Kulanj and fecal retention

Kulanj is a disease of the intestines, as a result of which it is difficult to exit what naturally comes out. Kulanj in the true sense of the word is the name of pain, the cause of which lies in the large intestines, in the column and in those adjacent to it, that is, pain that often occurs in these intestines due to their coldness and density. It is because of their coldness that they have a lot of fat on them. If such pain occurs in the small intestines, then its special name, according to the correct usage, is ileus. but sometimes ileus in some books is called kulanj, because it is very similar to kulanj. The causes of kulanj sometimes lie precisely in the colon, and sometimes in other intestines, and they pass to the colon due to its complicity with other intestines.

The reason, which takes place precisely in the column, is a disorder of simple nature - hot, cold or dry. A hot nature acts by strongly drying it out, directing food towards the liver and pushing it towards it, while a cold nature is harmful by its thickening effect or creates a harmful disorder of the nature; This most often happens in cold countries or with northerly winds. Cold sometimes produces this effect by contracting the muscles of the abdomen, the warmth of which moves inward and dries out the stool, tightening the muscles of the anus, so that the stool and surrounding substances rise upward. Dry nature produces the same effect, since there is no something that makes feces slide and there is something that dries it, absorbing moisture. As for the disorder of the damp simple nature, it is essentially not the cause of kulanj, unless phenomena arise from it that can cause a cold or wet kulanj with matter.

In a disorder of nature, matter can be either hot, flaming, and burning and cause a disruption of continuity, in which the pain turns into kulanj, or cold, causing pain, either due to a disorder of a discordant cold nature, or due to a disruption of continuity that occurs during the passage of this matter , although it is not a real kulanj, sometimes a cold nature causes a kulanj, generating winds in the body of the intestines hour after hour. Sometimes the juice that causes this pain or something close to it is black bile. Often the pain appears in attacks or when eating, and sometimes it calms down after vomiting acidic, black bile, although most often the ejected substance during this kind of pain is mucus generated by the coldness of the organs, indigestion and food - fruits and vegetables.

A special cause of kulanja can be a blockage that prevents the passage of feces, juices and winds; rushing, they cause pain and cause great tension. Most of these blockages, unless they are tumors, occur after the cecum is full and then progresses to the colon, but such a blockage is either a tumor in the intestine, mostly hot, or arises from a viscous mucous juice that fills the intestinal cavity and locks it. The latter happens most often, and it is this kind of blockage that fever helps with.

The cause of kulanj can also be the formation of winds, volvulus, twisting the intestines due to winds, rupture of ligaments, keel, divergence of the abdominal walls and descent of the intestines into the groin and testicles, or divergence of the walls above this place, as well as accumulation of worms or dry feces. The stool dries out either because it is the waste of dry food, or because it has lingered and dried out for a long time; the reason for the delay is the weakness of the expelling force in the intestines. This delay often occurs after taking something that causes numbness, which dulls the forces acting on the stool and at the same time thickens it. This also happens due to the weakness of the squeezing force of the abdominal muscles, as happens with those who have frequent copulation, or due to loss of sensitivity of the intestines, or due to a weak outpouring of bile, which drives food and washes the intestines. Feces can become dry because the Masaryk vessels draw a lot of moisture from it, or from excessive secretion of it, as well as from physical exercise that causes perspiration or severe loosening of the skin in a disorder of nature, when the body cannot resist the extraction of moisture from it by the surrounding hot air; that is why bathing in hot water strengthens the nature. The cause of dry feces is sometimes also the air, which warms so much that it draws moisture from the body even in the absence of loosening or when loosening in the form of fistulas, and sometimes it is a craft that forces you to constantly endure the heat, for example, a glass blower and a blacksmith or foundry worker. Often it is caused by the very hot nature of the insides themselves, which dries out the feces with their warmth. In rare cases, warmth is generated by an abundance of hot bile, which pours into the insides and, meeting it, burns the feces, which is predisposed to this due to the small amount and dryness of its substance; but this happens rarely, and most often causes diarrhea; if in these rare cases a kulanj occurs, then it causes suffering and causes severe, unbearable pain in the intestines.

