Treatment of papillomas with essential oils

Essential oils for the treatment of papillomas

The content of the article:
  1. What essential oils can be used
  2. Beneficial features
  3. Contraindications
  4. Ways to use essential oils
  5. Reviews about the treatment of papillomas

Essential oil is a low-viscosity liquid of plant origin with a pronounced, pungent taste and odor. Such products have a color from transparent to deep yellow, almost brown, depending on the raw materials used. Esters are found in flowers, fruits, leaves, bark, resin and even the roots of some herbs, trees and shrubs. Their concentration here is greatest in autumn and spring. Let's take a closer look at which essential oils are the most effective in treating papillomas and how to use them correctly.

What essential oils can be used to treat papillomas?

Essential oils for the treatment of papillomas

In the photo, essential oils for papillomas on the body

Essential oils are obtained by distillation, solvent extraction or cold pressing of raw materials. They are insoluble in water due to the high concentration of terpenes, but do not produce sediment when combined with alcohol, gasoline, wax, and lipid fats. In addition to terpenes, their composition includes aromatic compounds, alcohols, esters, phenols, oxides, hydrocarbons and organic acids.

Such products are used for external treatment of the skin; in particular, essential oils are effective in the treatment of papillomas. They are rarely used internally due to the astringency of the taste and the high likelihood of an allergic reaction.

A large selection of essential oils is offered by the following manufacturers: Green Pharm Cosmetic, Flora Secret, Aromatika, Farmakom, ChistoTel, Adverso. A doctor's prescription is not required to purchase them.

Essential oils for papillomas are sold in pharmacies and cosmetic stores, but it is almost impossible to find them in grocery supermarkets, except perhaps in the section with care products.

Essential oils are bottled in glass or plastic bottles with darkened walls, which are placed in cardboard packaging. Standard release volumes are 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 ml. The average price of essential oils against papillomas is 70 rubles. (30 UAH), depending on the type of product.

The shelf life of esters is 1-2 years, depending on the manufacturer. They should be stored at average room temperature, out of direct sunlight, in closed containers.

Traditional medicine knows more than 30 types of essential oils for papillomas. They can be divided into the following groups: citrus, pine, floral, herbal. The most effective for treating viral tumors are those that contain large amounts of acids, flavonoids, esters, and terpenes.

Let's take a closer look at which essential oils can be used to treat papillomas:

  1. tea tree. It is a colorless liquid with an oily texture and a characteristic strong camphor odor. It is obtained by distilling ethers from raw materials with water and steam from alcohol solutions. The average cost is 60 rubles. (25 UAH).
  2. Lemon. The oil has a pale yellow, rather beige color, a very liquid consistency and a sharp but pleasant odor with sourness. It is most often produced by processing fruit peels, and sometimes even combined with olive oil. The product contains many coumarins, which give it hemostatic, strengthening, regenerating and antibacterial properties. The average cost of lemon essential oil for papillomas is 70 rubles. (30 UAH).
  3. Gvozdichnoe. The product is obtained from the branches, leaves and buds of the clove tree, which grows in large quantities in Indonesia, Madagascar and the Moluccas, using steam distillation. Externally, it is fluid, has a brown color and a slight odor. The average cost is 100 rubles. (45 UAH).
  4. Eucalyptus. Its color is light yellow, its smell is strong, with a bitter taste. There are 5 grades of this oil, depending on the wood used for production. It is made by distilling leaves with water. The leaders among the countries supplying eucalyptus oil are Portugal, Italy, Mexico, Spain, and Jamaica. The product has antiviral, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties and effectively copes with papillomas due to the high concentration of cineole. The average cost is 50 rubles. (20 UAH).
  5. Mint. Its smell is soft, the color is yellow-green with a marsh tint. There are many types of such essential oil for the treatment of papillomas, but only two are the most popular. One of them is obtained by distilling esters from the above-ground part of peppermint. Another remedy is produced in the same way, but for this purpose they take mint. It has antibacterial, regenerating, and anti-inflammatory properties. The average cost is 70 rubles. (30 UAH).
  6. Aloe. It is distinguished from other oils by its high percentage of fat content, thicker consistency and very strong odor. The main component is extracted from the leaves of the aloe vera plant, but after that it is combined with any other fatty oil, most often olive. This essential oil is used to get rid of papillomas on the neck, chest, back and other parts of the body due to its bright cleansing properties. The average cost is 150 rubles. (70 UAH).

Read also what oil can be used to remove papilloma.

