Treatment of phlegmon

When phlegmon arises from an external cause, then this external cause necessarily finds the body either clean or full. If she finds the body clean, then she only needs to treat the tumor as such and remove the foreign matter causing the tumor. This is done using soft tissue relaxants, for example, a medicinal bandage made from wheat flour, boiled in water and oil; such a dressing often makes an incision unnecessary and eliminates all worries, especially if there is a lot of matter in the tumor.

If an external cause finds the body overcrowded, then relaxing agents should not be applied to the tumor, which would attract more matter there than will come out, but, on the contrary, the matter should be removed by bloodletting. Sometimes relaxation is also necessary, and when you have done all this, use relaxers. The treatment of phlegmon is close to the treatment for overflow of the body with juices and differs from it only in that at first it requires not so strong, but less diversion of juices than with overflow. When the cause of phlegmon is previous, and not external, then you should start with evacuation and completely carry out the appropriate bloodletting and relaxation, if it is necessary, and it is necessary either when the body is unclean, or because the disease is very terrible, and the matter must be removed and pull it in the opposite direction and reduce its amount.

If there is little excess in the body, it means that something has happened to the diseased organ, and it is weak, and juices from the whole body are drawn to it, which, however, are not excess juices. In this case, you should keep in mind the data already known to you, that is, age, time of year, area, etc. You start with distractors, with the exception of the case that we discussed in Book One, and counteract the increase in tumor by introducing distracting and relaxing substances into medications; the more the tumor grows, the more, but little by little, you increase the number of distractions. At the end of the disease, when it stops, when the volume and intensity of the tumor reaches its limit, you give predominance to relaxing ones and use them in their pure form. Those that dry are healing at the end of the disease, and moist relaxing ones are used to expand pores and soothe pain.

A drying medicine is a medicine that cures a tumor and prevents anything from remaining in the body that can turn into pus; even if it does not cure completely and leaves something, it leaves only a little matter, which the medicine, which has an acute effect, will dissipate. Sometimes, as a result of distraction, severe pain occurs, since the matter is suffocated and the diseased organ is stretched, and sometimes the consequence of this is the return of matter to the dominant organs. Sometimes this causes the tumor to harden or the organ begins to turn blue and black, especially if it was treated this way at the end, shortly before the end of the disease.

Know; that severe pain forces one to resort to medications that relax the tissues, but do not stretch the matter; Often they also cause cooling, which does not interfere with relaxation.

As for the return of matter to the dominant organs, emptying prevents this, unless the matter going to the diseased organs from the dominant organs is expelled from these organs, and if the organs receiving the matter are not, as it were, a place of emptying for the dominant organs; then in no way can matter be brought out or distracted, and we have already examined this issue in our place. If you are afraid that the tumor will begin to harden, then use relaxing substances with strong warming and moisturizing properties.

Medicinal remedies of moderate strength are the squeezed juices of cold vegetables, which we have often mentioned in other places, for example, the squeezed juice of purslane, pumpkin, chicory, shepherd's staff and others, and especially the squeezed juice of black nightshade. The crushed body of these plants is suitable for medicinal dressings, as well as squeezed plantain juice and wax ointment with cold water; Sometimes a sponge dipped in vinegar and cold water can relieve worries.

Bladder cherry is an excellent remedy at first, as are pomegranate peels, tenacity and strongly boiled oatmeal, especially with diluted vinegar or sumac; Duckweed also helps a lot.

If you need something stronger, then add sandalwood, acacia, horned poppy, areca palm seeds, henbane to these medicines; a herb called tumor weed helps very well in the beginning.

Sometimes the drying and astringent effect of these medicines is promoted with the help of saffron, but as for moisturizing, it is initially dangerous.

If excessive cooling is allowed, this sometimes leads to decay of the organ and to the decay of the juice locked in the tumor, and the tumor begins to turn blue and black. If you are afraid of anything of this kind, apply a bandage to the sore spot with barley flour, bindweed and some relaxing medicine, and if signs of decay become obvious, then make an incision in the sore spot and open the tumor without waiting for suppuration and ripening. This is what you should do if you see that the outpouring of matter towards the tumor is very abundant, and the organ often dies. The incision may be superficial or deep - it depends on the location of the tumor and the condition of the organ. When you cut it, water the wound with sea water or other salty waters and apply a bandage of medicines with relaxing properties; if there is no need to spray and water, then limit yourself to relaxing ones.

Know that it is not good to use strongly distracting drugs at the beginning and strongly dissolving ones at the end; Beware of this as much as possible. Strong cooling leads to consequences already known to you, and therefore cold water is also one of the remedies that should be avoided in all cases, except, for example, erysipelas. With strong resorption of matter, pain occurs, so if at first it is desirable to do something to soothe the pain, then in no case bring hot water, tissue-relaxing oils and bandages prepared from this kind of medicine near it; they strongly oppose the necessary retardation of the outpouring of matter. On the contrary, here you should resort to Armenian clay, diluted in cold water, even with rose oil; The best rose oil is that which is made from roses in olive oil, for olive oil has some solvent property. Or use lentils boiled with rose oil, or lead oxide with rose oil, and if these and similar remedies do not work, then use bindweed: it is very suitable at the beginning and at the end, as well as quinoa, tribulus, celery and basil.

Sweet wine mixed with rose oil, or even condensed grape juice and a little wax on a woolen rag, or wool with lanolin, cooled in summer and warmed in winter, or a sponge dipped in astringent wine or vinegar with cold water, often soothes the pain. Saffron is also included in the medicine to calm pain.

If you see that the tumor is heading towards an abscess, then leave the cooling and take on what promotes ripening and suppuration, but when the tumor develops to the end, you cannot avoid, for example, dill, chamomile, marshmallow, flaxseed and the like, and even plasters diahilun and basilikun. Kalkatar patch has the property of drying without pain; Therefore, it is good to use it when the burning from phlegmon has calmed down, and it is suitable if suppuration is not feared. It is best to place a woolen rag soaked in astringent wine on top of the kalkatar. Meat does not need drying as much as nerves, because meat returns to its nature after light drying, and the less arteries there are, the meat needs it the less.

It often becomes necessary to cut the tumor before it matures, but often a trick is found to divert the tumor by means of distraction from a noble organ to an ignoble one, and then it is treated and forced to fester. When it is necessary for a hot tumor to fester, a bandage with flea plantain is applied to the head of the tumor, and substances that extinguish heat are lubricated around it. Ointments and medicines should be smeared with a feather, because the finger causes pain.