Sometimes the cause of warmth is the intense coldness of the outside air, which locks the heat inside the body and at the same time drives urine and tightens the anus so that feces are directed upward. Dry stool can come from the dry nature of the intestines and viscera, which dries out the stool, and also from a zahir or tumor in the rectum, which causes the stool to become blocked. Some claim that sometimes retained feces harden and come out in the form of pebbles. As for the kulandzh, which arises by complicity, sometimes a tumor forms in the liver, bladder, kidneys or spleen, with the participation of which the intestine compresses, squeezes and pulls together the substance contained in it. Or, for example, the intestine cooperates with the kidneys in case of pain from stones and its ability to push out juices weakens, so that they are retained in it, and kulange arises in cooperation with the stones; however, pain from stones is similar to pain from kulanj, and their cause remains hidden if the doctor does not have insight; we will mention the difference between them when talking about the signs of kulanj.

Kulanj and ileus arise as pestilence, flying diseases and pass from city to city and from person to person. One of the ancient doctors speaks about this; He also reports that in some patients, kulanj leads to epilepsy, which can be fatal, and in others, it leads to displacement of the colon and its relaxation while maintaining sensitivity. In the latter case, there is hope for a successful outcome, and this most often happens with ileus, and ileus turns into kulanj through a transition similar to a crisis. This doctor says: “Some doctors treated patients in an amazing way, namely, they fed them lettuce, chicory, coarse fish meat, the meat of all animals with hooves, as well as chilled legs of lamb, and gave them cold water and sour juices. And this cured them. , and everyone recovered, except for those who developed epilepsy and the paralysis mentioned below; some patients for whom epilepsy began recovered." Kulanj sometimes occurs in people who suffer from distension of the intestines and are unable to expel feces and juices from the upper intestines, just as they are unable to retain what is in the lower intestines.

Coldness of nature is often the cause of kulanj, but most often kulanj arises as a result of thick mucus, and then from winds that are blocked or penetrate between layers and fibers and cause a breakdown in continuity. The winds spread in the stomach due to its vastness, the warmth of the stomach and its proximity to the hot organs, and in the upper intestines they spread due to their thinness, but linger in the other intestines, since their qualities are opposite to this: they are cold, narrow and very tortuous and the membranes they are dense. The wind kulanj, although it is not free from the matter that propagates the winds, is not attributed to this matter, since it alone does not block the path of what should come out, and does not cause pain in itself, but through what is formed from it. And the mucous kulanj causes pain on its own and also locks on its own. As for the other varieties, they are rarer than these two. Predisposes the intestines to kulanj, especially to the wind, strongly diluted wine, vegetables, especially pumpkin, fresh fruits, especially grapes, as well as washing them down with water, movement and copulation after eating, resistance to the passage of winds and the penetration of strong cold into the intestines, which cools it and compacts.

Eating baked eggs, pears, astringent quince, bread turi, oatmeal, millet, rice, and the like predisposes the intestines to fecal kulanj; Frequent copulations, especially after rough food, and delayed feces also lead to kulanj. With any kulandzh, due to thick juices or feces, the cecum is most often filled with their substance, and then it passes into other intestines; Until the cecum is emptied, bowel movements are not completed. Sometimes the kulanja matter comes from above; Every time an enema or poultice is given, the matter sinks and the pain doubles in intensity. Fever helps with all kinds of pain during kulanj, which is caused by thick winds, mucus and a disorder of the cold nature; in windy conditions this is the most useful thing.

Kulanj often turns into paralysis and is resolved by it. This happens when liquid matter rushes to the limbs and is absorbed by the muscles. Often it is also resolved by pain in the joints, and sometimes it turns into pain in the back, mucous or blood, from which bloodletting helps, because warmth promotes the maturation of the matter that causes pain, and medicines for kulandzha promote the maturation of immature matter. If kulanj turns into obsession, melancholy or epilepsy, then this is bad. Sometimes it turns into dropsy, as it spoils the nature of the liver. If kulanj coincides with pain in the joints or similar ones, then these pains do not appear for three reasons: stronger pain distracts from weaker ones; matter rushes towards intestinal pain; suffering, fasting and insomnia contribute to the resorption of excess. When feces are retained for a long time, it bloats the abdomen and then kills. If the organs affected by kulanj are strong and do not accept the excess, then the excess often rises upward and causes a disease of the head. Often, lingering thick juices give rise to diarrhea; Treatment of kulanja and pain often causes hiccups.