Beneficial properties of essential oils in the treatment of papillomas

How to use essential oil for papillomas

With the help of essential oils, you can remove small growths on the body without pain. They moisturize and soften formations, eliminate inflammation, redness and itching, and accelerate tissue healing. They are characterized by cleansing, decongestant, antiviral and many other properties.

The properties of essential oils for papillomas are described in more detail below:

  1. Anti-inflammatory. Essential oils effectively eliminate swelling, normalizing the drainage of excess fluid and lymph in the tissues. The fight against inflammation is also facilitated by increasing local immunity, which increases the protective properties of the skin. This allows her to recover faster from exposure to HPV and prevents the appearance of new formations on the body.
  2. Disinfectants. When skin lesions appear, the virus will spread faster through the blood, which may lead to an increase in the number of formations on the body. This is precisely what essential oils prevent from papillomas; they destroy dangerous HPV in certain areas. People who have slow tissue regeneration processes, for example, with diabetes, should be especially attentive to this.
  3. Antibacterial. These properties of essential oils explain why they are effective in combating the manifestations of HPV. Due to them, cells damaged by the virus are restored faster, which speeds up the process of self-removal of formations and tissue regeneration. The product simply does not allow the infectious agent to continue and prevents the formation of growths in healthy areas not affected by it.
  4. Calming. Such properties of essential oils against papillomas are relevant due to the frequent irritation of the tissues surrounding the growth. They eliminate skin itching and prevent its occurrence anymore. As a result of this, the desire to comb the formations disappears and the likelihood of violating their integrity is reduced. Accordingly, there is no reason for bleeding or pain to occur.
  5. Regenerating. Timely healing of tissues after injury as a result of negative mechanical or chemical effects helps create reliable protection against HPV. As a result, the tissues cease to be the gateway for its penetration into the body, and if it infects a person, then it is prevented from infecting other, healthy people.

In addition, it is worth mentioning hemostatic properties essential oils for papillomas, which clearly appear when a growth is accidentally removed, for example, as a result of close contact with clothing.

The ability of drugs to eliminate painful sensations, which quite often accompany such growths, should also not go unnoticed.

Contraindications to the use of essential oils for papillomas

Pregnant woman

Regardless of health status, all essential oils used in the treatment of papillomas should be tested for an allergic reaction before active use. For this purpose, it is necessary to treat the elbow with the chosen product and see if red spots, itching and peeling appear on the skin. Only in the absence of such problems can a course of treatment begin.

External use of essential oils for papillomas is prohibited in the following cases:

  1. Big wounds. If they do not have a crust, painful sensations may appear at the time of treatment of the formations. To exclude this, you first need to wait for at least partial healing of the skin.
  2. Increased individual sensitivity. We are talking about a negative reaction of the skin to essential oils against papillomas. This problem is mainly characteristic of people with dry skin, in whom, after using these products, redness, itching, irritation and inflammation may occur.
  3. Dermatological diseases. You should not use essential oils if you have a skin rash caused by dermatitis, urticaria, eczema, or cold allergies. After eliminating the acute stage of the disease, you can gradually add funds to the treatment regimen.
  4. Burns. If they are small, of a weak degree, then using essential oils in small quantities is even useful. But in case of severe fire damage to tissues, treating them with such oils can lead to slower recovery and the appearance of an unpleasant burning sensation.

It is not recommended to use essential oils for the treatment of papillomas 3 hours before going outside. This warning is due to poor sun protection. As a result, UV rays freely penetrate the skin, which increases the likelihood of developing cancer and can lead to burns.

Taking essential oils for papillomas internally should be delayed until after delivery if pregnant as they increase the likelihood of miscarriages. Also important here is their negative impact on a woman’s hormonal background; the use of these products can increase estrogen levels. This, in turn, can lead to stress, alopecia, insomnia, acne, obesity and many other problems.

People with complaints of papillomas should carefully take essential oils orally. cardiovascular and nephrological diseases - for nephrosis, pyelonephritis, hypertension and hypotension, heart failure. If you ignore this point, the disease can become acute and progress faster.

The strictest contraindication to the use of essential oils for papillomas is epilepsy, even if the attacks are rare and not pronounced. Having a pungent odor and taste, essential oils can provoke a seizure in patients.

Essential oils should be used with caution to combat papillomas. in childhood. The reason for this is the increased likelihood of a response in the form of an allergy. Its manifestation consists of red spots on the skin, small rashes and itching.

Important! When such drugs are taken orally without control, suitable conditions are created for intoxication of the body and disruption of liver function.
  1. See also contraindications to the use of thuja oil for warts

Ways to use essential oils for papillomas

Bath with essential oil for papillomas

The photo shows how to make a bath for papillomas with essential oils

Before using the product, you need to check the expiration date and make sure that it is not expired.

