
Sunstroke is a serious condition caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight, high temperature and humidity. It is characterized by increased body temperature (up to 40-41 °C), headache, nausea, vomiting, redness and swelling of the skin.

The causes of sunstroke are prolonged exposure to the sun without a hat, physical activity or hard work in hot weather, and dehydration. The risk group is the elderly, children, and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Signs of sunstroke: high body temperature, red dry skin, rapid breathing and pulse, headache, nausea and vomiting, loss of consciousness.

Providing first aid - move the victim to the shade, lay him down with his head raised, unbutton his clothes, wipe the body with a damp cloth, and give plenty of fluids. If you lose consciousness, call an ambulance.

Preventing sunstroke includes wearing hats, sunscreen, drinking enough fluids, avoiding exposure to the sun during hot hours, and avoiding exercise during extreme heat.

Sunstroke is a type of heatstroke and is a general term used to describe a condition where the body temperature is significantly elevated due to exposure to direct sunlight. This condition can occur in both humans and animals, especially those exposed to hot conditions or who have certain risk factors. In addition, sunstroke is observed not only in summer, but also during the day, in clear sunny weather.

As a rule, sunstroke occurs while relaxing outdoors in direct sunlight. People without protection (such as a wide-brimmed hat) are more likely to get sunstroke. Prolonged exposure to the sun can lead to sunburn, flushing of the skin and headaches, blurred vision, nausea, fainting and even death.

The mechanism of sunstroke is associated with the formation of excess heat in the body as a result of the action of ultraviolet rays on the skin. These rays pass through the epidermis of the skin and cause a photochemical reaction, during which energy is generated that is used by cells in the metabolic process. As a result of excess energy production, heat begins to accumulate in cells and tissues, which leads to disturbances in the autonomic functions of the body.

Symptoms of sunstroke are as follows: headache, general weakness, dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, palpitations, flushing