Signs of any kind of kulandzh in general. As for the manifestations of true kulanj, which has not yet become stronger, the amount of excreted feces decreases, the intervals between bowel movements lengthen, and appetite decreases or even disappears completely. The patient has an aversion to fatty and sweet foods and feels some inclination only to sour, spicy or salty foods. He experiences vomiting and nausea, especially if he eats something fatty or smells something fatty or sweet. His digestion of food is very weak and pain is constantly felt; he often wants to drink water and feels pain in his back and legs. Then these phenomena intensify and nature is locked up so that almost nothing is released, not even the winds. Sometimes belching is also delayed, and the pain intensifies; it seems as if they are drilling into the stomach with a drill, or that a needle is stuck upright into the intestines, and every time the patient moves, it causes him pain.

Thirst intensifies, and a person cannot get drunk, even if he drinks a lot, since what he drinks does not pass to the liver due to blockages that have arisen in the mouths of the masaryk adjacent to the stomach; Sometimes some people get goosebumps for no reason. If something can be removed from the stomach of a patient with kulanj, then fluids and feces come out, similar to camel feces, in the form of large and small nuts, as well as feces that float in the water. Vomiting often occurs with bile and mucus, in most cases first mucous and then bile, after which the patient sometimes vomits something like leek or verdigris, and then something like black bile in the form of pieces, because the juices have already deteriorated and burnt out due to pain, insomnia and hot medications. And vomiting becomes more frequent due to the complicity of the stomach with the intestines, the abundance of matter and the loss of a path for it to exit from the bottom, since the path to the intestines for bile is most often closed and it is ejected from the top. As a result, during kulanj, the urine turns red, because most of the bile is sent to the kidneys, not finding its way into the gallbladder, which is overfilled due to the blockage that has formed in front of it. The urine also turns red because pain causes the fluid to turn red, and the kidneys participate in the suffering; Because of this, urine is sometimes blocked. At the beginning of the disease, the urine has the color of chickpea broth or cheese whey. Often the heart begins to pound strongly, so that you have to grab your chest with your hand, and sometimes it comes to cold sweat and fainting.

Signs of benign kulanja. The safest kulange is one in which the constipation is not severe, or the pain moves and sometimes is very insignificant, although it recurs; after the passage of wind and feces and the use of enemas, the patient feels obvious relief. And the opposite signs indicate the heaviest kulange.

Bad signs during kulanj. These are severe pain, continuous vomiting, cold sweat, coldness of the extremities due to severe pain in the abdomen, a rush of blood and pneuma to the abdomen. If kulanj leads to continuous hiccups, confusion, kuzaz, and retention of all secretions, so that, despite all the tricks, nothing is released, then it kills. In "Outlandish Signs" it is said that if a person suffering from abdominal pain develops a black pimple, similar to a horse bean, near the eyebrows, which then ulcerates and lasts until the next day and longer, then the patient dies. Such a person is affected by hibernation, and he sleeps a lot at the beginning of the illness; a good state of breathing is not then a sign of well-being; And what can we say about bad breath!

Difference between kulanj and kidney stones. With kidney stones, signs of kulanj sometimes appear, of which the main ones are mentioned above, because the colon itself is involved with the kidneys and the pain inherent in kulanj arises in it and symptoms corresponding to such pain appear. The difference between these two diseases is determined by the quality of pain, by special concomitant phenomena, by indications and contraindications, by the quality of discharge, by the degree of manifestation of the disease, by previous causes and symptoms. As for the quality of pain, it varies in degree, location, time and movement.

Degree of pain: with stones the pain is small and it’s like a prick with a thorn, but with kulanja it is great.

Place of pain: Pain during kulanj begins from below and to the right and spreads upward and to the left, and when it becomes stronger, it diverges to the right and left. According to some, kulanj never begins on the left, but this is not true, and we have experienced the opposite. With kulanja, the pain spreads more anteriorly and to the pubis than posteriorly, and the renal pain begins from above and gradually descends to the place where it becomes stronger. It extends more posteriorly.