All essential oils against papillomas proposed in the article can be combined with each other, but combining more than 3-4 items at a time is not recommended in order to avoid suppressing each other’s activity.

Before use, it is not advisable to warm up the essential oils, unlike ordinary analogues.

Essential oils for papillomas can be used in different ways. Let's look at how to do this correctly to achieve maximum treatment effectiveness:

  1. Baths. You can add 10 ml of mint, lemon and any other oil that is effective against papillomas to warm water. You should take a bath until the water has cooled completely, for an average of 30 minutes, the main thing is not to get sick. Water procedures should be carried out every evening, it is best to do this before bed. If you use several components, then their quantity must be reduced, but the ratio should be the same. The minimum course of treatment lasts a week.
  2. Compresses. A popular way to treat papillomas with essential oils. Soak a clean bandage or gauze piece folded several times in the product. The napkin must be completely saturated with the composition, after which it must be applied to the formation and fixed on it with a dry cloth and adhesive tape. Here the compress must be kept for 20-30 minutes. After this, the skin must be thoroughly wiped with a damp sponge and dried. Treatment will take about 10 days.
  3. Rubbing. Before this, the skin must be cleaned of impurities and dried so that it is not wet, since this will make the essential oil from papillomas less absorbable. Next, you should moisten a cotton pad in it and walk it over the formation, lightly pressing it to the surface, and then around the growth. The product should be allowed to absorb as much as possible, after which the residue should be removed with a clean napkin. The procedure according to this scheme should be carried out 2-3 times a day for 1-2 weeks.
  4. Ingestion. It is recommended to drop 2-3 drops of hot oil onto a slice of loaf and consume it in small pieces 2-3 times a day. You can also add the product to tea: ¼ teaspoon per 200 ml of drink. To successfully fight papillomas and the virus itself, it is enough to drink essential oil once a day. When taking any essential oil orally, you need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day, of which the majority should be water. Treatment should be carried out for 1-3 weeks, depending on the body's reaction.

You should not take essential oil for papillomas in its pure form, especially on an empty stomach. The cosmetic product is not suitable for these purposes.

Note! You can improve the results and speed up their receipt by combining baths, compresses, rubbing and taking oils internally.
  1. See also ways to use oils against warts

Reviews about the treatment of papillomas with essential oils

Reviews about the treatment of papillomas with essential oils

Practice shows that such remedies in folk medicine are among the most effective for eliminating viral tumors at home. Reviews of essential oils for papillomas indicate their complete safety when used in accordance with all instructions. People love that they are affordable and versatile. Positive statements are also made regarding their large selection on the market.

Olga, 52 years old

I lubricated two rather large papillomas with a mixture of lemon and aloe essential oil. Among the disadvantages, I can point out that the product is greasy, has an unpleasant odor and is difficult to wash off after use. Because of this, my clothes got dirty several times and had to be washed. There are also advantages here: the availability of etherols, they are very easy to buy at the pharmacy, there is no need to obtain a doctor’s prescription and normal skin tolerance. The course of treatment with them is short - 2-3 weeks, but the formations have to be lubricated up to 5 times a day, otherwise the treatment may take a long time. Considering the low price of essential oils, I think you should definitely try their use.

Lisa, 33 years old

Just six months ago, my husband had 3 large pedunculated papillomas on his back, which he had long wanted to remove. We tried many recipes, and the most effective was tea tree oil, with which we made compresses once a day. They had to be held for 30 minutes, the procedure was carried out in the evening, the course lasted a little over 10 days, by this time the formations became denser, and after a few more days they disappeared on their own. In their place a small pale spot remained, which disappeared after 2 weeks.

Leonid, 54 years old

I am a fan of traditional medicine and try to be treated only with natural remedies. Naturally, I decided to remove the papillomas in the same way. But here I was disappointed; after 3 weeks of lubricating the growths with lemon essential oil, nothing changed. After that, I also tried eucalyptus and tea tree oil, but there was also no result - essential oil did not help get rid of papilloma. It has dried out a little, but now I have to look for other ways to remove it, since it is very annoying under my armpit.

  1. See also the results and reviews of the treatment of papillomas with black cumin oil

How to use tea tree oil for papillomas - watch the video:

Essential oils are cheap enough to try removing papilloma at home. This is definitely much better than taking various medications, much less undergoing surgery.

  1. Read also, which doctor to contact for papillomas