oil with two drops of vitamins and anoint this elixir under the eyes.
  3. Tea, cucumber and fermented milk compresses can bring a truly amazing effect. You can make such compresses both in the evening, before bed, after completely removing decorative cosmetics, and early in the morning, immediately after washing and moisturizing your facial skin.

Home remedies can be called especially effective if they are used in combination. For example, masks and compresses can be combined with the use of natural homemade cream for crow's feet.


Hardware cosmetology

When time is hopelessly lost, you will have to look for effective products for the skin around the eyes from professionals. Drastic measures to eliminate facial wrinkles exist and many use them regularly. The disadvantages of such procedures include the serious price and short duration of the effect.

  1. Recently, the photorejuvenation procedure has become extremely popular, the essence of which is to expose certain areas to light rays of different intensities and lengths. The dermis becomes smoother, more elastic, fresher, metabolic processes are activated in it, and elastin and collagen begin to be produced with renewed vigor. The effect of photorejuvenation does not appear immediately, but over time, and its duration is quite long.
  2. Mesotherapy, when various amino acids and stimulating nucleins, vitamins and minerals are introduced directly under the skin, has recently become very popular in the cosmetic services market. It accelerates collagen production and elastin synthesis, stimulates cell renewal, smoothing out wrinkles under the eyes. The effect of the procedure is visible instantly, but gradually fades away.
  3. Botox injections have already become a real talk of the town. Botulinum toxin blocks the flow of nerve signals from the central nervous system to the muscles in the periphery, in our case, under the eyes. Due to this, the skin tightens and becomes smoother. The main disadvantage is the loss of sensitivity and mobility, which makes the face look like a wax mask. The effectiveness of this procedure is controversial; it lasts only 3-7 months, after which it must be repeated.
  4. Contour plastic surgery and beauty injections are the most radical measures that women take today to eliminate wrinkles under the eyes. Surgery is always dangerous, but injections of hyaluronic acid are much safer than all other measures. This is a natural substance that smoothes the skin and gradually dissolves without causing any harm to the body.

Any of the effective anti-wrinkle remedies presented is a temporary measure, the effect of which will decrease over time. Then the procedures will need to be repeated, and the situation may worsen significantly. Therefore, such radical methods should be considered extreme and used only when other means have completely exhausted themselves.

Video guide on effective products for the skin around the eyes

You will have to choose what to use and what to refuse on your own, but to do this you must correctly assess the risks and effectiveness. To learn more about the subject, watch the video below, there is a lot of useful and interesting information. The main thing is to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, consume a lot of vitamins and often be in the fresh air, be less nervous and worry, then the youth of the skin under the eyes will last longer.