Time: kidney pain often intensifies when the stomach is empty, and the pain from kulanj at this time weakens and intensifies after eating any food. The pain from kulanj begins immediately, in a short time, and the pain from the stone increases little by little and intensifies towards the end. With kidney stones, back pain and difficulty urinating first occur, and then signs common to kulanj appear, and with kulanj, such symptoms first appear and then pain.

Movement of pain: with kulanja, the pain spreads in different directions, and the renal pain is motionless.

As for the special accompanying symptoms, with kidney pain there is often “goose bumps”, but this is not classified as kulanj. With regard to the difference determined by which measures of treatment are suitable and which are not suitable, I will say that enemas and the passage of winds and feces relieve the pain of kulanja and do not in most cases relieve kidney pain to any significant extent, while drugs that crush stones , relieve pain, but do not relieve pain. The quality of the discharge is indicative of the fact that with kidney stones, sometimes there is no constipation at all, and the feces, when they come out, do not look like camel feces, nuts or cow feces and do not float in the water. Often with kidney stones there is no constipation, rumbling, or anything like that at all, and kulanj is not free from this.

As for the strength of the manifestations, pain in the legs and back and “goose bumps” with kidney stones are stronger, while loss of appetite, bilious and mucous vomiting, poor digestion of food and severe pain leading to fainting and cold sweat, as well as relief from vomiting is less pronounced. The differences regarding the preceding causes and symptoms are as follows: constant indigestion, eating bad food, persistent pain, rumbling and constipation precede kulanja, while urine with sand or juices precedes pain in the kidneys, and the urine is thin at first, then thick juices appear and after that - sand.

Signs of individual types of kulanj. Signs of mucous culange. The fact that kulanj is of mucous origin is indicated by the presence of previous causes that generate mucus: indigestion, consumption of various harmful foods, age, area, season and other reasons that you already know. This is also evidenced by the release of mucus with feces before an attack of kulanj and in enemas during an attack, coldness of the lower extremities, a feeling of heaviness and very severe constipation, in which nothing is released - no feces, no juices, no wind, and if anything what is released is something like cow feces, as with wind kulange, but with wind the pain is long-lasting. One should not be mistaken by observing increased thirst, burning and redness of urine, and think that the disease is hot, for all this is common with any kulanj.

Signs of a wind strike. A sign of wind chill is the presence of well-known antecedent causes: for example, drinking plenty of cold water, diluted wine, consuming swelling vegetables and fruits, the presence of undigested food, rumbling and a feeling in the intestines of the movement of winds and strong tension and torment, as if the intestines are drilled with a drill or caused to them needle pain. The latter also happens with mucous kulange, when the mucus blocks the winds or generates them, but with wind, the pain is stronger. When there is wind, there is no feeling of great heaviness; it is preceded by a strong rumbling, but the winds calm down and no longer rumble or come out. The rumbling may begin again when a poultice is applied or pressure is applied to the abdomen; The pain sometimes becomes fixed in one place and does not move. Often the bloating of the abdomen can be felt with the hand, and most often pressure helps, and poultices sometimes help and sometimes do not help; the latter happens in the case when the matter that generates the winds is motionless: perceiving heat and warming, it forms winds every time. A wind kulange is sometimes also indicated by feces in the form of feces floating in the water due to the abundance of winds contained in it. Often the stomach is soft, and sometimes it weakens and juices come out, but this does not bring any benefit, since thick winds are retained in the intestinal membranes. Wind kulange, in which the pain moves, is more benign, but if the stomach swells like a drum, it is bad.

Signs of fecal mucus. A sign of fecal culange are some previous phenomena, namely: constipation of feces several times before the onset of pain and a feeling of significant heaviness, and it seems as if the intestine is bursting by itself. When the patient feels the urge, nothing comes out, but sometimes a viscous and thickening discharge comes out. With fecal culange of biliary origin, the sign is the color of the stool, the abundance of secreted bile, burning, burning, tingling, previous irritation due to the excretion of bile and dryness of the tongue. As for fecal culange due to loosening of body tissues, it is indicated by the previous scarcity of feces, softness of the body and rapid irritation from cold and heat. Signs of fecal culange from a hot or dry abdomen are the presence of burning in the walls of the abdomen, their drying out, as well as dryness and dark color of the stool, reaching some redness. In case of fecal leakage, caused by the dispersive action of air, physical exercise, sweating and the like, the indication is the previous paucity of feces and the presence of the mentioned reasons. Signs of kulanj, which arose due to the retention of yellow bile poured into the intestines: heaviness, bloating, white stool, difficult eruption, bursting pain caused by stool, and tightness in the abdomen; sometimes this is accompanied by jaundice. A sign of constipation due to coldness of the liver or another organ is the absence of a foul odor in the stool, and its color is greenish, and signs of fecal mucus from black bile are sour belching, black stool and bloating with mild pain.

Signs of kulanja from a tumor. As for the signs of kulanja from a hot tumor, these are bursting persistent pain in one place, heaviness, beating, burning, acute fever, intense thirst, red complexion, swelling of the eyes, urine retention - this is an important sign - an unpleasant effect of relaxation. Often such pain is accompanied by a softening of the nature, and sometimes it leads to coldness of the extremities with intense heat in the abdomen; It happens that the area on the abdomen corresponding to the location of the tumor turns red. If the tumor is yellow gall, then the distention, heaviness and beating are weaker, and the fever, burning and burning are stronger. Signs of kulanj, which arose due to a cold mucous tumor, and it is rare, are weak continuous pain that appears in one place, especially when something comes down from the stomach. The hand feels a soft swelling and the appearance of the patient is similar to the appearance of a flabby person. In this case, the causes that cause this disease are preceded by: consumption of milk, fish, rough meat, cold fresh fruits and vegetables. The semen of such a patient is cold and liquid, and this is a sign appropriate in such a case. The feces may be mucous.

Signs of kulanj caused by volvulus and rupture. A sign of kulanj from volvulus is its sudden occurrence after some sudden movement: a strong jump, fall, blow, horse riding, wrestling and carrying heavy objects, or as a result of a rupture or strong winds. The pain is similar to a disease: it occurs immediately, and does not begin gradually, gradually intensifying. Kuzhtj caused by a rupture is sometimes indicated by the rupture itself.

Signs of other types of mild kulanja, for example, caused by coldness or weak sensitivity of the intestines or due to worms and rupture. Signs of kulanj due to coldness of the intestines are weak thirst, floating and swollen stool, a feeling of coldness in the intestines and slight pain. Sometimes the seed is cold. Signs of kulanj caused by yellow bile are previous causes, age, place of residence, appearance, season, etc., as well as a strong tingling, burning and burning sensation and the unpleasant effect of acute enemas. The patient suffers from laxatives that cause the bile to descend, suffers painfully from hunger, and benefits from counterbalancing cold medicines and the removal of bile, unless the matter is absorbed into the intestines; This also includes periodic exacerbation of the disease. Sometimes it is accompanied by fever, and sometimes not; In this case, the fever is not as strong in its manifestations as with tumor fever. Often such kulanj is accompanied by pain in the pubis, like the pain of a knife prick, and there are no winds with it.

Signs of kulanj due to the weakness of the expelling force: this is a previous softening of the nature, frequent urge to go down, with very little bowel movements, and previous causes that weaken the force, such as heat or cold, coming from outside or introduced with food. Most often, the abdomen is soft or moderately swollen. The quantity and quality of feces remain natural, however, to remove feces, the use of an instrument or suppositories is required. Often the weakness of the expelling force is caused by a fistula. A sign of kulanj due to weak sensitivity of the intestines is that food, which gives the quality of feces a burning sensation, does not excite the urge to defecate; similar foods are, for example, leeks, onions, fenugreek cheese. When sick! sharp suppositories are introduced, he does not feel irritation from them. If the stomach swells from eating food and it becomes blocked, it does not cause any significant pain. It happens that fistulas form in the intestines, which impair sensitivity. Signs of lange caused by worms are signs of the presence of worms and their previous emergence.